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MondialMU - Season 9 Server 25x,1000x| Unique Features| | Stable 24/7/365| | Anti DDoS

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  • With pleasure, The Staff of Mondial Mu, will like to invite you to play on a server that's 100% dedicated for all players. Our server is based on making the gameplay of our players to be at least 95% synched with their desires and 100% to their liking.We value players, their taste and desires over money and donations. Come join us for the ultimate Mu experience and gameplay.

    Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mondi...05146576201269 Dear players,I am pleased to inform that we will Open the Official form.We invite you to colonized this world.

    Official Opening for 1000x -05.08.2015 -FRESH SERVER

    Server 1000x settings:

    - Connect the same IP = 3accounts
    -New Character= 2000 free points
    -Character after GR = 4000 free points
    -First 100 Characters that give the first GR, recive extra = 1000 Gold Credits
    -Exp server =1000x
    -Master exp =200x
    -Drop = 40%
    -Points per Reset= 1600
    -Grand Reset= 80 RR
    -Grand Reset Reward = 6000 Gold Credits + 1000 Wcoin
    -Reset = Unlimited
    -Grand Reset = Unlimited
    -Every RR = 5 Gold Credits +5 Wcoin ( only website /reset )
    -Every hours online = 5 Goblin Point
    -Dinamyc exp = No, exp keep
    -Dynamic =No,
    -Mobs per spot = 8+
    -Master Lvl = 430 points

    -Offline Trade System = On
    -Offleveling = OFF ( For moment)
    -Reconnect System = Fully Working
    -Muun system working
    -Marry System= ON
    -AutoParty= On
    -Get Party by Password= On

    Starter Package for new account

    -Seal of Healing 1 Day
    -Seal of Strenght 1 Day
    -Pet Skeleton 3 Days
    -Ring Skeleton 3 Days
    -Scroll of Wizardy 7 Days
    -Scroll of Wrath 7 Days
    -Scroll of Strengthter 7 Days

    Gameplay features

    Maximum Level= 400
    Master Level= 430
    Toatal LVL= 830
    Dynamic Reset System= OFF
    Reset=On (Full stats)
    Grand Reset= ON
    Vote Reward= ON
    Elemental System= Working
    Offline Trade System = On
    Offleveling = OFF ( For moment)
    Reconnect System = Fully Working
    Muun system working
    Marry System= ON
    AutoParty= On
    Get Party by Password= On
    PVP= Balanced (~95% All Chars can kill All Chars)
    AntiHack System

    In Game

    WebShop= On
    X-Shop= On
    Excellent Socket Items
    Custom Seed Spheres (Values are not default ones)
    Max Socket = 5
    Excellent Items = 3 opt
    Ancient Item= Simple (No Excellent Ancient)
    Can add Harmony Option to Ancient Items
    Bug Bless= No
    Sphere lvl 1-5 only in Vulcanus
    Party Bonus EXP= On
    Perfect Party Bonus= Yes
    New Master Skill Tree - All Classes have Fully Working Skill Tree


    Castle Siege - Every Sunday
    Arca War Battle
    Imperial Fort Event
    Double Goer (Doppelganger)
    Loren Deep
    CryWolf ( Balgass) = 4 time/day
    Devil Square (1-7)
    Blood Castle (1-8)
    Chaos Castle (1-7)
    Illusion Temple Event
    Swamp of Peace (Medusa) = 5 time/day
    Rabbits Invasion
    Pouch of Blessing Invasion
    Fire Flame Ghost Invasion
    Golden Monster Invasion
    White Wizard Invasion
    Battle Soccer
    Kalima (1-7) Event ( Kundun ) = Every 4 hours
    Kanturu Event
    LaColen(Selupan) Event = Every 4 hours
    Pandora Minning
    Summon the Demons
    Egg Event
    Gorgon Event = Talisman of Luck/ Chaos Assambly
    Barlog Event = Reward Elemental Talismans
    Mu Ruumy (Cards Event)
    Happy hours
    Each event gives reward Wcoin (HOT)


    You can earn WCoins by winning the following events and/or defeating the following monsters:

    BC - 10 WCoins for each member of the winning party.
    DS - 10 WCoins for the player on the 1st position by points.
    Crywolf Event - 50 WCoins for the player that gets on the 1st position.
    CC - 10 WCoins for the last standing player.
    IT - 10 WCoins for each member of the winning party.
    Last Man Standing - 10 WCoins of the winner.
    DoppelGanger and Imperial Fortress - 1 WCoin for each winner, each run.
    NightMare Event - 25 WCoins for the winner of the event.

    5 Wcoins for killing any: Each Golden Monster from Golden Dragon Invasions
    10 WCoins for killing any: DarkElf Crywolf event, Each Maya Hand, White Wizzard, Red Dragon
    25 WCoins for killing any: Balgass, Erohim, Death King
    50 WCoins for killing any: Kundun.
    100 WCoins for killing any: Nightmare
    50 WCoins for killing any: Medusa, Selupan.

