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FrienzMU Season10 Ep3 | Exp 100 Drop 80 | START 11.10.2016

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  • FrienzMU Season10 Ep3

    Version Season 10 EP3

    Exp Rate 100x

    Master Exp: 5X

    Drop Rate 80%

    Points per level: 5/7

    Bless bug: Off

    Guild creation level: 220

    Elf buff: Until 250lvl

    Helper: 80+ lvl

    Chaos Machine: Global like

    New Character : Grow Lancer

    Type (PVP)(No-PVP)

    Max. Reset 1000(ResetPoint=250)

    Web Site : http://www.frienzmu.com/


    /offtrade - Personal store offline mode
    /post <message> - can be use from lvl 50 and its cost 100k zen
    /requests <on/off> - allows you to enable/disable requests
    /setparty <password> - allows you to set password to your party
    /add - allows you to add specific amount of points
    /prop <PlayerName> - allows you to send a wedding proposal
    /accept - allows you to accept wedding proposal
    /teleport - allows you to teleport to your spouse
    /war <GuildName> - allows you to start a guild war
    /endwar <GuildName> - allows you to end active guild war
    /battlesoccer <GuildName> - allows you to invite guild to a soccer
    /socstop - allows you to stop a soccer game

    Muonline ' ın Zevkine Varabileceginiz Bir Server. Arkadaşlık , Dostluk , Hırs , Rekabet , PVP Hepsi Bu Serverda.Hepinizi Bekleriz. İyi Oyunlar.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Pad1shah -- 12 Ekim 2016; 11:23:24 >

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