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Sayfa: 1

    server ozelikleri
    ex% 200
    drop% 80
    reset lvl 400

    point : keapstad

    7*24 online

    99b site :

    97d : sitehttp://classicmu.net/

    seson8ep1: sitehttp://resita-mu.com/

    oynamak isteyen arkadasları bekleriz

    % 100 calısıor bug 0

    Hello here you can find great MuFiles + SUB FILES FIXED + VIP.

    10.07.62 FILES.

    Now run 20 Sub Server No Crash hihi. Server run WinXP SP2 in Desktop computer. this computer is Not Server machine.

    credits to hainam79.

    MAIN :

    Main Version: 22:8 =
    Serial: UniversalGames

    *To change the IP Use Hex editor.
    *To change the serial main use Main Craker.

    Works with Operating System: Windows Server 2003 - Windows Server 2008 - Windows XP and Windows 7 32 and 64 bits.

    Acontinuacion its characteristics

    -ServerFiles 100% stable for a serious server and no crashs. -All configuration files created by SCFMT, from the following folder: SCFData. -Item File (Kor / New). txt is set to 100% with the original items and names Webzen original, 100% in English. -Eventitembags - Shops - Events - Drop - MonstersSetBase, configured to my taste, is good for the user feel comfortable. message.txt-file translated in a 100% English.

    Customer 1.07H.
    100% Client system languages.
    Item.bmd files - Quest.bmd - Skill.bmd - MoveReq.bmd, they are 100% synchronized with the server.
    1.07H Main 100% original version.

    In the chaos machine, it works.

    Creation of Wings lvl1
    -lvl2 creation Wings
    lvl3 Wings-Creation
    -Creating Item +14 - +15, also to increase the item & the chaos and they leave their items +13, +14, +15 without burning
    - Creating Potion of Bless
    -Creating Potion of Soul
    -Making Life Stone
    -Creating a Piece of Horn
    -Creating Sacromicon Book
    -Entry Creating BC +1
    +2 BC-Building entry
    Building entry-BC +3
    +4 BC entry-Creating
    entry-Creating BC +5
    +6 BC-Building entry
    Building entry-BC +7
    +8 BC input-Building
    -Creating +1 entry DSQ
    DSQ entry-Creating +2
    +3 DSQ entry-Creating
    entry-Creating +4 DSQ
    DSQ + entry-Creating 5
    -Creating +6 entry DSQ
    DSQ +7 entry-Creating
    Creation of the Platform of Illusion +1
    -creation of the Platform of Illusion +2
    -creation of the Platform of Illusion +3
    -creation of the Platform of Illusion +4
    - Creating the Platform of Illusion +5
    -creation of the Platform of Illusion +6
    -Creating a Guild
    -Dissolving a Guild
    -Blokeo of Vaul
    -Ring of transformation - Panda
    -Ring of transformation - SnowMan
    -Ring of transformation - Skeleton
    Adds drop of variables, soul, chaos, creation, demon, or others, in the blue event. The Blue Tarkan 1 event are on the right side wheel in trunk below, Debian 4. Also this Atake Boss event in Debian 4 and black papanoel event. soket system has in the armor of 1, 2 and 3 rd level, as in arms. Has Duel system. It Varnert duel system and Drupi, also to believe the same gens alinzas and party as well. Marriage 100% 100% bk Combo All powers of the Pj bn configured. Commands 100%.

    functional Events:

    Boss Atack Event
    Event Goer Double
    Happy Hour Event
    Event Moss Merchant
    Event Blue
    Castle Deep
    invasions of Santa and his henchmen
    Santa Village
    Sky Master-Level Event-
    Event LaCleon
    Hit and Up Event
    Imperial Guardian From Monday to Sunday
    Devil Square7-LevelMaster-
    Chaos Castle
    Illusion Temple
    of the Golden invasions
    Blood Castle
    Crywolf>> I forget Aki configured to go to the map, then put it
    reamin Kantru
    I will give the awards event on Imperial Guardian:

    Day Monday: Arms, staf.
    Day Tuesday: Shields.
    Day Wednesday: Helmd.
    Day Thursday: Armors.
    Day Friday: gloves.
    Day Saturday: Boots.
    Day Sunday (Boss 1): Armasm, staff, Shields, adolescents and items of Tuesday till the Saturday
    Change ip:


    Change SQL ID\SQL Password:


    Change address for Startup:
    StartUp\Copia de bor_StartUp

    <Service StartInterval="1000" Path="D:\MuServer\DataServer1\Dataserver1.exe" Parameters="55960 1" />
    <Service StartInterval="1000" Path="D:\MuServer\DataServer2\Dataserver2.exe" Parameters="55962 2" />
    <Service StartInterval="1000" Path="D:\MuServer\DataServer3\Dataserver3.exe" Parameters="55964 3" />
    Change the addres (D:\MuServer)for your folder addres
    <Service StartInterval="1000" Path="c:\MuServer\DataServer1\Dataserver1.exe" Parameters="55960 1" />
    <Service StartInterval="1000" Path="c:\MuServer\DataServer2\Dataserver2.exe" Parameters="55962 2" />
    <Service StartInterval="1000" Path="c:\MuServer\DataServer3\Dataserver3.exe" Parameters="55964 3"
    Like you can see we change the addres from D\: to C:\



    Update 5/11/2011: Job-To-Auto-Date-The-Castle-Siege
    (Job To Execute Query Analyzer Go Use: MuOnline)

    Update 21/08/2012: MuMaker with all the new items+sockets+380opt rings+pendant+wings

    Update 21/08/2012: MuCore WebFiles support season 6

    MuServer Update 21/08/2012:(new link)
    (Easy way all the configurate ok+Custom items
    All items can be with 380opt+Sockets).

    MuServer Update 21/08/2012:(New links)
    (MuServer files with our config for "Multiplay3rMU" Enjoy. i release it for new/old
    admins use it or take some idea or upgrade some of our ideas). Good luck all :)
    Importand: All what we release is safe and was testing on alot of differents PCs
    with different protects and with different OS.

    Update 23/08/2012: Client


    ok i see alot players hard to fix the CS here it is:
    First go MuServer/Data/Event look there have file CastleSiege Delete it.
    Now open MuCastleData and replace that :
    //By Baramos

    1 // How many days will last the entire cycle of the event

    // Setting of castle periods..
    // Period ID Day Hour Minute
    1 0 0 0 // periodo de registro

    2 1 23 59 // estado de espera

    3 2 18 0 // senial de estado de registro

    4 5 0 0 // estado de espera

    5 5 12 0 // Estado de notifiacion de ataque al clan

    6 5 19 0 // estado de comienzo para Casttle Siegue

    7 6 18 25 // estado de inicio de Casttle Siegue

    8 6 21 0 // estado de fin de Casttle Siegue

    9 14 0 0 // Fin del ciclo

    // Settings of NPC located in loren
    // NPC ID DBStore Def Recover HP StartHP SX SY DX DY DIR
    283 1 1 1 0 0 1500000 94 227 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
    283 2 1 1 0 0 1500000 94 182 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
    283 3 1 1 0 0 1500000 82 130 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue
    283 4 1 1 0 0 1500000 107 130 -1 -1 1 //Guardian Statue

    277 1 1 1 0 0 1900000 93 204 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
    277 2 1 1 0 0 1900000 81 161 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
    277 3 1 1 0 0 1900000 107 161 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
    277 4 1 1 0 0 1900000 67 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
    277 5 1 1 0 0 1900000 93 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate
    277 6 1 1 0 0 1900000 119 114 -1 -1 1 //Castle Gate

    288 1 0 1 0 0 800000 75 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
    288 2 0 1 0 0 800000 88 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
    288 3 0 1 0 0 800000 99 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
    288 4 0 1 0 0 800000 114 130 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
    288 5 0 1 0 0 800000 94 151 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
    288 6 0 1 0 0 800000 88 182 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
    288 7 0 1 0 0 800000 100 182 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
    288 8 0 1 0 0 800000 94 221 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower
    288 9 0 1 0 0 800000 94 233 -1 -1 1 //Canon Tower

    215 1 0 1 0 0 10000 94 242 -1 -1 1 //Shield

    222 1 0 1 0 0 10000 80 188 -1 -1 1 //Slingshot Defense
    222 2 0 1 0 0 10000 105 188 -1 -1 1 //Slingshot Defense

    221 1 0 2 0 0 10000 63 19 -1 -1 5 //Slingshot Attack
    221 2 0 2 0 0 10000 119 19 -1 -1 5 //Slingshot Attack
    then you fix the stupid bug from SCFMT Good Luck and More power MuOnline!!

