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Astral Mu Season 9 1000x Grand Open 1 November

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  • [CENTER][COLOR="lime"][B][SIZE="4"]About Astral MU Season 9 Ep 5 Battle Core ![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR="red"]Grand Open 1 September[/COLOR][/B]

    Our goal is to have an internation long term servers, with regular updates, fixes and changes.
    In future, we would also like to open another rate server to have different servers for members of different taste
    We are using premium IGCN files and the server is hosted in Europe

    Website : [url]www.astral-mu.com[/url]
    Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/astralmu

    [COLOR="darkorange"][B]Join Us and do not forget to invite friends [/B][/COLOR]

    [COLOR="red"][B]Server Grand Opening 01 September[/B][/COLOR]
    Opening Time - 18:00 (+2 GMT) !
    SERVER TIME : 18:00

    [B][COLOR="red"]Astralmu Server Info:[/COLOR][/B]
    Version : Season9 Ep.5 Battle CORE
    Exp: x1000 Master Exp: x500 | Drop: x50
    Max Level: 400
    Max Master Level: 200
    Max Stats: 32767
    Points Per Level: 5 / 6 / 7
    Post Command Cost: 10000
    Character creation level: SUM - 1, MG - 220, DL/RF - 250

    [B][COLOR="red"]Happy Hour Event :[/COLOR][/B]
    Start : Down at Events Time
    Duration : 60 minutes
    Exp : 1300x / Drop : 65%

    [B][COLOR="red"]Events Reward :[/COLOR][/B]
    Events & Drop / Reward :
    Arca War Battle - Ancient Items
    Blood Castle - Exp x2 + wcoins + items from 1 chaos up to Gold/Silver Key , AA weapons , Muun pets / Panda and many more .
    Devil Square - ZEN and Exp x2 >
    Chaos Castle - Jewels
    White Wizard - Ring
    Medusa Invasion - wcoins + Items
    Golden Invasion - BOK Of Kunduns 1-2-3-4-5
    Red Dragon Invasion
    Happy Hour Event - Exp and drop x2
    Santa Event - wcoins / items
    Skeleton King Invasion - wcoins
    Loren Deep - Exp x2
    Hatchery - Exc items Season1 + S2 + (Socket LOW Drop)
    Last Man Standing
    Varka -
    Lord Silvester - wcoins + Ancient items low drop
    Castle Siege

    [B][COLOR="red"]Warrning :[/COLOR][/B]
    Server is easy but at the same time and a little hard , only for real players
    Mu Season 9
    Exp : 1000x
    Master Exp : 500x
    HP Mobs : 50%
    Reset Character : 400 level , ZEN Request : 10.000.000 * (Zen Multiplied by Resets)
    Keep Stats : No , 700 * RR (Bonus LevelUp Points after reset character is multiplied by resets)
    GrandReset : 50 Resets / GR ZEN 1.900.000.000 (After GR all points remain to make faster first Reset then back to normal)
    GrandReset Reward : 5000 FreeAddPoints + 3000 Bonus Credits
    Grand Reset Reward Custom HOT NEW

    /add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)
    /requests off/on
    /prop & /teleport wife/husband (Marry System)
    /online (Check nr. of players online
    /pkclear (Clear pk status)
    /setparty (set auto party accept , example /setparty 1234 , 1234 is pw auto accept
    you can set what pw you want and share with your friends and tell to wisper you with pw)

    [B][COLOR="red"]Chaos Machine Rates:[/COLOR][/B]
    Item Mix to +10 = 65%
    Item Mix to +11 = 60%
    Item Mix to +12 = 55%
    Item Mix to +13 = 50%
    Item Mix to +14 = 45%
    Item Mix to +15 = 40%
    (Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)

    [B][COLOR="red"]Wings Creation Rates:[/COLOR][/B]
    3lvl Wings - 30%
    2lvl Wings - 80%
    Feather of Condor: 70%

    380 & 400lvl Items:
    Can only be hunted from monsters level 130 and to wear them need required 380/400 level

    [B][COLOR="red"]Party Exp Server x1000[/COLOR][/B]
    --- Normal Party --- ( Bonus XP + )
    2 Characters: x75
    3 Characters: x80
    4 Characters: x95
    5 Characters: x100

    [B][COLOR="red"]--- Bonus Party --- [/COLOR][/B]
    Bronze Party (3 different characters classes): x90
    Silver Party (4 different characters classes): x150
    Gold Party (5 different characters classes): x175

    [B][COLOR="red"]Reset System:[/COLOR][/B]
    Reset From: 400lvl
    Reset Price: 10kk * resets
    Stats After Reset: burn
    700 Add points every reset (1 rr = 700,2 rr = 1400)
    Max Resets: 50 resets

    [B][COLOR="red"]Grand Reset System:[/COLOR][/B]
    GR From: 50 resets (bonus GOLD CREDITS & Credits ,
    more info later)
    GR Free Points: 5000 Free Points * GR
    GR Price: 1.900.000.000 ZEN
    Max GR : 50 GR

    Additional Info:[/COLOR][/B]
    Auto Party System !
    Reconnect System (no more disconnects) !
    Events & Castle Siege !
    Level roading (in higher maps have stronger mobs) !
    Events with Bonus Exp !
    Cash Shop (buffs & pets) !
    Goblin Points System !
    Exchange Online Hours to Free Credits !
    Vote Reward every 12h !
    Unique Box Drops !
    No VIP Servers !
    No Full Option Items !
    AND MORE..

    [B][COLOR="red"]Opening Times:[/COLOR][/B]
    Argentina Time (13:00)
    Philippines Time (00:00)
    U.S.A Washington Time (12:00)
    Brazil Rio de Janeiro Time (13:00)
    Russian Moscow Time (19:00)
    Romania Time (19:00)
    United Kingdom Time (18:00)
    Venezuela Time (12:00)
    Vietnam Time (23:00)
    Latvian Time (19:00)


    Astral Mu Season 9 1000x Grand Open 1 November

    Astral Mu Season 9 1000x Grand Open 1 November

    Astral Mu Season 9 1000x Grand Open 1 November

    Astral Mu Season 9 1000x Grand Open 1 November

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