[size=5]LOW Server x50 OPENING 28 October LOW (x50) opening: October 28, 2016 - 20:00 (GMT+2) Website:http://jewelmu.com/ Registration:http://jewelmu.com/registration Download:http://jewelmu.com/downloads Forum:http://forum.jewelmu.com/ SERVER INFORMATION: [LIST] Version: Season 6 Episode 3[/*] Global Drop: 20%[/*] Elf NPC Buff Till: 300lvl[/*] Max Stats: 32767 (32000 recommended)[/*] Points Per Level: 5/6/7[/*] Official MU Helper (500 zen * Level for 5min.)[/*] Requirement create level for class: SUM-1, MG-220, DL-250, RF-250[/*] Marry System and Commands Work[/*] Auto Reconnect System - no more disconnects[/*] Gens System Works[/*] Goblin System[/*] Master Skill Tree Work[/*] Max Skill Tree Level: 150[/*] Guild Create Level: 300[/*] Party Exp Bonus (Silver and Gold)[/*] Bonus Event - bonus exp in specific time[/*] Extra EXP: BC - 10%, DS- 10%[/*] In-Game Cash Shop 'x'[/*] [/LIST] INGAME COMMANDS: [LIST] /teleport - teleports you to your husband/wife[/*] /prop and /accept - to propose and accept marry[/*] /add - add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)[/*] /post - global chat, requirement level: 80 (100'000 zen)[/*] /pkclear - 10kk * PK Count (at website 100kk - clears ALL PK)[/*] [/LIST] RESET AND GRAND RESET SYSTEM: [LIST] Reset Level: 400[/*] Reset Price: 10kk * resets[/*] Stats After Reset: Clear (SM,BK,ELF,SUM - 1200 Free Points and MG,DL,RF - 1400 Free Points * Resets)[/*] Reset Reward: 10 Free Coins + 10 Free Gold Coins[/*] Grand Reset From: 20 res (GR price 1kkk)[/*] Max GR: 10 GR[/*] Stats After Grand Reset: Clear (10'000 Free Points * GR)[/*] Grand Reset Reward: 3000 Free Coins + 200 Free Gold Coins[/*] [/LIST] WEB FUNCTIONS: [LIST] Reset Stats[/*] Exchange wCoins[/*] Clear Inventory & Skill Tree[/*] Vote Reward System[/*] Market System[/*] ItemShop System[/*] Trade Online Time[/*] Referral System[/*] And More...[/*] [/LIST] REFERRAL SYSTEM: [LIST] Earn Free Coins by inviting players to JewelMU[/*] To get Free Coins, you must use your referral link[/*] Your friend must register under your referral link[/*] [/LIST]