arkadaşlar bende bir Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 adım ancak bir sıkıntım var telefondan youtube dan video izleyemiyor fizy sarkı dinleyemiyorum adobe flash player istiyor ancak bu programıda nerde bulduysan telefona uymuyor bu konuda birisi yardımcı olursa cok sevinirim ....???
birisi bu konuda bana yardımcı olmuyacak mı?
Fizy sitesini bilmiyourm ama , Skyfire kulalanarak izliyebilirsiniz. youtube kendi programini neden kullanmiyorsunu? x10 de flash yok zaten kuramazsinizda.
Orijinalden alıntı: sas34
ya arkadaslar kafam bugunlerde cok karısık, xperıa x10 mu yoksa bıraz bekleyıp ıphone 4 mu alayım, bı yardım pls
samsung galaxy s al o hepsinden iyidir
Orijinalden alıntı: musch-lee
arkadaşlar bende bir Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 adım ancak bir sıkıntım var telefondan youtube dan video izleyemiyor fizy sarkı dinleyemiyorum adobe flash player istiyor ancak bu programıda nerde bulduysan telefona uymuyor bu konuda birisi yardımcı olursa cok sevinirim ....???
Telefonun şu anki Android versiyonu (2.1) Flash desteği vermiyor.. Dolayısı ile gibi flash tabanlı sitelerden faydalanamazsınız. Youtube için application'ını kullanabilirsiniz websitesi ile uğraşmaktansa..
Orijinalden alıntı: sas34
ya arkadaslar kafam bugunlerde cok karısık, xperıa x10 mu yoksa bıraz bekleyıp ıphone 4 mu alayım, bı yardım pls
X10 Iphone'a takip olabilir gibi gelmiyor bana.. Şu ana kadar birçok android telefonu kullanma ve inceleme şansım oldu.. Performans bakımından HTC Desire HD'nin en iyi performansa sahip olduğunu söyleyebilirim. Ki zaten genel yorumlar da böyle.. Iphone 4'ü bi miktar solda sıfır bırakıyor alet özellikleri ve hızı ile..
HTC DESIRE Flash ile internetten daha fazlasını alın See more of the web with Flash
İnternette, en iyi görüntüleme deneyimi için Adobe® Flash® kullanmanızı gerektiren çok sayıda içerik bulunuyor. HTC Desire size Adobe® Flash® desteği sunuyor. Böylece hiçbir web sitesi sınırların ötesinde değil.
bu adamlar buna nasıl destek veriyor
Arkadaşlar herhangi bir resmi tam ekran yapamıyormuyuz veya nasıl yapacaz herhangi bir resmi ekran arkaplanı yap dediğimde karenin içine alınan kısım ekranda oluyor.
Orijinalden alıntı: AnarcHiest
HTC DESIRE Flash ile internetten daha fazlasını alın See more of the web with Flash
İnternette, en iyi görüntüleme deneyimi için Adobe® Flash® kullanmanızı gerektiren çok sayıda içerik bulunuyor. HTC Desire size Adobe® Flash® desteği sunuyor. Böylece hiçbir web sitesi sınırların ötesinde değil.
bu adamlar buna nasıl destek veriyor
HTC Desire'da Android 2.2 sürümü mevcut.. X10'un kullandığı 2.1 sürümde Flash desteği yok..!
yanı x10 un acıgı cok yanı
farketmemişim ya aynen öyle imiş 2.2 :S se nezaman getircek acaba yada direkt 2.3 geccekler napcaklar anlayamadım
Benim ismimi de ilk sayfadaki listeye eklerseniz sevinirim.
Orijinalden alıntı: AnarcHiest farketmemişim ya aynen öyle imiş 2.2 :S se nezaman getircek acaba yada direkt 2.3 geccekler napcaklar anlayamadım
Xperia X12 çıkacakken, X10 için yeni bir sürüm beklemek hayalden öte olamaz.
Arkadaşlar çok acil... benim klavye sorunum oldu. 2,1 güncelleştirmesi ile çok güzel türkce klavye özelliği vardı klavyedende çok memnundum. ama ne olduysa şimdi ince tuşlu klavye çıkıyor. ingilizce karakterli(türkçe harfler yok). marketten türkce klavye indirdim ama aradığım bu değil. ben orjinalini kullanmak istiyorum. Aslında Format atmayıda düşünüyorum ama fabrika ayarlarına dön diye bir seçenek yok. ne yapmalıyım ? hafıza kartınımı biiçimlendirsem?? yeni güncelleme de tarattırdım güncelleme falan yok. Hafıza kartını biçimlendirsem tüm uygulamalar gider telefon ilk günküne döner mi?
