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    Mobun bulundugu mekanlar

    Eger cevirmede hatalarim olduysa simdiden ozur dilerim... iiyi oyunlar...

    Adventurer's Journal - Pender's Purchase, Eldiveninin materiali

    Kirilabilen her objelerden yada durtulen cesetlerden cikiyor.Chestlerden cikmiyor. Act1-Act5 her act'tan dusuyor

    Angelic Shard - the Hallowed Protectors Set plani

    Drops from Fallen Angels. Confirmed from:
    - Act 4, The Silver Spire Level 1, Pyres the Damned sari sampiyonlarda (Bounty: Kill Pyres the Damned)
    - Act 4, The Great Span, Izualden dusuyor( Bounty: Kill Izual)
    - Act 5, Pandemonium Fortress Level 2, Celik(rare)
    - Act 5, Battlefields of Eternity, Erelus (Event: Corrupted Angel)
    - Act 5, Realm of the Banished (Realmwalker Portal -> Battlefields of Eternity), Haziael (Bounty: Kill Haziael)
    - Act 5, Pandemonium Fortress Level 1, Judgement Event, Judge Alzarius (Event spawn Corrupted Angel)

    Behistun Rune - Mark of the Magi, Staff plan

    Act I, Southern Highlands, Cadhul the Deathcaller (Rare: Dark Summoner)
    Act I, Khazra Den, Urik The Seer (Quest: Dark Summoner)
    Act I, Leorics manor, Jezeb the Conjurer (Dark Summoner), Bounty: Kill Jezeb the Conjurer
    Act 1, Leoric's Manor, Krailen the Wicked (sampiyon elitelerden) - Bounty: Kill Krailen the Wicked
    Act II, Road to Alcarnus, Yeth (Rare: Hellion), Bounty: Kill Yeth
    Act II, Road to Alcarnus, Shondar the Invoker (Rare : Drak Summoner), Bounty: Kill Shondar the Invoker
    Act V, Westmarch Commons, Pontius (Rare : Drak Summoner)

    Bloody Pincer - Demon Claw, Fist Weapon plani

    Act III; The Core of Arreat Level 1, Severclaw (Rare : Stygian Crawler), Bounty: Kill Severclaw
    Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 2, Crabbs (Rare : Stygian Crawler), Bounty: Kill Crabbs
    Act III, The Core of Arreat, Scorpitox (Rare : Stygian Crawler), Bounty: Kill Scorpitox
    Act V, Ruins of Corvus, Balata (Event : Scarab)
    Act V, Ruins of Corvus, Vosk (Rare : Scarab)

    Born's Key - the Born's Command set plan

    Act I, Cemetery of the Forsaken, Lucious the Depraved (Rare : Brigand)
    Act I, Defiled Crypt, Digger O'Dell (Rare : Ghastly Gravedigger), Bounty: Kill Digg O'Dell
    Act I, Defiled Crypt, Dataminer (Rare : Ghastly Gravedigger), Bounty: Kill the Dataminer
    Act I, Defiled Crypt, John Gorham Coffin (Rare : Ghastly Gravedigger)
    Act I, Defiled Crypt, Drury Brown (Rare : Ghastly Gravedigger)

    Captured Nightmare - Night's Reaping, One-handed Mighty Weapon plani

    Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2, Grimnight the Soulless (Rare : Enslaved Nightmare)
    Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2, Haures (Rare : Enslaved Nightmare), Bounty: Kill Haures

    Captured Soul - Lai Yui's Persuader, Daibo plani

    Act III, The Keep Depths Level 1, Lashtongue (Rare : Soul Ripper), Bounty: Kill Lashtongue
    Act III, The Keep Depths Level 2, Aloysius the Ghastly (Rare : Soul Ripper), Bounty: Kill Aloysius the Ghastly
    Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 2, Riplash (Rare : Soul Ripper), Bounty: Kill Riplash

    Cartographer's Toolkit - Board Walkers, Boots plan

    Act I, Festering Woods, Grimsmack (Rare : Ghoul), Bounty: Kill Grimsmack
    Act I, Festering Woods, Eternal War Event, Enkidu (Event : Ghoul), Bounty: Eternal War
    Act II, Eastern Channel, Grool (Rare : Ghoul)
    Act III, Rakkis Crossing, Blaze of Glory Event, Lavarinth (Event : Ghoul), Bounty: Blaze of Glory
    Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Gholash (Rare : Ghoul), Bounty: Kill Gholash

