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  • yanlız yapılan paylaşım bayağı uzun oldugu için çeviri yapabilecek olan arkadaşlar yardımcı olursa güzel olur (İngilizce seviyem çok fazla yeterli olmadıgından direkt metnin orjinal haliyle paylaşıyorum alıntı yapılan yer: :https://gtaforums.com/topic/933628-gta-vi-in-depth-and-detailed-leaks/#comments


    SWIM knows that Rockstar are notoriously serious about their NDAs but the leaks that have come out recently are about 60-70% correct. They tend to keep track of ALL current employees online profiles as Company policy. Please do not ask for information about the Source - he/she will be in serious trouble.

    Rockstar's plans right now are to make GTA International. With Hong Kong, San Fierro, Venturas, Triad themed game in the future.

    With GTA VI the game will begin in 1970s Liberty City as you play as a low-level gangster in the Spanish Broker/Harlem district of Liberty.

    The game will feel very immersive, there is a weight to the way your character walks and being in Harlem feels huge. Strangers, Freaks and Friends can call or be bumped into at anytime. This is GTA IV's Liberty.

    The game is divided into chapters by years, it is a Three Act story with an Epilogue.

    The Protagonist's name has not been set in stone yet.

    He is described as a 20-something character with a Naval Officer absentee Gringo father and a South American mother. He is a Bilingual dime bag dealing, jewelry snatching criminal who enters the drug trade to support his large family in the fictional city of Republic of Castellano, South America which is Rockstar's version of Colombia and Bolivia. During the Prologue, set in LC 1978, you are employed to kill the Boss of the Gambetti family named Sonny which leads to you heading down to Vice.

    The drug business is very next level. You first begin selling weed in Liberty for then end up as a Smuggler for the Pacific Cartel, an International drug syndicate based in Mexico and South America who are looking to expand into the US.

    Eventually, you are sent to smuggle cocaine back and forth from Vice City to Liberty. In this part, you can actually drive down to Vice from Liberty and as you earn more trust and money, you can use planes, smuggle the drugs through Escobar International through connections and bribes.

    Every route has it's own risks and rewards and the DOA (Rockstar's DEA) play a major role in the story.

    As you arrive in Vice City, you are given more responsibilities as a Crew Leader in the Cartel. Here you are able to assign your own smuggle operation by going to South or Central America to find a solid source for quality cocaine and as you raise higher in the Organization, you meet and are able to travel to a fictionalized South and Central America, along with Mexico.

    You get to have people working under you and your job is to make your cocaine import/export run smoothly for the Cartel. These people you can meet through out the game much alike Heists from GTA V - GTA Online will allow players to join campaigns with their own customized characters. Character customization is much more detailed, ethnicity, a selection of voices that allow you to lower or raise the pitch, body type, more realistic faces, clothing so think of your Online character looking like he belongs in the Story instead of the Supermodel, crazy looking online characters of GTA Online.

    Starting off, you can meet new contacts however the deals that usually take place in cheap motels carry the risk of being a set-up by other players, or criminals for stepped on cocaine, lower grade coke, no cash, etc.

    As you make money, you can invest into a fleet of planes with pilots, boats and choose routes that have a risk/reward factor financially. You have your own inner circle of friends. A storyline arc involves an Undercover FIB agent in your crew.

    The Pacific Cartel has an internal dispute and a war takes place on the streets of Vice City.

    A chapter revolves around you being actually sent to Prison and sentenced. The Prison chapter is about you surviving, making new contacts and discovering vital information and dealing with enemies while attempting to keep your business going, there are various Prison gangs with the Aryans/KKK being secondary antagonists in the story.

    Here's the best part, when you are released it is the 1980s and the Pacific Cartel have split into three Cartels - Madrazo, Sr

    leads the Mexican Cartel, "Matriarch" leads the South American Cartel and "Dictator's Son" runs the Central American Gunrunning Cartel. You can work for Madrazo Sr. (Good Choice), Matriarch (Neutral Choice) or Dictator's Son (Bad Choice). Madrazo moves back to Mexico and leaves you in charge of the Vice Cartel, "Matriarch" leaves you with much of a higher grade quality of cocaine and a different type of Cartel, "Dictator's Son" leaves you without anything but all-out war.

    You also have a strong rival, who is described as an Anton Chigurh type of freelance Hitman named 'The Mexican'. You have multiple, scripted very intense encounters with him and acts and moves like the Nemesis from RE3. Hard to kill. As your organization is being taken down, you two end up becoming allies and team up.

    The gameplay is much more reserved than previous games, with various paths you can take which lead to multiple endings. You can hold up to two or three handguns on your person, for larger weapons you need a duffle bag to use them.

    Trunks have a use such as storing cocaine packages, weapons and bodies. If you are busted, you are sent to Prison for a period of time which is not playable (only the Chapter)

    The aim of the game is become the main kingpin of the United States. In Liberty, the Five Families make a return, the 1970s Spanish Lords and Black Harlem gangs. Cocaine can be broken down into crack and you are pushed by the IAA to flood Black neighborhoods with crack-cocaine.

    There are SIX main locations which is the main theme of the game.

    Main Cities

    Liberty City (Limited Area)

    Vice City (Main City)

    Rio de Neve, South America (Rio de Janeiro, Main City)

    Republic of Castellano, South America (Mix of Bolivia and Colombia, Main City)

    Minor Cities

    People's Republic of del Castro, Central America (Fictional Central American island based on Panama and Cuba, Island)

    Mexico (Mexico, Limited Area)

    Prologue: 1978

    Main Story: 1980s

    Epilogue: Present Day

    A lot of modern players will have to get use to the new contact system. No mobiles. To call people, you can use payphones which are scattered around every city. Eventually once you are in the 1980s, you can gain access to a brick Phone then a Satellite Phone for International calls.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi SouthPark_Konsol delisi -- 10 Ağustos 2019; 12:38:47 >

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