Battle Mu Online Season 12 X150 server, grand Opening 22. December! Hello battlemu mu online players, new Season 12 server will be opened on 22. December!
Experience Normal: x150 Master exp: x100 Max option: +16 No Item shop on website! Soul + luck 95%, Without 70% Life: 70% New jewels: Jewel of Dark Bless =makes items +6, Jewel of Dark Soul= Makes items +9, Jewel of Luck= ads luck to item, Jewel of excellent =makes items FO, Jewel of socket= adds empty sockets to item, Jewel of level= makes item +15 Drops all maps random, best jewels in events and top bosses. Resets: from 400lvl *2KK zen, Stats burns, Free stats: 600
Maximum master level: 420
Spots: All maps small spots, Press TAB to see on mini-map. Monster power: Default style Party exp: Get more exp for Bronze (+10%) Silver (+15%) Gold (+25%)
Jewel rates: Soul +luck: 90%, Without luck:70% Jewel of life: 70% Post commands: /post 100k 200LVL, /gpost 200k 400lvl Create all characters from 1 1vl (create DK, SM, or ELF to get access to others) Usefull command: /autoparty password (auto accepts party if other players pms you: password)
Events Schedule/Plan Golden invasion: starting: 00: 45 (same time, every 2hours) Blood castle: 2x EXP, starting: 00: 20 (same time, every 2hours) Reward AA weapons, with 10% chance to get EXC and AA2lvl items! Devil Square: 2x EXP, starting: 01: 20 (same time, every 2hours) Chaos Castle: Every 3hours, starting: 00:05 Santa Event: 00:15, 06:15, 12:15, 18: 15 Medals : Regular Items +7+11 +add Heart of Love gives 100 RUUD Bosses drops TOP exc items Item market on website, sell your items online to other players!Battle Mu Online S12