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Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

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  •  Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l


    As passionate and old school silkroaders ourselves, we started getting tired of the amount of bullshit that Joymax harnessed. They destroyed what had once ought to be one of the best games out there. We then went out to search for private servers that would give us back the feeling of old school SRO, but we were set to failure since the very beginning. We jumped from server to server in hopes of finding a perfect match. The servers we found were simply either poorly managed, pay2win or run by corrupted gamemasters.

    Therefore we would like to introduce you to our very own server. Our main focus was to bring back the awesome factor to Silkroad, those days where it didn’t matter whether you bought silks or not. Yet, the server is not completely old school. We have spiced it all up by upping the cap to 110.
    The thing we focused the most on to guarantee a pleasant gaming experience is the team. From our previous experiences with a lot of servers, we noticed that almost every server that fails has a bad team managing it. In hopes that we can prosper and develop an amazing gaming community, we've set strict rules regarding the managment of the server. Corruption is a major issue and we've tackled it. The server has two developers and one GM only, all of which have a lot of experience over the years in running and managing private servers. We don't want a server that would be labelled as a property of the GM's friends. As well as choosing the right server management, the team is very friendly and will try to help every player in every way possible, let aside running a lot of amazing events and giving away some goodies every now and then.

    We have also put a lot of emphasis on our profit scheme. Of course we would love to profit from the server, after all there are bills that must be paid to keep the server up. However, we didn't want to go about it the wrong way. Our only source of profit from the server will be by selling silks. Silks are used straightforward to buy your typical items that you can find in every successful Silkroad Online server. We will never sell powerhouse items for profit.

    To be honest, we could go on and on about changes that we made to deliver the best SRO experience possible to you, but you are probably a bit bored already after reading all of that. So why don't you just go ahead and give us a try.
    We promise you wont regret it!

    Emerion team

    Grand opening

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    there is no GMS its only me i will control this server alone , about events i will use the auto event bot witch most of the pservers using it so there is NO CORRUPTION

    Ingame Suggestions / Bug Report
    Using the Message system you can send us suggestions anytime. Just send the messages to Charname 'Sugg' (ingame) and we will read it.
    Using the Message system you can send us Bugs report anytime. Just send the messages to Charname 'Bugg' (ingame) and we will read it.

    in case more than 1 player reported the same bug , we will reward only who sent us the msg first thats why we keep every thing loged on our database


     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Server Info
    Info | Value

    Degree | 11

    Cap | 110

    Fortresses | Hotan

    IP Limit | 4

    CTF | Enabled

    Battle arena | Enabled

    Available towns | ALL

    Races | BOTH

    Mastery | 360

    Plus limit | 12

    Union limit | 3

    Guild limit | 32

    Info | Value

    Exp rate | 30x

    Sp rate | 45x

    Party Exp | 38x

    Alchemy rate | 1x

    Item Drop rate | 6x

    Trade rate | 40x

    Gold rate | 10x

    We have also made a few changes regarding some items

    Resurrection scrolls - disabled.

    Damage scrolls - disabled.

    Defence scrolls - disabled.

    Purification pills - mBot exploit fixed.

    Devil spirit S - disabled.

    Global Chat - 60 seconds delay.

    Reverse Return Scroll - 60 seconds delay.

    Black Ress effect - disUbled.

    Starting Items
    Once you have created your character, you will spawn in a specialized area. You will then notice a NPC, which offers a start quest. After accepting the quest, you should now kill 10 mobs. You will be able to find the mobs at the teleport near the Quest NPC.
    After finishing the quest, you will be rewarded with a 28-day grab pet, reverse return scrolls, a custom beginner package with speed scrolls etc.

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Auto bot
    i have created this bot to support every single player at the same time
    what this bot able to do ? (for the moment )
    till this time its able to do
    -Trivia event
    -Supporting the players with the common questions & answers
    -Updating #1Job killer records and giving the rewords + a notice
    -Resetting the Trade limits each friday
    and many useful things in future

    all you have to do PM:PurBOT with any word he will answer you and follow the instructions make sure its a robot not a human its only follow the instructions
    if you type a wrong instruction it will just tell you unknown command

    Job based server
    Silkroad first got famous for the trading system. This was supposed to be an amazing feature, but Joymax messed it up.
    We wanted to bring jobbing back to life, so we tweaked the jobbing rates. A 5* trade will reward you with massive profit.

    Moreover, this will also prevent the issue of gold-botting. In addition, the gold drop rates on our server also makes it impossible for gold-botting to be a viable option. We will be looking closely and evaluating the rates over the future to make it achieve its most optimal form.
    Last, but not least, we have also added job coins to gain last gear aswell!