    Cultist's Blood - Blood-Magic Edge, Dagger plan

    Act I, Northern Highlands, Percepeus (Rare : Cultist), Bounty: Kill Percepeus
    Act I, Highlands Cave, Apothecary's Borther Event, Brakan (Event : Cultist)
    Act I, Leoric's Manor, Sarella the Vile (Rare : Cultist)
    Act I, Halls of Agony Level 1, Cultist Grand Inquisitor (Common : Cultist)
    Act I, Halls of Agony Level 2, Crassus the Tormentor (Rare : Grotesque), Bounty: Kill Crassus the Tormentor
    Act II, Alcarnus, High Cultist Murdos (Rare : Cultist), Bounty: Kill High Cultist Murdos
    Act II, Alcarnus, Jhorum the Cleric (Rare : Cultist), Bounty: Kill Jhorum the Cleric

    Defiled Doll - Spite, Mojo plani

    Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Demonika the Wicked (Rare : Succubus), Bounty: Kill Demonika the Wicked
    Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 1, Kysindra the Wretched (Rare : Succubus), Bounty: Kill Kysindra the Wretched
    Act V, House of Deep Sorrow (Westmarch Commons), Lady Victoria (Event : Succubus)

    Demon Skin - the Demon's Hide Set plani

    Act III, The Core of Arreat, Axgore the Cleaver (Rare : Phase Beast), Bounty: Kill Axgore the Cleaver
    Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Haxxor (Rare : Phase Beast), Bounty: Kill Haxxor
    Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 2, Brimstone (Rare : Phase Beast), Bounty: Kill Brimstone
    Act IV, Gardens of Hope Tier 1, Khatun (Rare : Sky Terror), Bounty: Kill Khatun
    Act IV, Gardens of Hope Tier 2, Razorclaw (Quest : Sky Terror, spawns during quest The Light of Hope)

    Element of Celerity - Fleeting Strap, Belt plani

    Act I, The Weeping Hollow, Mange (Rare : Scavenger), Bounty: Kill Mange
    Act I, Fields of Misery, Forlon Farm Event, Burrow Bile (Event : Scavenger), Bounty: Forlon Farm
    Act I, Fields of Misery, Dreadclaw the Leaper (Rare : Scavenger)
    Act I, The Lost Mine (Fields of Misery), The Precious Ores Event, Shanabi (Event : Scavenger)
    Act I, Watch Tower Level 2, Scavenged Scabbard Event, Armorer's Bane (Event : Scavenger), Bounty: Scavenged Scabbard

    Essence of the Twin Seas - Captain Crimson's Trimmings Set plan

    Act II, Black Canyon Mines, Razormouth (Rare : Dune Thresher), Bounty: Kill Razormouth
    Act II, Stinging Winds, Monstrous Dune Thresher (Rare : Dune Thresher)
    Act II, Sewers of Caldeum, Moontooth Dreadshark (Rare : Dune Thresher, tax birikintilerini kirdiginizda da dusuyormus)

    Eternal Power Capsule - Arcane Barb, Crossbow plani

    Act I, Whimsyshire, Evil Oliver (Rare : Cuddle Bear)
    Act I, Whimsyshire, Tubbers (Rare : Cuddle Bear)

    Eyes of the Dead - War of the Dead, Two-handed Mighty Weapon plani

    Act I, Leoric's Passage, Headcleaver (Quest : Skeleton)
    Act I, Cathedral Level 2, Merrium Skullthorn (Rare : Skeleton), Bounty: Kill Merrium Skullthorn

    Frozen Blood - Utar's Roar, One-handed Axe plan

    Act III, Caverns of Frost Level 2, Chiltara (Rare : Lacuni Huntress)
    ayrica Campaign Mode lie baslatilip, Act III, Caverns of Frost da bulunabilir

    Glowing Ore - Cosmic Strand, Source plani

    Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Sartor (Rare : Primordial Scavenger), Bounty: Kill Sartor
    Act V, Realm of the Banished, Magrethar (Rare : Primordial Scavenger), Bounty: Kill Magrethar
    Act V, Realm of the Banished, Rockulus (Rare : Primordial Scavenger)
    Act V, Pandemonium Fortress, Demon Souls Event, Soul Scavenger (Event : Primordial Scavenger), Bounty: Demon Souls

    Griswold's Scribblings - Griswold's Perfection, One-handed Sword plani

    objeleri kirdiginizda ve kitablik yerleri filan var ya oralara dokundugumuzda altin atiyor. oradan dusuyor

    Act I, Cathedral, Bookshelves(kitap raflari var onlar)
    Act I, Cemetery of the Forsaken, Gravedigger's cesetleri
    Act I, Festering Woods, Enmerkar (Last Stand of the Ancients Event)
    Act I, Wortham Chapel, Bookshelves (kitap raflari var onlar)
    Act II, Khasim Outpost, Cain's Lost Satchel
    Act II, Khasim Outpost, Imperial Guard Supplies (normallde "Captain's Order" dusuyor)
    Act II, Zoltun Kulle dungeons, Bookcases (kitap raflari var onlar)
    Act III, Skycrown Battlements, Morgan's Satchel
    Act III, The Keep Depths, Lore objects
    Act IV, Multiple areas, Angiris Archives

    Hilt of the Silver Wolf - Golden Scourge, One-handed Flail plani

    Act III, Arreat Crater Level 1, Growlfang (Rare : Fallen Hound), Bounty: Kill Growlfang
    Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Gnawbone (Rare : Fallen Hound)

    Human Cartilage - Wall of Man, Shield plani

    Act I, Cathedral Level 2, Cudgelarm (Rare : Grotesque)
    Act I, Defiled Crypt Level 2, Manglemaw (Grotesque, A Shattered Crown questi esnasinda)
    Act I, Halls of Agony Level 2, A Stranger in Need Event, Tormented Behemoth (Event : Grotesque), Bounty: A Stranger in Need

    Iron Wolves Doctrine - Asheara's Vestments Set plan

    Act II, Caldeum Sewers, Ningish (Rare : Deceiver Magi)
    Act II, Dahlgur Oasis, Ssthrass (Common : Deceiver Magi)
    Act II, Eastern Channel, Yakara (Rare : Deceiver Magi)

    Living Flame - Cinder Switch, Two-handed Axe plan

    Morlu Casters:
    Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2, Sao'Thall (Rare : Morlu Caster-Gicik yaratiklar)
    Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2, Rhau'Kye (Rare : Morlu Caster), Bounty: Kill Rhau'Kye
    Act IV, Radiant Chapel, Malfeas the Abhorrent (Rare : Morlu Caster)

    Lyekurn’s Diary - Corruption, Shoulders plani

    Act III, Heart of Sin, Azmodan, Bounty: Kill Azmodan

    Maghda's Tormented Soul - Cain's Destiny Set plan

    Act II, Lair of the Witch, Maghda, Bounty: Kill Maghda

    Mystical Source -Sage's Journey Set plani

    Ponies. Confirmed from:
    Act I, Whimsyshire, Midnight Sparkle (Rare : Purple Pony)
    Act I, Whimsyshire, Nightmarity (Rare : Purple Pony)
    Act I, Whimsyshire, Team Unicorn (3 kucuk sari sampiyon cikiyor : Purple Ponies, (her biri droplama ihtimali var))
    Act I, Whimsyshire, Creampuff (Rare : Purple Pony)

    Phial of Weakness - Atrophy, Wand plani

    Act III, The Battlefields, Deadgrasp (Rare : Herald of Pestilence), Bounty: Kill Deadgrasp
    Act III, The Battlefields, Triage Event, Handible (Event : Herald of Pestilence), Bounty: Triage
    Act III, Arreat Crater Level 1, Valifahr the Noxious (Rare : Herald of Pestilence), Bounty: Kill Valifahr the Noxious

    Quaking Vial - Sunder, Two-handed Mace plani

    Act IV, Hellrift Level 1, Sledge (Rare : Mallet Lord), Bounty: Kill Sledge
    Act IV, Hellrift Level 2, Hammermash (Rare : Mallet Lord), Bounty: Kill Hammermash

    Reaper's Fear - Reaper's Wraps, Bracers plani

    Act V, Heart of the Fortress, Malthael, Bounty: Kill Malthael(hadi beee:D)

    Rydraelm Tome - Mantle of the Rydraelm, Chest Armor plan

    Act II, The Lost Caravan (Stinging Winds), Beyatt (Rare : Fallem Shaman)
    Act II, Dalguhr Oasis, Ashangu (Rare : Fallem Shaman)
    Act II, Dalguhr Oasis, Bashiok (Rare : Fallem Shaman), Bounty: Kill Bashiok
    Act II, Dalguht Oasis, Mundunogo (Rare : Fallem Shaman)