Orijinalden alıntı: gurcan38 Arkadaşlar çok acil... benim klavye sorunum oldu. 2,1 güncelleştirmesi ile çok güzel türkce klavye özelliği vardı klavyedende çok memnundum. ama ne olduysa şimdi ince tuşlu klavye çıkıyor. ingilizce karakterli(türkçe harfler yok). marketten türkce klavye indirdim ama aradığım bu değil. ben orjinalini kullanmak istiyorum. Aslında Format atmayıda düşünüyorum ama fabrika ayarlarına dön diye bir seçenek yok. ne yapmalıyım ? hafıza kartınımı biiçimlendirsem?? yeni güncelleme de tarattırdım güncelleme falan yok. Hafıza kartını biçimlendirsem tüm uygulamalar gider telefon ilk günküne döner mi?
Bunun dışında manuel olarak fabrika yapılandırmasına dönebilirsin. Gprs üzerinde yazdım bunu. Daha fazla yardımcı olamıcam. Nette telefon kapalı iken fabrika ayarlarının nasıl yapıldığını bulabilirsin.
klavye hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz? yükleyip kaldırdığım bir program ile uçtu diye düşünüyorum. klavyeyi tekrar geri kazanabilirmiyim? onun dışında problem yok. teşekkürler
Orijinalden alıntı: burakkcbyk
Orijinalden alıntı: AnarcHiest farketmemişim ya aynen öyle imiş 2.2 :S se nezaman getircek acaba yada direkt 2.3 geccekler napcaklar anlayamadım
Xperia X12 çıkacakken, X10 için yeni bir sürüm beklemek hayalden öte olamaz.
x10 kullanıcılarını sallayamaz se x10 amiral gemisi öyle ha dedinmi tamam la bukadar size diyemez yemez hayal olmayı gösterirler ozaman se'a ve x12 ile x10 arasında fark olmaz işlemcisi haricinde pek bir farkı göremiyorum bide camerası o yüzden x12 cıkan x10 da gelir x10 un ne eksiği var gelmemesi için zaten
arkadaşlar bana lütfen biriniz cvp versin
telefonumu genpaya ses sorunları için verdim
yaklaşık 1 ay geçti gelin dediler gittim
dediler ki telefonunuz değişti verdiler yenisini
neyse sordum güncel mi dediler ki tabi ki ama eve gelince baktım ki hala 1.6 bu nasıl olur ayrcı ekran üzerindeki naylonu çıkardım sanki ekranda çizikler var acaba bana yanlış teli mi verdiler yoksa kazıklanıyor muyum ?
Orijinalden alıntı: baarha arkadaşlar bana lütfen biriniz cvp versin
telefonumu genpaya ses sorunları için verdim
yaklaşık 1 ay geçti gelin dediler gittim
dediler ki telefonunuz değişti verdiler yenisini
neyse sordum güncel mi dediler ki tabi ki ama eve gelince baktım ki hala 1.6 bu nasıl olur ayrcı ekran üzerindeki naylonu çıkardım sanki ekranda çizikler var acaba bana yanlış teli mi verdiler yoksa kazıklanıyor muyum ?
Slm normal sartlarda size verilen paletin kapali olmasi gerekir. Size kullanilmis bir telefon vermislerse ki bunu anlamak cok zor olmasa gerek, bu durumda gidip durumu bildirin ve telefonunuzun tekrar degistirmelerini isteyin. Not: yeni makinelerde 2.1 olmaz 1.6 ile gelmesi normaldir
Orijinalden alıntı: denklem2
Orijinalden alıntı: baarha arkadaşlar bana lütfen biriniz cvp versin
telefonumu genpaya ses sorunları için verdim
yaklaşık 1 ay geçti gelin dediler gittim
dediler ki telefonunuz değişti verdiler yenisini
neyse sordum güncel mi dediler ki tabi ki ama eve gelince baktım ki hala 1.6 bu nasıl olur ayrcı ekran üzerindeki naylonu çıkardım sanki ekranda çizikler var acaba bana yanlış teli mi verdiler yoksa kazıklanıyor muyum ?
