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[AD] Mu KINGDOM | EDGE x50-x40 | Season 9 | OPENING 7 AUGUST

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  • [AD] Mu KINGDOM | EDGE x50-x40 | Season 9 | OPENING 7 AUGUST

    Server EDGE 50 OPENING on AUGUST 7
    at 19:00 (Server Time UTC +2)

    Website: http://www.mu-kingdom.com/
    Forum: http://forum.mu-kingdom.com/
    Events: http://forum.mu-kingdom.com/index.php?/forum/4-events/

    Information about EDGE 50 server:
    Version: Premium Season 9 Full
    Experience: 50x
    Master Level Experience: 50x
    Maximum Character Level: 400
    Maximum Master Level: 330
    Points Per Level: 8/9/10
    Points Per Master level: 1
    Monsters Per Spot 3-5
    In game Cashshop X
    Losttower 1-7: NON PVP
    Arena map: Only for VIP players
    Kanturu Ruins (1-3), Karutan 2, Vulcanus: Battle maps
    All Battle Maps Exp Increase: + 20%
    BC, DS and Doppelganger Events Exp Increase: + 10x
    Command /pkclear Price 2kk * Kill Count
    MG, DL Create Level: 100, 125
    Summoner, RF Create Level: 150, 200
    Exchange Credits to Wcoins
    Balanced Character Classes PVP and PVM
    380 & 400 lvl items requirements removed
    Mu Helper can start use from level 10
    Mu Helper costs 100 Zen * Level for 5 min
    Guild can be created from level 300
    Get 10 Goblin Points every 30 minutes
    Get 1 Goblin Point per every killed monster in Raklion 2 map
    Moon Rabbit gives 2 Goblin Points and chance for Small wings or Muun Egg or Zen
    Get WareRabbit Egg from Moon Rabbits: Find them in Lor, Dev, Noria and Elveland
    Get 1 wcoin per every hunted Gold Rabbit: Kanturu R, Aida, Tarkan, Lt 1-7, Atlans
    Get 1 wcoin per every hunted Golden Monster
    Get 10 Wcoins if become an Event winner: BC, DS, CC, IT and Doppelganger

    Dynamic Experience:
    Reset 0 to 40 = 50x
    Reset 41 to 50 = 40x

    Reset System:
    Reset limit: 50
    After Reset: STATS BURN (clear)
    After reset All stats 1000 + reset stats
    After reset free stat points BK, SM, ELF, SUM: 1000
    After reset free stat points DL, MG, RF: 1100
    Reset reward: 100 Credits
    Reset cost: 2 000 000 Zen * resets

    Grand Reset System:
    Grand Reset from level: 40
    Grand Reset Limit: 10
    Grand Reset Reward: 20000 Credits
    Grand Reset Stat Points: 5000 * GR Count
    After reset free stat points DL, MG, RF: 1100
    Grand Reset Cost: 50 000 000 Zen * GR Count

    Rates of Excellent item Option:
    Chance to get item with 1 excellent opton: 50%
    Chance to get item with 2 excellent optons: 45%
    Chance to get item with 3 excellent optons: 5%

    Game Features:
    Auto Party System [accept members auto]
    Auto Reconnect System [no DC]
    Muun System [get nice pets]
    Off-Trade System - [trade Items while offline]
    Offlevel System [5 Wcoins per 1 hour]
    Pandora Mining System [a way to get jewels]
    Mu Roomy System [play and win rewards]
    Balanced Event rewards [many type of Items]
    Gremory Case Open With Button K [some event rewards]

    Web Itemshop:
    Maximum Item Level: +11 (make up to +15 only in game)
    Maximum Addition Defense: +16 (make up to +28 only in game)
    Maximum Excellent Options to Buy: 3
    Maximum Socket Options to Buy: 2
    Excellent + Socket Items: ON (2 socket and MAX 1 Empty)
    Ancient + Excellent Items: ON (the same can get in game)
    Harmony + Ancient Items: OFF (can put in game)

    Website features:
    Market system: (sell items for credits, wcoins, jewels, zen)
    Vote reward system: (get credits by voting for us every 12 hours)
    Online hours system: (get credits being online while play)
    Referral system: (get credits by referring others to join game)
    Zen wallet system: (transfer zen to website zen bank)
    Web warehouse: (transfer items to web warehouse, unlimited space)
    Exchange wcoins: (Use wcoins to buy seal buffs, pets, more)
    Change name: (change character nick name)
    Hidden info: (Hide information, location from others)
    Clear skill tree: (clear your skill tree points placed)
    Clear inventory: (clear character inventory)

    In-game commands:
    Standard commands: /post <message>, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit,
    /addene, /addcmd <points_count>, /pkclear, /war <guild_name>,
    /battlesoccer <guild_name>, /requests <on|off>.
    Marry system: /prop <player_name>, /accept, /teleport, /divorce.
    Optional commands: /dcfriend <player_name> <password>,
    /setparty <password>, /offtrade, /ware <ware_number>

    Chaos Machine Items Rates:
    Mix items +10 success rate = 65%
    Mix items +11 success rate = 65%
    Mix items +12 success rate = 60%
    Mix items +13 success rate = 55%
    Mix items +14 success rate = 50%
    Mix items +15 success rate = 45%
    Item with Luck bonus rate = 25%
    Feather Of Condor Max Rate = 70%
    Wings level 2 Mix Max Rate = 90%
    Wings level 2.5 Mix Max Rate = 60%
    Cape Of Lord Mix Max Rate = 90%
    Wings level 3 Mix Max Rate = 40%
    Chance to get Excellent option when making Wings level 3 = 50%
    Chance to get Luck option when making Wings level 3 = 60%

    Party Experience Bonus:
    2 members in a party: - 10% exp
    3 members in a party: - 5% exp
    4 members in a party: + 5% exp
    5 members in a party: + 10% exp
    (when 2 same races in PT , example: BK+BK+SM+MG+SUM)

    3 different character classes in a party: + 30% exp
    4 different character classes in a party: + 40% exp
    5 different character classes in a party: + 50% exp
    (when different races in PT , example: BK+ELF+SM+MG+SUM

    More information read and discuss on our Website and Forum! Welcome!
    [AD] Mu KINGDOM | EDGE x50-x40 | Season 9 | OPENING 7 AUGUST

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