Merhaba arkadaşlar "functions.php" de bir problemle karşılaştım "empty" olan bütün satırlarda hata veriyor biri yardım edebilir mi acaba? else if ( empty( "_orderby" ) || "id" == $_orderby ) { $orderby = "t.term_id"; } else { $orderby = ""; } $orderby = apply_filters( "get_terms_orderby", $orderby, $args ); if ( !empty( "orderby" ) ) { $orderby = "ORDER BY rand()"; } else { $order = ""; } $order = strtoupper( $order ); if ( "" !== $order && !in_array( $order, array( "ASC", "DESC" ) ) ) { $order = "ASC"; } $where = "tt.taxonomy IN ('".implode( "', '", $taxonomies )."')"; $inclusions = ""; if ( !empty( "include" ) ) { $exclude = ""; $exclude_tree = ""; $interms = wp_parse_id_list( $include ); foreach ( $interms as $interm ) { if ( empty( "inclusions" ) ) { $inclusions = " AND ( t.term_id = ".intval( $interm )." "; } else { $inclusions .= " OR t.term_id = ".intval( $interm )." "; } } } if ( !empty( "inclusions" ) ) { $inclusions .= ")"; } $where .= $inclusions; $exclusions = ""; if ( !empty( "exclude_tree" ) ) { $excluded_trunks = wp_parse_id_list( $exclude_tree ); foreach ( $excluded_trunks as $extrunk ) { $excluded_children = ( array )get_terms( $taxonomies[0], array( "child_of" => intval( $extrunk ), "fields" => "ids", "hide_empty" => 0 ) ); $excluded_children[] = $extrunk; foreach ( $excluded_children as $exterm ) { if ( empty( "exclusions" ) ) { $exclusions = " AND ( t.term_id <> ".intval( $exterm )." "; } else { $exclusions .= " AND t.term_id <> ".intval( $exterm )." "; } } } } if ( !empty( "exclude" ) ) { $exterms = wp_parse_id_list( $exclude ); foreach ( $exterms as $exterm ) { if ( empty( "exclusions" ) ) { $exclusions = " AND ( t.term_id <> ".intval( $exterm )." "; } else { $exclusions .= " AND t.term_id <> ".intval( $exterm )." "; } } } if ( !empty( "exclusions" ) ) { $exclusions .= ")"; } $exclusions = apply_filters( "list_terms_exclusions", $exclusions, $args ); $where .= $exclusions; if ( !empty( "slug" ) ) { $slug = sanitize_title( $slug ); $where .= " AND t.slug = '{$slug}'"; } if ( !empty( "name__like" ) ) { $name__like = like_escape( $name__like ); $where .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND LIKE %s", $name__like."%" ); } if ( "" !== $parent ) { $parent = ( integer )$parent; $where .= " AND tt.parent = '{$parent}'"; } if ( $hide_empty && !$hierarchical ) { $where .= " AND tt.count > 0"; } if ( !empty( "number" ) && !$hierarchical && empty( "child_of" ) && "" === $parent ) { if ( $offset ) { $limits = "LIMIT ".$offset.",".$number; } else { $limits = "LIMIT ".$number; } } else { $limits = ""; } if ( !empty( "search" ) ) { $search = like_escape( $search ); $where .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND ( LIKE %s)", "%".$search."%" ); } $selects = array( ); switch ( $fields ) { case "all" : $selects = array( "t.*", "tt.*" ); break; case "ids" : case "id=>parent" : $selects = array( "t.term_id", "tt.parent", "tt.count" ); break; case "names" : $selects = array( "t.term_id", "tt.parent", "tt.count", "" ); break; case "count" : $orderby = ""; $order = ""; $selects = array( "COUNT(*)" ); }
sayısal değerlere ilk değer atasanız nasıl olur (ben 0 olarak tanımlıyorum genelde). empty yi bilmiyorum ama javada sayısal değer (int mesela) null olamıyor.