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[AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset (2. sayfa)

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  • Maintenance will start in 2:14 hours ! (Full server restart + client update)


    - Added new subserver:
    Both servers have limit of players of 380
    Both servers are 100% the same
    Both servers have same events at same hours
    Post is working / seen on both servers
    Whisper is working / seen on both servers
    Crywolf can be used for trades between servers
    Reduced number of Rabbits per map from 30 to 20 on both servers
    Reduced number of Goblins (Bok+1) from 12 to 8 on both servers
    Reduced number of Titans (Bok+2) from 7 to 5 on both servers
    Reduced number of Devils (Bok+2) from 8 to 5 on both servers
    Reduced number of Tantalos (Bok+3) from 8 to 5 on both servers
    Reduced number of Crusts (Bok+3) from 5 to 3 on both servers
    Reduced number of Golems (Bok+3) from 6 to 4 on both servers
    Reduced number of Satyros (Bok+4) from 8 to 5 on both servers
    Reduced number of Twin Tale (Bok+5) from 3 to 2 on both servers
    Reduced number of Dark Iron Knights (Bok+5) from 3 to 2 on both servers
    Reduced number of spots from Tarkan1 &2 on both servers
    Reduced number of spots from Icarus on both servers
    Reduced number of spots from Karutan1 & 2 on both servers
    Reduced number of spots from Aida2 on both servers
    Reduced number of spots from Kanturu1,2,3 on both servers
    - Fixed BK Skill (now it's working normally)
    - Fixed BK Combo on SV20 [CS] (now it will work normally)
    - Removed cooldown from Lightning but range is now 3
    - Buffed BK PvM damage a little.
    - Improved characters balance [PvP]
    - Buffed Balgass & Dark Elves HP.
    - Buffed NightMare & Hands HP / Nerfed DMG.
    - Buffed Kundun HP.
    - Fixed Bok + 3 sometimes not giving the reward
    - Added back GOldens + 5 (2 Twin Tale - Relics, 2 Dark Iron Knight - Raklion)
    - Added Celestial Bow and Great Reign Bow on Bok + 4 as they were missing
    - Added Piercing Glove on Bok + 5 as RF weapon
    - Fixed AA weapons drop (now they will drop with luck / skill also)
    - Lowered the symbol of kundun + 7 mobs level from where it drops (now it drops on almost same mobs like the ones that drops symbol + 6)
    - Added bonus exp for 1,2 and 3 resets (1 reset = higher bonus 3 resets = low bonus)
    - Reduced global PvP damage
    - Fixed spawn point after death on LoT to be the default one
    - Reduced zen from mobs from 250% to 200%
    - Probably fixed the invasion to be shown on SV20 also (crywolf/lot/valley).
    - Fixed some small things that I can't remember ^^.

    Join us !


  • Ali bey server hakkında türkçe bilgilendirme ve türkçe server özellikleri eklenirse çok daha iyi olur . Mesela 0-10 10-20 20-30 arası görevler vesaire vesaire açıklanırsa güzel olur
  • Stage 2 is getting closer guys, I'll invite any new player to join us as we boosted first 3 resets exp and also there will be the 7 days limit of 10 resets on the transition from stage 1 to stage 2 !

  • We hitted our new record, both servers are full, tomorrow there will be the stage2 updates + raising the slots again !

    [AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset

    More and more people are satisfied daily by our server, so we invite to try us and we can assure that you won't regret !

    Why to choose us ?

    - 0 lags, 0 downtimes, almost 0 real problems.
    - Exp boost for first 3 resets and also limit of 7 days at 10rr and 20rr (stage2 and stage3) - enough time to catch up.
    - Awesome & Unique Gameplay System with highly configured environment.
    - Almost 800 players online with : No off-stores, No off-attacks, Maximum 3 acc per IP (fake players).
    - Real Time Professional Support from our staff [especially on facebook].
    - A real HARD game for players that want everything from this game to be valuable, even zen.
    - REAL NO PAY2WIN : No WebShop, No CashShop, No VIP-Server. You can only donate for VIP / Premium modules on site.
    - Nice & Active athmosphere ingame.
    - Weekly updates.

    So what are you waiting for ?


    Site :https://mu.oldsquad.ro

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi OldSquad -- 20 Mart 2017; 23:6:17 >

  • Hello,

    Congrats to BojSieBoga and Midnight for being the MvP's of Stage 1 that unlocked Stage 2 for the entire server !

