SERVER INFORMATION Website: - Item drop: 50% - Points per level: 5/7 - Maximum Points: 65000 - Max level: 400 - Level for reset: 400 - Clear Inventory: No - Clear Skills: No - Clear Stats: No - 1 Level Wings in shop LORENCIA - Grand Reset: 100 resets ( 600 credits ) - Vote for credits RATES SUCCESS - Jewel Of Soul success: 50% - Jewel Of Soul success + Luck: 40% - Jewel Of Life success: 40% - Item +10 success: 50% - Item +11 success: 50% - Item +12 success: 40% - Item +13 success: 40% COINS/CREDITS - Are used to buy anything you desire from our WebShop - Grand Reset Reward ( Credit ) - Vote Reward COMMANDS /addstr -> Add Points to Strength /addagi -> Add Points to Agility /addene -> Add Points to Energy /addvit -> Add Points to Vitality /addcmd -> Add Points to Command /pkclear -> Clear murderer status /money -> /post -> Global message /reset -> Reset your character from game. 400 level required. /reset auto -> Active /change -> 3 rd YENİ ACİLAN 30+ ONLİNELİ SERVERİMİZA BEKLERİZ. BİRDEN FAZLA ACCOUNTLA GİRİS YAPABİLİR OTOMATİK KASMAYLA BİLGİSAYAR BASİNDA OLMASANİZDA AKTİF OLABİLİRSİNİZ. YENİ HARİTA DESENLERİ VE RENKLERİYLE OYUNA AYRİ BİR HAVA KATMAYA CALİSTİK DENEMENİZDE FAYDA VAR HERKESE İYİ OYUNLAR BRO7 < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi DH Anonim -- 23 Ocak 2025; 13:45:9 > < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı > |