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ETERNAL MU SEASON 8 100x 05.03.2016

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  • Dear MU Players,

    We are a long term MU Online community that exists for over eleven years and one of the very few that really cares about its players and offers the best possible gameplay that you can find on a private server. During the years, we have improved our skills and thinking so everyone can enjoy MU Online at it's best by playing on our near to bugless servers based on premium paid files that are set to replicate as much as possible the official server settings.

    Due to our longevity we decided to merge our long lasting projects known as Diablo MU and Blizzard MU into one big project hosting multiple worlds with different rates and settings under the name of Eternal MU which seems to suits us best as we are one of the oldest private servers on the market that are still up and running. Old domain names are pointing to our new domain eternalmu.com

    Version: Season 8
    Experience: 100x
    Master Level Experience: 10x
    Item Drop: 30%
    Reset Level: 400
    Max Master Level: 300
    Points per Level: 5/6/7
    Master Points per Level: 1
    Burn Stats (500 Stats * Resets Number)
    Free Stats: 500
    Max Resets: 30
    Grand Reset Available From 30 Resets
    Grand Reset Bonus: 5000 Stats (Permanent Stats * Grand Resets Number)
    Max Grand Resets: 10

    Reseting stats will not affect your skills, quest or inventory content and they will remain intact.
    Grand reset bonus stats are cumulative and kept permanently after each reset and grand reset totaling 50.000 end stats.

    No Webshop
    No Server Side Sold Items
    Premium Server Files and Website
    Max Life: +16
    Max Excellent Options: 2
    Max Socket Options: 3
    Max Socket Two-Handed Weapons: 5
    Socket + Excellent: Disabled
    Ancient + Excellent: Disabled
    Items 380 + Excellent: Enabled
    Monster Spots: 4-6 (available on minimap)
    Original Events Reward and Drops
    Party Bonus System (increased experience in party)
    Experience Bonus System (increased experience in different events)
    Elemental System
    MUPoints Reward System
    PowerUP (X) Shop: eCoins and MUPoints
    Market System: Zen, Jewels, eCoins
    Offtrade System: Zen, Jewels, eCoins
    Party Duels
    Jewels Bet Duels
    MU Official Helper From Level 1
    Account Security Key: Two-factor authentication

    Normal Party 1 Player = 100% Experience
    Normal Party 2 Players = 105% Experience
    Normal Party 3 Players = 110% Experience
    Normal Party 4 Players = 115% Experience
    Normal Party 5 Players = 120% Experience

    Set Party 3 Players = 120% Experience
    Set Party 4 Players = 125% Experience
    Set Party 5 Players = 130% Experience

    Normal Party = At least 2 same class characters in party.
    Set Party = Only unique classes characters in party.

    Bless Success Rate: 100%
    Life Success Rate: 50%
    Soul Success Rate: 75% (with luck)
    Soul Success Rate: 50% (without luck)

    Wings Mix Rate: 100% ~ 40%
    Dark Horse and Spirit Mix Rate: 60%
    Normal Items Mix Rate +10 ~ +15 = 60% ~ 50%
    Excellent Items Mix Rate +10 ~ +15 = 50% ~ 40%
    Socketed Items Mix Rate +10 ~ +15 = 40% ~ 30%

    Luck option increases success rates by additional 25% when upgrading items.
    All mix rates are gmo like meaning original settings as shown inside the chaos machine.

    Dark Wizard, Dark Knight, Elf, Summoner – No requirements
    Magic Gladiator - Requires level 220 character
    Dark Lord - Requires level 250 character
    Rage Fighter - Requires level 280 character

    Blood Castle
    Devil Square
    Chaos Castle
    Loren Deep
    Red Dragon Invasion
    Skeleton Invasion
    White Wizard Invasion
    Golden Dercon Invasion
    Golden Dercon NEW Invasion
    Castle Siege
    Kundun Boss
    Kanturu Nightmare
    Raklion Hatchery
    Swamp of Peace Medusa
    Moss Merchant
    Cherry Blossom
    Double Goer
    Fortress of Imperial Guardian

    Arca War
    Gens War
    Survival of the Fittest
    Happy Hour Experience Bonus
    Dungeon Race
    PvP Last Stand
    Bring Me
    Lucky Coin
    Golden Archer
    Kill the GM
    Monster Spawn
    Bounty Hunter
    Hunt and Kill
    Trivia Scramble Words

    Lunar Rabbit Invasion
    Christmas Santa's Village
    Christmas Santa's Bag
    Christmas Santa's Attack
    Christmas Santa's Scavenger Hunt
    New Year Pouch of Blessing Invasion
    New Year Firecrackers
    New Year Star of Sacred Birth
    Valentine's Chocolate Box
    Valentine's Heart of Love
    Children's Day Candy Box
    Summer Fire Flame Ghost

    /add (str,agi,vit,ene,cmd)
    /duel name x (duel bet extension)
    /partyduel name x (party duel bet extension)

    Official Website:http://www.eternalmu.com
    Community Forums:http://forum.eternalmu.com

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