    Stage 2 updates + others :

    - Increased guild members limit from 40 to 50
    - Increased max points into a single stat from 8k to 16k
    - Resets cost from 10 resets to 20 resets is 140kk
    - Experience rate from 10 resets to 20 resets is 80%
    - Limit of 10 resets will be until 28.03.2017 at 20:30
    - Added Quest level 3 NPC - Lorencia 130 121
    - Added back Death Beam Knights in tarkan2 on the default location
    - Added Swamp of Calmness map - Minimum 10 resets to enter gates and level 395
    - Added 6 spots on Swamp : All spots are the same, having 8 mobs
    - Added ML Experience only in Swamp
    - ML rates are dynamic and very low, 1 ML point per level, max level 200
    - Added Flame of Condor drop on Swamp (One of the lowest drops from our game)
    - Added BC8 for players with Quest level 3
    Info's :
    BC mobs gives the same exp like BC4 mobs but are much stronger
    It is a big advantage for level 1-230 but not an andvantage for 230+ level
    You can't make Master Exp on this mobs
    Rewards : 40% chance to get 10b or 10s, 25% chance to get Demon, 20% chance to get OldBox 3, 15% chance to get OldBox 4
    - Added CC7 for players with Quest level 3
    Rewards : 25% chance to get OldBox 4, 25% chance to get OldBox 3, 50% chance to get 10b or 10s
    - Added DS7 for players with QUest level 3
    Info's :
    DS mobs are a combination of DS3 and DS4 mobs
    It is a big advantage for level 1-230 but not an advantage for 230+ level
    You can't make Master Exp on this mobs
    Rewards : Higher droprate of s4 spells, Low chance of dropping Bok of Kundun + 4 and Very low chance of dropping OldBox 3
    - Rabbits now can drop also Jewel of Life and Gemstone
    - WW now have a 10% chance to drop OldBox 2 also between 3 jewels
    - Crywolf individual reward for participation raised from 2 jewels to 3 jewels
    - Added 2 Golden Great Dragons on invasions [1 on Karutan2 1 on Raklion] that drops 5 bok4/5 - TEAM BOSS
    - Added Medusa Invasion [every day a 20:30] - spawning in Swamp, it stays for 30 minutes - TEAM BOSS
    Rewards : 3 Socket weapons for all chars from +3 to +8 and from 3 slots to 5 slots + PSS exc for RF + chance of dropping OldBox 4 between them
    - Kanturu Relics mobs nerfed
    - Added Dual Stats on site
    - Added Silver VIP on site
    - Added Bonus ML exp for Bronze and Silver VIP (25% & 50%)
    - Added +1 level on Chaos Machine on site (max +12 now)
    - Added Change Race on site
    - Added Character Market on site
    - Added Reset SkillTree on site
    - Fixed Vote System for that 10% of players that had problems
    - Fixed Exchange online time for players that had problems since server2 launched (you have all of your hours now)
    - Upgraded limit of items in market from 5/day to 10/day

    Join us, 7 days of limit at 10 resets started !

    Site :http://mu.oldsquad.ro

  • We are in the middle of the week and after yesterday's update of slots with +60 today both servers were again full, we reached a new record of 830 online !

    Thanks for choosing us and we're waiting more and more new players as exp is boosted for first 3 resets and also there is 6 days more of limit at 10 resets - enough time to catch up !

  • We encoutered some problems with some huge attacks yesterday but everything is fine now and we aren't stopping from growing !

    Tweaks on char are coming tonight and new updates/fixes next days, stay tunned !

  • her 10 resden sonra vıp sıstemı degısıyor mesele stage 1 dekı vıp expi %25 artırıyo bide mesele 10 res olan bırısı bellı bı gun beklıcek stage 2 ye gectıkten sonra tekrar res atmaya devam edeblır stage 2 de ılk kım 20 res olursa stage 3e geçiş olacak tabı bunun ıcınde bıraz beklenıcek 5-6 gun felan sonra res atamaya devam edebılır.

