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The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONU

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  • The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONU

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONU

    Çeviridir :

    Yayıncı Gamera Game ve geliştirici Taner Game , 2023'te PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 ve PC için çıkacak bir 'ortaçağ üçüncü şahıs aksiyon oyunu' olan Arise of Awakener'ı duyurdu  .

    Oyunun detayları şu anda seyrek, ancak Gamera Game'in YouTube açıklamasına göre, üç farklı oynanabilir karakter mevcut - Warrior, Archer veya Mage. IGN'nin oyun açıklaması, "oyuncular ejderhalara binecek, hava gemilerine komuta edecek ve bir maceracı rolünü üstlenirken ve bir intikam ve kefaret yoluna girerken fantastik yaratıklardan oluşan bir koleksiyona karşı çarpışma karşılaşmalarına katılacaklar. 'Uyanmış Kişi' olma hedefiyle."

    Aşağıda, dövüş oynanışını, ejderha sürmeyi ve daha fazlasını vurgulayan bir duyuru fragmanı ve ekran görüntüleri bulunabilir. Capcom's Dragon's Dogma'ya benziyor , ancak önümüzdeki yıllarda daha fazla bilgi için beklememiz gerekecek.

    Geliştirici : Taner Game

    Yayıncı : Gamera Game

    Çıkış Tarihi : 2025

    Arise of Awakener - Duyuru Fragmanı

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONUIGNyoutube
    Check out the trailer for this upcoming action RPG, Arise of Awakener. Arise of Awakener is a single-player, open-map action role-playing game set in a fantasy world based upon medieval Europe. In this world, players will ride dragons, command airships, and partake in engaging combat encounters against a collection of fantastical creatures as they take on the role of an adventurer and embark on a path of revenge and redemption. All with the goal of becoming the 'Awakened One'. #IGN #Gaming #TGS2021

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi A r c h A n g e L. -- 22 Eylül 2023; 12:8:35 >

  • Arise of Awakener Developer Gameplay

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONUIGN Chinayoutube
    《覺醒者之崛起》開發者遊戲演示 Arise of Awakener Developer Gameplay。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 點擊訂閱我們的頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCussVYe84vFbFfK9m9Znp6A?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 歡迎訪問我們的官方網站:http://www.ign.com.cn/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #AriseofAwakener
  • Arise of Awakener

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONUSurtyoutube
    ●Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWU6YFQAtQV9Ij00JBa5NfF5uHdFL6SNj ●Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/surtrx ●配信切り抜きチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCerYX77mFqjlEKZBpGy1d7g ●ショートクリップチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuC7-Yun8QhMAo2oW5khvw ●Twitter https://twitter.com/surtrx ■Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/TkTEujE ■Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Surt/ Outro song: Aviino - Deeper https://chll.to/98f286ff #GameNews #DragonsDogma #アクションRPG
  • The Awakener: Risen - 2022 TGS Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONUyoutube
    The Awakener: Risen is coming to PlayStation in 2023. The war between demons and mortals lasts for thousands of years, now it's time to end it. Build your wa...
  • Arise of Awakener - Official Early Development

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONUTANER GAMEyoutube
    Medieval Fantasy Action Role-Playing Game developed by Taner Game, Publisher Gamera Game. Arise of Awakener is a single-player, open-map action role-playing game. You will play as an adventurer, customize the appearance and skills of the character, choose five major CLASS. All with the goal of becoming the 'Awakened One'. Available in 2023 on Steam/PS4/PS5
  • The AWAKENER : Risen - Gameplay - Short Version

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONUTANER GAMEyoutube
    In this Video of "The Awakener: Risen": The Fighter Classes has 4 different Advanced Classes, Balanced performance, a Guardian that uses a one-handed sword and shield, High-speed combos, Sword dancers with dual blades, Spearmen vanguard of air combat, The Great sword Warrior who hits enemy with Charge Slash and Counter Slash
  • Boss & Warrior demo || The Awakener: Risen

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONUGamera Gamesyoutube
    Warrior, new weapons, and new scene including the boss battle in the game The Awakener: Risen
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  • 【TGS2023】Gamera Games Now

    41:00 dakikadan itibaren oyunla alakalı bilgilere ve oynanışı görebilirsiniz.

    The Awakener: Risen | PS4 - PS5 | ANA KONUTOKYO GAME SHOW/東京ゲームショウyoutube
    活気に満ちた中国のインディーゲームパブリッシャー、Gamera Gamesが、再びTGSのステージに登場いたします。「Gamera Games Now 東京ゲームショウ2023特別番組」は、ゲーム進化への新たな幕開けです。全世界で200万部を超える売上げを誇るサイエンスフィクションサンドボックス建設ゲーム『ダイソンスフィアプログラム』では、戦闘システム『Rise of the Dark Fog』の内容がついに明らかに。わずか2ヶ月で60万部を突破し、圧倒的好評を得た美少女育成ゲーム『火山の娘』。20年以上の歴史を誇るクラシックIP『軒轅剣3 雲と山の彼方』。数十種のゲームの最新情報をお見逃しなく! ゲームが動く、世界が変わる!

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi A r c h A n g e L. -- 22 Eylül 2023; 12:14:30 >
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