    Shard of Entsteig Plate - Aughild's Authority Set plani

    Act I, Defiled Crypt, The Matriarch's Bones Event, Lord Dunhyld (Event : Enraged Phantom), Bounty: The Matriarch's Bones
    Act I, The Festering Woods, Feklar's Ghost (Rare : Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Kill Feklar's Ghost
    Act I, The Festering Woods, Hawthorne Gable (Rare : Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Kill Hawthorne Gable
    Act II, Sewers of Caldeum, Shade of Nar Gulle (Rare : Enraged Phantom)
    Act II, Sewers of Caldeum, Chiman's Curse Chest mini Event, Raziel (Event : Enraged Phantom)
    Act II, Unknown Dephts, The Archivist (Event : Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Kill The Archivist
    Act II, Tomb of Khan Dakab, Spirit of Khan Dakab (Event : Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Lost Treasure of Khan Dakab
    Act II, Realm of Shadow, The Tomekeeper (Rare : Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Kill the Tomekeeper

    Shattered Core - Devastator, One-Handed Mace plan

    Act II, Desolate Sands, Ancient Device Event, Ernutet (Event : Sand Dweller)
    Act II, Forgotten Ruins, Ancient Guardian (Rare : Sand Dweller)
    Act II, Unknown Depths, Rockgut (Rare : Sand Dweller), Bounty: Kill Rockgut
    Act II, Realm of Shadow, Thrum (Rare : Sand Dweller), Bounty: Kill Thrum

    Shimmering Quill - Unbound Bolt, Bow plani

    Act I, Dank Cellar (Tristram Road), Sarkoth (Rare : Quill Fiend)
    Act I, Musty Cellar (Tristram Road), Gorathra (Rare : Quill Fiend)
    Act III, Keep Depths Level 1, Thornback (Rare : Quill Beast), Bounty: Kill Thornback

    Shuddering Demon Bone - Archfiend Arrows, Quiver plani

    Act IV, Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier, Kao'Ahn (Rare : Morlu), Bounty: Kill Kao'Ahn
    Act IV, Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier, Oah'Tash (Rare : Morlu), Bounty: Kill Oah'Tash

    Skelon's Dice - Skelon's Deceit, Pants plani

    Act IV, Gardens of Hope 1st Tier, Torchlighter (Rare : Opressor), Bounty: Kill Torchlighter
    Act V, Path of War, Belphegor (Quest : Opressor)
    Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Volux the Forgotten (Rare : Opressor, Timeless Prison da cikiyor)
    Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Emikdeva (Rare : Warscarred Ravager, Timeless Prison da cikiyor)
    Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Korchoroth (Rare : Warscarred Ravager, Timeless Prison da cikiyor)
    Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Keeper Hashemel (Rare spawn Opressor, Timeless Prison da cikiyor)
    Act V, Realm of the Banished (Realmwalker Portal in Battlefields of Eternity), Borgoth (Rare : Opressor), Bounty: Kill Borgoth
    Act V, The Siege Outpost, Thilor (Rare : Warcscarred Ravager)
    Act V, Heart of the Fortress, Malthael
    Act V, Covetus Shen's quest dungeon, Verkiss (Quest cikiyor)

    Skull of Raylend - Used for Helm of Rule, Helm plani

    Act III, The Keep Depths Level 2, Bholen (Rare : Colossal Golgor), Bounty: Kill Bholen
    Act III, Rakki's Crossing, Garganug (Rare : Colossal Golgor), Bounty: Kill Garganug
    Act III, Core of Arreat, Gorog the Bruiser (Rare : Colossal Golgor), Bounty: Kill Gorog the Bruiser

    Sydyru Bone - Sydryu Crust, Bow plani

    Act I, Cathedral Level 1, Glidewing (Rare : Bat), Bounty: Kill Glidewing
    Act I, Cathedral Level 2, Firestarter (Rare : Bat), Bounty: Kill Firestarter
    Act I, Fields of Misery, Carrion Farm Event, Sicklefang (Event : Bat), Bounty: Carrion Farm
    Act II, Unknown Depths, Hellscream (Rare : Bat)

    Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood - Guardian's Jeopardy Set plani

