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9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

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  • 9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    “The legend of mu online private servers has been rewritten…”

    We are glad to announce the launch of our OFFICIAL Mu Online

    Private Server named 9TH REALM which will take place

    SATURDAY 09.03.2024 at 6PM (+0 UTC)

    Several years of work on the configuration have brought great results

    that will certainly be appreciated by every player.

    Every aspect of the game has been carefully analyzed

    to increase the stage of gameplay satisfaction.



    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024





    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    Server Name: 9th Realm

    Version: Season 19.1-3

    Time Zone: +0 (UTC)

    Location: NA (Canada OVH)

    Exp Rate 1-400: 10x

    Master / Majestic Exp Rate: 100-200x

    Monster Exp: Edited For Real Experience

    Drop: 30%

    Monster HP: 100%

    Reset: OFF

    Grand Reset: OFF

    Guild: 200lvl

    Stats per lvl: Standard

    Alliance: max 3

    Max Item level: +15+16

    Max Exc opt: 3

    Max Errtel Rank: 3

    Max Socket lvl: 10

    Max Socket Slot: 3(set) / 5(2h wep)

    Exc Socket: OFF

    Max potion stacks: 25HP / 50MP

    Soldier buff: 400 (duration 1h)

    Mu Helper: ON

    Offlevel: ON

    Offstore: ON

    Vip System: ON

    Web Market: OFF

    Season Pass: OFF

    Spots: ON

    Marked Spots on Minimap: ON (Press TAB)

    Monsters on spots: 6-8

    Accounts per IP: 10

    X-Shop: ON (GP Only)

    MuDevs Protection: ON

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    [HOT!] Remastered Monster Experience gain!

    [HOT!] Unique System of Events & Balanced Drop for Each Stage of Gameplay!

    [HOT!] Unique Elite Spots System, Invasions and World Bosses

    [HOT!] Unique MuMarket Data making your trading experience even more informed and dynamic!

    [HOT!] Remastered PvP & PvE Balance!

    [HOT!] Remastered Elemental System!

    [HOT!] Unique Notifications with event guide In-Game!

    [HOT!] Monsters from all maps has been reworked and balanced!

    [HOT!] Unique Item Exchange System!

    [HOT!] True Play 2 Win Experience

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    Lag-free experience with our 25 FPS MuDevs Client

    Fully synchronized with server configuration

    Switch mode: Classic / Simple: ON (right top corner)

    Low Performance Mode: ON (Press Ctr+H)

    Fully worked T-Quest with new rewards and proper automove

    3D Camera: Enabled

    Death Record: ON (Press L)

    Game Hide: ON (Press F12)

    Event Guide Notifications

    Account Lockout System

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    Jewel of Bless: 100%

    Jewel of Soul: 50% (75% with Luck)

    Jewel of Life: 50%

    Jewel of Harmony: 50%

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    1 Member:  100%

    2 Members: 105%

    3 Members: 110%

    4 Members: 115%

    5 Members: 120%

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    Normal Item upgrade +10 - 60% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Normal Item upgrade +11 - 60% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Normal Item upgrade +12 - 50% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Normal Item upgrade +13 - 50% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Normal Item upgrade +14 - 40% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Normal Item upgrade +15 - 40% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Exc/Anc Item upgrade +10 - 50% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Exc/Anc Item upgrade +11 - 50% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Exc/Anc Item upgrade +12 - 45% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Exc/Anc Item upgrade +13 - 45% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Exc/Anc Item upgrade +14 - 40% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    Exc/Anc Item upgrade +15 - 40% + 25% Luck + 10% TOL

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    Errtel R1 Upgrade +1 ~ +10 = 75% + 10% ETOL = 85% MAX

    Errtel R2 Upgrade +1 ~ +10 = 75% + 10% ETOL = 85% MAX

    Errtel R3 Upgrade +1 ~ +10 = 75% + 10% ETOL = 85% MAX


    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    Trophy system

    • Collect Trophy of battle from events or invasions and exchange them for various awards!

    Muun exchange system

    • Collect muun's from Muun Invasion event and exchange wizzard souls for muun upgrades!

    Moss Gambler

    • Collect Miracle Coins from the Land of Trials Devil Square and Blood Castle and exchange them!

    Lucky Coin Exchange

    • Collect Lucky Coins from Golden invasion and exchange them for silver/gold key's!

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024


    • Blood Castle

    • Devil's Square

    • Chaos Castle

    • Crywolf

    • Castle Siege

    • Arca War

    • Acheron Protector

    • Nightmare

    • Gaion Renewal (Varka)


    • White Wizzard Invasion

    • Red Dragon Invasion

    • Dungeon Invasion (Death King)

    • Kanturu Invasion (Bali & Soldier)

    • Mini Boss Invasion

    • Golden Invasion

    • Muun Invasion

    • Metal Balrog Invasion


    • Alkmar Invasion (Sylphid)

    • Ubait Invasion (Undine)

    • Debenter Invasion (Selihoden)

    • Uruk Invasion (Hellriser)

    • Nars Invasion (Salamander)

    • Ferea Invasion (Gnome)

    • Nixie Invasion (Silla)

    • SoD Invasion (Normus)


    • Golden Erohim

    • Golden Hellmaine

    • Golden Kundun

    • Together Boss Battle

    • Illusion of Kundun

    • Kundun

    • Medusa

    • Selupan

    • Erohim

    • Lord Silvester

    • Core Magriffy

    • Lord of Ferea

    • Nix

    • God of Darkness

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024










    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    Base Exp + 10%

    OffLevel - 16H (free user 8h)

    Increased GP Gain

    Offattack GP Gain

    Elf Buff max Level 600

    Commands Prices -50%

    Free stat reset: /readd

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    X-Shop Currency: GP Only (Only VIP can be bought by WC)

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024


    Forge Your Destiny, Uphold Fair Play!

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi 9threalm.net -- 12 Mart 2024; 5:46:1 >

  • OPEN-BETA Starts in 7DAYS! Join our Discord Server and stay updated!

  • OPEN-BETA Start is getting closer, discover a new quality that will absorb you for a long time 💪

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024
    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024discord
    Join the 9th Realm Mu Online Discord Server!
  • Feel free to ask our support team about 9th Realm project! You can ask here or join our Facebook / Discord Community! Everyone are welcome!

  • 9TH REALM OPEN-BETA Launch Tomorrow 6PM (UTC/GMT+0)!

    Top10 players based on lvl ranking will gain 1000W-Coins

    (equivalent 1 month of VIP) for 9th Realm official Launch which will take place 09.03.2024!

    Join our Beta now! Gain experience advantage on the beta to play smarter on the official one!

  • It's been 48+ hours since the 9th Realm OPEN-BETA started!

    We received a lot of praise from players and ideas for improving the game, for which we are grateful!

    The experience gained has been increased so that new players have a greater chance of winning

    the main prize of 1000W-Coin for the official start of the 9th Realm server

    which will take place on March 9, 2024!

    Join us now and feel the power of epic journey!

  • The first maintenance is behind us! In line with reported bugs and player feedback, we made a massive fix today!

    Every day we are getting closer to perfection, and every day the official start is getting closer!

    Join our OPEN-BETA and check out all events and gameplay TODAY!

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • 9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024
  • For the sake of players, we listen to their feelings to improve the gameplay to the limit!

    Thanks to our OPEN-BETA you can check out the server now, find the best way to start at the official opening!

    OFFICIAL OPENING - 09/03/2024!

    Register now & start epic journey!


  • Our community is growing day by day! Join us on the Discord Server and stay updated with news and changes! Your opinion matters!


    OFFICIAL OPENING - 09/03/2024!



    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi 9threalm.net -- 20 Şubat 2024; 3:4:27 >
  • Visit and follow our Facebook Fanpage! We post there important info about our new features and changes!

    Don't miss what's new on 9th Realm official start is clooose! 09/03/2024!

    9th Realm Facebook:


  • Huuuge patch land on! Check our maintenance changelog on 9th Realm discord server!

    Official 9th Realm Discord:


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi 9threalm.net -- 20 Şubat 2024; 3:4:14 >
  • 9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024
  • 9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024



  • 9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024
  • 7 days until the end of the open beta! Don't wait, check now what the server will look like at the official opening!

    Official launch is almost here!


  • The 9th realm administration is preparing a giveaway on our Discord Server and Facebook Fanpage!

    Don't miss your chance for a FREE VIP account! Join our 9th Realm community and be a winner!

  • It's already happened! 

    9th Realm Mu | Season 19 | Exp Dynamic 10-200x | Drop 30% | OFFICIAL START 09.03.2024

    9th Realm CELEBRATES 1000 LIKES on its Fanpage!

    On this occasion, we have prepared a GIVEAWAY for everyone!

    and free monthly subscription VIP is waiting for you!


    All you need to do is visit our Facebook Fanpage, and like post with giveaway!


    More information at GIVEAWAY Description!


    Try your luck!

    It's free to join!

  • Less than 7 days to official grand opening 9th Realm Mu Online Server!

    The open-beta and Facebook giveaway is behind us, but that's not the end of the pre-release prizes!

    Another giveaway starts tomorrow on the official 9th Realm discord and more free monthly VIP subscriptions are waiting for the winners!

    Join our discord community today and enter tomorrow's giveaway!

    9th Realm Discord:



    Today we will officially end the second stage of the 9th Realm server! -OPEN-BETA- The End!

    All accounts will be moved to the test server where players will be able to fully test the server's endgame.

    The end of OPEN-BETA and account transfer is the beginning of something new!

    On the last road of preparation for the OFFICIAL START | 09/03/2024 | 6PM UTC+0 |

    We're starting a huge GIVEAWAY on the DISCORD SERVER!

    Join the official 9th Realm server today and don't miss the start of the first Discord giveaway!


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