    Webzen (office files)
    MuCore (WebFiles)
    Scf files (TT )
    Elvampironegro (share files)
    CPTeam (share Update 1)
    ResitaMU (i take items(new)+Editor)
    BARAMOS (add sockets+380opt for all items+MuMaker+edited MuCoreFiles)
    Joshué Reyes (for design Header)
    Sam5423 (fix crystalmu template+index.php)
    Pinkof (Crack GameServerCS, SCFxDB)
    ADM_Scott ( Crack Decrypt GS Web Shop Season 6)
    Arcangel (configure and optimize + Installer Power By: Xtreme Labs)

    Thanks for Encouragement to :

    LigerZero - HELP
    hunter1989 - HELP
    allexander - HELP
    linda1990 - HELP
    heureux - HELP


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mustafa2134719 -- 14 Şubat 2015; 21:30:30 >

  • Files Season 3 episode 1 by Pinkof.

    Changelog By Pinkof
    Added config for private shop for sell item to credits.
    Added config for create guild need rena,level,resets,zen you can config it.
    Added ANTI DC HACK.
    Added command /gmove
    Added command /gg
    Fix Chaos Machine bugs with packets C1048628 and etc..
    Fix Crash Packet

    FIX BUG S3

    Fixed Potion bugs.
    Fixed serial items 0.
    Added CalcCharacter.ini

    Add ConnectMemberReload Automatic.
    Add Command /clearinv for clean inventory.

    Fixed "GetQueuedCompletionStatus" NOW WORK IN ALL OS
    Fixed Chaos Machine Bug with alt+f4
    Fixed PK BUG
    Fixed Add LevelUpPoint, Now can't add in side client more of 65535 points
    Disabled customs Events(Only Premium Version)
    Fixed Drop Pk Items

    GSCS only Premium Version
    Customs Events only Premium Version
    Protocol encripted only Premium Version
    Customs Commands only Premium Version
    Full Support only Premium Version

    Download Full MuServer:

    Pass is :www.muita.it client

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mustafa2134719 -- 14 Şubat 2015; 21:37:45 >

  • ExTaem Season 5 Episode 3 (Best Free Files for All)

    [ExTeam Introduction]
    - 3 new stone
    - Jewel Of Exellent
    - Jewel Of Luck
    - Jewel Of Divinity - sharpens jewelry
    - Game system reset / reset
    - Games Grand reset system / grandreset
    - Offline trade for Zen, ExPoints, WCoin. / offzen, / offexpoint, / offwcoin / offcredit
    - Global Alert in the opening of a new store offline nickname dealer Online and coordinates
    - Offline Leveling / offafk
    - Game quest system
    - Wings 2.5 level
    - Wings Level 4
    - System Welcome
    - Bonuses for time spent in the game
    - Calculator chars
    - Configure all buffs
    - Increased distance drawing objects
    - Drop tuning
    - Setup's Event
    - Setting pets
    - Customize damage by siege
    - Adjust the flow arrows elf
    - Setting up bonuses for killing monsters
    - Support Exellent + Ancent Items
    - Support Exellent + Socket Items
    - Support Ancent + Socket Items
    - Support Ancent + Harmony Items
    - Setting Drop with Goldaev
    - Set of game instructions:
    - Reduced the CPU load
    - Smoothing
    - 3D Camera (End - On / Off, Home - Restore)
    - An hour (Delete - On / Off)
    - HP Bar - the band lives opponent (page up - On / Off)
    - Chat separately from experience
    - Activate the skills to siege
    - Dynamic system to gain experience on reset
    - Customize drop Rena on the cards
    - Added a reward for reset - ExPoint
    - Added an option to ring in the center of Laura
    - Added a PvP setting on cards
    - Setting up sales of all items in the store for Zen 0
    - Added Manager prices to sell things in store for
    - Limit the transmission Exellent options through trade, personal shop and sell in a normal shop
    - Team reboot ExTeam folder for Admin - "/ exreload"
    - Greeting Player
    - Pumping master skills Offline
    - Correction of visual bugs
    - Complete Fix bug attack speed (Full Speed bug fixed)
    - Experience on the cards
    - Chaos maiks manager
    - Happy Hour Event
    - Lora Battle Event
    - Team Vs Team Event
    - Drop Event
    - Talisman Of System
    - Evangelion Event
    - Premium System
    - Buying VIP by Credits
    - Loan coins
    - Zen coins
    - Buying FO items by Credits
    - Arena an item
    - Reconnect the system
    - System pack stones

    Change Hex Editore in Main.exe or program PentiumTools
    SERIAL: Td4e8UtYvLo90zZd


    Credits : WebZen
    Hermex & Crazzy

    Reply With Quote Reply With Quote

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mustafa2134719 -- 14 Şubat 2015; 21:41:44 >

  • dowlands indir oyuna gir lorencia dayım Malcolm_x
  • uflemek icicn nefesinin kuvetli olması lazım ole bir yalvartırımki aklına gelmez butun emeklerin bosa gider ona gore hersein yeri zamanı var 1 baslıkla pil biter. sen gel rezitaya hel power muya gel clasicmuya hepsinde tek tek gmlik acacam.
  • suan 3 admin onlineyiz lorenciada gel bekliorum seni
  • etlan etmezsen adam deilsin bu aksam herkez pozlarını paylassın varmısın?
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    IPTV dosya adi ne olmali?
    7 yıl önce açıldı
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • dosyalaırın hepsini simdi paylasıorum upload edip herkez acsın
  • seson 8 ep 1 isteyen ozel atsın orjinal dosyadır.
  • bekle sekjer cocuk hepsini paylasıorum 2 aydır butun dosyalar uzerinde arastırma yaptım bugsuz butun dosyaları paylasıcam kaliteli.
  • bakele himmet ben milletin emeklerinle oynayan adamlarla normalde muhattap olmam ama gene de cevap vermek istedim dosyalar uzerinde oynamakla buglarl kapatamazsın bir doyaya 250 tl para istemiorum hepsini test ettim % 0 bile bug gormedim ve sana sunu soyleyeyim suanda bir ucretli dosya 350 dolardan baslıor sen o parayı neden buldun madem okadar gucun vardı neden 350 dolarlık dosyayı 250 tlye veriorsun ? + millet gunlerini aylarını verior server kurmak icicn sonra cakalın 1 isi gelip servre saldırı yapıor ve ben 3 yıl once bu işleri bırak tım ve saldırı yapmıs oldugum silient cekmis oldugum herkezden ozur diledim + sen bu alemde yokken ben dh de cirit atardım bunu big turtle cok ii bilir benin asıl ncke gelince sekasoft tur 2001 de uyeligim bulunmaktadır ama ne yazıkkki sizn gibi kendini beyenmiş insanlar yuzunden gitti banlandl yani + ben bu işi yeni yapmıorum mu online sektorune sizin gibi 2 3 kişi dadanmıs ve milleti kandırmak tan baska birsey yapıorsunuz ve bana ipmi bul diorsun kafayı takarsam yaparım biz biraz eski kaldık ve senin samımiyetini olcmek icicn yardım talebinde bulundum + insanlar olumu dusunmez olmus sanki hc olmeyecek mis gibi benim yasım 29 seniin yasın kac velet biraz akıllı ol ve insanlarla nasıl konusulacagını ogren suan elimde 16 tane sunucu var ve hepsini mu online kurulu ve size sunucu firmasının sitesini vere bilirim isterseniz hekezi kendiniz gibi bos konusuor sanma sen emekci adam olmasadım cok guvendigin serverin in 1 satlik omru dahi kalmaz dı + ip gizleerek birsey elde edemezsin senin ip gizlemen 750 mg lik bir saldırı engeller ancak onlar fasa fiso biz gariban adamız biz senin kadar vakit ayramıoruz
    mu onlineye ve + sadece sunu soylemek istiorum turkiyede mu online neden oldu ve neden insanlar yabancı server lere kacıor hicmi zoruna gitmior neden cunku 2 tane cakal 2 hack progamı buluor ve milletin sitesine saldırı yapıor untma kafayı takarsam 2 gun dahi surse senin serveri patlatırım ama ben okadar serefsiz bir insan deilim ve kimsenin emeginle oynamam 3 yıl oldu ve niyetimi bozmaya niyetim yok kolay gelsin.
     butun server doyaları icerde