    Act III, Skycrown Battlements, Thromp the Breaker (Rare : Demon Trooper), Bounty: Kill Thromp the Breaker
    Act III, Stonefort, Bashface the Truncheon (Rare : Demon Trooper), Bounty: Kill Bashface the Truncheon
    Act III, Stonefort, Waiting for Reinforcements Event, Dragus (Event/Quest : Demon Trooper, Quest: Turning the Tide esnasinda)
    Act III, Stonefort, Bricktop (Rare : Demon Trooper), Bounty: Kill Bricktop
    Act III, The Keep Depths Level 2, The Crusher (Rare : Demon Trooper), Bounty: Kill the Crusher
    Act III, Rakkis Crossing, Crazy Climber Event, Busaw (Event : Demon Trooper)

    Torn Soul - Used for Living Umbral Oath, Ceremonial Knife plani

    Act I, Southern Highlands, Lorzak the Powerful (Rare : Khazra Shaman), Bounty: Kill Lorzak the Powerful
    Act I, Southern Highlands, Skehlinrath (Rare : Khazra Shaman)
    Act I, Southern Highlands, Chupa Khazra (Rare : Khazra Shaman)

    Urn of Quickening - Kethrye’s Splint, Bracers plani

    Act II, Desolate Sands, Raiha the Vicious (Rare : Lacuni Huntress), Bounty: Kill Raiha
    Act II, Stinging Winds, Erach (Rare : Lacuni Huntress)
    Act II, Howling Plateau, Saha the Slasher (Rare : Lacuni Huntress), Bounty: Kill Saha the Slasher
    Act II, Howling Plateau, Taros the Wild (Rare : Lacuni Huntress), Bounty: Kill Taros the Wild
    Act III, Caverns of Frost Level 2, Chiltara (Rare : Lacuni Huntress)
    Act III, Caverns of Frost Level 2, Scathach the Savage (Rare : Lacuni Huntress)
    Act III, Icefall Caves and Caverns of Frost, Zelusa the Grasping (Rare : Lacuni Huntress)
    Act V, Heart of the Fortrtess, Malthael (IStemeyerek eklenmis. Daha sonradan silinebilirmis)

    White Oak Splinter - Rozpedin's Force, Daibo plani

    Act I, Fields of Misery, Secluded Grove, The Old Man (Rare : Wood Wraith)

    Wooden Stake - Blitzbolter, Hand Crossbow plani

    Act I, Cathedral Level 4, Killian Damort (Rare : Skeletal Archer), Bounty: Kill Killian Damort
    ACt III, The Keep Depths Level 3, Belagg Pierceflesh (Rare : Skeletal Archer)

    Woven Plate - Piro Marella, Chest Armor plani

    Act I, Cathedral Level 4, Captain Cage (Rare : Skeletal Shieldbearer), Bounty: Kill Captain Cage
    Act I, Festering Woods, The Last Stand of the Ancients Event, Enmerkar (Event : Skeletal Shieldbearer), Bounty: Last STand of the Ancients
    Act III, The Keep Depths Level 1, Captain Donn Adams (Rare : Skeletal Shieldbearer), Bounty: Kill Captain Donn Adams
    Act III, The Keep Depths Level 1, Captain Dale (Rare : Skeletal Shieldbearer), Bounty: Kill Captain Dale

    edit: bunlari NORMAL zorlukta arayabilirsiniz. Dogru yaratigi bulursaniz atma ihtimali cok yuksek... 02.04.2014

    EDIT2: 30Nisan 2014 tarihinde DarkNorrec arkadasin uyarisiyla guncellenmistir.(tesekkurler) kaynak Burasidir. Ayrica aciklamalarda evde olmadigim icin biraz aceleye geldi... Turkceye cevirmek yerine oyun dilinde biraktim. Anlasilir olacagini dusunuyorum.

    Rare: Skeletal Shieldbearer derken, sampiyon olacak sampiyonun adi Skeletal Shieldbearer. oyunda sampiyonlar sari renkte oldugu icin rare denilmis.(mor renkli olanlarda olabilir.)

    Event : Skeletal Shieldbearer derken, sandik eventi, yada bir event oldugunu ve o eventi tamamladiginda verir demek(yada o eventi koruyan bir elite/sampiyon'u oldurdugunde verir demek.....

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi dedehakan -- 30 Nisan 2014; 15:39:11 >

  • paylaşım için teşekkürler, süper bi'klavuz olmuş.

    bu arada, yeni infernal machine planını da keywarden'lardan düşürmeyi unutmayın. ayrıca act 2'deki merchant'dan yeni helfire ring planını satın alın.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Kylo Ren -- 26 Mart 2014; 20:11:12 >
  • hocam bunlar plan mı yoksa craft için gereken malzemeler mi
  • zorluk seviyesi plan düşürme şansını etkiliyor mu ?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: husserdd

    paylaşım için teşekkürler, süper bi'klavuz olmuş.

    bu arada, yeni infernal machine planını da keywarden'lardan düşürmeyi unutmayın. ayrıca act 2'deki merchant'dan yeni helfire ring planını satın alın.

