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Atlantica Online (2. sayfa)

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  • Bende birsey söyliyeyim..Bu tür oyunları bende sevmezdim ama bu oyunu beğendim sayılır..Biraz oynadıktan sonra ve ileri lvl maçlarını izledikçe pek te fena olmadığı görünüyor(wow ve ko vb oyunlar oynayanlar başta sıkılabilir biraz,benim gibi ).Farklıb ir oyun diyebilirim tekdüzelikten sıkılmış olanlar için.Guild de kuruldu .Oyuna devam edip guild e girmek isteyen arkadaşlara yardım ederim elimden geldiğince.En azından guild e girmesine yardımcı olurum.
    Görüşmek üzere

    Server ı söylemeyi unuttum..Sikyon

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi AzteK -- 29 Kasım 2008; 10:39:31 >
  • indirip deneyeyim hemen. uzun bir süre cb olarak kaldı bu oyun inşallah ortaya güzel birşey çıkarabilmişlerdir.
  • Atlantica turn baseli bir mmorpg oyundur.
    Klasik oyunlar gibi tek bir karaktere sıkışıp kalmıyorsunuz ve her 10 levelde size bir yardımcı alacak yer veriliyor.
    1lvl de tek başlıyor ve tutorial kısmında 3kişiye ulaşıyorsunuz.
    Oyuna size önerilen 7 karakterden biriyle başlıyorsunuz. Axeman Swordman Spearman Archer Gunner Artilleryman Shaman
    Her birinin farklı magic güçleri var. Örneğin axeman frozen axe ile swordman flame sword ile başlıyor ve oyun içinde bunları geliştirip farklı magic skillerde elde edebiliyorsunuz. Bu skillerde kendi içinde farklı özellikler gösteriyor kimi stun ederken kimi donduruyor.
    Pazar olayına gelince dünya haritasında bulunan herhangi bir şehire girdiğinizde şehir menüsünde market seçeneği altından itemlarınızı alıp satabiliyorsunuz. 10 item'a kadar satış olanağı sağlıyor ve siz savaşırken bile o slotlarda yer alan itemlarınız satışta kalıyor. Yine oradan istediğiniz tüm itemlara ulaşabiliyorsunuz.
    Ve item satın almak zorunda değilsiniz skillerinizi geliştirerek itemları kendiniz de yapabiliyorsunuz. (ben şu an lvl25 axe yapabiliyorum)
    Mercenarylere gelince C ve D olarak iki sınıfa ayrılıyorlar. D sınıfı oyundaki merc traderlardan sağlanabilirken C sınıfları Quest sonunda alınıyor.
    Ayrıca dünyada serbest dolaşan mercleri de ikna ederek grubunuza katabiliyorsunuz.

    Şimdilik bunlar geliyor aklıma. Daha ayrıntılı bilgi isteyenler oyunu indirip beni bulabilirler ya da burdan ulaşabilirler.

    Server Mycenae. Nick Rhobus

    Herkese iyi oyunlar.

  • Swordsman - Good HP, High Defense, Shield Wearer, Heavy Armor Wearer, Single Target Default Attack (If your Hero is Swordsman you can teach him skills for hitting more then one enemy like Break Down)

    Axe Man - Good HP, Above Average Defense, Heavy Armor Wearer, Line Default Attack

    Spear Man - Above Average HP, Above Average Defense, Heavy Armor Wearer, Row Default Attack (2 mobs max)

    Gunner - Average HP, Below Average Defense, Light Armor Wearer, Row Default Attack (3 mobs max)

    Archer - Average HP, Below Average Defense, Light Armor Wearer, Default Attack can hit any 1 Mob on any Line or Row without restriction

    Artillery - Average HP, Below Average Defense, Light Armor Wearer, Default Attack Cross (Mob to Front, Back, Left, and Right will also be hit)

    Shaman - Average HP, Below Average Defense, Cloth Wearer, Default Attack Single Target

    Monk - Average HP, Below Average Defense, Cloth Wearer, Default Attack Single Target

    Viking - Same as Axe Man but slightly better damage and less magic defense (Magic hurts them alot)

    Beast Trainer - Same as Axe Man

    atlantica forumlarından alıntıdır

  • Sword Units

    *Can be hired at level 1*
    Str: 340
    Dex: 240
    Def: 400
    Int: 130
    Vit: 250

    Flame Sword : Damages 1 target for a good amount. Great for taking out front lines. Does more damage to those with low mDef.
    Dark Seed: D.o.t. ***Combos with Hex of Darkness***
    Deadly Strike : Delivers very heavy damage to a single unit, however it requires alot of AP.

    The Swordsman is a great font line unit. They are designed to prevent a hole in your formation as long as possible, and deal lasting damage to a single unit.

