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Western Digital Passport Driver Problemi

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  • Merhaba arkadaslar,
    Western Digital Passport 320GB model aleti aldim bilgisayarima taktim tanidi falan. Daha sonra partition magic 8 ile bir güzel formatlayip böldüm harddiski. Simdi harddiski sadece benim bilgisayar taniyor baska bilgisayarlara taktigim zaman donanim ariyor ariyor ve bulamiyor. bugün bayagi arastirdim netten artik kafayi yedim hic bir cözüm veya driver bulamadim. sadece bunun gümüs renklisinin win98se driveri var wdc.com'da baska bir sey yok. bu siteden de arastirdim bir kisi daha benzer bir problemle karsilasmis ve onun actigi konuda herhangi bir cözüme rastlamadim. yabanci sitelere de baktim birinde benimle ayni sekilde durumu olan birisi konu acmis ama ona da faydali ise yarar cevaplar gelmemis. onun benden kötü tarafi ise bilgisayarina format atmis. :) Neyse konuyu dagitmayalim.

    helllppppp!!!!! :D

    Faydasi olmayan cevaplar sunlar gibidir:
    1-Western Digital'in sitesinden bir link veriliyor, o linkte driver yok.
    2-Kabloyu degistir denilebiliyor, kablomda problem yok.
    3-Win XP SP3 diyorlar, bilgisayarimda Win XP SP3 yok. (Bilgisayarimda calistigini söylemistim)

    Bunlar harici mümkünse bizzat driveri iceren linklerle beraber cevap yazarsaniz gercekten cok makbule gecer.
    Hem bana hem de benden sonra bu problemi yasayacak veya önce yasamis da cözüme kavusturamamis insanlara gercekten yardimci olmus olursunuz.

    Not: Ben ayrica WDC'ye de bir email yolladim. Eger oradan duruma cözüm getirici bir cevap gelirse buraya yazacam.

    Yabanci sitelerden de bakildiginda anlasilabilmesi icin birkac sey yazalim :)
    Western Digital Passport 320GB Driver Problem
    Western Digital Passport 320GB Driver Issue
    Western Digital Passport Driver
    Western Digital Passport Driver Issue
    Western Digital Passport Driver Problem
    WD Passport Driver
    WD Passport Driver Problem
    WD Passport Driver Issue
    WD Passport 320GB Driver

    bu kadar yeter herhalde :D

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi isa_boztemir -- 29 Ekim 2008; 22:35:34 >

  • Evet görüyorum ki kimse cevap yazamamis :D
    Ben kendi yöntemimi söylyim, kendi bilgisayarimdan tekrar format attim ve diger bilgisayarlarda da calismaya basladi.

    Ancak herhangi bir bilgisayarda herhangi bir sekilde aleti calistiramayanlar Linux veya Mac de denesinler cünkü benim aleti diger bilgisayarlar henüz tanimazken bile Ubuntu taniyordu. ;) Ve sanirim bu durumda olanlar icin Western Digital'in bana yazdigi cevap da faydali olabilir. Cevabi direk aldigim gibi kopyaliyorum türkceye cevirmeden:

    Dear isa,

    Thank you for contacting Western Digital Customer Service and Support.

    I am going to give you a few steps to try and see if your Passport will be recognized. First check your Device Manager and Disk Management console, if anything shows up with a yellow ? or ! you need to right click on the item and uninstall. Then you will need to cycle your Passport.

    To access Device Manager you need to right-click on My Computer, then left-click on properties, then go to the Hardware tab and choose Device Manager. You will want to check under Disk Drive's, Universal Serial Bus Controller's and Unknown/Other Device's.

    To access Disk Management you need to right-click on My Computer, then left-click on Manage, on the left hand side of the screen left-click on Storage and then left-click on Disk Management. You will want to check for Disk 0/1/2 etc. and see if any show WDC WD2500 or something like this.

    To cycle, you need to shutdown your computer and disconnect the USB cable. When the USB cable is disconnected please restart your computer. Once it's fully booted you need to reconnect the USB cable. Your operating system should recognize your Passport. Check the Device Manager and Disk Management consoles again.

    If your Passport isn't recognized, you will need to try connecting your Passport with another USB cable, as well as to another computer (desktop would be preferable and the back USB port).

    The last option to try before replacement is connecting your Passport with the optional USB Power Boost Cable. There may not be enough power currently supplied to the machine's USB port. Some computer systems only supply 500mA of power through USB ports. The WD Passport hard drive requires a little over 1000mA of power at spin up.

    Power Boost Cable -http://www.wdc.com/en/products/accessories.asp?ProdID=170

    If that doesn't allow your Passport to be recognized, you will need to do data recovery and replace your hard drive. Please see below for your data recovery and drive replacement options.

    I apologize for the inconvenience, but Western Digital does not perform data recovery services. However, you may use one of Western Digital's authorized data recovery service companies. In order to retain the warranty on the hard drive, you must use a Western Digital’s authorized data recovery service company. Please visit the link below for more information about these companies and our data recovery policy.

    Title: How can I repair my drive, recover data on my drive, obtain a circuit board, or find a list of WD data recovery partners?

    If your drive is under warranty, we have two warranty replacement options available to you, Advance RMA and Standard RMA. Both options are available online from our web site. In an Advance RMA, we will ship you the replacement drive prior to receiving your defective drive. A credit/debit card is required to insure against the receipt your defective drive. If we do not receive your drive 30 days from the date the replacement drive was shipped, the fair market value of the replacement drive will be charged/debited to your credit/debit card. In a Standard RMA, we will ship you the replacement drive only after we have received your defective product. No credit/debit card is required in a Standard RMA.

    The current turnaround time for an Advance RMA is 3 to 5 business days and 5 to 7 business days for a Standard RMA.

    You may create your RMA online by visiting the links below. Please remember that an RMA number is required in order to replace your defective drive.

    Title: How can I check the warranty of my drive?

    Title: How can I replace a product under warranty?

    Title: Where can I get packaging and shipping information for an RMA?

    Current RMA turnaround:http://support.wdc.com/warranty/rmapost.asp

    Louis D.
    Western Digital Service and Support

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