    You can earn Goblin Points by winning the following events and/or defeating the following monsters:

    3 Goblin Points for any: Pouch of Blessing, Moon Rabit, Elemental Golden Goblin, Lunar Rabbit, Fire Flame Ghost.
    5 Goblin Points for any: Golden monster from Golden Dragon Invasion.
    10 Goblin Points for killing any: Special Summon Monster (Golden Kundun, Golden Hell Maine, Golden Erohim, Golden Tantalos, Golden Titan, Red/Purple/Yellow/Green), New Acheron-related Boss Monsters (Muff, Normus, Silla, Ukanva, Selihoden), Balrog, Gorgon.
    250 Goblin Points for: earning above 250 PTS in the Mu Ruumy Event (Card Deck Event).
    500 Goblin Points for any: earning above 500 PTS in the Mu Ruumy Event (Card Deck Event).

    NO LAG, DDoS proteted and antihack protected !

    Official Opening MondialMu 25x

    Date: 02 July 2015 Time:17.00 Server Time

    First Reset Contest:The first 100 characters that give the first RR receive 500 Wcoin

    Create new accounts for Official Opening .

    WEbSite: MondialMU Online
    Forum: Sign In - MondialMU Forum

    Direct link for Download : MondialMU | Files.fm.


    Version:Season 9
    Experience: 25x
    Master EXP: 5x
    Drop Rate: 40%
    Max Stats: 32000
    Official Leanguage: English

    Starter Package for new account

    -Seal of Healing 1 Day
    -Seal of Strenght 1 Day
    -Pet Skeleton 3 Days
    -Ring Skeleton 3 Days
    -Scroll of Wizardy 7 Days
    -Scroll of Wrath 7 Days
    -Scroll of Strengthter 7 Days

    Gameplay features

    Maximum Level= 400
    Master Level= 330
    Toatal LVL= 730 GMO Style
    Dynamic Reset System= OFF
    Reset=On (Full stats)
    Grand Reset= OFF
    Vote Reward= ON
    Elemental System= Working
    Offline Trade System = On
    Offleveling = OFF ( For moment)
    Reconnect System = Fully Working
    Muun system working
    Marry System= ON
    AutoParty= On
    Get Party by Password= On
    PVP= Balanced (~95% All Chars can kill All Chars)
    AntiHack System

    In Game

    WebShop= Off
    X-Shop= On
    Simple Socket System ( No Excellent Socket Items)
    Custom Seed Spheres (Values are not default ones)
    Max Socket = 5
    Excellent Items = 2 opt
    Ancient Item= Simple (No Excellent Ancient)
    Can add Harmony Option to Ancient Items
    Bug Bless= No
    Sphere lvl 1-5 only in Vulcanus
    Party Bonus EXP= On
    Perfect Party Bonus= Yes
    New Master Skill Tree - All Classes have Fully Working Skill Tree


    Castle Siege - Every Sunday
    Arca War Battle
    Imperial Fort Event
    Double Goer (Doppelganger)
    Loren Deep
    Devil Square (1-7)
    Blood Castle (1-8)
    Chaos Castle (1-7)
    Illusion Temple Event
    Swamp of Peace (Medusa)
    Rabbits Invasion
    Pouch of Blessing Invasion
    Fire Flame Ghost Invasion
    Golden Monster Invasion
    White Wizard Invasion
    Battle Soccer
    Kalima (1-7) Event
    Kanturu Event
    LaColen(Selupan) Event
    Pandora Minning
    Summon the Demons
    Egg Event
    Gorgon Event
    Barlog Event
    Mu Ruumy (Cards Event)
    Happy hours
    Each event gives reward Wcoin (HOT)

    Commands in Game

    /ware 1,2,3

    Server Specs :

    Intel Xeon 2x CPU x5650 @ 2.66 GHZ
    32GB DDR3 Ram ECC
    2x Gbit Upload İnternet ( No Lags )
    Protect Server DDoS
    Anti-Hack Protected
    Host location : Europe

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi MondialMu -- 23 Ağustos 2015; 21:04:49 >

  • Sağlam server beyler herkesi beklerim kaçırmayın boyle serverları upupupup

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Kardeşim sw boş ben oynadım HunterTr 1 Gr attim boş sw
    Sm de bi damage var gelene geçene tek atiyor yaklaşık açıldıktan 5 gün sonra Gr attim duan player yok

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • omerbaba11 O kullanıcısına yanıt
    This is translate:

    "My friens server is empty i played it i grand reseted sm is overpowerd he 1 hit everyone i played 5 dayz and greseted but now no players "

    Watch the rank at 1000x since it opened server . All classes are balanced and do not write lies.