    Serverda 10 kısı felan olduk gelıcek olan arkadaslara tek soylıyebılıcegım çok kalıtelı bır server donate satısı felan yok.onlıne sayısı suan 810 en fazla 3 hesap acılabılıyor.Zor server arayan arkadaslar ıcın kacırılmayacak bır server.Şuan guıld kurmayı dusunmuyoruz malum turk player sayımız az oldugundan dolayı ama gun geçtıkce sayımız artıyor bugun 3 arkadas daha geldı.Server arayan arkadsları beklerım.

    Oyundakı nıcklerım: eLySioN,GoKTuRK,JeWeL
  • elysionn.aa E kullanıcısına yanıt
    Başladık hayırlısıyla çok eskiden oynamışlığım var sene 2007 2008 tam hatırlamıyorum kendi halimde oyunda takılırdım ozmanlar, pek de sürmedi gerçi, bu arada oyundaki nick chester
  • 1st day of soccer has ended, bracket situation here :http://challonge.com/ut0ggm1b

    We have a Winner Bracket winners : HH

    Last teams remained in competition (lower bracket) are : POGROM,DEADCATS,Phalanx,TheBestclan,PaletaS.

    Tomorrow after 20:30 we will continue with the loser bracket and 3rd place fight + Grand Finals.

    Stream has been offered by Daddy @http://twitch.tv/daddybeearr

    We will have stream also at CS tomorrow offered by Daddy again, where 4 alliances will fight for the supremacy !

    Participants :
    TRACIA + ArtOfWar (Defenders)
    Forever + DACIA
    Phalanx + DEADCATS

    We wish you good luck all and may the most organised ally win !

    Join us !http://mu.oldsquad.ro

  • OldSquad Soccer Tournament #1 has just finished, you can see final bracket here : OldSquadMU Soccer Tournament #1 - Challonge

    We had some unbalanced games but also some very intense and balanced ones (especially grand finals and 3rd place fight).
    Winner brackets finals have been won by HH team where they beated POGROM.Meanwhile DEADCATS had made their way back on loser bracket and won the loser bracket finals vs POGROM and also the Grand Finals vs HH with a score of 2-0 (Best of Three).

    Winners rooster :
    Jesus - SM - Captain
    Kaidzen - MG
    Soulka - AE
    Summon3r - SUM
    d0njuan - RF

    Congrats to all the participants teams and especially to DEADCATS for winning our 1st Soccer edition ! Rewards have been given ingame to participants that played all games and also to first 3 places.

    Next edition will have a much better quality and surprizes, so stay tunned !

    In the end, I want to thanks to all of the ppl that made this event possible and for your time + patience, I really hope you had fun and you'll participate on the next editions !

    Join us !


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi OldSquad -- 27 Mart 2017; 20:41:14 >

  • Limit of resets will go up in 1:30 hours !

    Many updates incoming next days, including new antihack, new client functions, new events, new fixes, new features !

    Join us !

  • 800+ online, join us for a REAL MU Online experience !

  • Hello,
    Saturday at 21:00 there will be another big updates that will bring our project to the next nevel !
    There will be a full client update (you won't be able to use the old one after saturday's update).
    More info's :  HERE
  • Bende serverdeyim arkadaşlar şuan gayet iyi gelmek istiyen hiç düşünmeden gelmeli oyundaki nickim Katvan yardımcı olabiliceğim bir konu olursa pm atmanız yeterli
  • Updates postponed for tomorrow at 21:00.

    Big changelog posted :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/index.php?showtopic=1444

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi OldSquad -- 1 Nisan 2017; 21:51:2 >
  • Hello,
    Reconnect has been fixed and it will be back on next updates from today or tomorrow along with other things.
    (Another client update is needed).
    Also please report any post-updates tweaks so we can handle them.What we can solve in time we'll solve, other things will be fixed after this updates as we are in a hurry for the reconnect.
    Keep in mind that we are working hard to bring this project into an almost perfect state so we need your help !
    If everything will be good after this updates we would like to celebrate and reward your time & patience with double bonus exp for this weekend (4 hours instead of 2).
    Also, we want to announce that there are some big events upcoming next weeks as it's Easter and we're here to have fun together.
    More info's : HERE
    Join us ! :http://mu.oldsquad.ro

  • 140+ players fighted today at CS delivering an awesome experience !

    Join us !

    [AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset

    [AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset

    [AD] Mu Olsquad | S6 E3 | Dynamic Exp Drop:35 | Max 30 Reset

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi OldSquad -- 9 Nisan 2017; 21:16:44 >

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