Slm normal sartlarda size verilen paletin kapali olmasi gerekir. Size kullanilmis bir telefon vermislerse ki bunu anlamak cok zor olmasa gerek, bu durumda gidip durumu bildirin ve telefonunuzun tekrar degistirmelerini isteyin. Not: yeni makinelerde 2.1 olmaz 1.6 ile gelmesi normaldir
sağolun hocam .. telefonun paleti var ama ben söktüm ve ekranına ışıkta bakınca incecik çiziklerle dolu oldugunu gördüm bide kulak bölgesindeki hoparlör yeri temiz degil sanki acaba o çizikler her camda olan normal şeyler mi ? belki de çizik değillerdir
Buyrun güzel bi android arşivi
Android Application's
Twitter Client Twitter Client is a client for the Twitter web service, which allows you to send a new tweet and view incoming tweets from friends.
Let's Coffee Let's Coffee is a proximity notifier that tries to connect two or more people
KudoStar KudoStar is a mobile social rating system that connects your contacts and favorite locales.
Android Location Android Location facilitates real-world interaction between friends and puts an end to frustrating missed connections.
TwitterDroid TwitterDroid lets you read and publish to your Twitter
XLive XLive is a 3-in-1 Internet tool.
Opera Mini Opera Mini is a well-known mobile Web browser.
TorProxy TorProxy provides an anonymous data connection service.
Android jChat Android jChat is an agent based chat application with GPS support for Android
Phonalyzr Phonalyzr takes your phone call log and displays a number of different graphs which can give you an interesting look into your calling habits.
Meebo Meebo for Android is a multi-protocol instant messenger client. It supports AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, Google Talk, ICQ and Jabber IM networks.
Google Voice Google Voice for Android lets you place calls ans send SMS showing your Google number
Meebo IM Meebo supports AIM, Facebook Chat, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, MySpace, XMPP and Yahoo.
Facebook for Android Facebook for Android has the ability to browse friends profiles and native photo integration.
MySpace Mobile With MySpace Mobile for Android-powered devices you can use many of existing functions of your MySpace account.
Bluetooth File Transfer Bluetooth File Transfer is a file browser and explorer for your Android mobile phone capable to send and receive files via bluetooth.
Handcent SMS Handcent SMS is an app that combines a number of sms tools for your Android smartphone.
Dolphin Browser Dolphin Browser is an android browser application with multi touch Pinch zooming, rss detection, google bookmarks support.
Hi AIM Hi AIM is an AIM client for android phones, which supports smileys, themes, color text, bubbles, animations among Hi AIM users.
Hi MSN Hi MSN is a Windows Live Messenger client for android.
eBuddy eBuddy is an instant messaging application for Android phone, which supports the most popular messaging services.
twidroid Twidroid is a Twitter client for Android with clean and easy to use interface.
chompSMS chompSMS offers to people who often write sms a lot of extra features like chat-style bubbles, contact pictures, quick reply, signatures.
PdaNet PdaNet allows your computer to go online through the Android phone's data connection. Supports USB Tether and Bluetooth DUN.
EStrongs File Explorer EStrongs File Explorer is a manager of local/LAN/FTP files, tasks and applications, which can explore the phones and computers. Handcent Font Pack1 Handcent Font Pack1 is the additional font package, which can be applied to the Handcent SMS and other applications.
Handcent Font Pack2 Handcent Font Pack2 which can be applied to the Handcent SMS and other applications by Handcent.
Handcent Font Pack3 It supports Europe characters.
Palringo Palringo is an universal messenger for various IM services allowing you to chat, send picture messages, share your location, see location of friends.
AndroidChat AndroidChat is a location-based chat client. The client is built from a modified inspircd IRC daemon used to support the location-aware services.
AndChat AndChat is a free multiserver IRC application for the Android mobile platform.
Transdroid Transdroid is a remote torrent client manager for µTorrent, Transmission, rTorrent, Vuze, Deluge or BitTorrent 6.
fring fring lets you call and chat your friends over 3G and WiFi.
WiFinder WiFinder is a WiFi networks scanner application for Android.
