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FiFa 10 Usb Flash Disk Update mümkünmüdür? (2. sayfa)

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  • 3.http://www.torrentreactor.net/torrents/3807710/%28XBOX-360-DLC%29-FIFA-10-Squads-Update-2010
    adresten fifa10 squads update dosyasını indirdim içinde nasıl yapılacagını anlatmış fakat translate ile çevirdim saçma sapan bir dille anlatmış arakadaş metin aynen aşağıdaki gibi

    No, TU_12K225S_000000C000000 is, as the name indicates,
    a Title Update. The new squads file with the winter transfers
    is the other file - "Squads0 20100225044347". You can get it
    from that Chinese website, or get it from Squads0 20100225044347.

    Then I suggest you get a save file from your hd, a FIFA 10
    Manager Mode save, or any save from other game, whatever.
    Run Xbox Save Editor and open that save file. Then click "Save
    ID defaults".

    Then open "Squads0 20100225044347" on Xbox Save Editor and click
    "Load ID defaults". Then check "Local sign" and click "Resign Save".
    If it asks you for the keyvault file, select "KV.bin" that's in
    the Xbox Save Editor's folder.

    Now the "Squads0 20100225044347" file has been signed
    for your console.

    Finally, run Xbox 360 Hash Block Calculator, open the
    "Squads0 20100225044347" file you just signed, go to
    "Tools" and select "Calculate Hash Blocks".

    Now put the file in your FIFA 10 folder and try it out.
    As I said in the other post, the folder should be
    "Partition 3/Content/<your profile folder>/454108BC/00000001".

    That's how I got mine to work.

    4.xbox 360 hash block calculator nedir.


Sayfa: önceki 12
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