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Daedalus N64 Emulator Update! Nintendo64 Emusu

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  • Arkadaşlar adam Full Speed nintendo64 emulatoru yapıyomuş psp için yaşadaık yaaa


     Daedalus N64 Emulator Update! Nintendo64 Emusu

     Daedalus N64 Emulator Update! Nintendo64 Emusu

    Extra, extra — read all about it! I’ve been checking StrmnNrmn’s blog regularly in hopes of an update some day. Just when I was about to abandon all hope for Daedalus, I’m kicked in the face by a sudden news flash –

    …I’m going to finish off this reintroduction with a broad overview of some of the stuff I’ve been working on. This is all stuff that will be present in R9, which I’d like to release this month…

    * Added support for RGBA 4444 and 5551 textures, saving a bunch of memory in the front end.
    * Tidied up all the texture conversion code, fixing a few bugs in the process
    * Fixed the width/height of FillRect calls in 1 and 2 cycle mode (fixed a few small graphical issues)
    * Fixed a blending bug (fixed a few small graphical issues)
    * Use 16-bit textures on the PSP to represent 16-bit N64 textures. Saves time converting, saves memory, and faster rendering
    * Added mirrored texture support (this fixes lots of small graphical glitches)
    * Fixed a LoadTile bug, allowing a couple of hacks to be removed (this also fixes various small graphical glitches)
    * Added some new blend modes for various roms
    * Fixed the Tri2 command for F3DLX microcodes
    * Fixed a bug in busy-wait detection (this wasn’t working correctly with dynarec code, net result is a small speedup)
    * Fixed a few dynarec stability issues (relating to exceptions occuring mid-trace)
    * Added audio support :)
    * Added the ability to dump textures (developer builds only at the moment)
    * Fixed screenshots. Again.
    * Implemented cmp.s, cvt.s, cvt.w, mtc1, mfc1, bc1f, bc1t, j, cfc1, ctc1, daddu, trunc.w.s, bc1t, bc1f, bc1tl, bcifl, bnel, beql, blezl, bgtzl, bltzl, blezl in dynarec (this gives a decent speedup)
    * Avoid setting the branch delay flag and current PC in generated dynarec code unless absolutely necessary (this gives another small speedup)
    * Much better memory access handling in dynamically recompiled code (this gives a BIG speedup :)
    * Use a second code buffer for generated dynarec code, to avoid polluting the instruction cache (this gives another small speedup)
    * Further improve the memory access handling in generated dynarec code (another small speedup)
    * Fix register usage analysis for lwc1/swc1/mfc1/mtc1 which was preventing base registers used in these instructions from being cached (another small speedup)
    * Have compensation blocks restore nobbled registers, so on-trace code does’t need to reload (another small speedup)

    Quite the list! It’s good to see you back StrmnNrmn.

  • ohh eskiden N64 vardı bende memory card yoktu kaydedemiyodum burda oynarız artık ..
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