Titan is a Free-to-play online MMORPG (titan.maxko.org). You can easily reach the max level (85), get items and you will be ready to fight in PvP all day long in Ronark land zone and at nice events like BDW, Lunar wars, Snow Wars and specials events hold by the GM Team. We also have forgotten temple and special quests, dungeons for more fun and teamplay. We also provide Power-Up Store and premium system to help you get ready to fight faster! You can stay linked to the active Titan GM team and players at our forum (http://www.maxko-forum.info) and our Facebook page. So come, join us by registering here:http://titan.maxko.org/?page=register and download the game here:http://titan.maxko.org/?page=download . Take a look here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNAYmerr ... ature=plcp and you surely will enjoy taking KO to the Max!