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Job levels
    We increased the job level to 30.

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Trade routes
    We have not created new routes, but reduced the routes. The reason is to get some more activity.
    The areas that will be working is: Hotan, Donwhang, Jangan and Bandit Robber.

    Trader Protectors
    Since the traders keep dying at the Bandit Robber while selling their goods, we decided to add some NPC hunters which will protect the traders from the real thieves.
    The NPC hunters will be around the Special Trade NPC.

    NPC Hunters

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l
     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Job Reborn - Accessory gear
    Job Reborn was created for getting the last accessory gear. By reaching lv. 30 in jobbing, you will be able to use one of the scrolls on the coming gallery, which will reward you with one of the parts from the last accessories.

    Once you have used the scroll, your job level will be lv. 1 once again, so you will have to fight your way up to lv. 30 again, in order to get another accessory part.
    The last accessory parts are [U]untradeable[/U]. By making it untradeable, donators won't benefit from selling silk items in order to buy it from players who worked hard in order to get them.

    Job Reborn

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Trade Pet changes

    Having 159 slots of goods was a royal pain in the ass if your pet died. You spend too much time repicking the goods again, and just as you find yourself done, thieves spawn again. Moreover it also took too much time to sell and buy, and we don't like that. Therefore we reduced pet slots from 159 slots to 10 slots, and increased goods stacks from 60 to 10.000. By doing so, you will have the same amount of tradeable goods just with more convenience.
    You have to be lvl 100 to use trade pets.

    Trade Pets

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Samarkand Town modification

    The part we hate the most about degree 10 is Jangan Cave. It is simply too big, and it is taking too long to get to a certain spot by walking. Therefore we moved all the Jangan Cave mobs to the Samarkand area.

    Samarkand monsters

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Game Play

    The changes that were made have already been explained above
    we made the game play to force every one to be active as possible
    You can obtain the last gear from

    Job coin: you can obtain Job coin from Trading how it works?
    **** Trades gives 1 Job coin
    ***** Trade gives 2 Job coin
    please know that there is [COLOR="Red"]weekly coin limit[/COLOR] you can only DO 50 trades ONLY PER WEEK
    after you reach the 50 Trade runs in the week you will only get normal gold only from the next trades till the week finish

    Job Kills: you can obain the Job kills coins from the kills each kill will give you 1 coin

    CTF: You can obtain CTF from winning the CTF 7 coins for win 2 for loss Required level to join ctf 90

    Gold coins : you can obtain them only from the job temple uniques as the orignal method

    Regarding the Egy A weapons, you will be able to obtain those from FGW.


    Regarding the nova , you will be easy have a full nova set in a days they are dropping with a good rate
    to be able to start you trip among Emerion

    Automatic Equipment
    With our improved Auto-Equipment you will be getting full blue +5 items from degree 1 to degree 9. Additionally, 41% stats will be applied on each item.

    Auto events
    Everyone likes it and besides that, it saves a lot of time for our team member. The days will be covered with funny, useful events from eBot. Moreover, the GMs will also do events more than once a day.

    This event doesn't require any signing up and it will be held every hour. The reward is 25 silk.

    Our eventbot will be asking you different quiz questions and you have to answer these. There are over 200 questions.
    The questions will be chosen randomly and will be globaled. You have to answer via private message or global.

    Lucky Party Number
    Be the first one to open party with the specific number our eBot mentioned.
    The reward is 25 silk.

    Hide & Seek event
    The common Hide & Seek event which I am sure you all know. Sometimes it will be easier (Inside towns) and sometimes harder (Outside towns). The player to find first the GM will get rewarded.

    Union&Guild limits
    Silkroad's guild & union limits were created to fit Silkroad Online back when thousands of players were playing on the same server. Since our playerbase will be obviously smaller than iSRO, we decreased guild & union limit. The limits per guild is 32 players and 3 guilds per union. If our playerbase for some reason gets bigger than we expect, we will increase the limits.

    IP limit
    Aside from other efforts to eliminate gold-botting and multiclienting in Fortress Wars, we are also setting an IP limit. The IP limit is set to 3 at the current moment.

    Model Switcher
    You take one of the 'Model Switcher Scrolls' at the Model Switcher's NPC; Then place the item into your hands and use the scroll. You'll immediately be teleported to town and the skin/model/look of your item will have changed into whatever degree you have chosen (by buying the respective scroll...).

    The states will be the same and same goes for the plus!

