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Fox Online|80 CAP|China Party|Organized|Aktiv Team|Start 15.06

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  • Introducing Project.

    Hello, and welcome to the new SRO-PROJECT. We are happy that we can say "Hello" to You. Fox Online is a unique 80 CAP server, where we got two system based - Coin System and Job System. You can say that this server is pretty mixed. The server has been developed since 2012 year, and for now is managed by 3 people. We got powerful systems, and features, which you will able to read later. We are doing best, to players feel good on our server, and they don't feel boring like on anothers. In case that it's 80 CAP server, we did low-middle rates, to not get 80 fast. Let you use some yours time to get this level, and be one from uniques, but don't use bot!*

    Server Files: vSRO 188
    ExP: 10
    P-ExP: 15
    SP: 5
    P-SP: 15
    JxP: 60
    Drop Rate: 20
    Gold Rate: 5
    Sox Rate: SoS: 1x |Fox: Coins |Sun: Disabled
    Botting: Allowed
    Alchemy: 0.5x
    FW: Every Friday at 19:00 to 21:00 (HT/JG/BT)

    Telling the Features, Plans.

    We did some features, to player play unique server, with addons.

    Coin System
    you are able to get 4 types of Coin. Iron, Silver, Gold and Fox. Fox Face you can get with exchange Arena Coins. Other three, by unique drops, and trading.

    Nicknames System
    by participating the events, you can get Title Tickets, and buy Nicknames from Demon Atashi, the demon from hell, which is stoling them from Gods.

    Skills 80<-
    skills above 80 has been disabled over server side and client side, to make the game like old times.

    All Avatars
    you've probably wanted to get all of avatars from iSRO/kSRO, wear them, and run over the SilkRoad map. Now its possible, via Fox Coins.

    Beautiful Graphic Design
    now they are better for eye, you can read some tips & infos about them.

    Image of Week
    you can parcipate this event 2 times/monthly. You need to take best image from all, and we'll put it right login interface. You can win 200 silks!

    Start Kit.

    5 HP/MP Increase Scroll
    2 I/A PhyMag Scroll
    15 Speed Scroll
    Full Fox Dress
    500k of Gold
    5k SP

    Bored of old silkroad musics?

    We actually made new musics into game, with that we hope people are interested to enjoy playing game with musics on again!

    Events and entertain

    As many people have seen, servers are nothing without active team and good events! We are happy to promise you that you are able to enjoy of our pvp events, Hide'n seek-events and old unique events. INT characters are mostly the unique killers, so we wanna make it fair and we try to keep event models in balance! Thats why we have also Image of week event, quiz events, calculate.exe events and wikipedia events! We dont think that STR characters has smaller brain. Being active with social network (facebook) might reward you in future!


    Some screenshots, by which you can see server.


    Tearless - Owner RU
    Xian - Owner GE
    Chou - Game Master FR
    Haxor - Game Master SA
    Predator - Support FI

    Thanks for reading, under you can find the links.
    Register will be available soon!

    Foxroad home

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