Experience: 999999X Drop Rate: 99% Version: Full Season 3 Episode 1 Bless Bug: On (use /zen command) Monsters HP: 50% Points per level: DK/DW/ELF: 5 ; MG/DL: 8 Maximum Stats: 32767 Maximum Level: 400
Character Restart System:
Restart Level: 400 Clear Stats: No Clear Inventory: No Clear Skills: No Clear Quests: No Maximum Restarts: N/A Restart Command: /reset
Grand Restart System:
Required Restarts: 50 Clear Stats: No Clear Inventory: No Clear Skills: No Clear Quests: No Maximum Grand Restarts: N/A Award: 1000 PC Points x Grand Resets Number. First grand restart = 1000 PC Points, second grand restart = 2000 PC Points, third grand restart = 3000 PC Points etc. PC Points are used for buying items from your PC Point Shop, which is located in your command window in the game. You can also open it by pressing "D" > "PC Point Shop".
NON-PVP Maps: Noria, Tarkan, Icarus PK-Free Map: Losttower PVP Maps: all other maps
PC Point System:
White Wizard (White Wizard Event) = 50 PC Points Dark Elf (CryWolf Event) = 50 PC Points Balgass (CryWolf Event) = 50 PC Points Maya Hands (Kanturu Event) = 50 PC Points Nightmare (Kanturu Event) = 50 PC Points Blood Castle Gate = 50 PC Points Blood Castle Statue = 50 PC Points Golden Budge Dragon (Golden Dragon Invasion) = 10 PC Points Green Mystery Box's price: 20 PC Points Pink Mystery Box's price: 20 PC Points Purple Mystery Box's price: 20 PC Points Jewel of Chaos's price: 50 PC Points Jewel of Bless's price: 50 PC Points Jewel of Soul's price: 50 PC Points Jewel of Life's price: 50 PC Points
Game Commands:
/addstr - adds X points to Strength /addagi - adds X points to Agility /addvit - adds X points to Vitality /addene - adds X points to Energy /addcmd - adds X points to Command (For Dark Lord/Lord Emperor only) /pkclear - clears your PK status /post - sends message to all players (global chat) /reset - restarts your character /resetstr - clears all points/stats added on Strenght. /resetagi - clears all points/stats added on Agility. /resetvit - clears all points/stats added on Vitality. /resetene - clears all points/stats added on Energy. /resetcmd - clears all points/stats added on Command. /clearinventory - clears all items in your inventory. /removeharmony - removes the harmony option of each item in your inventory, which has one. /info - gives you information about your character/account. /time - shows you current server time and date /re on - accept any commands /re off - deny any commands automatically /whisper on - whisper function on /whisper off - whisper function off
/buystats - adds 5000 level up points. Costs 500 WebShop credits. /changeclassbm - changes your character class to Blade Master. Costs 3000 webshop credits. /changeclassgm - changes your character class to Grand Master. Costs 3000 webshop credits. /changeclasshe - changes your character class to High Elf. Costs 3000 webshop credits. /changeclassdm - changes your character class to Duel Master. Costs 3000 webshop credits. /changeclassle - changes your character class to Lord Emperor. Costs 3000 webshop credits.
Game Events:
- Golden Dragon Invasion - every 1 hour - Blood Castle Event - every 2 hours - Devil Square Event - every 3 hours - Chaos Castle Event - every 4 hours - CryWolf Event - once a day - Castle Siege Event - once a week - White Wizard Attack Event - every 3 hours - NightMare/Kanturu Event - every 10 minutes - Skeleton King Attack Event - every 6 hours - Kundun Invasion Event - 8 times a day - Automatic Drop Event - every 1 hour - Automatic Hide & Seek Event - 6 times a day - Automatic PK Event - 4 times a day - Automatic Hunt Event - 4 times a day
Credi kasma ve full item alma olayını anlayamadım ben bunda. Tek vote ve online kalarak credi alıyoruz fakat webshop calısmıyor. Full opt. itemler havada geziyor :S