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[AD] ShadowMU Season IV | 5000x | 70% | No FO | LONG TERM | BUGLESS |

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  • [B][General Information][/B]
    Experience: 5000x
    Master Experience: 2000x
    Item Drop Drop: 70%
    Excellent Drop: 30%
    DK/ELF/DW Points Per Level: 5
    DL/MG Poins Per Level: 7
    Summoner Character Disabled
    Maximum Stats: 32767
    Bless Bug: Off
    Max Master Level: 200
    Master Level Points Per Level: 5
    Server Location: France
    Antihack System: On
    Launcher Auto Update: On
    Dedicated Server Uptime: 24/7
    Maintenance Every Friday Afternoon
    Webshop: Available (max 3 option items)
    PC Point Shop: 5 Points per Hour

    [B][Quest System][/B]
    All quest items in Shop!

    Reset Level: 400
    Reset Zen: 50.000.000
    Points after Reset: 500
    Keep Stats: Yes
    Reset Skills/Inventory/Points = No
    Grand Resets: After 1000 Resets (more info soon)

    SoulSuccessRateNormal = 50%
    SoulSuccessRateSocket = 55%
    SoulSuccessRateLuck = 25%
    LifeSuccessRate = 60%

    WingMixLvl1SuccessRate = 85%
    WingMixLvl2SuccessRate = 80%
    WingMixLvl3SuccessRate = 60%
    CondorMixSuccessRate = 70%
    380LevelMixSuccessRate = 80%
    DinorantMixSuccessRate = 90%
    ChaosMix10Rate = 70%
    ChaosMix11_12Rate = 60%
    ChaosMix13Rate = 55%
    ChaosMixWithLuck = 60%
    ChaosMixRateIncreaseWithLuck = 20%
    ChaosMixDefaultRate = 45%
    Max Life Option: +28

    Blood Castle = (1-5 = Chaos)(6-8 = Harmony)
    Chaos Castle = Ancient/Jewels
    White Wizzard = Chaos/Wizard Rings
    Skeleton King = Bless/Chaos/Soul/Satan/Angel

    [B][Game Events][/B]
    Heart of Love Event = On
    Medals Event = On
    Blood Castle = Every Hour
    Golden Invasion = Every Hour
    Devil Square = Every Hour
    Moss Merchant = Every Day at 16:00 GMT+1
    Selupan Event = Everyday
    Chaos Castle = Every Hour
    Illusion Temple = Every Hour
    White Wizzard = Every Hour
    Castle Siege = Every Friday at 20:00 GMT+1
    Crywolf Event = Everyday
    Kanturu Event = 24/7 On
    Castle Deep Event= Every 5 Hours

    [B][Special Events][/B]
    (Happy Hour Event)
    [U]Every Friday Exp raises to 7000x Drop raises to 80%[/U]
    (GM Events)
    [U]Everyday GM makes random events[/U]

    [B][Other NPCs][/B]
    Golden Archer = Jewels (At Lorencia Lower outside Lower Gate)
    Merchant = Special Items (at Elbenland)

    [B][PC Shop][/B]
    Rudolph Prize = 150 Points
    Guardian Angel Prize = 250 Points
    Satan Prize = 350 Points
    [U](More items might be added)[/U]

    [B][Jewel Drop Rates][/B]
    Jewel Of Chaos : 20%
    Jewel Of Bless : 26%
    Jewel Of Soul : 16%
    Jewel Of Life : 10%

    [B][Game Commands][/B]
    /PkClear (20kk Zen)
    /Reset [I](automaticly resets your character if you are 400 and have enough zen)[/I]

    [B][Boss Item Drops][/B]
    Maya Hands
    Dark Elf

    [B][Box of Kundun Drops][/B]
    Box Of Kundun +1
    Box Of Kundun +2
    Box Of Kundun +3
    Box Of Kundun +4
    Box Of Kundun +5

    [B][NPC Shops][/B]

    [B]Lorencia Bar [/B]

    [B]Lorencia DK Shop[/B]

    [B]Lorencia DW Shop[/B]

    [B]Lorencia Merchant Shop[/B]

    [B]Devias Wizzard Shop [/B]

    [B]Devias Zienna Shop [/B]

    [B]Noria Elf Lala [/B]

    [B]Noria Eo Craftsman[/B]

    [B]Potion Girl [/B]




    We wish you a happy new year and looking forward playing our server !

  • Comming new MuOnline project with many worlds
    We can guarantee you interesting gameplay, stable server online 24/7, active,
    responsive administrators, updates every day, new features, different worlds with 50xp , 220xp, 1000xp, 9999xp.
    We have stable server hosting with protected ddos attack, premium website with new, interesting options, long years of experience, configured all events, spots, monsters, shops, drops, characters for medium, low, high, xtreme rate servers.

    FriendsMu Medium Server Grand Opening
    (Medium Server - 220x, Grand Opening 16. March, 19:00 +2GMT)

    * Version: Season 6 Episode 3
    * Experience: 220x (Blood Castle +20xp, Devil Square +30xp, Happy Hour Event + 30xp, Holliday Bonus +30xp)
    * Drop: 50% (Happy Hour Event +10%)
    * Points Per Level: 5/7/7 (Blood Castle, Devil Square, Hit and Up Event +2 Points)
    * Maximum Stats: 32767
    * Level required to create character: MG - 220, DL - 250, SUM - 300, RF - 350
    * Monster Spots in all maps with 5-7 Monsters
    * Zen Drop Configured
    * PcPoint System (PcPoints can get from Monster Bosses)
    * Bot Traders in Loren Market (Sell pets, wings, jewels, tickets, items for Zen, PcPoints)
    * Official MuHelper , Autoclicker Work
    * Bot Buffers (Increase your damage, defense)
    * Cash Shop Work (Sell buffs, potions, wings, tickets, items for Wcoins)
    * Marry System , TraceMarry Command, Marry Shop Work
    * New, Interesting Events , configured for 220xp
    * New Reset System: For each reset you get credits
    * Stats Clear each reset: DK, DW, ELF, SUM +900 Stat Points, MG, DL, RF +1000 Stat Points for each reset
    * Grand Reset from 50 Resets, reward - 5000 Credits
    * Refferal System: Invite friends and get for each friend 5 resets 300 credits
    * Vote Reward System: Vote for server and get for each vote credits
    * Market System: Trade, sell items for zen, credits in website


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