  • MondialMu M kullanıcısına yanıt
    New UPDATE server 1000x"

    Server Update from 18.09.2015 also named by us 0.32 comes with the following changes:
    Grand Reset required resets changed from 80 to 70.
    Clear Stats after Reset has been disabled. You will now keep all stats.
    Dynamic EXP was activated to compensate for the disable of clear stats
    Dynamic EXP is: 100% from 0rr to 19rr - 100% | 90% from 20rr to 30rr| 82% from 30rr to 40rr | 74% from 40rr to 50rr | 66% from 50rr to 60rr | 60% from 60rr to 70rr [Where 100% = 1000x]
    Chaos Goblin rates have changed as follows:

    Exe, Socket, Socket Exe, Pentagram Items:
    +10 .. +11 = 90% max with talisman of luck 10%
    +12 .. +13 = 85% max with talisman of luck 10%
    +14 = 80% max with talisman of luck 10%
    +15 = 75% max with talisman of luck 10%

    Normal Items:
    +10 .. +11 = 100% max with talisman of luck 10%
    +12 .. +13 = 90% max with talisman of luck 10%
    +14 = 95% max with talisman of luck 10%
    +15 = 80% max with talisman of luck 10%
    Golden Key drop rate fixed at 0.08% per monster [was 0.15%]
    Silver Key drop rate fixed at 0.12% per monster [was 0.25%]
    Crywolf Event will now be held 4 times a day [was only 2 times per day].
    Deep Loren Valley Invasion will be held 2 times a day [was once a day].
    Selupan Event will now reset at 2 hours from close/kill [was at 4 hours].
    Medusa new fix for 4 x Medusa at 2 hours from kill each.
    Balrog and Gorgon fixes same as medusa, but 4 x Gorgons and 2 x Balrogs.
    WhiteWizzard event will be held at every 2 hours.
    Golden Invasion Monster numbers have been increased new spawn algorithm is used.
    BC/DS/CC were fixed into a better time-table same every 2 hours.
    Illusion Temple will be held every 3 hours [was every 6 hours].
    Kanturu Event will be held approximately every 4 hours [was once a day].
    Increased the number of monsters that drop Muun Egg to 15 [was 3 up to 5 per map, now 15 per each map]
    Death King invasion is now every 2 hours.
    Bad Santa eveny is now every 4 hours.
    Last Man Standing Reward changed into : 1 x random Green/Purple/Red Chaos Box or 1 x GM Gift or 5 x Golden Boxes [opened, no key needed] or 1 Tier 1(First Sockets) Exe Socket Item [Set or Weap] from +0 to +11 (Skill) with 1 to 3 exe options Additional DMG/DEF from +0 to +12 and 5 Slots.
    GM Gift now drops 1 x All seeds (seeds are the socket options not combined with a sphere!).
    New Mu Ruumy Rewards:

    Mu Ruumy 250 pcts reward:
    250 Goblin Points
    10% chance for 1 x Talisman of Luck 5% or 1 x Talisman of Chaos Asembly
    15% chance for 2 x all Muun Evolution Stones
    20% chance for 1 x all Muun Pets.
    25% chance for 1 x all Muun Eggs.
    30% chance for 1 x Jewel of Chaos.

    Mu Ruumy 400 pcts reward:
    500 Goblin Points
    10% chance for 1 x Talisman of Luck 10% or 1 x Talisman of Chaos Asembly
    15% chance for 1 x all new PvP Rings/Pends from +0 to +15 with no auto hp rec and 1 up to 2 random exe options
    20% chance for 1 x Tier 2 Exe Socket Items with 2 exe options lk skill add from +0 to +12 and 5 slots.
    25% chance for 1 x Tier 2 Exe Socket Items with 2 exe options lk skill add from +0 to +12 and 0 up to 5 slots.
    30% chance for
    25% chance for 1 x Tier 2 Exe Socket Items with 1 up to 2 exe options lk skill add from +0 to +12 and 0 up to 5 slots.
    Modified and rescaled following Socket Options: Min Dmg + 525 / Max Dmg +475 / Attk/Wizz Dmg + 500 / Incr DMG + Level/2 (At lvl 830 you get +415) / Exe DMG Incr +500 / Crit DMG Incr + 500 / Skill Attk Incr + 500 / Attk Success Rate + 2500 / Incr Item Durability + 400% / Defense Incr + 250.
    Modified Purple Level 380 Option Rate 70% -> 30%
    Modified all Level 380 Purple options as follows:

    Weapon option +100 PvP Attk S.Rate was changed into +15K SD for BK&RF Items and +30k SD for ELF/SM/MG/SUM/DL Items.
    BK Set Items now grant +15k HP and 1000 extra PvP Def.
    ELF/MG/SM/SUM/DL items now grant +10k HP + 10k SD
    MG Items now grang +12.5k HP and +12.5k SD
    RF Items now grant +25k HP and + 25k SD
    Applying Purple Options to LvL 380 Items costs now 1 KKK Zen [1 bilion Zen].
    Also starting from today the rules about swearing, foul language and insults has been changed/removed.

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