⭐ EliteMU LOW x50 - 4.AUGUST (2. sayfa)
Changelog 12.09.2020
[+] Added New Feature Luck option for 3rd Wings (more info: HERE)
[+] Added Premium Launcher system for fast updates
[+] Changed Potion Delay Time (from 8 potions to 7 potions per second)
[+] Changed Delay 7 seconds to SM Teleport scrolls
[+] Changed TOP 10 Voter reward to Gold Coins (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Lord Mix Daily Limit = 3 and mix settings (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Requests command to: /request on/off (more info: HERE)
[+] Fixed Skill Tree Reset function in website
[+] Fixed client freeze while having multiple client instances running and holding any key
[+] Fixed scenario when doing divorce did not actually divorced one of sides
[+] Fixed GameServer crash
[+] Fixed invisibility buff for GM making him visible in certain scenarios
[+] Fixed Attack Delay issue of selected skills
[+] Fixed default spawn zone after dying in Baracks of Balgass
[+] Fixed ability to enter a party within Chaos Castle using /setparty command
[+] Fixed Dark Side skill does not consume mana when targetting monster
[+] Fixed Pants defense not properly applied
[+] Fixed Demon and Satan improper damage addition
[+] Fixed selection of Stun effect issues
[+] Fixed selection of scenarios when expirable item could become normal one
[+] Fixed selection of chaos box mixes, options and luck
[+] Updated Game Guides @ HELP.ELITEMU.NET
Changelog 15.09.2020
[+] Fixed Ancient item Gaion Storm Crow Boots drop
[+] Decreased RF PvM damage by 15% (more info: HERE)
[+] Increased SM vs BK PvP damage by 20% (more info: HERE)
[+] Increased BK vs BK PvP damage by 10% (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Castle Siege fight start time by -1 hour (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Castle Siege period cycle time (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Die Location place in CryWolf to safe zone
[+] Changed Devias back to PvP type zone
[+] Changed Devias to PK Free zone (PK not increased)
[+] Added Master EXP in (DS) Devil Square, is tripled 3x (more info: HERE)
[+] Decreased Symbol of Kundun drop rate %
[+] Changed Kalima monsters strenght as in top maps
------- Map Name : Monster Levels
------- Kalima 1 : 76-80 (3 spots)
------- Kalima 2 : 86-90 (3 spots)
------- Kalima 3 : 96-100 (3 spots)
------- Kalima 4 : 106-110 (3 spots)
------- Kalima 5 : 120-124 (3 spots)
------- Kalima 6 : 131-135 (3 spots)
------- Kalima 7 : 146-150 (3 spots)
Changelog 11.10.2020
[+] Updated Game Client with Anti Hack Protection (more info: HERE)
[+] Updated Blood Castle event with new map and spots (in far future entry limit will be 20 players)
[+] Fixed Twisting Slash issue before 80 level
[+] Fixed Skill Delay time for other lang game client
[+] Fixed correct CS Cycle Periods time in website (except CS Fight start time - different for each server)
[+] Changed Selupan Boss item drop count to 2 items (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed SM teleport delay time from 7 to 5 seconds
[+] Changed Launcher Key Bindings (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Guild Ranking order in website by GR Count
[+] Added extra words in Filter against advertisements
[+] Added reported missing items in drop
* New Game Client is REQUIRED to download in order to continue to play !
Changelog 31.10.2020
[+] Added New 12 hour option for Seals, Pets in CashShop (re-launch Launcher for updates)
[+] Increased Top Boss Strength by ~30% (need team-up)
[+] Increased Price for Elite Pots, Sphere in CashShop
[+] Changed Medusa Boss item drop count to 3 items (more info: HERE)
[+] Removed Drakan spot from Stadium
[+] Updated some features in websites functionality
* In case there is issues with Launcher (Game Client), try to re-launch it or simply re-download Client from website !
New server Launch TODAY - Join US !
* Get Free 500 Coins, more info: http://forum.elitemu.net/index.php?/topic/746-low-x50-fb-event-5-get-free-500-coins/
Server is successfully opened and stable and planning to open different rate very soon, stay tuned !
Updates & Changes: http://forum.elitemu.net/index.php?/forum/4-changelog/
Changelog 01.12.2020
[+] Fixed website reported bugs
[+] Removed extra monsters from BC 1-6
[+] Changed BC Statue to first room (after 1st bridge)
[+] Increased item drop rate by +10% when finishing BC (more info: HERE)
[+] [LOW x50] Changed Max GR limit = 5
[+] [LOW x50] Changed GR free point reward system:
---------- on 1st GR: 20000 Free Points
---------- on 2nd GR: 35000 Free Points
---------- on 3rd GR: 45000 Free Points
---------- on 4th GR: 50000 Free Points
---------- on 5th GR: 55000 Free Points
[+] [LOW x50] Changed reset level for Newcommers:
---------- 1st reset: 350 level
---------- 2nd reset: 360 level
---------- 3rd reset: 370 level
---------- 4th reset: 380 level
---------- 5th reset: 390 level
[+] Updated website features
[+] Updated info in Game Guides: HELP.ELITEMU.NET
Changelog 04.12.2020
[+] Decreased RF PvP damage by 10% (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed RF Dark Side damage formula (need Energy)
[+] Changed Nightmare Boss item drop count to 3 items (more info: HERE)
[+] Enabled (IT) Illusion Temple Event (more info: HERE)
[+] Updated Webshop items (maximum sets till BOK +4) - from now in Webshop only sets up to BOK +4 (more info: HERE)
[+] Added Chaos Card drop in (DS) Devil Square 1-7
[+] Added Empty Sphere lvl 5 drop in DS 1-7
[+] Removed current rewards in (IT) Illusion Temple (no rewards at the moment - still under construction)
[+] Fixed item price selling to in-game NPC
[+] Added New Item Chaos Card (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Marry system reward to Chaos Card
[+] Updated info in Game Guides: HELP.ELITEMU.NET
HIGH x1000 Opening TODAY !
