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  • Atlantic-MU Season 6 Episode 2!
    Web & Forums: - http://atlantic-mu.forumlt.com/
    Atlantic-MU Website - http://www.atlantic-mu.ten.lt/

    Use Launcher.exe to connect to the server.
    Grand Opening - 2012.02.16

    General Server Settings:
    Exp rate: 1000x
    Drop: 80%
    Max Level: 400
    Excellent drop rate: 5%
    Reset Level: 400 - keep stats. (20 Cash Shopt points each reset!!!!)
    Grand Reset: Need 100 resets (Reward - 1000 credits)
    Max Master Level: 600 (You can't max the whole skill tree)
    Max Stats: 65000
    Level-up points: 5,7,8 (standart)
    MG Level Req: 220
    DL Level Req: 250
    RF Level Req: 1
    SUM Level Req: 1
    Jewels in shop: (soul,bless and chaos)
    Mini Wings in shop for all classes
    No zen bug on server (hard to get zens)
    Good item and zen drop from all bosses! (+ PCPoints for killing them)
    -No quest items in shops. (Only 3rd quest in shop for PCPoints)
    -You can use all skills after reset even though you're only level 1.
    -All skills in shop

    In-game Features & Events:
    Gens System
    Character ballance
    Vote Reward system!
    Custom CORE items! More info [here.]
    Earning in game PCPoints for killing all kind of bosses
    LandOfTrial have awesome spots and awesome anciant item drop rate!
    Full working MUHelper system
    Botpet System
    Socket System (Up to 5 level sockets)
    Custom PCPoint/Zen shops
    Full working Cash shop
    Master Skill Tree
    In-game character buffers at lorencia town - BK, SM, SUM.
    Illusion Temple (Turns your fenrir to golden,will work if more then 6 players)
    Castle Siege
    Cry Wolf
    Blue Event (Rabbit invasion in lorencia circle - Zen drops)
    Swamp of Peace (Excellent S1 items + PCPoints for killing Medusa)
    Raklion Event (Season 4 item drop - 3 item durring the event + PCPoints for killing Selupan)
    Chaos Castle (Anciant item drop rate 70% more then usual)
    Green Event (Excellent item drop rate increase)
    Boss Attack Event (Devias 2 invaded by monsters,kill the boss and get PCPoints)
    DoubleGoer (Excellent item / Zen drop + PCPoints for killing bosses)
    HitAndUp Event (+2 points for each level up)
    HappyHour Event (+2000x exp and 20% drop)
    Imperial Guardian (PCPoints if killing the boss +excellent S4 weapons till +15)
    Summer Event (Mob invasion in lorencia circle - Zen/seed drops)
    XMas Event (Invintation drops to santa town and santa gives 1 prize per day - random one seed 3 lvl)
    Moss Merchant (Weapons excellent till +13,cost 10kk)
    Lorencia Market
    Marry System (Only married can buy box of kundun+1 in shop)
    Battle Soccer
    -And alot of other in-game features!

    Game Commands:
    /str - /agi - /vit - /ene - /com - Add's point to your character, relog after adding. (Cost: Free)
    /marry - Can marry another player using this command. (Can marry only in devias 2)
    /post - Posts a global message to the whole server (Cost: 500k)
    /pkclear - Clears your pk status (Cost: 10kk * kill)
    /skin - Works when character 400 level (Cost: 10kk)
    /Botpet - Creates a helper for you (you can level up him)
    Botpet commands (./botpet create (0-2) NAME /invoke /trade)
    -And alot of other in-game commands!

    Extended Game Settings:
    Jewel of Bless +1~+6 Success Rate: 100% + Luck: 100%
    Jewel of Life +4~+28 Success Rate: 60% + Luck: 85%
    Jewel of Soul +7 Success Rate: 75% + Luck: 90%
    Jewel of Soul +8 Success Rate: 75% + Luck: 90%
    Jewel of Soul +9 Success Rate: 75% + Luck: 90%
    Chaos Machine +10 Success Rate: 80% + Luck: 90%
    Chaos Machine +11 Success Rate: 75% + Luck: 85%
    Chaos Machine +12 Success Rate: 70% + Luck: 80%
    Chaos Machine +13 Success Rate: 65% + Luck: 75%
    Chaos Machine +14 Success Rate: 60% + Luck: 70%
    Chaos Machine +15 Success Rate: 55% + Luck: 65%
    Fenrir Mix - Standart
    Wings Mix - Standart

    In-game Spots:
    FULL OF MOBS ARENA!. Also spots are everywhere,will be enought for all players!
    To check out other spots, grab an account and get in-game!

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Guest4234245665 -- 30 Mart 2012; 16:25:07 >

  • Türk Guildi kurulmustur, hepinizi beklerim :)
  • server reslenmistir ! dalin!
  • dostum indiriyorum client i 1 saate girerim oyuna
  • indirme aga, server yalan. reslendi dediler, ama bi kac character var oyunda full +15 set ve 15 res filan. saka gibi
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