  • san bu serveri kurdum bug 0 isterimki turkiyede mu online cogalsın paralan deilde ucretsiz insanlar birbirine yardımlasarak server acsın seson 8 ep 1 dosyasını -upload ediorum sana hediyem olsuj db leri tanıtman yeterli.
  • seson5
    Calculator chars
    Setting all buffs
    Drop settings
    Settings's Event
    Setup pets
    Setting damage to the siege
    Setting flow arrows elf
    EhPoint for killing monsters
    Ancent items Exellent
    Exellent Items socket
    Ancent Socket Items
    Ancent Harmony Items
    Setting the droop with Goldie
    Command Setting
    Settings PvP
    settings of all skill
    Setting Gens Faction
    Blood Castle
    Castle Deep Event
    Chaos Castle
    Devil Square
    Castle Siege
    Illusion Temple
    Double Goer
    Imperial Fort
    moss Merchant
    Golden Archer
    Golden Invasion
    Offline Attack System - Command: /offafk
    Offline Trade System (Zen,Wcoin,ExPoint,Credits) /offzen, /offexpoint, /offwcoin
    Reconnect System
    Credits Coin System
    Drop Event
    Lora Battle Event (PvP)
    Evangelion Event
    Team Vs Team Event (PvP)
    Block Move Item Settings
    Chaos Mix Manager
    Drop Zen Map Settings
    Reset System
    Grand Reset System
    Item Drop Manager
    ExQuest System
    Pack and UnPack Jewels
    Standart Drop Settings
    Experience Map Settings
    Premium System (VipSystem)
    Talisman System
    New Wings 2.5 & 4 Level
    Price Manager Settings
    Block Move Map for Reset Settings
    WCoin, Credits, eZen For Online Custom
    Settings Arena Life Item
    Multi Vault Custom /vault 1-5
    Zen Coin Module
    Happy Hour Event
    Grand Item Module
    Visual Bug Fix Attack,Life,Mana 65535
    Distance Viewe module
    Hp Bar Module
    Rudolf Pet Search Jewels + Zen
    Castle Seige Skill Work Other Map
    New Chat Wind
    Speed Bug Fix
    Jewel Of Exellent
    Jewel Of Divinity
    Jewel Of Luck

    Edit IP at cMain.dll
    Serial: 1qve7Lcvdhk3Rysq


    Reply With Quote Reply With Quote

  • ex 702
    saglam denedim ama tutulmadı


  • ex 700 oda tutulmadı update mevcut
    Words from the Author's post SmallHabbit

    Hello to all members of this forum!

    So here it comes, developement server public EX700. This is the first beta version of this miracle! Here is the list of things tested and working.

    Get in the game
    Select character
    Character creation
    delete character
    Movement local
    Attack \ Attack Magic
    Sell ​​\ Buy in store
    Rivals (hostility)
    Works six classes - DW, DK, ELF, MG, DL, SUM
    Monster HP bar (fixed and working properly)

    As I know, this list is not complete, but I have not tested much, I will update it as much as I can. And there goes the list of things that do not work now.

    shop staff
    skill Tree
    Option Skills & Binds unsaved.

    This GS is based on sources GameServer 0.90 Crazzy & HermeX, thank them for supplies. So I want to say that all the characteristics of Season 4 are working. =)

    All they want is to participate in testing, you should download and test the latests build of this beta! All bug lists, and failures - you can write directly on this thread (please do not write in my PM​​). I will update this topic as soon as I can! With your help, we can do this easely to release section.

    About configs Server: backups DB and ODBC is on file. Settings is like a normal Season 4 release build.
    About the client: client only starts from Start.exe. To test it on the server only editPatched.ini, write there your IP address.

    ** There is a limit of 50 players on the server, also I deleted the Castle Siege (will be added soon)

    Server Files :
    eX700Plus_b1 -http://files.mail.ru/6XYSVT
    eX700Plus_b1 -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22478217/MU_EX700_b1.zip
    eX700Plus_b1 -http://www.sendspace.com/file/u76ytg

    Client Files Complete:
    eX700Plus Full -http://files.mail.ru/DW2QDK
    eX700Plus Full -http://failiem.lv/u/cbbpnmy
    eX700Plus Full -http://files.inbox.lv/ticket/ec0a15c...0Plus_FULL.zip

    Client Semi-complete:
    eX700Plus Lite -http://files.mail.ru/QGL8WQ
    eX700Plus Lite -http://failiem.lv/u/czplmyb
    eX700Plus Lite -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22476...0Plus_LITE.zip

    Patch (For those who already have the full client GMO client):
    eX700Plus Patch -http://files.mail.ru/KGCSMN
    eX700Plus Patch -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22476...Plus_Patch.zip
    eX700Plus Patch -http://www.sendspace.com/file/5ql3km

    # # EX700 MU Plus [b.2] Update [19/10] archivos repaired to the server files
    Fixed some fixes (visual bug)
    Fixed 0x9C packet server
    secured party or send mesagens
    Removed ID checked functions, you can connect to the server - delete character, guild and so on.

    Updated GS [b.2] Verified and Fixed Bugs Server files current
    eX700Plus_b2 -http://files.mail.ru/E8WCZQ
    eX700Plus_b2 -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22482630/MU_EX700_b2.zip
    eX700Plus_b2 -http://www.sendspace.com/file/7kxegg

    Update Client DLL super necessary for correct update [b.2]:
    eX700Plus Patch_b2 -http://files.mail.ru/WPI9B8
    eX700Plus Patch_b2 -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22482...s_Patch_b2.zip
    eX700Plus Patch_b2 -http://www.sendspace.com/file/mvls2k

    MU # # eX700Plus [b.3] Update [10/20]

    Verification excluded by "Protocol per second" (When agility 32k - DC)
    Excluded time check CheckSum (With the new principal, there are some changes, caused DC)
    Message deleted DW Shop Lorencia caused errors in UI.
    added eDataServer
    Now settings potion skills, the game is working properly.

    Updated GS [b.3] :
    Updated GS [b.3] :http://files.mail.ru/W1WIEY
    Updated GS [b.3] :http://www.gamefront.com/files/22501293/MU_EX700_b3.zip
    Updated GS [b.3] :http://www.sendspace.com/file/8u82oc

    # # MU eX700Plus [b.4] Update [23/10]
    Personal store fixed
    Inventory increased and structures for storage
    Functions rewrited to accept intentory extended and warehouse
    Now works ext. inventory and warehouse
    In eDataServer added loads whose many functions and saves information of character
    Button fixed character creation, now they enabled at appropriate levels (150220250) - DW, DK, ELF, MG, DL, RF, SUM (RF off)

    Changes in the database:
    AccountCharacter - [ExtendedWarehouseCount] [tinyint] NOT NULL default (0) - Add New
    Character - [Inventory] [varbinary] NULL (3776) - Update
    Character - [ExtendedInvenCount] [tinyint] NOT NULL default (0) - Add New
    warehouse - [Items] [varbinary] NULL (3840) - Update

    Updated GS [b.4] :
    eX700Plus Patch_b4:http://files.mail.ru/13ODXO
    eX700Plus Patch_b4:http://www.gamefront.com/files/22515356/MU_EX700_b4.zip
    eX700Plus Patch_b4:http://www.sendspace.com/file/kb1mby

    ##MU eX700Plus [b.5] Update [25/10]
    Notice this update is not containing any new fixes, except that any source is to clean sources rewrited 0.90 GS. Now GS contains only the original function of 0.90 GS without any customs. All configs are taken from the original files. In this case, please re-check all functions and fixes.