Skype Lite Beta Skype Lite is a mobile client for the popular communication service Skype designed for the Android powered phones.
Swift Swift is a twitter client application for android devices from Sebastian Delmont.
Google Buzz Google Buzz by Spartan Coders provides instant access to the mobile version of google buzz service.
SatTracx Mobile Locator SatTracx mobile locator application helps to know your location or the whereabouts of your family, friends or your assets at anytime.
Vopium Vopium allows you to make international calls or send SMS from your mobile phone without changing your current operator or SIM-card.
Twitta Twitta is an open source Twitter client for Android. With Twitta you can post tweets, direct messages, replies and do some more stuff.
IM+ Lite IM+ Lite is an all-in-one mobile instant messenger client application for Android devices.
StatDroid Lite Analyze & synthesize stats on your device. Statistics: Call log, SMS, Image, Audio/Music, Video, Contacts, Minutes, Browser, Storage, and Community
NetCounter NetCounter is a simple network traffic counter for EDGE/3G and Wi-Fi that shows your data usage.
PhoneInfo PhoneInfo which shows such information as WiFi IP, IMEI, phone number, position in GSM cells. RSS reader Rimani sempre aggiornato con le ultime news e naviga tra queste direttamente nel tuo widget. Clicca su una news se vuoi leggerla per intero sul sito.
Taggers Taggers is a location-based micro-blogging (Graffiti), reminders (My Notes), and private messaging service.
AutoRecall FREE AutoRecall FREE 0.91b is app that gives automatic ReDial and ReCall feature to your phone. Repeat calls automatically on busy or other call failures.
SMS Replier SMS Replier is an Android application that allows you to respond to the text messages and calls responsibly, for example while you are driving.
Touiteur Touiteur is a highly customizable Twitter client developed for Android powered devices.
Adaffix adaffix shows the name of the caller once you have received an unknown call (works for non-hidden numbers).
PrivateSMS To stop the junk, advertising and unwanted SMS messages use PrivateSMS for Android.
SecureSMS Autrien SecureSMS application is encryption based messaging service, where messages are sent and received in an encrypted format.
WordPress WordPress for Android is an Open Source app that empowers you to write new posts, edit content, and manage comments in your wordpress blog.
Queueing Queueing is a small app for Android to estimate utilization of server and probability of requests waiting.
Network Info Network Info is an Android app that shows information about the phone and the current network connection.
Droid PhoneControl Lite Droid PhoneControl Lite app for Android you can utilize WiFi to transfer files and control your mobile phone using your computer.
Bg Sms Sender Bg Sms Sender app allows you to send from your Android free sms to Bulgarian operators in case you are registered on their sites.
TextWand TextWand is an Android Messenger app that sends Push Messages to anyone globally for free and syncs these messages automatically to your PC.
GeoDialer GeoDialer an alternative application for Android Phone Dialer.
Free Private Browser Free Private Browser 1.3.6 is a full screen browser app for Android, with video support.
Multi Sms Multi Sms is an Android app that allows you to broadcast the SMS to many recipients.
textPlus textPlus an application developed for Android phone that allows to write test messages to other people who have such app installed.
picplz With picplz app for Android one can tell the friends something with a photo.
Voice SMS With Voice SMS you can record and send voice message via SMS and recipient will receive normal SMS with link to stream your voice message.
Shadow Shadow app makes it possible to browse the web anonymously from your Android device.
DroidBlock DroidBlock is an Android app that allows you to block incoming calls with numbers from the blacklist.
K-9 Mail K-9 Mail is an advanced open source email client for Android
Seesmic Seesmic is an app for Android powered smartphones that lets you manage your social networks.
pMessenger pMessenger is a phone to phone messaging app for Android powered devices.
EasyShare EasyShare is a simple application that allows you to share resources on your phone with others through text messages, emails, QR codes, and more.
Password Safe Password Safe is a simple and handy password manager for the Android mobile platform. The software has nice graphics and is very intuitive to use.
Android RSS Fully functional Android RSS reader created as a way to learn the new Android platform SDK.
zaTelnet Light zaTelnet Light is a Telnet client for Android platform. The client was designed for network system administrators working with Unix/Linux/BSD systems.
Contacts Sync Contacts Sync can connect to a Microsoft Exchange server and load your contacts right into your Android-powered phone.
