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Bugun Aciliyor Igcn Premium TransilvaniaMu 2 server |50X|1000X|FreshDB|S9

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  • Turk serveri degil ama oyun ici Turkce destek (gm) var
    26.02.2016- 19:00 Server time (OFFICIAL START)

    -Caracters=All Can create from lvl 1
    -PvP =Balance 100%
    -Maps=All have spot
    -Best Map= Kalima7
    -Golden Kundun 5%chance to drop lvl 4 wings and 50 credit for killing him
    -Rummy Egg = 5 % drop Pet
    -Swamp Of Peace=Master Level Experience
    -Master lvl = 150 (3 points per lvl)
    -Master lvl exp = 5x
    -Quest LvL 3 monster = HardCore
    -Hight maps monster = HardCore
    -Bc Reward = 5% Archangel Weapon +11+lk+edr / silver box / silver key
    -IlusionTemple Reward= 70% Tikets +10 For Kalima , /15%Talisman of luck 15% Chaos Asembly talisman 10% Lucky set Tiekt
    -Cc Reward =Talisman of luck 10% ,50 % Ancient ,40% lvl 380 Exl Weapon
    -Part Experience = Active
    -MuRummi = Active
    -Mining Sistem= Active
    -Egg Event=Active
    -BattleCore Server=Active
    -Gens= Can party opponent Gens
    -Bots=Lorencia Bots will give u starting buff (DMG,DEFF,HP,DSR)
    -Arena= Zen & Loch's Feather Only
    -Grand Reset= Active 10000 Normal credit,3000 Gold Credit+3000 points (to str,agi,vit,ene,cmd)
    -WebShop = Maxim 3 options ,3 Soket
    -Anctient+Exl =Active
    -Vote Reward =Active
    -OffTrade= Active
    -AutoParty = Active
    -OffAFK = Coming Soon
    -Reconnect Sistem= Active
    -Trade Online H = Active
    -Referal system = Active (when refered make 10 rr you will recive reward)
    -Skelet King Boss in arena (Drop 10 box of kundun)
    -When Someon Scuccesfuly Enchant item+15, a global message will appear with the name who did this
    -Spirit for Dark lord= drop 5%
    -Kalima Symbols= drop 5%
    -Mining Sistem= Active
    -Heart,Medals,Firecrakers = Drop +1 to+11 +lk+add

    HOST Info:
    DEDICATE 32 GB RAMM , 2 TB SSD MEMORY , 1000MB's Internet connection 300mb's dld/600mb's Upload


    -1lvl 1 wings
    -box of kundun +1,+2
    -Jewel Of Bless
    -Jewel Of Chaos
    -Items+ 9 +lk+4

    -Item +30%
    -Exl +10%
    3.Chaos Machine +15% more
    4.Jewel Succes +15%
    5. Kiling Boss Monster gives you GoblinCredit
    6. PvP Server in arena = free no PK
    7.Rings&Pendants Can be obtained From Boss monster only
    8. Boss monsters Drop +3 items more than 50Exp Server

    -50x ExpServer Chaos Machine (Its standard )

    +10 90% (With no Luck -25%)
    +11 85% (With no Luck -25%)
    +12 80% (With no Luck -25%)
    +13 75% (With no Luck -25%)
    +14 70% (With no Luck -25%)
    +15 65% (With no Luck -25%)

    -50x ExpServer Jewel success rate (Its standard)

    Jewel of Soul 50% (+Luck 25%)
    Jewel Of Life 50% (+Luck 25%)
    Jewel Of Bless 100%
    Jewel of Harmony 85%

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ayhan150 -- 26 Şubat 2016; 16:29:36 >

  • http://transilvaniamu.com/ <<<< Eski sahibi http://nevamu.org/
    Turk sunucularini laf ediyorsiun ama sende 5 para etmezsin bu sahis sunucu tutmayinca tema + domain deyistirip ayni yemeyi onunuze sunuyor.
  • Lutfen hakaret etmeyelim. Ayrica sen yaniliyorsun. Bu server eski needmu kesinlikle. NeeDMu hakkinda yaptigin yorumu hatirlatirim sana.

    link unutmusunhttp://www.needmu.com/
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  • arkadasim da olsa 3 degisimi kendisinide belirttim yaptigi yanlisi orada gm lik ettigini de biliyorum asil insanlara ozur dilemesi gereken sensin.
  • nevamudan haberim yok benim. Sadecece needmu ve transvilliasmuda gmlik yaptim ayrica bunu saklamiyorumki konudada belirtdim turkce destek (gm) var diye. Serverleri durduk yere kapatmiyorki, player kalmayinca ne yapmak gerekiyo sence? Sansini yeniden deniyor iste. Anlamadigim konu benim ne icin ozur dilemem gerekiyor? Gerekiyorsa dilerim
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