    *Can be hired at level 57*
    Str: 290
    Dex: 170
    Def: 260
    Int: 240
    Vit: 240

    Mana Seal Prevents all oponent's staff units from using skills for one turn, applies small d.o.t.
    Seal Staff Debuff's all oponent staff units, reducing their 'Normal Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.
    Mana Burn Damages up to 5 oponent's HP/MP
    Speed Cast Gives extra AP, and heals, your staff units each turn.

    The Exorcist is a very valuable tool for PvP, though not as effective in PvE due to the fact they miss alot. They will allow your monk to use Awakening twice

    in one turn much easier; allow you to heal more often; Offer a great permanent stun if used with an Archer's Silence skill properly (Given you have made a

    hole in your oponen't front line).

    Lady Knight
    *Can be hired at level 95*
    Str: 370
    Dex: 260
    Def: 750
    Int: 160
    Vit: 280

    Light Slash Strong magic damage to a single unit. ***Combos with ORacle's Vortex***

    Great front line unit. She has amazing defense and should be able to take quite a few blows. (Little more information available until obt)

    Staff Units

    *Can be hired at level 18*
    Str: 190
    Dex: 140
    Def: 150
    Int: 260
    Vit: 160

    Protect OR Shield of Protection
    Protect gives your main unit a defensive boost, and heals them, at the start of every turn.
    Shield of Protection heals your main unit every time it is hit (though if hit with a combo, only healed on first attack)
    ***They are both passive skills, so only one skill can be learned. To obtain Shield of Protection you must use a skill reset book to get rid of Protect***
    Holy Guard Casts on an entire row, negates all status effects currently on selected units, and prevents all skills from being cast on

    them (With the exception of Guard Dispell). ***Units under Holy Guard can still be stunned, and can not be healed***
    Awakening Lowers the Combo counter by 1 (2 at higher levels) and heals units for a small amount. Affects up to 5 units.

    Absolutely essential for PvP, and many will say for PvE. The ability to remove any negative effect on your units is a must, especially stun. They also are a

    key to keeping your main unit alive. Should not have a formation without one ^^.

    *Can be hired at level 10*
    Str: 150
    Dex: 130
    Def: 180
    Int: 230
    Vit: 150
    M.Def: 450

    Blessing of Life A healing skill, affects one unit until the shaman is upgraded, than affects an entire row.
    Hex of Darkness A d.o.t. skill, highly effective on units with low mDef. ***Combos with Swordsman's Dark Seed***
    Brutal Will Makes an entire row uncontrollable, and deals very slight d.o.t. to them every turn (Own units). In exchange, their attack
    and combo rate are sharply raised.
    Noble Sacrifice The Shaman Sacrifices their life to heal the rest of your units, the healing effect lasts an extra turn after the Shaman has fainted.

    Its safe to say every formation needs a healer. Whether you have two (1 for healing, 1 for d.o.t./Noble Sac) or just a medic for bad times. Get one at level

    10, praise her until you can get an Oracle.

    *Can be hired at level 51*
    Str: 120
    Dex: 250
    Def: 150
    Int: 280
    Vit: 180

    Mana Drain Unlike an Exorcists' Mana Burn, Mana recharge affects only 3 units and replenishes a Witch's own MP.
    Mana Recharge Restores up to 3 friendly unit's MP
    Meteor Strike A completely devistative AoE skill. This high damaging ability can take out an entire unit easily. Used only every 4

    turns, it is more than worth the wait.
    Mana Trap Can affect entire enemy formation. Each turn, for 2 turns, it will drain a very small amount of MP. ***Combo's if enemy

    casts Brutal will/Seth's will, they will get 200 damage instead*** (Almost useless skill, dont get it)

    A wonderful unit! Any PvE formation should have one. She can completely change the tide in any battle.

    *Can be hired at level 63*
    Str: 150
    Dex: 130
    Def: 180
    Int: 300
    Vit: 180

    Princess' Order Increases your ranged unit's defense and heals them a small amount each turn.
    Royal Signet Debuff's all oponent Gun units, reducing their 'Normal Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.
    Family Signet Debuff's all oponent Aarcher units, reducing their 'Normal Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.
    Imperial Signet Debuff's all oponent Cannon units, reducing their 'Normal Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.

    A decent unit. Ranged units are the powerhouse of damage in Atlantica, so keeping them alive is essential. She can help increase their life span, and that of

    your overall team by reducing your oponent's ranged unit damage.

    *Can be hired at level 76*
    Str: 170
    Dex: 150
    Def: 250
    Int: 250
    Vit: 170

    Healing Blessing of Life on steroids.
    Vortex An A.o.E Attack, can deal decent damage at high levels ***Combo's with Lady Knight's Light Slash***
    Seth's Will Brutal will on steroids.

