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FrienzMu Season9 & Season12 Exp:500

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  • What's New

    Exp:500 Drop: %70

    Max Normal Level 400 / Max Mastering Level 330
    All characters can be created from Level 1.
    Mu Bot which is In-Game are now available from Level 1, Enjoy!
    380 Excellent Weapons
    Starter Pack - Small Wings, Default Class Sets in Shop,Orbs,Scrolls etc...
    New Pets

    New Maps

    New Items

    New Events

    VIP Server with 4 different plans (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum)

    BattleCore Server

    New Golden Monsters (Rabbit,Erohim,Hellmaine,Illusion Kundun)


    New wings (2.5 level/Wings of Angel and Devil/Wings of Conqueror

    Small Wings can be found Lorencia/Noria/Loren Market

    Collect Card Pieces, when you have 24 of them you will get a Card Deck. Then you will be able to play a game if you win - you get a reward after game.

    Full completed skill tree for all races (including extended skill tree for Fist Master)

    Muun System

    Party & Guild Matching

    Pandora Jewel and Mining System

    Arca War Battle

    Acheron Guardian Event

    Chaos Castle Survival Event

    Illusion Temple Renewal

    Imperial Fort Event

    Double Goer (Doppelganger)

    Castle Siege

    Loren Deep


    Devil Square (1-7)

    Blood Castle (1-8)

    Chaos Castle (1-7)

    Swamp of Peace (Medusa)

    Rabbits Invasion

    Pouch of Blessing Invasion

    Golden Monster Invasion

    White Wizard Invasion

    Battle Soccer

    Kalima (1-7) Event

    Kanturu Event

    LaColen Event

    Last Man Stating Event (PVP)

    Bonus Event (EXP+Drop)

    and more..

    Lottery Events

    Lucky Items System

    Chaos Card

    Moss The Gambler

    About Normal/VIP Servers

    Server Experience in PVP-Server: 500X / Drop: 50%Server
    KeepStats: MaxStats 32767
    GrandReseT: Om
    GrandReset Reward: 1000 WebCredit.

    Vote For GoldCoins. ( Webshop dan item alabilirsiniz)

    Reset For Silver Coins . ( Reset attıkca Silver Coins kazanır. Onunlada itemler alabilirsiniz.)

    VIP also provides you a higher chance to combine a desired item up to +15 , as it has a bigger chance than in Normal Server.

    VIP can receive BK/SM Bots Buff which may help you while you are exping or pvping. Bots are located in Lorencia (BK Lorencia 125,144) (SM Lorencia 123,115).

    VIP will never get killed in the spot/events or wherever because VIP Servers are NON-PVP. (Seperate Server).

    Weekly Bonus Events!

    Every weekend we will surprise our player with weekly bonus events, we had events like "Free VIP" , "Free Seal of Ascension Bonus" and next week we will give people +50% EXP and some extra Chocolate Boxes!
    You can find more info about Weekend Bonus Events here:
    Weekend Bonuses - FrienzMu

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi FrienzOwner -- 21 Nisan 2017; 18:18:31 >

  • Güncel
  • Güzel bir server.Bütün Muonline severlere tavsiye ederim...
  • Efsaneler ölmez sadece şekil değiştirir he Bilgehan

    Azmine hayranım

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Jacques. -- 24 Haziran 2017; 8:46:57 >
    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Jacques.

    Efsaneler ölmez sadece şekil değiştirir he Bilgehan

    Azmine hayranım

    Eyvallah saolasın. 10 Sene oldu. Allah ömür verdikce online kalacak demiştim. Allah a şükürler olsun ölmedik Server devam ediyor.
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