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Crazy MuWar Season6 E3/1500X/DROP20%/JEWEL RATE30%

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  • Happy to announce about new project opening - Crazy MuWar!
    - We offer you qualitatively fast dedicated long term MU Online server without bugs or lags.
    - Server is almost 99.99% bug-free that means you can freely explore everything without being disconnected.
    - Server has great defense also secured with anti-cheat that means no more hackers and cheaters play fair and enjoy your pvp matches.
    - Server does not turn off never! We are fully at work 24/7.
    - Crazy MuWar Team will always have your back if you got problems or questions feel free to PM or talk to us about it we are always available and ready to help.
    - Crazy MuWar is what you are looking for join today be a part of the family.

    Website: MU Online - MU Online - MuWar Crazy
    Forum: Sign In - MuWar.Ru
    Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/muwar.ru/
    Support: admin@muwar.ru

    Crazy MuWar Server Information:
    - Server Name: Crazy MuWar
    - Server Version: Season 6 Episode3
    - Server language: Multi
    - Server location: EU
    - Experience: 1500x
    - Item drop: 20%
    - Jewel rates: 30%
    - FREE VIP: On start
    - Sell Stats: +
    - Anti Cheat: +
    - Custom Maps: All ORGINAL S6E3
    - Custom Items: 1200+
    - Buy Stats: x
    - Monster HP: 100%
    - Points per level:
    BM, GM, HE, SUM 5/6/6
    DM/LE/FM 7/7
    - Maximum Stats: 32,767
    - Reset: From the site
    - Reset cost: 1,000,000 Zen
    - Maximum level: 600
    - Daily GM events
    - MU SHOP
    - Unique payment methods
    - Active community GM team
    - 24/7 Online Dedicated Server
    - Grand Reset Feature - Exchange resets for WebShop Webzens.
    - Vote System - Vote for Us and Get Rewarded!
    - WEB Chaos mashine
    - SELL STATS for CREDITS(WebZen)
    - FREE SET on start +50kzen
    - FREE CREDITS from REFFERER system
    - VIP online shop
    - X-SHOP
    - REWARD for Online time
    - MuWar SECURE ACCOUNT system
    - SUPPORT tickets

    - Are used to buy anything you desire from our WebShop
    - Donations to keep server up
    - Grand Reset Reward
    - Vote Reward
    - Quests
    - Daily Bonuses

    Custom Commands & Scortcuts:
    /ads -> Global message
    /addstr -> Add Points to Strength
    /addagi -> Add Points to Agility
    /addene -> Add Points to Energy
    /addcom -> Add Points to Command
    /addvit -> Add Points to Vitality
    /marry [name] -> for marry with another charcater
    /pkclear -> Clear murderer status
    /reset - Reset your character from game. 400 level and 1.000.000zen required.
    /request off -> Deny all requests from players.
    /request on -> Allow all requests from players.
    /offtrade - Activate off-trade sale, requires setup of personal store first.
    /setparty - Allows to set password for AutoParty system.
    /ware - Allow to switch wares in case MulTiWare are available in the Server.
    F4 - right mouse clicker
    F7 - hide game
    F8 - restore game
    F9 - minimise game
    F11 - 3D camera restore
    F12 - 3D on/off camera
    other ingame commands can find in or Web site <Help>

    Events / Quests:
    - Castle Siege
    - Blood Castle
    - Golden Invasion
    - Devil Square
    - Chaos Castle
    - CryWolf Defense
    - Illusion Temple
    - Halloween Event
    - DoppelGanger Event
    - LorenDeep Event
    - LastManStanding Event
    - XMas Event
    - GameMaster System Event

    GM and Administrator Events:

    - Drop Event
    - Race Event
    - Find Event
    - PK Event
    - Survivor Event
    - Team PVP Event
    - Question Event
    - Guild Event

    Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/muwar.ru/?fref=ts
    Forum :http://forum.muwar.ru//
    Website :http://crazy.muwar.ru/

    Crazy MuWar Season6 E3/1500X/DROP20%/JEWEL RATE30%

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi justiceboy -- 27 Ekim 2016; 14:52:25 >

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