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Arkadaşlar Yeni bir server buldum ilgilenenler içeri ( YABANCI )

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2 Misafir (1 Mobil) - 1 Masaüstü1 Mobil
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  • Server Features:
    Experiance - 80% Rate.
    Item Drop - Low Rates.
    Zen Drop - Low Rates.
    Excellent Drop - Low Rates.
    Jewels Drop - Low Rates.
    Max Stats - 65535
    New Reset System!
    Game Spots - Challenging Spots.

    Jewels Sucess Rates:
    Jewel of Soul - 80% Luck Rate
    Jewel of Life - 80% Luck Rate

    Commands in Game:
    /addstr - Adding Streght
    /addagi - Adding Agillity
    /addvit - Adding Vitality
    /addene - Adding Energy
    /addcmd - Adding Command
    /post - Global post message ~ Cost: 150k Zen.
    /pkclear - Clear 1 Level of PK ~ Cost: 1M Zen.
    /offshop - Trade off System

    New Vault Expanded
    You can store up to 3 more new vaults in game.
    /ware 1/2/3 - Will switch your currect warehouse to new one.


    You can have a weeding with other characters (Male - Female)
    Go to devias map.
    First player must Stand at: X: 12 Y: 32
    Second Player must Stand at: X: 26 Y: 33
    Offering a weeding with this command: /prop
    Player that gets the offer must replay with a: /accept command.
    After getting married there is a command to track your Husband / Wife with: /huwi command.

    - Weeding is from level 250
    - Weeding cost: 20M zen.
    - Husband must have 1B and wife must have 1S

    Happy Hour Event
    Each day at 20:00 (Server Time) Happy hour event will be turn on.
    - Addional Exp: 20
    - Addional Drop: 5

    New Devias Map
    Devias map in our game server is changed to a challanging map.
    There are few features in that map.

    - Events is found only in the Devias Map.
    - Chaos Machine is only at Devias Map.
    - Gens Npc are located at Devias Map.


    Ben başlıyorum nick'im BARSOOM gelen arkadaşları beklerim...

  • Slm arkadaslar Serverimiz acilmistir.Hemen Özelliklere Geceyim...Kalıcıdır
    server daha 2 haftalık

    Server Adı : Legend MuOnline
    Versiyon : Season6 Episode 3
    Server Kapasitesi : 300 kisi
    Up Time:7/24
    Website :http://legendmu.no-ip.info/
    Forum : Suanlık Yok


    Exp: 99999x
    Drop : max
    BB : off
    Reset Level : 400
    Reset Ücreti : 1m
    Grand Reset : Acik (150) reset
    Event :Sık Sık yapılır
    Reset Stili : Siteden
    Max Stats : 32767

    ...:::LVL Başı Point:::..

    Dark Knight : 5
    Dark Wizard : 5
    Fairy Elf : 5
    Magic Gladiator : 7
    DarkLord : 7
    Summoner : 5
    Rage Fight : 5

    lvl 4 ve lvl 5 kanatlarımız eklidir

    ...:::Admin & GM:::..
    NigMaRe ( ADMİN)
    MissLight ( Game Master)

    Son 1 Gm alınacaktır ( ücretlidir)

    facebook adresim ( utku_example@hotmail.com) bu adresi aratın çıkar

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