Android Feed Reader Android Feed Reader is yet another RSS/Atom feed reader for Android. It provides some basic feed reader functionality. Just don't expect too much.
JADE Android JADE Android 1.0 is a software package that allows developing agent oriented applications based on JADE for the Android platform.
File System Explorer File System Explorer by John Lombardo is a minimalistic system file browser written as a showcase for a simple Android application.
Android File Browser Android File Browser is a simple file system explorer and launcher of applications.
BucketUpload BucketUpload is a file uploader for the Amazon S3 service. It can be used for personal or corporate backup, as a remote drive or file sharing.
Manage Manage 1.2 is a file manager for the Android mobile platform. It can do basic file operations like move, copy, delete etc.
OI Flashlight OpenIntents Flashlight helps you find your way in the dark by keeping the display backlight turned on while this application is running.
OI Update OI Update checker manages update information of applications that are currently installed on an Android phone and notifies when updates are available.
Advanced Task Killer Advanced Task Killer by ReChild is a tool for Android-powered phones to kill running applications also known as ATK.
ASTRO File Manager ASTRO File Manager helps you manage files and tasks, backup applications, send files as attachments, view thumbnails and images.
Color Flashlight Color Flashlight is a flashlight tool for Android, with ability to change color, adjust brightness and apply different effects.
Bubble Bubble is a virtual bubble level tool by Ben Zibble with calibration function.
TasKiller TasKiller is a task manager for Android phones used to easily close running applications with the possibility to autokill tasks at startup.
Text-To-Speech Extended Text-To-Speech Extended is a text-to-speech library for use by other applications. It extends the functionality of the Android TTS API.
Save MMS Save MMS allows you to save pictures, audio and video from txt messages to SD card. Even though app is no longer necessary, some people still use it.
Retro Clock Retro Clock is a home screen clock and date widget for Android, based on the classic mechanical flipping clock.
aFlashlight aFlashlight is a simple flashlight tool, which you can use in the dark. It has ability to set color and brightness of the flashlight.
Bluetooth OnOff Bluetooth OnOff is a simple toggle widget for Android powered phones to easily switch on/off Bluetooth functionality.
SilentMode OnOff SilentMode OnOff is a simple ringer volume toggle widget for Android phone that allows you to switch on/off ringer volume state with one click.
Quick Uninstaller Quick Uninstaller is an application for Android supported devices, which lets you easily uninstall, backup/restore programs from your phones.
Digital Clock Widget Digital clock widget is a home screen digital time and date widget for Android, which looks just like the one on the iPhone unlock screen.
OI File Manager OI File Manager allows you to browse your SD card, create directories, rename, copy, move, and delete files.
AndroZip AndroZip is a file manager application, which lets you manage files/folders, work with archives, install applications, and manage tasks. is an Android application to measure the speed of Internet connection of your Android device.
Wifi Analyzer Wifi Analyzer displays all available WiFi channels around you and helps you to find the less crowded channel.
GPS OnOff GPS OnOff is an android application from CurveFish, which lets you easily switch on or off your GPS.
WiFi OnOff WiFi OnOff is a simple WiFi toggle widget, which allows you to switch on/off your WiFi with only one click.
Bump Bump by Bump Technologies, Inc is a freeware aiding to swap contact information and photos between two phones.
Lookout Mobile Security Lookout Mobile Security is the antivirus and backup tool, which can additionally search for specified phones in the surrounding.
aPad aPad by KaKu is an Android application that can edit text of files, stored on SD card.
BackupandShare Backup and restore your Android contacts, music, photos and videos using a simple user-friendly interface.
antivirus Antivirus by droidSecurity Inc. is application protecting your android phone from viruses, malware and exploits with real-time scanning.
Uninstaller Uninstaller by Rhythm Software is a simple uninstall tool for android powered phone.
Advanced Task Manager Free Advanced Task Manager Free is a software, which allows to terminate, uninstall and do other with applications on your Android phone.
Brightness Level Brightness Level is a widget, which allows you easily change screen brightness on your Android smartphone.
AppManager Intuitive tool to easily manage applications on the Android based phone. AppManager allows you to install, uninstall, backup, sort your applications.
Linda File Manager Linda File Manager is a simple and intuitive application to manage your files on the Android powered phone.