    Until 76, you'll be kissing your Shaman's feet after some battles, however once you get an Oracle you can hand a pink slip to you Shamy and let her collect
    unemployment. Oracle's are amazing support units, absolutely no reason to not switch your shaman for one.

    Axe Units

    *Can be hired at level 20*
    Str: 330
    Dex: 110
    Def: 280
    Int: 140
    Vit: 310

    Freezing Axe Freezes target units (1 at first, an entire row after upgrade). Unlike Stun, the frozen units still generate AP each
    turn. Freeze lasts for 2 turns, and at a high level it decreases their DEF/mDEF and Vit. Highly effective for disabling an oponent.

    Deadly Strike Delivers very heavy damage to a single unit, however it requires alot of AP.

    Vikings are actually mid line units. Though they have amazing health, their Def/mDef makes them run when a mouse passes by. Very useful at lower levels, but

    should be replaced after 50/60.

    Beast Trainer
    *Can be hired at level 44*
    Str: 280
    Dex: 170
    Def: 800
    Int: 160
    Vit: 290
    M.Def: 175

    Beast Summon Summons creatures (Foxes default, Various others available through mob drops and market; which can be used at different
    levels) that hit every enemy unit. Decent A.o.E. to finish creatures off.

    Great, great, great unit. She has great defense, and attack to boot; and she combos fairly often. Though her skill is useful, it is almost always better to

    simply use her normal attack; unless many enemies are barely hanging on to their life.

    Spear Units

    *Can be hired at level 1*
    Str: 310
    Dex: 210
    Def: 330
    Int: 120
    Vit: 240

    Lightning Spear Reduces up to 2 units (in a column) AP.
    Deadly Strike Delivers very heavy damage to a single unit, however it requires alot of AP.

    Spearman are fantastic units, and it may be suprising, but they are also designed to be mid line units. They can multiple enemies in a column, instead of a
    row, which is a very useful tool in PvP. Their Lightning Spear (some say it was bugged during cbt) is not effective in preventing a unit's turn if that unit
    has a decent AP regen. The only way to surely stop that turn from coming is using 2+ Lightning spears on the same unit in one turn.

    Spartan (NOTE: Use Shield + Spear)
    *Can be hired at level 100*
    Str: 341
    Dex: 220
    Def: 363
    Int: 122
    Vit: 244
    M.Def: 100

    War Cry
    Debuffs entire enemy formation (Little information until obt)

    said to be the absolute best deffensive unit in the game once upgraded.

    Gun Units

    *Can be hired at level 1*
    Str: 150
    Dex: 220
    Def: 180
    Int: 220
    Vit: 170

    Wild Shot Deals very good damage to an entire column
    [Deadly Shot Delivers very heavy damage to a single unit, however it requires alot of AP.

    Absolutely fantastic unit for PvP. The ability to heavily damage a column instead of a row makes it very difficult for the oponent to recover from. They are

    also wonderful units to stun with, since their normal attack, which hardly misses, hits three at a time.

    Inventor (NOTE: Can Use 2 Search Bots)
    *Can be hired at level 84*
    Str: 160
    Dex: 240
    Def: 200
    Int: 275
    Vit: 190
    M.Def: 400

    Summon Machine Similar to a Beast Trainer's Beast Summon, they can summon the aid of machines to damage your oponent. Unlike the
    creatures a BT summons, the machines can be made by crafting; they can also be purchased on the market.

    Great Gun Unit. Good Defense/mDef and very useful. (Little information until obt)

    *Can be hired at level 96*
    Str: 157
    Dex: 247
    Def: 198
    Int: 225
    Vit: 173
    M.Def: 225

    Shooting Stance Damages a single unit very heavily.

    Deals more damage than an Inventor. (Little information until obt)

    Bow Units

    *Can be hired at level 1*
    Str: 160
    Dex: 220
    Def: 180
    Int: 230
    Vit: 140

    Silence Prevents an entire row from using skills for 2 turns; slight d.o.t.
    Deadly Shot Delivers very heavy damage to a single unit, however it requires alot of AP.

    The most useful unit for ending a fight quickly. They take the amazing damage of a swordsman and are able to strike any unit in the formation. A group of
    Archers can down a boss or oponent's main unit quite quickly. Their silence ability is also one of the most useful skills in the game.

    *Can be hired at level 70*
    Str: 170
    Dex: 210
    Def: 200
    Int: 240
    Vit: 190
    M.Def: 450

    Concentrate Increases physical damage, accuracy, and slightly heals, your melee units every turn.
    Shattered Sword Debuff's all oponent Sword units, reducing their 'Normal Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.
    Broken Spear Debuff's all oponent Spear units, reducing their 'Normal Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.
    Rusty Axe Debuff's all oponent Axe units, reducing their 'Normal Attack' damage; slight d.o.t.

