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ArtemidaMU S9 | F2P NO WEBSHOP | 500x | START 07-10-2016

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  •  ArtemidaMU S9 | F2P NO WEBSHOP | 500x | START 07-10-2016

    Welcome ! Join a new Artemida Mu Season 9 .
    Take friends and join us !! This game play is ballanced and without grandreset !!!
    On server you find only xShop , wCoins you can take from many ways !

    [size=24]~~Start Serwer 07-10-2016 17:00 GMT+1~~

    [size=16]Basic Information

    About Server:

    Season 9
    Exp: 500x
    Drop: 30x
    Mu Helper: 100lvl / 1mln zen
    Gildia: 400lvl / 30 people max in guild / 2 alliance

    No Grand Reset
    System wCoin
    Longterm character farming
    Balanced Gameplay
    Vote Reward
    Online Time Exchange
    Market on website
    Spots: Every map - 8 mobs

    Jewels & Chaos Machine Rates:

    Bless: 100 %
    - noLuck 65%
    - +Luck 85%

    basic mix:

    +10 - 80%
    +11 - 70%
    +12 - 60%
    +13 - 50%
    +14 - 45%
    +15 - 40%

    Feather of Condor max. 80%

    - 2rd max. 80%
    - 2.5rd max. 70%
    -3rd max. 60%


    Red Dragon:
    1:00, 3:00, 13:00, 15:00, 23:00

    Skeleton King:
    8:00, 12;00, 20:00

    Gold Invasion:
    2:30, 5:30, 7:30, 10:30, 13:30, 16:30, 19:30, 21:30, 22:30

    White Wizard:
    3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 11:30, 15:30, 19:30, 23:30

    Golden Goblin: One hour

    wCoins from boss and golden monster


    Happy Hour:
    8:00 - 9:00, 16:00 - 17:00, 20:00 - 21:00
    ++ 50xp

    Blood Castle: +wCoins
    - Every two hours start from 00:00

    Chaos Castle: +wCoins
    - Every two hours start from 00:00

    Devil Square:
    3:00, 7:00, 11:00, 15:00, 19:00, 23:00

    IllusionTemple: onehour +wCoins

    Co 12 h

    xMas Attack

    [size=16]Reset System:

    Reset Count / Reset Level / Points per res / Points per all reset from section

    0-20 / 370 lvl / 350 / 350 - 7 000
    21-40 / 380 lvl / 400 / 8 400 - 16 000
    41-60 / 390 lv l / 450 / 18 450 - 27 000
    61-80 / 400 lvl / 500 / 30 500 - 40 000
    81-100 / 400 lvl / 550 / 44 500 - 55 000
    101-125 / 400 lvl / 600 / 60 600 - 75 00
    126 - 150 / 400 lvl / 650 / 81 900 - 97 500
    150 - XXX / 400lvl / 700 / 105 000 - XX XXXX

    5 wCoin per reset.

    [size=16]Additional information:

    /add - str/agi/vit/ene/md
    /party 1234

    WEBSITE: http://artemidamu.eu/

     ArtemidaMU S9 | F2P NO WEBSHOP | 500x | START 07-10-2016

     ArtemidaMU S9 | F2P NO WEBSHOP | 500x | START 07-10-2016

  • server is 24h/7 No lag perfect gameplay :)

    < Bu ileti tablet sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
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