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    1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - ???????

  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008

  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..

  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..
    34- kaaan00 14.00-20.00 oyunlarım imzamda yakında eye of judgement eklenicek

  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..
    34- kaaan00 14.00-20.00 oyunlarım imzamda yakında eye of judgement eklenicek
    35- egoktepe psn:esatcan93 - bölge:Ntsc-u - hafta içi 17:00-19.00 hafta sonu 12:00-16:00 Euro 2008 -Gta IV

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Toruk Macto -- 1 Ağustos 2008; 16:46:00 >

  • Jago - PSN :fighterwolf76 - Bölge : PAL - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Game ID : korkmaz76 - 22:00 / 24:00
  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..
    34- kaaan00 14.00-20.00 oyunlarım imzamda yakında eye of judgement eklenicek
    35- egoktepe psn:esatcan93 - bölge:Ntsc-u - hafta içi 17:00-19.00 hafta sonu 12:00-16:00 Euro 2008 -Gta IV
    36- evo_4 PSN: evo__4 Rfom, Motorstorm, MGO(2. bölge) akşam 20:00 den sonra

  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..
    34- kaaan00 14.00-20.00 oyunlarım imzamda yakında eye of judgement eklenicek
    35- egoktepe psn:esatcan93 - bölge:Ntsc-u - hafta içi 17:00-19.00 hafta sonu 12:00-16:00 Euro 2008 -Gta IV
    36- evo_4 PSN: evo__4 Rfom, Motorstorm, MGO(2. bölge) akşam 20:00 den sonra
    37- zebani666 PSN: zebani666, PES08, Fight Night Round 3, Resistance, hafta icleri 20:00-23:00 hafta sonlari daha gec saatlere kadar..

  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..
    34- kaaan00 14.00-20.00 oyunlarım imzamda yakında eye of judgement eklenicek
    35- egoktepe psn:esatcan93 - bölge:Ntsc-u - hafta içi 17:00-19.00 hafta sonu 12:00-16:00 Euro 2008 -Gta IV
    36- evo_4 PSN: evo__4 Rfom, Motorstorm, MGO(2. bölge) akşam 20:00 den sonra
    37- zebani666 PSN: zebani666, PES08, Fight Night Round 3, Resistance, hafta icleri 20:00-23:00 hafta sonlari daha gec saatlere kadar..
    38- Jago - PSN :fighterwolf76 - Bölge : PAL - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Game ID : korkmaz76 - 22:00 / 24:00
    39- LordMurat55 PSN: LordMuratLoD Motorstorm,GTAIV,MGO (2.bölge), NBA2K8 19:00 / 02:00

  • krıtos--bushidotr--22:00-03:00--BATTLEFIELD BAD COMPANY--euro2008
  • PSN:carbonwing genelde haftaiçi 9 dan sonra GT5p ve Fifa08

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi AYIBOGAN -- 2 Ağustos 2008; 2:14:28 >
  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..
    34- kaaan00 14.00-20.00 oyunlarım imzamda yakında eye of judgement eklenicek
    35- egoktepe psn:esatcan93 - bölge:Ntsc-u - hafta içi 17:00-19.00 hafta sonu 12:00-16:00 Euro 2008 -Gta IV
    36- evo_4 PSN: evo__4 Rfom, Motorstorm, MGO(2. bölge) akşam 20:00 den sonra
    37- zebani666 PSN: zebani666, PES08, Fight Night Round 3, Resistance, hafta icleri 20:00-23:00 hafta sonlari daha gec saatlere kadar..
    38- Jago - PSN :fighterwolf76 - Bölge : PAL - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Game ID : korkmaz76 - 22:00 / 24:00
    39- LordMurat55 PSN: LordMuratLoD Motorstorm,GTAIV,MGO (2.bölge), NBA2K8 19:00 / 02:00
    40- MuSoniC PSN: mussa85 Oyunlar: GTA IV, GT5 P saatler: 00:00 - 04:00 ya da 14:00 - 17:00