    She is a very useful unit that can help your frontline make a lasting impression before they bite the dust. She is also very useful in PvE, since most units
    fall under the category 'Sword/Spear/Axe', even if they dont use weapons. Not only that, but she's an archer XD, which means being able to hit your oponent's main unit every turn; a key to winning any battle.

    Cannon Units

    *Can be hired at level 30*
    Str: 200
    Dex: 160
    Def: 200
    Int: 220
    Vit: 210

    Deep Insight Reveals the HP of your oponents formation (First works as cross, than entire formation); slight d.o.t.
    Deadly Shot Delivers very heavy damage to a single unit, however it requires alot of AP.

    Very useful for stunning your oponent. Though their damage is quite small, they can hit up to 5 units, and d.o.t. an entire formation.

    *Can be hired at level 87*
    Str: 230
    Dex: 190
    Def: 220
    Int: 240
    Vit: 225
    M.Def: 280

    Smoke Bomb (Unsure how many units this skill effects, assuming it works like Deep Insight) Lowers target's attack power and accuracy.

    Much more powerful than an Artilleryman (Little information until obt)

    Yine atlantica forumlarından alıntıdır

  • ben de indirdim bakalim nasil bi oyunmuş...
  • Oyun gayet basarili, hatta Wow ve AoC den cok daha iyi benim zevkime gore.

    Eger oynayanlar varsa, Macedon server da Tasslehoff nikim.
  • oyun gayet güzel ben oynuyorum gerek oyunun kendisi gerek kitlesi gayet güzel.Sesleri gayet hoşuma gitti ve oyunun sistemi gayet güzel bu oyun knight veya onun ikizi silkroad gibi sıkıcı gereksiz oyunları geride bırakıyor oyunda güzel bi taraf kendi iteminizi kendiniz yaratabiliyorsunuz ( otlarla potion yapmak gibi ) ve + basmakda bunda zahmetli.En azından bu oyunda " AGA PARTY PLS " yada " +8 XXX ARANIYOR " gibi saçma sapan şeyler yok.Bu oyunu ilk gördüğümde zaten Heroes Might'n Magic Online sandım xD. Başka güzel bişiyse oyundaki karakterleri 20 levelda bi upgradeebiliyorsunuz mesela Swordsman 20 levelda Sword Fighter olabiliyor yada Gunner Ace niz 40 lvlda Sniper olabiliyor.

    oyunda spell biraz az gibi bi mage 20 kere upgradenebilir 5 skill öğrenebiliyor

    Sikyon da oynayıp yardım steyen whisp atabilir " MegaGirl " oyundaki adım.

    23 lvl mage ,x2 22 lvl Sword Fighter ,23 lvl Gunner Ace ,10 lvl Viking ,21 lvl Shaman

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  • oyunu bı ara ındırıp denedım.yarım saat sonra sıldım.benım hıc hosuma gitmemisti.Valla ben eskıden (bundan 2 sene once sı) knight oynayan bırıydım.2 sene once bıraktım.oda asırı abartıldıgı ıcın.ama valla knightın yerını hıc bır oyun tutmuyor.aga party pls belkı sizi sıkbogaz edıyordu ama.Yada ne bıleyım.slota trol cekıyolardı onlarla ugrasıyorduk.Oyunda cekısme bır hırs vardı.Oyun bence cok guzeldi.Bırakmamın tek nedeni knightın yonetıcıleri ve tl ıle ıtem satılması oldu.bırakın knightı kotulemeyı.Baska fırma alsa paralı yapsa ufak bır duzenleme yapsa bu oyun dunyada en cok oynanan oyun olur.Aga party pls cumlesınden sıkılanlar genelde oyunda oynarken party dılenen kısılerdır benım gorusum.,
    baska bır seye degındıgım ıcın ozur dılerim.
    slotun dolu oldugu bır oyun runes of magic var.bence suankı en ıyı ucretsiz oyun bu.Hersey ıyı gibi.
  • Grafikler kötü gibi geldi bana bu oyunu sizce güzel kılan ne? Ona göre başlıcağım.
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Impavide

    Grafikler kötü gibi geldi bana bu oyunu sizce güzel kılan ne? Ona göre başlıcağım.

    kötümü oyunun grafikleri süper
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: LORDFURKAN


    Orjinalden alıntı: Impavide

    Grafikler kötü gibi geldi bana bu oyunu sizce güzel kılan ne? Ona göre başlıcağım.

    kötümü oyunun grafikleri süper

    SS lere baktımda kötü gibi duruyor.Fakat oyun satranç oynar gibi sanırım birden fazla adam sırayla dalıyor.Doğrumu tahmin ediyorum?

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Impavide -- 21 Şubat 2009; 20:58:15 >

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  • artık oynıyan yokmu bu oyunu ya sikyon serverindeyim nikim SteamTr ama hıc turk e raslamadım daha
  • bu nedir yaaa ?????

     Atlantica Online
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