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[AD] RevolMu Medium and High rate servers

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  •  [AD] RevolMu Medium and High rate servers

    Server Adı : RevolMu
    Versiyon : zTeam Custom made serverfile, Under development each day
    Up Time : 7/24
    Website :www.revolmu.com
    Forum :www.forum.revolmu.com
    Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/revolmu/

    Twitch (Daily live stream while develop the server, so you can talk with the developer):https://www.twitch.tv/therevolgaming

    Our server PC:

    96gb Ram
    2* X5670 CPU
    1gb/s connection
    + backup server with
    128gb ram
    2* x5670 cpu
    dedi 200mb/s connection

    Exp: 3500
    Drop : 65
    MaxReset: 999
    Reset Level : 400
    Max Level : 400
    Max Master Level : 250
    Reset Ücreti : 50.000.000
    Reset: LorenMarket NPC
    Grand Reset : 300 Reset
    Grand Reset Ödülü :1 Itempoint + GR* 30 Kredisi (2Itempoint=1 Item +15+luck+2opt what you want)
    Max Grand Reset : 10
    Max Stats : 65000
    Stat Ekleme Komutları : /addstr <strength> /addagi <agility> /addvit <vitality> /addene <energy> /addcmd <command>

    Exp: 300
    Drop : 45
    MaxReset: 999
    Reset Level : 400
    Max Level : 400
    Max Master Level : 300
    Reset Ücreti : 50.000.000
    Reset: LorenMarket NPC

    Our extra:
    - No agility bug
    - Custom 3d camera
    - New jewels
    - Offtrade (/offtrade bless or soul or creation or life)
    - Credit transfer between accounts!
    and more!

    Under development
    - wcoin system
    - custom quest system

    Sorry for the english, but I am not TR! :)

    Come and play and if you need anything, just contact us on facebook / email / twitch.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi DJSAD -- 11 Nisan 2016; 22:37:05 >

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