    Fixed Magumsa value, now MG & DL creates properly.
    Moved code to new base source.
    DataServer are changed with eDataServers.
    Rebuilded structure of folder DATA.
    There are clean DB in archive with all changes.

    Updated Server Files [b.5] :
    eX700Plus_b5 -http://files.mail.ru/O4F3VY
    eX700Plus_b5 -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22529991/MU_EX700_b5.zip
    eX700Plus_b5 -http://www.sendspace.com/file/q36psa

    ##MU eX700Plus [b.6] Update Part 1 [27/11]

    Warning this update contains some modified files. So recheck them before update.

    Totally fixed creation of summoner.
    In eDataServer added options for enable/disable creation of Summoner and Rage Fighter.
    Fixed visual bugs for 1-st wings, new EX700 wings and mini-wings.
    Added support for +15 items.
    Fixed visuals with +15 items.
    Removed limit of 3 potions per stack.
    Fixed bugs with pets(Panda,Unicorn,Skeleton), when they can be repaired in shop.
    Fixed creation of RF.
    Fixed entering in game RF.
    Added RF wings.
    Fixed options for new wings and mini-wings.
    Added skills for RF.
    Fixed durability calculate formulas for +14,+15 items.
    Fixed new pets health decrease.

    As the lines goes updating the forum and files posted, go into more details of another new update, wait ....

    Updated Server Files [b.6] :
    eX700Plus_b6 -http://files.mail.ru/LDERH2
    eX700Plus_b6 -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22678173/MU_EX700_b6.zip
    eX700Plus_b6 -http://www.sendspace.com/file/jeqqvh

    # # EX700 MU Plus [b.6] CLIENT Update Part 2 BUGFIX CUSTOMER MUEX 700 ERROR DETECTED HACK [27/11]

    0x4A hack check fix
    Kanturu event client crash fix
    Rebuilded dll, maded some improvements in code.

    Updated DLL for Client [b.6] :
    eX700Plus Patch_b6 -http://files.mail.ru/AEF5YE
    eX700Plus Patch_b6 -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22681...s_Patch_b6.zip
    eX700Plus Patch_b6 -http://www.sendspace.com/file/85q5av

    ##MU CLIENT eX700Plus MAIN Update 1.04.20 [01/12]##
    Hello everyone, here I leave patcher updated to version 4.1.20 Main.exe server GMO. In this version of the patcher - the method I use absolutely different Patch, fixed some bugs with Dark Horse Dark & Raven, functions also removed to restore corrupted files from the Main page, need to test this patch, to find some flaws!

    Version Main : 22765
    Serial : 9Mx015AalpTwyiF3

    Links :
    Webzen updates -ftp://patch.muonline.webzen.net/pub/webzen/
    Patcher -http://www.gamefront.com/files/22695...atch_10420.zip
    Patcher (Mirror)-http://www.sendspace.com/file/5je2pn

    ################################################## ################################################## #####################################

    [SH b.6] UG-Patch v1.0


    Thank SmallHabit (EX700 + Development) and caothuphutho (b.6 Custons GS).

    Patch Creation Date: 04/12/12
    Patch Description: server files edited and translated to version 4.1.20, b.6 last patch and patcher for SH customer and b.6 GMO 1:04:20.

    Note 1: All password changes and IP are clearly written in the descriptions below, for those of you who still consider themselves beginners. Thus, we can avoid many easy questions from being asked, Enjoy the release!

    Note 2: Remember that is in edit Commonloc.cfg Data \ Lang \, and make it look like this:
    PHP Code:
    IP =
    PORT = 55557

    ClientExeVersion = 1.04.20
    ClientExeSerial = 9Mx015AalpTwyiF3

    LootingTime = 10;item on the ground take the time another character

    Index correction:

    CLIENT # # # # # MU
    - Resolution Tool (ODBC log files: Full / windowed in 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024).

    - WebZen GMO EX700 + patch version 4.1.20 (no need later version b.6).

    - SH b.6 Patch (including Start.exe, main.exe files, dynamic libraries, etc.), edit and change patched.ini IpAddress for your IP, also remove the comments; example_text, I had connection problems when I left in the file.).

    SERVER # # # # # MU
    HOT - All data files of events re-organized and translated into English.

    HOT - All data files monster updated, re-edited and translated to English, excluding monstersetbase.txt I will not be releasing this or any future corrections. Monsters and NPCs RageFighter updates are not included, as they will be added in later betas released by SmallHabit.

    - BoR_WZ_ServerInfo.ini edited to version 1.4.20

    - Latest SH b.6 eDataServers (remember to put the password in SQL eDataServer.ini).

    - Latest GameServer b.6 with caothuphutho b.6 Settings GS-patch (UDP ConnectNotice, ChaosMixRates, etc..)

    - Latest clean databases with ODBC.reg for Windows 32-bit systems (the same that came with files released, just added those in there, do not know why Trololol.!)

    - SkyTeam MuServerStartUP configured without GS, GS shortcut with parameters (may need to edit the location of files with right click> properties, mine is "C: \ MuServer \ Server \ GameServer \ GameServer.exe ').

    - Delete file Logs.bat to delete the logs for you. Editable with any text editor, I recommend Notepad + + OpenSource.

    - Commonserver.cfg cleaned and re-organized (recommended, this is not in versions SmallHabit at the time, and his version of the definition file has duplicate entries, which could cause instability in the gameserver and disconnection problems.).

    - MapServerInfo.dat re-organized and translated into English, and allow entry into Maps CS gameserver with normal (since GS_CS is not currently available in beta 6). Do not forget to replace fmu.hopto.org with your Global WAN IP or DNS host name (which you can get from sites like No-IP freeware).


    PS: EDITO DOES NOT Inventory / Vault, because TMT-MuMaker 1.13 and SkyTeam-MuEditor v1.2.

    Update the files Postings .... Date 18/12/2012
    Use This Update the server and client used this guide with the correct ODBC that nobody will have any problem .....

    DB SQL 2000 without MD5

    Use this client to correct his mistake and Patch ....

    ClientExeVersion = 1:04:17
    ClientExeSerial = Odn62c0Tt01SzpT7

    Main version = 1:14:16 or 17

    Client Full Ex700http :/ / files.mail.ru/DW2QDK
    Patch to fix the DChttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/76926671/Patch.rar

    Full Server files without errors and OBDC included for Win7 32 bit and 64 bit
    SFex700 B6https://dl.dropbox.com/u/76926671/MuServerEx700_b6.rar

    On the client version 1.14.20 not utilized it yet, so as a rule follows the correct client posted above ....

    Topic Update GameServer date 27.12.12

    Adiconado DLL along with the GS qualification of commands added to:

    - 100% working PK sistem ..
    - 100% cmd work / post (shown as a guide for all players.).
    - 100% work / addstr, / addagi, etc. commands (no client closes or restarts!).
    - 100% of work / online.
    - 100% of work / make.

    Updated Common.ini with rate settings Faronnia MU.
    - Devil's Eye, Blood and Bone Scroll of Archangel warp you to Crywolf, Barracks and Refuge of moves when he fell on the ground.