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Muss@ -- 2 Ağustos 2008; 2:23:26 >

  • ps3den yazdigim icin kopyala yapistir yapamiyorum kusura bakmayin
    eklerseniz sevinirim.
    psn: faibo 19:00 ile 03:00 arasi online im.Haftada 3 veya 4 gun bu saatler arasinda RFOM ve GT5P online oynuyorum.
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: GoldPunch

    ps3den yazdigim icin kopyala yapistir yapamiyorum kusura bakmayin
    eklerseniz sevinirim.
    psn: faibo 19:00 ile 03:00 arasi online im.Haftada 3 veya 4 gun bu saatler arasinda RFOM ve GT5P online oynuyorum.

    Hazır PS3'teyken ekleyiver beni
  • Merhaba Arkadaşlar;

    Beni de listeye eklerseniz sevinirim.

    obozden - obozden - 20.00-00.00 - FIFA 08, Need For Speed Pro Street

    Herkese iyi eğlenceler...
  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikv67 - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..
    34- kaaan00 14.00-20.00 oyunlarım imzamda yakında eye of judgement eklenicek
    35- egoktepe psn:esatcan93 - bölge:Ntsc-u - hafta içi 17:00-19.00 hafta sonu 12:00-16:00 Euro 2008 -Gta IV
    36- evo_4 PSN: evo__4 Rfom, Motorstorm, MGO(2. bölge) akşam 20:00 den sonra
    37- zebani666 PSN: zebani666, PES08, Fight Night Round 3, Resistance, hafta icleri 20:00-23:00 hafta sonlari daha gec saatlere kadar..
    38- Jago - PSN :fighterwolf76 - Bölge : PAL - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Game ID : korkmaz76 - 22:00 / 24:00
    39- LordMurat55 PSN: LordMuratLoD Motorstorm,GTAIV,MGO (2.bölge), NBA2K8 19:00 / 02:00
    40- MuSoniC PSN: mussa85 Oyunlar: GTA IV, GT5 P saatler: 00:00 - 04:00 ya da 14:00 - 17:00
    41- AYIBOGAN - PSN:carbonwing genelde haftaiçi 9 dan sonra GT5p ve Fifa08
    42- psn: faibo 19:00 ile 03:00 arasi online im.Haftada 3 veya 4 gun bu saatler arasinda RFOM ve GT5P online oynuyorum.
    43- obozden - 20.00-00.00 - FIFA 08, Need For Speed Pro Street


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi AYIBOGAN -- 2 Ağustos 2008; 14:14:10 >

  • AYIBOGAN psnimin yanina forum nickimi yazarsan sevinirim.faibo nun basina
  • 1- Innocence - zatara10 - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Warhawk - Orange Box
    2- pegasusxx1975 - orion75 - 20:00 - 00:00 - COD4- motorstorm
    3- gurmer - lonely - 21:19 - 01-00 - the eye of judgement - resistance fom - fnr3
    4- OffLineR - KorayH - 19:00 - 01:00 - COD4
    5- SİNANKAAN - sinankaan - 20:00 - 02:00 - BURNOUT - COD 4
    6- neo23 - neo2323 - 19:00 - 22:00 - Burnout - Fifa 08 - Cod4
    7- hozes - hozes - 00:00 - 03:00 - COD4
    8- NumanB - NuAmo - 22.00 - 01:00 - COD4 - eye of judgement
    9- mistikv - mistikvTR - 23:00 - 02:00 - cod4 - fnr3 - nba2k8 - pes2008
    10- cathliam2121 - erray - 19:00 - 03:00 - COD4 - Fifa08
    11- husmenus - husmen - 22:30 - ? - stardust - fifa 08 - burnout
    12- tansel - tansel - 23:30 - 01.00 - COD4
    13- xanty - amerika - 22.00 - 01.30 - pes2008 - motorstorm - resistance FOM
    14- mertyucel1905 - witchunterTR - 22.00-23.00 - resistance
    15- ilse- seisi - 22:00-04:00 - COD4 - Win2008 - RFOM - Motorstorm
    16- blackhedgehog - blackhedgehog - 19.00-23.00 - COD4
    17- Arman_Vice - 14:00 - 18:00 ve 23:30 -05:45 - COD4
    18- saint jimmy - saint_jimmy91 - 16.30 - 01.00 - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Burnout
    19- MtkP - MtkP - 23:00 - 2:00 Burnout Paradise - CoD4 - Resisdance - Juiced - GT5P
    20- fallen_angel17 - fallen_ang - 21:00 - 24:00 - COD4
    21- ozngltkn - Gbros - Cuma & Cumartesi - Cod4 - Burnout - Fight Night 3
    22- fatalframe - Knowas - 19:00--02:00 - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 3
    23- elekesiz - elekesiz - 19:00 - 02:00 - pes 2008
    24- poorty - tirtil26 - 19.00 - 24.00 Cod4 - Fight Night 3 - UT3
    25- burak reis - reis72 - 21:00 - 24:30 cod 4
    26- by C. - C-TRanger - 21:00 - ? - COD4 - Burnout - Motorstorm - Resistance
    27- tcuneytb - tcuneytb - 20.00 - 24.00 RFOM - Motorstorm - COD 3
    28- Johnessen-shadibey37-23.00-02:00-nba2k8-fifa 2008
    29- Matherman - Yavuz3425 (EU) - Yavuz_ (US) 20:00-24:00 - Cod 4 - Orange Box
    30. pj - esenova - 23.30 - 04.00 - BURNOUT PARADISE, COD4, FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3, FİFA 08, GT5p
    31- kaplanenes - Enes_Kaplan - 20:00 - 04:00 - COD4 + FİFA08
    32- Bosix - bosix - 22.00 - 01.00 - COD4 - Burnout - PES 2008
    33-ekremcoskuner-OFLI 24 saat onlıneyım..
    34- kaaan00 14.00-20.00 oyunlarım imzamda yakında eye of judgement eklenicek
    35- egoktepe psn:esatcan93 - bölge:Ntsc-u - hafta içi 17:00-19.00 hafta sonu 12:00-16:00 Euro 2008 -Gta IV
    36- evo_4 PSN: evo__4 Rfom, Motorstorm, MGO(2. bölge) akşam 20:00 den sonra
    37- zebani666 PSN: zebani666, PES08, Fight Night Round 3, Resistance, hafta icleri 20:00-23:00
    38- Jago - PSN :fighterwolf76 - Bölge : PAL - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Game ID : korkmaz76 - 22:00 / 24:00
    39- LordMurat55 PSN: LordMuratLoD Motorstorm,GTAIV,MGO (2.bölge), NBA2K8 19:00 / 02:00
    40- MuSoniC PSN: mussa85 Oyunlar: GTA IV, GT5 P saatler: 00:00 - 04:00 ya da 14:00 - 17:00
    41- AYIBOGAN - PSN:carbonwing genelde haftaiçi 9 dan sonra GT5p ve Fifa08
    42- GoldPunch Psn: faibo 19:00 ile 03:00 arasi online im.Haftada 3 veya 4 gun bu saatler arasinda RFOM ve GT5P online oynuyorum.
    43- obozden - 20.00-00.00 - FIFA 08, Need For Speed Pro Street
    44-Trex_Tr Psn:Trex_Tr Bölge:Pal. Online Time: 09:00-23:00. Oyunlarım GTA IV FİFA 08

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Trex_Tr -- 2 Ağustos 2008; 20:01:33 >

  • mistikv67 değişti arkadaşlar mistikvTR oldu bıktım amerikan bayrağı görmekten Türk psn aldım onu kullanıyorum duyurulur
  • Tamamdır GoldPuch Düzelttim Ve mistikv67 Yide mistikvTR Yaptım
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