RingRiser RingRiser makes volume of ring, alarm and SMS signal on your Android phone playing increasingly from the lowest to user defined level.
ixMAT Scanner ixMAT Barcode Scanner uses the camera on your Android-powered device to read barcodes and look up product information such as prices and reviews
mTools mTools is a suite of mobile tools that provide you with easy management of your mobile life and enable you to transfer files between mobile devices.
Appack Appack is a task and package manager for the Android platform. It can manage currently running and installed third-party applications.
Titanium Backup Titanium Backup is claimed to be the only tool capable to backup, restore and analyze installed apps, data and Android Market links. Batch mode too.
Microsoft Tag Reader Microsoft Tag Reader for Android lets you discover information and entertainment by scanning mobile barcodes with your Android phone.
Slide Keyboard Slide Keyboard is a softkeyboard displaying keys 4 times bigger than the standard keyboard.
TaskPanel Lite TaskPanel Lite is the scale-down version of TaskPanel. This app enables to kill or switch between background tasks, configure tasks to be autokilled.
Cool FlashLight Cool FlashLight it's simple but powerful application intended to turn your phone into a flashlight.
Unlock Screen Changer Unlock Screen Changer is a program that moves you to the Android's Home Screen every time you press Hang-Up button.
Blink Blink extends your default Android LED alert system and customizes your LED color for SMS/MMS, Incoming Call/Missed Call, and Low Battery/Memory.
Toggle Settings Toggle Settings is an android application, which lets you customize different profiles with defined settings for everything what can be toggled.
SimpleTime SimpleTime is a simple timer app that fills the hole Google left in their clock application.
free memory lite free memory lite is an application that helps to clean the memory and save battery power of your Android device.
Time Alarm Time Alarm will remind you the time at every hour. The current version supports only Korean sounds. Please, use TTS for other language.
Memory Booster Lite Memory Booster is a powerful mobile Memory & RAM boosting tool specially designed for Android smartphone users.
AndExplorer AndExplorer is a file manager for Android devices. It allows browsing files and folders stored on device and sdcard.
Nexus Clock HR Nexus Clock HR is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that makes your clock look Nexus style, with higher resolution.
Cute Piggy Clock Cute Piggy Clock is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that makes your clock look Cute Piggy style.
Nexus Clock Nexus Clock is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that makes your clock look Nexus style.
BlueDark Clock BlueDark Clock is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that makes your clock look BlueDark style.
NexDEEP Large Clock NexDEEP Large Clock is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that makes your clock look NexDEEP style.
NexDEEP Clock NexDEEP Clock is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that makes your clock look NexDEEP style.
Cute Fox Clock Cute Fox Clock is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that makes your clock look like fox.
Cute Ladybug Clock Cute Ladybug Clock is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that makes your clock look like ladybug.
TedZkeletal Large Clock TedZkeletal Large Clock is a custom analog clock widget for android phone that changes the look of your clock.
GoodNight Lite GoodNight Lite is a limited version of GoodNight tool that will allow you to sleep well without worrying about changing your phone settings.
Beautiful Silence Widgets Beautiful Silence Widgets is a small pack of two widgets in high-resolution, one to activate the vibrate mode, and one for the silent mode.
Time Alarm Pro Time Alarm Pro application will remind you the time at every hour. Use Custom Sounds/TTS for your own alarm messages.
CPUMonitorMini CPUMonitorMini application for Android OS based smartphones, which shows the CPU usage in status bar.
jkAppSwitch jkAppSwitch is an application switcher tool for Android powered smartphones.
Task Switcher Task Switcher is a task change application developed for Android powered devices.
Underground Underground is a simple task switcher application for Android that hooks into the Home key.
Sytrant Sytrant is an Android app that synchronizes the system time through internet time servers.
PreHome PreHome is a simple and light task switcher application for Android based smartphones.
Autorun Killer Autorun Killer is an Android app that lets you manage applications that start up when you boot your device.
eloSENS eloSENS is a small app to see detailed info about your Android sensors and their outputs.
Rock Clock Rock Clock is a clock widget for your Android home screen.
Droid Wall Droid Wall is an Android firewall, which allows you to restrict access of third party apps to access your data networks (2G, 3G and Wi-Fi).
