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[AD] KINGDOM | NEW Server x200 | No FO | No Wcoin Exchange | 14.01.2017

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  • [size=5]NEW Server x200 Grand Opening on January 14
    [size=5]at 17:00 (On Saturday - Server Time - GMT +3)

    In our New Server You will enjoy Game Play since We have set Limits of Items
    so Everyone will be able to get great Items in game and collecting Credits
    by Grand Resets, Vote Reward, Online Hours, Referrals and Market Activities.
    Since Wcoins Exchange is Off - Disabled You will be able to get Wcoins
    only in game and as reset reward. Read Full Information below!

    Website: http://www.mu-kingdom.com/
    Forum: http://forum.mu-kingdom.com/
    Events: http://forum.mu-kingdom.com/index.php?/forum/4-events/
    Downloads: http://mu-kingdom.com/downloads
    Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/MuOnlineKingdom
    Game Guides: http://forum.mu-kingdom.com/index.php?/forum/3-guides-and-tutorials/

    Basic Information about x200 server:
    Version: Premium Season 9 Episode 2
    Experience: 200
    Items Drop: 25
    Maximum Level: 400
    Maximum Stats: 32767
    Points Per Level all class: 10
    Master Level Experience: 100
    Maximum Master Level: 330
    Auto Party System [accept members auto]
    Auto Reconnect System [no DC]
    Muun System [get nice pets]
    Off-Trade System - [trade Items while offline]
    Offlevel System [100k zen per 1 hour]
    Pandora Mining System [a way to get jewels]
    Mu Roomy System [play and win rewards]
    Balanced Event rewards [many type of Items]
    Monsters Per Spot 5-7 [on all maps except arena]
    NO WCOINS EXCHANGE [get wcoins only in game]
    Gremory Case Open With Button K [some event rewards]
    Losttower 1-7 Maps Are NON PVP [no killing there]
    Command /pkclear Price 10kk * Kill Count
    Summoner, MG, RF, DL Create Level: 250

    Reset, Grand Reset System:
    Reset level: 400
    After reset: Stats Clear
    After reset stat points: 500 * Reset count
    After reset all stats: 300
    Reset reward: 5 Wcoins
    Reset limit: 1000
    Grand Reset From: 50 Resets
    Grand Reset Stat Points: 10 000 * GR count
    Grand Reset Reward: 15 000 Credits
    Grand Reset Reward: 500 Wcoins
    Grand Reset Limit: 10

    Web Itemshop Limits:
    Maximum Excellent Options to Buy: 3
    Maximum Socket Options to Buy: 3
    Excellent + Socket Items: ON
    Ancient + Excellent Items: ON
    Equal Seed Sockets: OFF
    Limits are needed to not be someone over powered.

    Website features:
    Market system: (sell items for credits, wcoins, jewels, zen)
    Vote reward system: (get credits by voting for us every 12 hours)
    Online hours system: (get credits being online while play)
    Referral system: (get credits by referring others to join game)
    Zen wallet system: (transfer zen to website zen bank)
    Web warehouse: (transfer items to web warehouse, unlimited space)
    Change name: (change character nick name)
    Hidden info: (Hide information, location from others)
    Clear skill tree: (clear your skill tree points placed)
    Clear inventory: (clear character inventory)

    In-game commands:
    Standard commands: /post <message>, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit,
    /addene, /addcmd <points_count>, /pkclear, /war <guild_name>,
    /battlesoccer <guild_name>, /requests <on|off>.
    Marry system: /prop <player_name>, /accept, /teleport, /divorce.
    Optional commands: /dcfriend <player_name> <password>,
    /setparty <password>, /offtrade, /ware <ware_number>

    Extra important information:
    Balanced Party Experience
    Reset Cost: 3 000 000 Zen * Reset Count,
    Level 380 / 400 items can wear from level 1,
    All normal monsters power are Increased,
    Golden and Boss monsters power Increased,
    Mu Helper can start use from level 10,
    Mu Helper costs 500 Zen * Level for 5 min,
    Guild can be created from level 300,
    Restriction of completing BC = 5 minutes,
    Arena is empty - no spots there,
    Bonus extra exp in BC, DS and Doppelganger Events + 50x
    Get WareRabbit Egg from Moon Rabbits: Find them in Lor, Dev, Noria and Elveland,
    Get 1 wcoin per every hunted Gold Rabbit: Kanturu Ruins, Aida, Tarkan, LT, Atlans,
    Get 1 wcoin per every hunted Golden Monster,
    Get 15 Wcoins if become an Event winner: BC, DS, CC, IT and Doppelganger.

    Chaos Machine Items Rates:
    Mix items +10 success rate = 65%
    Mix items +11 success rate = 65%
    Mix items +12 success rate = 60%
    Mix items +13 success rate = 55%
    Mix items +14 success rate = 50%
    Mix items +15 success rate = 45%
    Item with Luck bonus rate = 25%
    Feather Of Condor Max Rate = 70%
    Wings level 2 Mix Max Rate = 90%
    Wings level 2.5 Mix Max Rate = 60%
    Cape Of Lord Mix Max Rate = 90%
    Wings level 3 Mix Max Rate = 40%
    Chance to get Excellent option when making Wings level 3 = 50%
    Chance to get Luck option when making Wings level 3 = 60%

    Party Experience Bonus:
    2 members in a party: - 20% exp
    3 members in a party: - 10% exp
    4 members in a party: -+ 0% exp
    5 members in a party: + 10% exp
    (when 2 same races in PT , example: BK+BK+SM+MG+SUM)

    3 different character classes in a party: + 15% exp
    4 different character classes in a party: + 30% exp
    5 different character classes in a party: + 50% exp
    (when different races in PT , example: BK+ELF+SM+MG+SUM)

  • We increased amount of resets needed for GR from 50 to 80!
    We have increased % a little bit for a normal party exp, not bonus exp :
    2 members in a party: - 10% exp
    3 members in a party: - 5% exp
    4 members in a party: + 10% exp
    5 members in a party: + 15% exp
    Since we have increased amount of Resets for Grand Reset so yes, We decreased also Reset cost Zen.
    Now Reset Cost: 1 000 000 Zen * Reset Count
  • We have updated Game Client with the following things:
  • Added launcher system - Now all next changes in future will update automatically.[/*]
  • Lucky items can be traded, sold and stored in vault now.[/*]
  • Wings level 4 can be repaired, traded, sold and stored in vault now.[/*]
  • All items can be wear from level 1 and their options work from level 1 also.[/*]
    All you have to do now to get it work please Download
    New Game Client: http://mu-kingdom.com/downloads


  • Less than 4 hours left until Medium 200 Server Opening!
     [AD] KINGDOM | NEW Server x200 | No FO | No Wcoin Exchange | 14.01.2017
  • Web ItemShop will be disabled for the first few days!
    So all players will be able to start great and enjoy fair play.
    Join Now: [url]www.mu-kingdom.com[/url]
  • Web Itemshop DISABLED until January 18. Online 150+ players. Not playing yet? This is a great time to start! [url]www.Mu-kingdom.Com[/url]
  • Tüm Türk arkadaşların sıkılmadan vakit geçireceği ve harcadığı emeğin kaşılığını bol bol alacağı bir sunucu.
    Artık o servera mı gitsek, neresi iyi, balanslar nasıl diye düşünmeyeceğiniz bir sunucu.

    TURKEY guildimiz açılmıştır, hepinizi bekleriz.


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