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⭐ EliteMU MEDIUM x500 - 5.NOVEMBER

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  • Dear players, our first x500 server is ready to be opened ! Many things have been added, fixed and changed...we will continue to improve daily game-play and make server more interesting, balanced and of course - more fun.

    [center][color=orange][b]INFORMATION ABOUT "MEDIUM" x500 SERVER[/b][/color][/center]

    [center][color=orange][b]Opening 5.NOVEMBER (19:00 by Server Time)[/b][/color][/center]


    [img]https://www.elitemu.net/assets/elitemu/images/menu-icon_ff.png[/img] [b]ELITEMU - [color=#E94B29]COMMUNITY LINKS[/b][/color]

    * Website: https://www.elitemu.net

    * Registration: https://www.elitemu.net/registration

    * Downloads: https://www.elitemu.net/downloads

    * Community Forum: http://forum.elitemu.net/

    [img]https://www.elitemu.net/assets/elitemu/images/menu_icon-home.png[/img] [b]MEDIUM x500 - [color=#E94B29]GAME DATA[/b][/color]

    • Version: Season 6 Episode 3

    • Experience: x500 (Dynamic EXP)

    ----- from 0 - 10 resets: x500

    ----- from 11 - 20 resets: x400

    ----- from 21 - 30 resets: x300

    ----- from 31 - 40 resets: x200

    ----- from 41 - 50 resets: x100

    • Master EXP: x10

    • Drop: 50%

    • Elf NPC Buff Till: [color=green]ON[/color] (till level 350)

    • Official MU Helper: [color=green]ON[/color] (from 10 level, 500 zen * level for 5 min.)

    • Class required level: SUM 1 = lvl, MG = 220 lvl, DL = 250 lvl, RF = 250 lvl

    • Points Per Level: 5/6/7

    • Guild Create Level: 300

    • Master Skill Tree: 200 (max level)

    [img]https://www.elitemu.net/assets/elitemu/images/menu-icon_1.png[/img] [b]MEDIUM x500 - [color=#E94B29]RESET & GRAND RESET[/b][/color]

    • Reset Limit: 50 resets

    • Reset Level: 400

    ----- Reset price: 2kk * resets

    ----- Reward: 10 Free Coins & 5 Gold Coins

    ----- Clear Stats: [color=green]ON[/color]

    ----- Clear Magic/Spells: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Clear Inventory: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Clear Class: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Points for Reset: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 900 points * resets & MG, DL, RF = 1050 points * resets

    ----- Max Stats: 32767 (32000 recommended) 

    ----- Maximal Points (with Max GR + Resets): 102400 - 110300 Free Points [color=orange][LIMITED][/color]

    • Max GR: 10

    • GR Requirements: 50 resets & 400 level

    • GR Item Requirements: 2x random generated items [color=orange][HOT][/color]

    ----- GR price: 1kkk

    ----- Reward: 2000 Free Coins & 200 Gold Coins

    ----- Clear Stats: [color=green]ON[/color]

    ----- Clear Magic/Spells: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Clear Inventory: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Clear Class: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Clear Stats after GR: [color=green]ON[/color]

    ---------- on 1st GR: 10000 Free Points

    ---------- on 2nd GR: 19000 Free Points

    ---------- on 3rd GR: 27000 Free Points

    ---------- on 4th GR: 34000 Free Points

    ---------- on 5th GR: 40000 Free Points

    ---------- on 6th GR: 45000 Free Points

    ---------- on 7th GR: 49000 Free Points

    ---------- on 8th GR: 52000 Free Points

    ---------- on 9th GR: 54000 Free Points

    ---------- on 10th GR: 55000 Free Points

    [img]https://www.elitemu.net/assets/elitemu/images/menu-icon_2.png[/img] [b]MEDIUM x500 - [color=#E94B29]BASE INFORMATION[/b][/color]

    • Bless Bug: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    Monster Level: [color=green]ON[/color] (can see monster level)

    • Monster HP: [color=green]ON[/color] (can see monster HP bar)