* Get Free 500 Coins, more info: http://forum.elitemu.net/index.php?/topic/769-fb-event-6-get-free-500-coins/
I would play if you hadn't blocked my account. It was a server I liked to play.
ByCeLLaT - I feel that there was a reason for it...please contact me at Forum/Discord, thanks.
⭐ MEDIUM x200 Launch - 8.JANUARY
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi elitemu14 -- 28 Aralık 2020; 23:6:51 > -
Get Free 500 Coins: http://forum.elitemu.net/index.php?/topic/790-fb-event-7-get-free-500-coins/
Opening TODAY !
⭐ EliteMU HARD x10 Launch - 5 FEBRUARY
Changelog 23.01.2021
[+] Updated our Anti-Hack system to the latest version
[+] Fixed Free Stats issue (Limited Stats enabled now)
[+] Fixed Mana issue for classes SM, SUM
[+] Fixed HP increment per point issue for SM
[+] Fixed Change Name function in website
[+] Fixed Item Remove from the Market issue in website
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi elitemu14 -- 27 Ocak 2021; 19:43:38 > -
[+] Added New items - Chaos Card (Mini, Rare, Gold) (more info: HERE)
[+] Fixed Dimension Mirror Event excellent option drop
[+] Fixed Dark Raven Success Attack Rate
[+] Increased (SUM) PvM damage by 20% (more info: HERE)
[+] Increased (ELF) PvM damage by 10% (more info: HERE)
[+] Increased (ELF, SUM, MG, DL) PvP damage by 10% (more info: HERE)
[+] [MEDIUM x200] Increased BC, DS ticket part drop rate %
[+] Decreased Dark Raven damage by 20%
[+] Decreased Top spot monster HP by 30% (in Kalima 7)
[+] Decreased Boss Kundun HP by 20%
[+] Updated (BC) Blood Castle Event Rewards (more info: HERE)
[+] Updated (DS) Devil Square Event Rewards (more info: HERE)
[+] Updated (IT) Illusion Temple Rewards (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed (IT) Illusion Temple Event start times (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed (CS) Castle Siege Fight start times (more info: HERE)
HARD x10 (NO WEBSHOP) Launch - TODAY...Join US !
* Get Free 500 Coins: http://forum.elitemu.net/index.php?/topic/817-fb-event-8-get-free-500-coins/
CHANGELOG 10.02.2021
[+] Fixed Game Client lag issues due GameGuard
[+] Fixed Boss Kundun and Dark Elf bug issue
[+] Updated GameGuard system to enable TeamViewer
[+] Updated Word Filter Protection system
[+] Changed Potion Limit to 5 doses in 1 second
[+] Changed Ancient item option drop to max +4% add
[+] Changed 3rd Quest item req Boss spawn to 5 minutes
[+] Increased Rabbit drop rate % for jewels / item
# CHANGELOG - 16.02.2021 #
[+] Added 3x Item Requirements for Grand Reset (more info: HERE)
[+] Added New Payment System STRIPE for Credit Cards (more info: HERE)
[+] Added Pet info at the website in character equipment
[+] Changed Reset Limit = 20 (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Regular EXP on 10th and 20th reset (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Price for Resets (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed Price for Grand Reset (more info: HERE)
[+] Fixed Vote counting issue @ Vote Rankings
[+] Fixed Add Stats feature in website
[+] Fixed account creation issues in some scenarios
[+] Fixed Clear PK feature in website
[+] Updated some base functionality on website
⭐ HIGH x1000 Launch - 20.FEBRUARY
* Get Free 500 Coins: http://forum.elitemu.net/index.php?/topic/831-fb-event-9-get-free-500-coins/
CHANGELOG 01.03.2021
[+] Updated game, hosting server with latest updates
[+] Fixed Clear SkillTree issue in website
[+] Fixed Master Skill Tree reported issues
[+] Added 1x new spot in Barracks
[+] Added Lahap and other NPC location in Noria
[+] Added Off-Level feature in Stadium/Arena map
[+] Added New spots in Stadium (5x mobs per spots)
[+] Added Rules in Guild War section for Castle Siege (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed zen and level req for teleport to Stadium
[+] Changed maps Kalima 1-6 to Non-PvP zone (more info: HERE)
[+] Changed map Kalrutan 1 to PvP zone
[+] Changed Reset Stats price to 100 Coins
Bu mesaj IP'si ile atılan mesajları ara Bu kullanıcının son IP'si ile atılan mesajları ara Bu mesaj IP'si ile kullanıcı ara Bu kullanıcının son IP'si ile kullanıcı ara