Apps Organizer Apps Organizer for Android allows you to organize installed applications using labels
Snake Snake is the first ever publicly released application for the Android mobile platform. It was included in the Android SDK as a sample application.
Lunar Lander Lunar Lander is yet another sample game, which was extracted from the Android's SDK. It showcases a simple 2D graphic implementation on this platform
Dodge Balls Dodge Balls is a fun arcade game for the Android mobile platform. Move your spaceship not to get hit by dodge balls falling from the sky.
Twisty Twisty 0.03 is a Java-based port of the Z-machine interpreter for Android. It has three built-in games and also allows to load external game packages.
Monolith Android Monolith Android is a 3D tetris-like game for the android mobile phone platform. The code is based on the SDK samples of the Android SDK.
Connect4 Connect4 is an Android version of the classic Connect 4 game. Features four levels of difficulty.
Arensus Crossword Player Let the user solve crosswords on Android. The crosswords are downloaded from the internet.
Android Blackjack Android Blackjack by Kenneth Riggio is a variation of the most popular casino card games in the world to the Android mobile platform.
NetScramble NetScramble is a port of the KDE game KNetWalk. The object of the game is to connect all the terminals to the server in the least amount of clicks.
Android Sudoku Android Sudoku game consists of 3 Sudoku puzzles, offers three difficulty levels, hints for players and has a nice background music.
AndroidCan Sudoku Challenge AndroidCan Sudoku Challenge is Sudoku game by Tobias Eckert that features unique, intuitive user interface.
Memo Game Memo Game is a Memory game for the Android platform. An exciting board game, to be played for fun at all times.
Space Bugs Demo SpaceBugs is a shoot-em up with perspective on you move 2 ships at the same time. The game is a mix of Gyrus/Tempest and Xenon 2/Tyrian 2000.
Mages Mages Game Engine enables you to develop effective multi-player client/server internet games for mobile devices with minimum efforts.
Mages Chess Mages Chess is a classic chess game and server as a demonstration of capabilities of the Mages Game Engine.
AndPishti Alpha AndPishti is an Android version of the popular Turkish card game Pishti. It supports single player and multi player option
Puzzles Puzzles is an Android port of Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection. The collection consists of 27 different puzzle games.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles This app offers 31 small one-player auto-generated puzzle games. Version 8853.4 introduces some graphics improvements on high-resolution devices.
Deadly Mafia Free Online RPG Deadly Mafia is a free online browser-based RPG game that simulates life of a mafia.
Bebbled Bebbled is a Jawbreaker-like game for Android featuring Online, Freestyle, and Campaign modes with 33 different levels.
Parallel Kingdom - Age of Emergence Parallel Kingdom overlays a real-time, perpetual game world on top of your real world using your phone's GPS capabilities.
3D_Beauty This is beautiful 3D display art work in a Nexus One. Should work on other ANdroids but not as beautiful maybe.
Little Python Little Python is a Snake-like classic game for Android.
GameBoid Lite GameBoid Lite is an emulator for the GameBoy Advance (GBA) game console.
Plucking Daisies Plucking Daisies is a game were you can pluck the petals of a white daisy to find out if your beloved one loves you or not.
Minesweeper for Android Android for Minesweeper is great minesweeper clone for Android that features nice UI and global highscores.
ScoreNinja ScoreNinja is a global ranking and high score list that can be used by any game.
Nesoid Lite Nesoid Lite is a Nintendo Entertainment (NES) ROM emulator for the Android mobile platform.
DiLines DiLines is clone of old Line game, where you have to build lines of the same color to earn scores.
Winx Puzzle Winx Puzzle is the jigsaw puzzle for the Android that features several puzzles. Version 2.3.0 has 83 levels.
BitWords Free BitWords Free is a word finding game for android phone, where one has to spell words by using adjacent letters.
BitBlocks BitBlocks is a very basic and fast tetris-style game for the android phone.
Twister Spinner Twister Spinner application for Android offers an alternative to the classic twister spinner.
Puzzle15Game Puzzle15Game is a simple game based on Android 1.5. It's enough just the touch screen to play with Puzzle15Game
Cosmix Cosmix is a simple game, where you have to defend your cosmic ship from the attacking missiles by shielding it with robotic worm.