    • Off Trade System: [color=green]ON[/color]

    • Off Level System: [color=green]ON[/color]

    • Marry System: [color=green]ON[/color]

    • Auto Reconnect System: [color=green]ON[/color]

    • Gens System: [color=green]ON[/color] 

    • Goblin System: [color=green]ON[/color] (earn 1 goblin point every 5 minutes)

    • Bonus Event: [color=green]ON[/color] (extra EXP bonus in specific time 2 times per day)

    • Cash Shop 'X': [color=green]ON[/color] (pets, EXP buffs and more)

    • Chaos Card: [color=green]ON[/color] (great rewards)

    • Cherry Blossom: [color=green]ON[/color]

    • Gold & Silver Sealed Box: [color=green]ON[/color]

    • Extra EXP locations: [color=green]ON[/color] (extra EXP bonus in Events)

    • And More

    [img]https://www.elitemu.net/assets/elitemu/images/menu-icon_3.png[/img] [b]MEDIUM x500 - [color=#E94B29]IN-GAME COMMANDS[/b][/color]

    » In-game Commands: [color=green]ON[/color]

    ----- /post: global chat, requirement level: 10 (100k zen)

    ----- /pkclear: 30kk * PK Count (at website 500kk - clears all PK)

    ----- /add: add free stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)

    ----- /request off/on: to deny or accept any requests

    ----- /prop and /accept: to propose and accept marry

    ----- /teleport: teleports you to your husband/wife 

    ----- /dcfriend player_name password: disconnect your friend character

    ----- /offtrade: to sell items in store offline

    ----- /offlevel: for leveling up offline [color=orange][LIMITED][/color]

    ----- /item_name: find almost all item information

    [img]https://www.elitemu.net/assets/elitemu/images/menu-icon_ff.png[/img] [b]MEDIUM x500 - [color=#E94B29]WEBSITE FEATURES[/b][/color]

    * Reset Stats: [color=green]ON[/color]

    * Reset Master Skill Tree: [color=green]ON[/color]

    * Exchange W Coins (C): [color=green]ON[/color]

    * Clear Inventory: [color=green]ON[/color]

    * Vote Reward: [color=green]ON[/color] (vote every 12h and collect Coins)

    * Achievement System: [color=green]ON[/color] [color=orange][HOT][/color]

    * Character Market: [color=green]ON[/color]

    * Currency Market: [color=green]ON[/color]

    * Market: [color=green]ON[/color]

    * Senior Lord Mix: [color=green]ON[/color] (unique weapons)

    * Lucky Coins Lottery: [color=green]ON[/color]

    * Item Shop: [color=green]ON[/color] [color=orange][LIMITED][/color]

    ----- FO items: [color=red]OFF[/color] (max 2 Excellent options)

    ----- Item level +15 in Webshop: [color=red]OFF[/color] (max +12, only in-game max +15)

    ----- BOK +4, BOK +5 items in Webshop: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- 380 lvl items in Webshop: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Ancient items in Webshop: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Socket items in Webshop: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- 3rd lvl wings in Webshop: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    ----- Fenrir & other Pets in Webshop: [color=red]OFF[/color]

    * Trade Online Time (exchange your online time for Coins)

    * And More

    [img]https://www.elitemu.net/assets/elitemu/images/menu-icon_4.png[/img] [b]MEDIUM x500 - [color=#E94B29]PARTY BONUS[/b][/color]

    * Party Exp Bonus: [color=green]ON[/color]

    ----- Duo Exp Bonus: + 0% EXP

    ----- Bronze Party Exp Bonus: + 5% EXP

    ----- Silver Party Exp Bonus: + 7.5% EXP

    ----- Gold Party Exp Bonus: + 10% EXP

  • ⭐ EliteMU MEDIUM x500 - 5.NOVEMBER
  • Our first MEDIUM x500 server is opening in 1 hour !

    * Get Free 500 Coins: http://forum.elitemu.net/index.php?/topic/1051-fb-event-18%C2%A0-get-free-500-coins/

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