    # Caothuputho Common.ini file:

    UDPPort = 60006 ; Default = 60006

    LevelUPPoints_DL_MG_RF = 7 ; Default = 7
    LevelUPPoints_DK_DW_ELF_SM = 5 ; Default = 5
    LevelUPPoints_Quest220 = 1 ; Default = 1

    MaxLevel = 400
    MaxLevel_No_EXP = 401

    ExtraItem = 1 ;
    ItemDurationTime = 60 ; Default = 120
    //Enable_Max_28Option = 1 ; 0 = max 16option, 1 = max 28 option, Default = 0

    ConnectNotice1 = MU Online Private Server
    ConnectNotice2 = Version eX700Plus
    ConnectNotice3 = Emulator by SmallHabit

    Kalima_Kundun_SetItem_DropRate = 10000 ; Default = 2500 , N/10000
    Kalima_Kundun_SetItem_DropNumber = 15 ; Default = 3
    Kalima_Kundun_SetItem_Drop+LuckRate = 100 ; Default = 4
    Kalima_Kundun_SetItem_Drop+SkillRate = 100 ; Default = 6

    Excellent_Item_DropRate = 500 ; Default = 2000 , 1/N
    Excellent_Item+Luck_DropRate = 50 ; Default = 1
    Excellent_Item+Skill_DropRate = 50 ; Default = 100
    Normal_Item+Luck_DropRate = 20 ; Default = 4
    Normal_Item+Skill_DropRate = 30 ; Default = 6

    Price_Jewel_of_Bless = 9000000 ; Default = 9000000
    Price_Jewel_of_Soul = 6000000 ; Default = 6000000
    Price_Jewel_of_Chaos = 810000 ; Default = 810000
    Price_Jewel_of_Life = 45000000 ; Default = 45000000
    Price_Jewel_of_Creation = 36000000 ; Default = 36000000
    Price_Jewel_of_Guardian = 60000000 ; Default = 60000000
    Price_Fruits = 33000000 ; Default = 33000000
    Price_BlueFeather = 180000 ; Default = 180000

    JewelOfSoul_ItemNormal = 75 ; Default = 60
    JewelOfSoul_ItemExcellent = 70 ; Default = 50
    JewelOfSoul_ItemSocket = 65 ; Default = 40
    JewelOfSoul_Item+Luck = 25 ; Default = 20
    JewelOfLife = 5 ; Default = 50, 1/N

    ChaosMix+10RateNormal = 80 ; Default = 60
    ChaosMix+10RateSpecial = 70 ; Default = 50
    ChaosMix+10RateSocket = 60 ; Default = 40
    ChaosMix+11-12RateNormal = 75 ; Default = 60
    ChaosMix+11-12RateSpecial = 65 ; Default = 50
    ChaosMix+11-12RateSocket = 55 ; Default = 40
    ChaosMix+13RateNormal = 65 ; Default = 55
    ChaosMix+13RateSpecial = 55 ; Default = 45
    ChaosMix+13RateSocket = 45 ; Default = 35
    ChaosMix+10RateWithLuck = 80 ; Default = 75
    ChaosMix+11-13RateWithLuck = 80 ; Default = 75
    ChaosMixRateIncreaseWithLuck = 20 ; Default = 20

    WingMixLvl1SuccessRate = 90 ; Default = 90
    WingMixLvl2SuccessRate = 80 ; Default = 90
    WingMixLvl3SuccessRate = 70 ; Default = 40
    CondorMixSuccessRate = 60 ; Default = 60
    380LevelMixSuccessRate = 80 ; Default = 80
    DinorantMixSuccessRate = 70 ; Default = 70

    BOX_Kundun_Drop_Excellent_Luck = 1
    BOX_Kundun_Drop_Excellent_Skill = 1
    BOX_Kundun_Drop_Excellent_Level = 0

    // Custom Item to Move => Item = (ItemTYPEx512)+ItemINDEX
    EventMove_CustomItem1 = 7185 ; Devil's Eye
    EventMove_MoveToGate1 = 114 ; Crywolf

    EventMove_CustomItem2 = 6672 ; Scroll of Archangel
    EventMove_MoveToGate2 = 256 ; Barrack

    EventMove_CustomItem3 = 6673 ; Blood Bone
    EventMove_MoveToGate3 = 257 ; Refuge

    [Server Data]
    # CashShop
    - CashShopList.txt clean and translated.

    # ChaosCard
    - All four clean files and translated.

    # [EventItemBags [/ COLOR] HOT!
    - Modified to Faronnia MU + EX700
    - Added missing files eventitembag.txt
    - All files re-organized, clean, updated and translated.

    # Events
    - Modified to Faronnia MU + EX700
    - All files re-organized, clean, updated and translated.

    # Lang
    - BuffEffect.txt clean and translated.
    - Clean and updated with Gate.txt gates Season 5:06.
    HOT - Item.txt clean, translated and updated with EX700 + items and missing items (Lilium Staff, Lilium Armor, Armor Dimension Queen, Beuroba Spear, Bow Ary Lin, etc..) File names can have some items modified (for example: Blade> Dragon Blade).
    - Item_name.txt (used by eDataServers) updated appropriately for Item.txt.
    - ItemSetOption clean, translated and updated.
    - Files settings João clean and translated.
    HOT - MoveLevel.txt MoveReq.txt and clean, translated and configured for the customer 1:04:20 GMOs.
    - Quest.txt clean, translated and updated (RF parameters do gameserver crash).
    - Clean and Skill.txt Skill_name.txt, translated and updated.

    Monsters #
    HOT - Monster.txt Webzen original re-organized, clean, translated and updated with monsters missing (Molt, Sea Worm, Vulcanus monsters, etc..)
    - MonsterAIElement cleaned and re-assembled.
    - MonsterAIGroup cleaned and re-assembled.
    - MonsterAIRule cleaned and re-assembled.
    - MonsterAIUnit clean, re-arranged and translated.
    - MonsterAutomata clean, re-arranged and translated.
    HOT - monstersetbase.txt modified to Faronnia MU EX700 + 7.02 Beta
    - MonsterSkill.txt clean, re-arranged and translated.
    - MonsterSkillElement.txt clean, re-arranged and translated.
    - MonsterSkillUnit.txt cleaned and re-assembled.

    Stores #
    - Modified to Faronnia MU + EX700
    HOT - Extra parameter excellent option added (thanks to caothuputho!)
    - Shop6.txt modified to GM Shop (NPC ID: 244).

    Revision File # commonserver.cfg HOT!
    - MedalEvent added.
    - GameServer 1.00.90 settings added to the file.

    ; SYSTEM
    Language = 2 ; Protocol [0:Korea, 1:English, 2:Japan, 3:China, 4:Taiwan]
    ServerType = 2 ; [0:MainServer, 1:TestServer, 2:Internal Server]
    NumberOfMaxUser = 200 ; Maximum users who can connect to 1 Normal GS
    NumberOfCastleSiegeMaxUser = 200 ; Maximum users for GS_CS
    Partition = 0 ; The Server Set Quantity(Similar to the Chinese 9C Big Area)
    ServerGroupGuildChatting = 0 ; Chat between guild members on different gameservers
    ServerGroupUnionChatting = 0 ; Chat between guild alliances on different gameservers
    StalkProtocol = 0
    StalkProtocolId = gundalz2

    AddExperience = 1000 ; Experience Rate
    ItemDropPer = 50 ; Item Drop Rate
    ItemSerialCheck = 1
    ZenDurationTime = 15
    MonsterHPAdjust = 0
    MonsterHp = 0 ; Monster HP where 0 = 100%, 10 = 90%, 20 = 80%

    ML_AddExperience = 350 ; MasterLevel Experience Rate
    ML_MinMonsterKillLevel = 50 ; Minimum monster level for MasterLevel character to gain Exp

    WriteSkillLog = 0
    WriteChatLog = 0
    HackLogServer =
    CheckSpeedHack = 1
    SpeedHackPlayerBlock = 0
    AttackSpeedTimeLimit = 0
    MinimumAttackSpeedTime = 0
    IsIgnorePacketHackDetect = 1
    HackCheckCount = 0
    DecTimePerAttackSpeed = 0
    SpeedHackPenalty = 0
    IsKickDetecHackCountLimit = 0
    DetectedHackKickCount = 0
    DisconnectHackUser = 0
    UseNPGGChecksum = 0

    SkillDistanceCheck = 1
    SkillDistanceCheckTemp = 2
    SkillDistanceKick = 1
    SkillDistanceKickCount = 20
    SkillDistanceKickCheckTime = 10

    EnableCheckPenetrationSkill = 0
    CreateCharacter = 1
    CharacterDeleteMinLevel = 40
    UseCharacterAutoRecuperationSystem = 1
    CharacterRecuperationMaxLevel = 200

    GuildCreateLevel = 180
    GuildCreate = 1
    GuildDestroy = 1

    EnableBattleSoccer = 1
    Trade = 1
    PersonalShopOpen = 1

    ApplyHeroSystem = 0
    PKTIME = 1
    PKItemDrop = 1
    PKLevelIncreaseOff = 0

    ShadowPhantomMaxLevel = 200
    QuestNPCTeleportTime = 900 ; Marlon Teleport Time (seconds)

    IsItemDropRingOfTransform = 0
    ItemDropRingOfTransform = 60 ; N/10000

    Japan1StAnivItemDropRate = 100 ; 1000/?

    KundunMarkDropRate = 0 ; N/10000

    CondorFlameDropRate = 40 ; N/10000

    BoxOfGoldDropRate = 20 ;
    ItemDropRateForBoxOfGold = 50 ;
    EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold = 50 ;

    FireCrackerEvent = 0
    FireCrackerDropRate = 100 ; N/10000
    ItemDropRateForFireCracker = 10 ; N/10
    OnlyFireCrackerEffectUse = 0

    HeartOfLoveEvent = 1
    HeartOfLoveDropRate = 50 ; N/10000
    ItemDropRateForHeartOfLove = 7 ; N/10

    MedalEvent = 1
    GoldMedalDropRate = 20 ; N/10000
    SilverMedalDropRate = 30 ; N/10000
    ItemDropRateForGoldMedal = 9 ; N/10
    ItemDropRateForSilverMedal = 9 ; N/10
    ChaosBox = 1 ; Enable use of Chaos Machine
    ChaosEvent = 1
    ChaosEventServer =

    DQChaosSuccessRateLevel1 = 80
    DQChaosSuccessRateLevel2 = 80
    DQChaosSuccessRateLevel3 = 80
    DQChaosSuccessRateLevel4 = 80
    DQChaosSuccessRateLevel5 = 70
    DQChaosSuccessRateLevel6 = 70
    DQChaosSuccessRateLevel7 = 70
    ML_OldScrollDropRate = 0
    ML_CovenantOfIllusionDropRate = 0
    ML_AngelKingsPaperDropRate = 0
    ML_BloodBoneDropRate = 0
    ML_EyesOfDevilSquareDropRate = 0
    ML_KeyOfDevilSquareDropRate = 0
    PurityHarmonyJewel = 1
    MixSmeltingStoneItem = 1
    RestoreStrengthenItem = 1
    StrengthenItem = 1
    SmeltItemBySmeltingStone = 1

    PuritySuccessRate = 90 ; N/100
    PurityNeedZen = 10000000
    SmeltingStoneSuccesRateNormal = 20 ; N/100
    SmeltingStoneSuccesRateExcellent = 50 ; N/100
    SmeltingNeedZen = 15000000
    StrengthenSuccessRate = 60 ; N/100
    SmeltingItemSuccessRateNor = 20 ; N/100
    SmeltingItemSuccessRateExt = 80 ; N/100
    System380ItemSystem = 1
    CountOfJewelOfHarmonyForMix = 1
    CountOfSuhoOfHarmonyForMix = 1
    NeedZenForMix = 10000000
    MixRateForGrade1 = 70
    MixRateForGrade2 = 80
    MixRateForGrade3 = 90
    SphereDropOn = 1
    SphereDropRate_Lv1 = 10
    SphereDropRate_Lv2 = 0
    SphereDropRate_Lv3 = 0
    SphereDropRate_Lv4 = 0
    SphereDropRate_Lv5 = 0
    SphereDropLevel_Lv1 = 102
    SphereDropLevel_Lv2 = 0
    SphereDropLevel_Lv3 = 0
    SphereDropLevel_Lv4 = 0
    SphereDropLevel_Lv5 = 0

    SocketSlotCountRate1 = 900
    SocketSlotCountRate2 = 795
    SocketSlotCountRate3 = 500
    SocketSlotCountRate4 = 250
    SocketSlotCountRate5 = 80

    TwoHandWeaponSocketSlotCountRate1 = 6000
    TwoHandWeaponSocketSlotCountRate2 = 2000
    TwoHandWeaponSocketSlotCountRate3 = 1500
    TwoHandWeaponSocketSlotCountRate4 = 495
    TwoHandWeaponSocketSlotCountRate5 = 5

    ShopBuySocketItemSlotCount = 0
    SeedExtractMoney = 1000000
    SeedSphereCompositeMoney = 1000000
    SeedSphereSetMoney = 1000000
    SeedSphereRemoveMoney = 1000000
    LuckyCoinEventOn = 1
    LuckyCoinDropRate = 10 ; N/10000

    IsDropDarkLordItem = 1
    SleeveOfLordDropRate = 10
    SleeveOfLordDropLevel = 86
    SoulOfDarkHorseDropRate = 1
    SoulOfDarkHorseropLevel = 102
    SoulOfDarkSpiritDropRate = 5
    SoulOfDarkSpiritDropLevel = 96

    ShieldSystemOn = 1
    DamageDevideToSD = 90
    DamageDevideToHP = 10

    ShieldAutoRefillOn = 1
    ShieldAutoRefilOnSafeZone = 1
    ShieldComboMissOptionOn = 0
    ShieldGageConstA = 12
    ShieldGageConstB = 30

    SuccessAttackRateOption = 20000
    SDChargingOption = 1
    ConstNumberOfShieldPoint = 20

    CompoundPotionDropOn = 1
    CompoundPotionLv1DropRate = 100 ; N/10000
    CompoundPotionLv2DropRate = 80 ; N/10000
    CompoundPotionLv3DropRate = 50 ; N/10000
    CompoundPotionLv1DropLevel = 68
    CompoundPotionLv2DropLevel = 96
    CompoundPotionLv3DropLevel = 118

    ShieldPotionLv1MixSuccessRate = 95 ; N/100
    ShieldPotionLv1MixMoney = 100000
    ShieldPotionLv2MixSuccessRate = 95 ; N/100
    ShieldPotionLv2MixMoney = 500000
    ShieldPotionLv3MixSuccessRate = 95 ; N/100
    ShieldPotionLv3MixMoney = 1000000

    EventManagerOn = 0
    AttackEventRegenTime = 120
    ChaosCastleEvent = 1
    ChaosCastleStartHour = 3 ; Time (Hours)
    RingAttackEvent = 1
    RingOrcKillGiftRate = 3000 ; White Mage Item Drop Rate [N/10000]
    RingDropGiftRate = 2000 ; White Mage Excellent Item Drop Rate [N/10000]
    EVENT1 = 0 ; St.Valentine Hearts Event
    Event1ItemDropTodayMax = 0
    Event1ItemDropTodayPercent = 0
    EventChipEvent = 1
    EventChipServerConnect = 1
    EventChipServerIp =
    DevilSquareEventConnect = 0
    DevilSquareEventServer =
    DevilSquareEvent = 1
    EyesOfDevilSquareDropRate = 10
    KeyOfDevilSquareDropRate = 10
    BloodCastleEvent = 1 ; Blood Castle Event On or Off(0ff / 1n)
    BloodCastleStartHour = 2 ; Blood castle start every Half an hour. (Default = 1 hour)
    AngelKingsPaperDropRate = 0 ; Rate of Angel`s kings paper(AngelKingsPaperDropRate / 10000)
    BloodBoneDropRate = 0 ; (BloodBoneDropRate / 10000)
    StoneDropRate = 0 ; (StoneDropRate/ 10000)
    BloodCastleOddEvenHour = 0
    IsEledoradoEvent = 1

    EledoradoGoldGoblenRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoTitanRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldDerconRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoDevilLizardKingRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoDevilTantarosRegenTime = 120

    EledoradoGoldGoblenItemDropRate = 10 ; Regular Item Drop rate
    EledoradoGoldGoblenExItemDropRate = 90 ; Excellent Item Drop rate
    EledoradoTitanItemDropRate = 10 ; Regular Item Drop rate
    EledoradoTitanExItemDropRate = 90 ; Excellent Item Drop rate
    EledoradoGoldDerconItemDropRate = 10 ; Regular Item Drop rate
    EledoradoGoldDerconExItemDropRate = 90 ; Excellent Item Drop rate
    EledoradoDevilLizardKingItemDropRate = 10 ; Regular Item Drop rate
    EledoradoDevilLizardKingExItemDropRate = 90 ; Excellent Item Drop rate
    EledoradoDevilTantarosItemDropRate = 10 ; Regular Item Drop rate
    EledoradoDevilTantarosExItemDropRate = 90 ; Excellent Item Drop rate

    EledoradoGoldenRabbitRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenDarkKnightRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenDevilRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenMonsterRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenCrustRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenSatirosRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenTwintailRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenIronKnightRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenNeipinRegenTime = 120
    EledoradoGoldenGreatDragonRegenTime = 120
    KundunRefillHPSec = 400
    KundunRefillHP = 15000
    KundunRefillHPTime = 600
    KundunHPLogSaveTime = 120
    KanturuEvent = 1
    BlockKanturuMapEnter = 0

    KanturuMayaHandItemDrop = 1
    KanturuMayaHandItemDropRate = 9000 ; N/10000
    KanturuMayaHandDropZenRate = 1000 ; N/10000
    KanturuMayaHandDropZen = 5000000

    KanturuNightmareItemDrop = 1
    KanturuNightmareItemDropRate = 9000 ; N/10000
    KanturuNightmareDropZenRate = 1000 ; N/10000
    KanturuNightmareDropZen = 10000000

    KanturuSpecialItemDropOn = 1
    KanturuMoonStoneDropRate = 10 ; N/10000
    KanturuJewelOfHarmonyDropRate = 5 ; N/10000
    IllusionTempleEvent = 1
    OldScrollDropRate = 0 ; N/10000
    CovenantOfIllusionDropRate = 0 ; N/10000
    UseMaxLevelIllusionTemple = 1
    SaveIllusionTempleRankingPoint = 1

    IllusionTempleRewardPercent = 100
    IllusionTempleRewardPercentMaster = 100
    IllusionTempleMinUseSkillCnt = 3
    TamaJJangEvent = 0
    TamaJJangKeepTime = 180
    TamaJJangDisappearTime = 3420
    TamaJJangDisappearTimeRandomRange = 100
    RibbonBoxEvent = 0
    RedRibbonBoxDropLv_Min = 2
    RedRibbonBoxDropLv_Max = 35
    RedRibbonBoxDropRate = 100 ; N/10000
    RedRibbonBoxDropZenRate = 5000 ; N/10000
    RedRibbonBoxDropZen = 500000
    GreenRibbonBoxDropLv_Min = 36
    GreenRibbonBoxDropLv_Max = 50
    GreenRibbonBoxDropRate = 80 ; N/10000
    GreenRibbonBoxDropZenRate = 7000 ; N/10000
    GreenRibbonBoxDropZen = 1000000
    BlueRibbonBoxDropLv_Min = 51
    BlueRibbonBoxDropLv_Max = 119
    BlueRibbonBoxDropRate = 60 ; N/10000
    BlueRibbonBoxDropZenRate = 9000 ; N/10000
    BlueRibbonBoxDropZen = 2000000
    CandyBoxEvent = 0

    LightPurpleCandyBoxDropLv_Min = 2
    LightPurpleCandyBoxDropLv_Max = 59
    LightPurpleCandyBoxDropRate = 400 ; N/10000
    LightPurpleCandyBoxDropZenRate = 8000 ; N/10000
    LightPurpleCandyBoxDropZen = 2000000

    VermilionCandyBoxDropLv_Min = 60
    VermilionCandyBoxDropLv_Max = 83
    VermilionCandyBoxDropRate = 120 ; N/10000
    VermilionCandyBoxDropZenRate = 8000 ; N/10000
    VermilionCandyBoxDropZen = 5000000

    DeepBlueCandyBoxDropLv_Min = 84
    DeepBlueCandyBoxDropLv_Max = 119
    DeepBlueCandyBoxDropRate = 60 ; N/10000
    DeepBlueCandyBoxDropZenRate = 8000 ; N/10000
    DeepBlueCandyBoxDropZen = 10000000
    ChocolateEvent = 0

    PinkChocolateBoxDropLv_Min = 2
    PinkChocolateBoxDropLv_Max = 53
    PinkChocolateBoxDropRate = 400
    PinkChocolateBoxDropZenRate = 8000
    PinkChocolateBoxDropZen = 2000000

    RedChocolateBoxDropLv_Min = 54
    RedChocolateBoxDropLv_Max = 70
    RedChocolateBoxDropRate = 100
    RedChocolateBoxDropZenRate = 8000
    RedChocolateBoxDropZen = 5000000

    BlueChocolateBoxDropLv_Min = 71
    BlueChocolateBoxDropLv_Max = 119
    BlueChocolateBoxDropRate = 60
    BlueChocolateBoxDropZenRate = 8000
    BlueChocolateBoxDropZen = 10000000
    HappyPouchBlueDropRate = 0 ; Drop Rate [ 3000/10000=30% ]
    HappyPouchRedDropRate = 0 ; Drop Rate [ 3000/10000=30% ]
    MysteriouseBeadDropRate1 = 0 ; N/10000
    MysteriouseBeadDropRate2 = 0 ; N/10000
    HiddenTreasureBoxOfflineRate = 0 ; N/10000
    CherryBlossomEventOn = 0
    CherryBlossomEventItemDropRate = 50 ; N/10000
    RaklionEvent = 0
    BlockRaklionMapEnter = 0
    RaklionSelupanItemDrop = 1
    RaklionSelupanItemDropRate = 10000 ; N/10000
    RaklionSelupanDropZenRate = 6800 ; N/10000
    RaklionSelupanDropZen = 25000000

    MerryXMasTalkNpc = 0
    XMasEvent = 0
    XMasEvent_StarOfXMasDropRate = 50 ;N/10000
    XMasEvent_ItemDropRateForStarOfXMas = 7 ; N/10

    XMasAttackEvent = 0
    XMasAttackEvent_DropRate = 5000
    XMasAttackEvent_DropZen = 30000
    XMasEvent_LuckNumber1st = 100
    XMasEvent_LuckNumber2nd = 1000

    HappyNewYearTalkNpc = 0
    NewYearLuckyBagMonsterEventOn = 0

    SantaPolymorphRingDropOn = 0
    SantaPolymorphRingDropRate = 20 ; N/10000
    NewYearLuckyBagMonsterEventOn = 0

    HallowinEventOn = 0
    HallowinEventPumpkinOfLuckDropRate = 100
    HallowinEventJOLBlessDropRate = 3
    HallowinEventJOLAngerDropRate = 5
    HallowinEventJOLScreamDropRate = 2
    HallowinEventJOLFoodDropRate = 15
    HallowinEventJOLDrinkDropRate = 20
    HallowinEventJOLPolymorphRingDropRate = 55

    CastleOwnerGuildDestroyLimit = 1
    MarkOfTheLord = 10 ; N/???
    CastleDeepEvent = 0
    BlockCastleSiegeMapEnter = 0

    IsDropGemOfDefend = 1
    GemOfDefendDropRate = 5
    GemOfDefendDropLevel = 75

    IsDropSetItemInCastleHuntZone = 1
    SetItemInCastleHuntZoneDropRate = 500 ; N/10000
    SetItemInCastleHuntZoneDropLevel = 75