    Model Switcher

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Item Replacer

    Some players are always changing their builds, which results in a need of a new weapon. Now you can replace you weapon with another one with same. The scrolls can be found at the Special Scroll's NPC.
    States & plus are only working on Egy B weapons

    Item Replacer

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Free To Play

    There are multiple reasons why Emerion is free to play.

    Let's start off by telling you that immortal stones, astral stones will finally be dropping from mobs and uniques.

    There are distinct avatars which can only be obtained through distinct uniques or from NPC by gold.

    Then, we've got the 'Automatic Events'. To make this short; You'll be able to win up to 1000k silks per day!

    At last there is also a NPC called Free Silk Items. Those items can only be bought for gold.

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    • Clash of the Gods: titles for the worthy!

    You can now pawn in style with our customized titles! Not only do they set you appart from other players, but they also give you a 7-day buff.
    The following titles are obtained from Baal, Maximized Protector, or The -Kidemonas

    Sovoreign: You killed Kidemonas, which once dwelled as the lord and the master, and now you gain the ultimate sovereignty.
    Liberator: You have put an end to the chaos Jupiter has brought. He caused fear and despair to the people, and you hereby made yourself the Liberator.
    Omniscient: You defeated The Earth, who yielded great and diverse knowledge, setting yourself as the new Omniscient of the time.

    your title will be gone if someone else slays the unique, but your buff will remain. You will also receive a compensational title, "AzzHole".
    We are planning to add more uniques in the future, so stay tuned!

    •Holy Water Temple

    since we want to offer the best game play fair/free for every one
    Holy water temple giving a very special drops

    -All holy water uniques

    Level| 101-109

    How many times per day|2 times

    Drops | Standard drops

    "| Immortal Lottery (5%)

    " | Astral Lottery

    " | Title Scroll

    " | Point scrolls

    •Job temple
    also those uniques dropping a very special silk items
    also they drop Gold/silver coins with good amount
    to be able to get your last gear

    -All holy water uniques

    Level| 101-109

    How many times per day|2 times

    Drops | Standard drops

    "| Immortal Lottery (20%)

    " | Astral Lottery

    " | Title Scroll

    " | Points

    " | GOLD COINS

    •Global Uniques
    We have added many spawn points for the uniques. We would like unique hunting to actually be different, to actually be more exhausting for the players, to actually be more entertaining.

    The uniques will require a full party to be killed.

    Black Scorpion (INT/STR)

    Level| 110

    Respawn Time| 3-5 hours

    Spawn Points| 5

    Drops | Standard drops

    "| Immortal lottery (20%)

    " | Astral lottery

    " | Avatar Lottery

    " | Silk Lottery

    " | Gold lottery

    " | Some coins

    Scorpion Knight (Quest)


    Spawn points

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    [simage]http://i.epvpimg.com/MP82c.png [/simage]

    Maximized Mummy (STR)

    Level| 110

    Respawn Time| 3-5 hours

    Spawn Points| 5

    Drops | Standard drops

    "| Immortal lottery (10%)

    " | Astral Lottery

    " | Avatar Lottery

    " | Silk Lottery

    " | Gold lottery

    " | Some coins

    Spawn points

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Maximized Protector

    Level| 110

    Respawn Time| 3-5 hours

    Spawn Points| 5

    Drops | Standard drops

    "| Immortal Lottery (10%)

    " | Astral Lottery

    " | Avatar Lottery

    " | Silk Lottery

    " | Nova Lottery

    " | Some coins

    TITLE| Omniscient

    Spawn points

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l


    Level| 110

    Respawn Time| 3-5 hours

    Spawn Points| 5

    Drops | Standard drops

    "| Immortal Lottery (10%)

    " | Astral Lottery

    " | Title Scroll

    " | Talisman Lottery (10%)

    " | Nova Lottery

    " | Some coins

    TITLE| Sovoreign

    Spawn points


    [Table="head"][B][COLOR=Yellow]Value[/COLOR][/B]| [COLOR=yellow][B]Value[/B][/COLOR]

    Level| 110

    Respawn Time| 3-5 hours

    Spawn Points| 5

    Drops| Standard drops

    "| Immortal Lottery (10%)

    " | Astral Lottery

    " | Title Scroll

    " | Talisman Lottery (10%)

    " | Points

    [B]" [/B]| Some coins

    TITLE| Liberator

    Spawn points

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    Feel free to use our signature to show how much you support
    the server, we would really appreciate it!
     Emerion | CAP 110 | EU/CH | Job bassed / Job Reborn / LOW RATES / Simple game play !l

    # Reserved

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