Fish Food Fish Food is a game for Android platform, where you have to make big fishes eat the smaller ones by touching and dragging.
Cardex Cardex is a virtual wallet, which lets you save card details on your Android smartphone.
ExtremeTypist ExtremeTypist is an application that allows you to test your typing speed on a mobile device.
AutoTrafego Lite AutoTrafego is a free edition of traffic-management game for Android powered devices.
Fun Crosswords Fun Crosswords is a words puzzle games. You would be able to download new puzzles, customize how to check the words and show the answers.
World War World War is an online game for android powered phone that happens in year 2012 and presents a broken out nuclear war.
Alien Escape A fun little shooter game that lets you blast away at a large army of alien ships above the city lights of Los Angeles.
Bubbles A fun and challenging little game that is great to play when you have a few minutes during the day.
Eye In The Sky In the Eye In The Sky game for Android you must protect a unique alien forest by ****ing away the bad elements, while letting the good ones through.
Numerica Numerica is a little puzzle game for Android that is easy and fun to play, but will also give your brain a work out.
Dog Clicker With three different clicker sounds and an easy-to-use interface, Dog clicker is a handy tool for dog owners to train their dogs.
Brick Annoyed Brick Annoyed is classic arcade game. You have to destroy all balloons on the screen to advance to the next level.
Wheel Chooser Wheel Chooser will help you to choose right wheels for your car. 40 different cars and 10 deferent wheels are available in this version.
Armored Strike Lite Armored Strike Lite is a classic tank warfare for Android with a modern touch and extreme firepower.
Papaya Farm Papaya Farm is a virtual farming game for Android, which allows you to sow, grow and harvest in your land.
******* Island ******* Island is a game where you control a small robot that has to locate a mysterious artifact on a bizarre island.
Route Words Lite Route Words Lite is a highly addictive little word puzzle game which will challenge your wits and word knowledge.
Tap Puzzle Tap Puzzle is bubble bursting game. Click on group of 2 or more blocks of the same color and they disappear. Build bigger groups to get more point.
**** Beauties Puzzle **** Beauties Puzzle is a puzzle game made of the **** star photos. When you finish the puzzle, you can set it as wallpaper or share via email.
PuzzleQube PuzzleQube is a puzzle game where you have to unscramble the pictures on the sides of the 3D cube by swapping tiles.
Jewels Jewels is a simple, yet quite polished and fun match-3 puzzle game for Android powered mobile phones.
BigTwo BigTwo is a card game for Android mobile phone with rules that are based closely on Poker.
AntiTetris AntiTetris is a funny puzzle game for Android where you ought to keep the balls from being eliminated.
PAC-MAN PAC-MAN is a famous arcade game, where you have to collect your scores, while completing level by level, and escape from the ghosts following you.
Solitaire Solitaire is a simple collection of different types of the Solitaire game: Regular, Spider, Freecell, Forty Thieves.
Alchemy In Alchemy game for Android you have 4 base elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Combine them and their products to get more than 100 new elements.
Androban Androban is yet another Sokoban clone for Android powered mobile phone.
Connect Connect is a simple mathematical thinking game developed for Android powered phones.
Cuboid Lite Cuboid Lite is a Rubik cube puzzle developed for the Android mobile devices.
Spin Cube Lite Spin Cube Lite is a kind of popular puzzle game, best known as the Rubik Cube, with the 2x2 to 10x10 cubes available.
I Love NY I Love NY is a quiz for people who want to check their knowledge about New York City and share the results with the friends.
Super K.O. Boxing 2 Free Super K.O. Boxing 2 Free is a free edition of boxing game for Android powered devices.
XAP! noob Zombie XAP! noob Zombie is a smart 2D shooting game with various opponents where you have to kill zombies and protect babies.
Dot n Munch Lite Use the touch screen to find the one safe spot before time runs out.
More Marbles Bejeweled gem game. Match 5 gems to build up bonus points. Get the code for extra modes!
Prince of persia
Pyramide Free cards game.
OpenSudoku OpenSudoku is a simple open source sudoku game for Android
QuadraPop QuadraPop is a color pairing games with user friendly control buttons. Connect four or more gems with the same color.
Anvestor Anvestor is virtual economy game. You can buy or sell stocks, bonds, securities on stock exchange and real estate from all overt the world.