    CastleSiegeRun = 0
    CastleCycleStartYear =0
    CastleCycleStartMonth =0
    CastleCycleStartDay =0
    CastleSpecificState =0
    CastleStateStartYear =0
    CastleStateStartMonth =0
    CastleStateStartDay =0
    CastleStateStartHour =0
    CastleStateStartMinute =0

    CrywolfApplyMvpBenefit = 1
    CrywolfPlusChaosRateBenefit = 5
    CrywolfMonHPRateBenefit = 100
    CrywolfApplyMvpPenalty = 0
    CrwyolfGemDropPenaltyRate = 50
    CrwyolfGettingExpPenaltyRate = 100

    ; FENRIR
    FenrirStuffItemDrop = 1

    FenrirStuff_01_DropLv_Min = 0
    FenrirStuff_01_DropLv_Max = 117
    FenrirStuff_01_DropMap = 34
    FenrirStuff_01_DropRate = 150 ; N/10000

    FenrirStuff_02_DropLv_Min = 0
    FenrirStuff_02_DropLv_Max = 117
    FenrirStuff_02_DropMap = 34
    FenrirStuff_02_DropRate = 100 ; N/10000

    FenrirStuff_03_DropLv_Min = 118
    FenrirStuff_03_DropLv_Max = 400
    FenrirStuff_03_DropMap = 34
    FenrirStuff_03_DropRate = 50 ; N/10000

    FenrirRepairRate = 4000 ; N/10000
    FenrirDefaultMaxDurSmall = 200
    FenrirElfMaxDurSmall = 100

    PCBangPointSystemOn = 0
    PCBangPointSystemLevel = 0
    PCBangPointRankingEvent = 0
    PCBangPointFirstRuleTime = 600
    PCBangPointFirstRuleTimePoint = 1
    PCBangPointCommonRuleTime = 600
    PCBangPointCommonRuleTimePoint = 1
    PCBangMaxPoint = 1008
    PCBangPointFeverStartHour = 20
    PCBangPointFeverEndHour = 24
    PCBangPointFeverMultipleValue = 1
    PCBangResetDayOfWeek = 2
    PCBangResetHour = 9
    PCBangAddExperience = 1.0

    Crazzy & HermeX - the source of the GS
    mauka - the sources of protocol encrypt for EX700,
    Dudi2 - Main fixes
    WebZen - the packets, and GMO server =)
    At KingLordMaster New Patch for client 1:04:20

  • seson 8 ep 1
    are Main Custom Wing (Wing SS8) [Server .24/.28/.52]

    Download Patch Update:

    Search ip : 123.30.208
    Search Serial : 12345 - 0123456789101112

    Thank ikenylee

  • MuServer 97d99i Beta 31 - Marry, Quest System & Sky Event!

    [Beta 31 Changelog]
    Webzen Mu Game Server is already Running fixed
    - Sub servers support added
    Patched all startup error logs

    [Beta 30 Changelog]
    Option to check if inventory is empty before reset - added (2 types, 1 = check equipment only, 2 = check whole inventory)
    Option to clear inventory after reset - added
    Elf greater damage & defense buffs duration options - added
    Drop command can drop kris
    Party exp options fixed (party bonus event should also be working correctly now)

    Reduced sql queries
    [Beta 29 Changelog]
    Minor fixes
    Added support for excellent items in shops - Hot!
    You'll have to update your shop files by adding an additional 0 on each item

    [Beta 28 Changelog]
    Checksum crash fixed
    More performance improvements

    [Beta 27 Changelog]
    English translated gameserver
    Sky event hotfix

    [Beta 26 Changelog]
    Character/guild leave without personal id - fixed
    Trade hack - blocked
    Guild notice sql injection - fixed (directly in gs).
    Pk bug - fixed (limit of 100 kills - removed)
    Post command delay option - added
    Spoof hack - blocked
    Disconnect hack detection - improved
    Trade with npc crash - fixed
    Sky event - improved
    Quest system - improved. No more crashes & negative quests, hopefully.
    Elf arrows will no longer decrease (and then increase) when DecreaseElfArrows is set to 0
    Happy hour event - improved
    Performance improved by 80%, sql queries reduced by 60%
    2nd level wings success rate option - fixed
    Advanced Blood castle reward according to the room level - added (example: bc1 - box+1, bc2 - box+2, bc6 - box+5)
    Mana shield maximum percentage option - added
    Npc buffers (swell of life, mana shield, elf buffs) - added
    /pet command - added
    Swell of Life (bk buff) formula options - added
    Post command color #3 fixed
    Skin command blocked skins option - added

    [Beta 25 Changelog]
    CheckSum crash - Fixed
    Little corrections over the EventManager

    [Beta 24 Changelog]
    Critical bug fix

    [Beta 23 Changelog]
    Anti bad symbols in character name - Added - Hot!
    Unique map system (pk free, non-pvp maps) - Added - Unique!
    Allow/Disallow pvp in sky event option - Added
    Little corrections in quest system

    [Beta 22.2]
    Some little corrections

    [Beta 22 Changelog]
    GM Login notice - Added
    [Move System] Required resets to move - Added - Hot!
    [Move System] Required grand resets to move - Added - Hot!
    F.O Items support in drop system - Added
    F.O Items support in Quest reward - Added
    F.O Items support in Sky Event Reward - Added
    Sky Event Respawn - Fixed
    Sky Event Min players option - Added
    Sky Event credits reward - Added
    Quest System Exp & Levels reward - Fixed
    All other reported bugs - Fixed

    [Beta 21 Changelog]
    New Commands: /skin, /gg, /banpost, /unbanpost, /banchar, /unbanchar, /reload, /evo & /grandreset

    Brand new Quest System (with 15 new quests) - Hot!
    New sql connection
    Unique drop system - Hot!
    Updated Event Manager
    Sky Event - (Download the new client) - Hot!
    GM System - Hot!
    New Move System (game masters should use /gmove name map coords) - Hot!
    Blood Castle Ranking
    Golden Archer
    Auto bugged stats fix on login
    Trade System
    Anti Disconnect Hack - Hot!
    Anti Vault Dupe - Hot!
    Anti Guild Crash - Hot!
    PvP / NoN PvP Support - Hot!

    [Client Updates]
    1. With this client you can start the game directly from main.exe
    2. Added a cell in Icarus for Sky Event

    - :: Custom Commands :: -
    /post, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /pkclear, /reset, /grandreset, /marry, /acceptmarry, /tracemarry, /marrystatus, /divorce, /getmarry,
    /time, /exit, /buy, /sell, /online, /clearinventory, /moveall, /vault, /questinfo, /skin, /gg, /drop, /banchar, /unbanchar, /banpost, /unbanpost, /reload, /evo, /pet

    - :: Custom Events :: -
    Happy Hour
    Party Exp Bonus
    Sky Event

    - :: Other Customs :: -
    Custom Item Drop System
    Game Master System
    News System
    Unique Quest System
    Move System
    Trade System
    Event Manager
    Golden Archer
    Blood Castle Ranking
    Auto Bugged Stats fix on Login
    Map System
    Advanced Blood Castle Rewards - New!
    NPC Buffers - New!
    Support for Excellent items in shops - New!
    Over 300 Custom Config Options

    - :: Security :: -
    Anti Disconnect Hack
    Anti Guild Crash
    Anti Vault Dupe
    Anti Bad Symbols in Character Name
    Anti Guild Notice Inject - New!
    Anti NPC Trade Crash - New!
    Anti Trade Hack - New!

    :: Downloads :: -
    Base files:http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/V9vd5OFT/file.html
    Beta 31 Patch:http://www41.zippyshare.com/v/Sf5D4Eg0/file.html
    Full client with Sky event cell in Icarus:https://mega.co.nz/#!LxZWFLBb!WJ2AP_...9z1JzpQFzWBJIo(ip in main:
    Darks Team

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