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IceApple - Ücretsiz Online Devlet Oyunu

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    İce-Apple Kayıt

    1. Home
    On left side of your home page you can see your profil status (money, strength, lvl etc.)
    Clicking on energy will open a new page where you can use food, gift or house, and by that increase your wellness so you can fight more in a war.

    Missions - main daily tasks that you do once a day are working and training. By working you make products and earn salary. Training increases your strength so you make more damage in a war.
    Quest - when you do your daily tasks you get reward.

    ShoutBox - There are shout boxes to everyone and to friends.
    - if you write in shoutbox to everyone, every player in game will see your shout
    - if you write in shoutbox to friends only your friends will see your shout.

    2. My Places
    a) Profile - here you can see your statistics (lvl, rank, strength). You can see the medals that you got so far.
    Here is a description of how to get medals and how we reward them.

    Hard Worker - you need to work 30 days in a row for this medal. Reward is 5 gold.

    Level Up - you get experiance points and with every lvl you get 1 gold as a reward.

    Super Soldier - Awarded for every 200 strength you gain and reward is 5 gold.

    Party President - you need to win Party elections and become Party President. Reward is 5 gold.

    Congress Member - won congress elections, reward 5gold

    Country President - won president elections, reward 5 gold

    Media Mogul - gather 200 subscription on your newspaper, reward 5hold

    Battle Hero - make bigest DMG in battle, reward 5gold

    Resistance Hero - start resistance war and won it, reward 5gold (Resistance war cost 20g, you need to be in occupied region to start it)

    Society Buldier - invite player through your referrer link and help him get to lvl 10, reward 3gold for every invited player

    b) Companies - Companies are needed to produce raw material and items that we need to use in game, we have 4 type of raw companyes

    Grain - needed to produce Food
    Iron - needed to produce Weapon
    Oil - needed for tickets and gifts
    Wood - needed for houses and hospitals

    Product companyes
    Food - used to restore energy, you can use 10 food daily (Q1=2well, Q2=4well, Q3=5well, Q4=8well, Q5=10well)
    Gift - used to restore energy, you can use 10 food daily (Q1=2well, Q2=4well, Q3=5well, Q4=8well, Q5=10well)
    Ticket - used to travel from region to region or to other country. Travel outside the country minimum Ticket Q3=-10 energy Q4=-5 energy Q5=-0 energy, Q1 and Q2 for travel in the state Q1=-10 energy and Q1=-5 energy
    Weapon - depending on the quality of weapon you own your DMG increase
    House - you can use it once a day, it gives you 20-100 well depending on quality, one house 20 uses
    Hospital - to use hospital you must be in region that has one located in, Q1 hospital give you 10 well and has 10000 energy pack, Q2=20 well (20000energy pack), Q3=30 well (30000energy pack), Q4=40 well (40000energy pack), Q5=50 well (50000energy pack). If hospital is fully used you must make new one, if other country occupy region whit hospital, hospital will be destroyed.

    c) Train - once a day you can train and increase your strength, you can upgrade training center to get more strength

    d) Storage - here you can see your stash, you have option to upgrade your storage, and to load or destroy your house

    e) Party - if you want to be memeber of congress or country president you need to e in party, you can create your own party or join one, creating cost 40gold.
    -country presitent elections are every 5th in month
    -congress elections are every 15th in month
    -party president election are every 25th in month

    f) Newspaper - you have option to create articles, write something interesanting, gether 200 subs and get Media Mogul medal

    3. Market
    a) Marketplace - here you can buy items that you need, also if you own company you can put products on sale
    b) Job Market - company owners put job offers here, depending of your lvl you can pick offer of certain company, you work and get your salary
    c) Monetary Market - here you can change gold for currency, or conversely. you must be in country witch currency you want to buy or sell
    d) Agent Shop - here you can buy special items

    4. Country
    a) Country
    * Society - here you can see country statistic, howmuch citizen country have, howmuch online, howmuch new players, wirch regins country own. Clicking on certain region you can travel there, or check is there hospital or any resurces
    * Economy - here you can see howmuch country have gold and currency in treasure, taxes, minimum wage
    * Politics - here you can see country president and congress members
    * Military - here you can see allies of country and if there is war declared
    * Administration - here you can see country laws, only CP and congress members can vote them

    b) Rankings
    * Countries - ranked by population
    * Citizens - ranked by expirience points
    * Strenght - players ranked by strenght
    * Military Rank - players ranked by military rank
    * Parties - ranked by number of members
    * Newspaper - ranked by subsribes

    c) Wars - here you can se active battles

    5. Community
    a) Elections - here you can see elections results
    b) Invite Friends - here is your referrer link whit statistic of your referrers
    c) News - here you can see articles in all countryes
    d) Subscriptions - here are articles from newspaper that you subscribe

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ice-apple -- 22 Ocak 2014; 1:20:35 >

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