    Bilgi icin tesekkurler

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Tesekkürler

    < Bu ileti tablet sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Baya uğraşmışsın hocam eline sağlık. Ben materyali buldum ama leg item için istenen beyaz itemi bulamadım bir türlü sadece beyaz item alabileceğimiz biyer yapsalar güzel olacak.
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • e-Asprin kullanıcısına yanıt
    bunlar materialler icin.. mesela hallowed protector planini dusurdugun zaman angelic shards isimli materiale ihtiyacin olacak o materiali nerde bulacagini yazan bir dokuman... ben sadece turkceye cevirdim... orjinali linkte
  • rebelmurat R kullanıcısına yanıt
    soyle ki; mesela torment 1-2-3-4-5-6 oynarsan farketmiyor. ama expert oynarsan yeni legendaryler olmayacagi yaziyor... o yuzden torment ile oynamak gerek...
  • nzm13 kullanıcısına yanıt
    beyaz itemler riffting yaparken silah deposunda filan bulabilirsin. mesela az once bir rifting yaptim... paso beyaz item atip duruyordu.. oncesinde bir rifting daha yaptim... ekranda 13 tane goblin vardi... EVET YANLIS OKUMADINIZ... 13 tane goblin vardi.. :D

    3 tanesini indirdik ama acemiligimize denk geldi...

    rifting yapmak cok zevkli ve surprizler var...:D
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: dedehakan

    beyaz itemler riffting yaparken silah deposunda filan bulabilirsin. mesela az once bir rifting yaptim... paso beyaz item atip duruyordu.. oncesinde bir rifting daha yaptim... ekranda 13 tane goblin vardi... EVET YANLIS OKUMADINIZ... 13 tane goblin vardi.. :D

    3 tanesini indirdik ama acemiligimize denk geldi...

    rifting yapmak cok zevkli ve surprizler var...:D

    bunun gibimi (dk. 5.07) :D

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi e-Asprin -- 27 Mart 2014; 0:59:08 >

  • e-Asprin kullanıcısına yanıt
    aynen oylede... nasil bi damage var adamda yahu:/ uff harita yildiz oldu biranda:/ ben torment 1 de 5 6 saniye yiyor goblini oldurmem...
  • bu video ros kapalı betada şu 1 hand silahların 4k dps olduğu falan ben bu goblin olayının kaldırılması gerektiğini düşünmüştüm daha fazla rift yapmak gerek belki bende karşılaşırım

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi e-Asprin -- 27 Mart 2014; 1:29:20 >
  • Güzel paylaşım olmuş
  • Videodaki gibi bişey olsa heyecandan ölürüm heralde
  • sağol arşivleyin bunları ilerde kayboluyor
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: e-Asprin


    Orijinalden alıntı: dedehakan

    beyaz itemler riffting yaparken silah deposunda filan bulabilirsin. mesela az once bir rifting yaptim... paso beyaz item atip duruyordu.. oncesinde bir rifting daha yaptim... ekranda 13 tane goblin vardi... EVET YANLIS OKUMADINIZ... 13 tane goblin vardi.. :D

    3 tanesini indirdik ama acemiligimize denk geldi...

    rifting yapmak cok zevkli ve surprizler var...:D

    bunun gibimi (dk. 5.07) :D

    itemlerdeki PH nedir ?

  • XanthiN kullanıcısına yanıt
    itemlerin pas olup yada olmadigini gosterir... uzun sure kullandiginda asidik duzey(yani ph artar:P

    saka dostum. bu betada olan bir olay. PH betada vardi.... ama ben dun gece riftingd gordum...:D
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: dedehakan

    itemlerin pas olup yada olmadigini gosterir... uzun sure kullandiginda asidik duzey(yani ph artar:P

    saka dostum. bu betada olan bir olay. PH betada vardi.... ama ben dun gece riftingd gordum...:D

    Bu rifting nedir nasil oluyor biri acıklayıversin ilk defa gördüm bu olayı
  • Reaper's Fearın malthaelden düşmesi biraz sinirimi bozdu :D
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