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Monster Hp

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    Level 1-70 Monster HPs

    lvl 1 Manguang HP 54
    lvl 2 Small-Eye HP 55
    lvl 3 Big-Eye HP 85
    lvl 4 Old Weasel HP 83
    lvl 5 Weasel HP 119
    lvl 6 Water Ghost slave HP 114
    lvl 7 Water Ghost HP 156
    lvl 8 Grave Stone spirit HP 204
    lvl 8 Broken Stone ghost HP 204
    lvl 9 Grave Stone HP 194
    lvl 9 Stone Ghost HP 194
    lvl 10 Yeoha HP 249
    lvl 10 Decayed Yeoha HP 249
    lvl 11 Bandit Subordinates HP 310
    lvl 12 Bandit Archer HP 324
    lvl 13 Young Tiger HP 387
    lvl 14 Tiger HP 509
    lvl 15 Bandit Bowman HP 514
    lvl 16 Bandit HP 755
    lvl 17 Black Tiger HP 749
    lvl 18 White Tiger HP 809
    lvl 19 Chajki Worker HP 958
    lvl 20 Chajki HP 1031
    lvl 20 Tiger Girl HP 598,720
    lvl 21 Ghost Bug HP 1106
    lvl 22 Devil Bug HP 1184
    lvl 23 Hyungeon Ghost Soldier HP 1264
    lvl 24 Hyungeon Ghost HP 1347
    lvl 25 Demon Horse HP 1291
    lvl 26 Devil Horse HP 1184
    lvl 27 Meek Gun Powder HP 1535
    lvl 27 Earth Ghost HP 1451
    lvl 28 Meek Earth Ghost HP 1535
    lvl 28 Gun Powder HP 1535
    lvl 29 Hyeongcheon HP 1807
    lvl 30 Earth Magician HP 1513
    lvl 30 Earth Taoist HP 1513
    lvl 30 Hyeongcheon HP 1909
    lvl 31 Black Scorpion HP 2013
    lvl 32 Scorpion HP 2121
    lvl 33 Blood Devil Flower HP 1761
    lvl 33 Blood Ong HP 1997
    lvl 34 Ong HP 2099
    lvl 34 Blood Death Flower HP 1849
    lvl 35 Black Robber Follower HP 2204
    lvl 35 Black Yeowa HP 2467
    lvl 36 Red Yeowa HP 2590
    lvl 36 Black Robber Archer HP 2034
    lvl 37 Black Robber Bowman HP 2131
    lvl 38 Black Robber HP 2539
    lvl 39 Small Red Scorpion HP 2982
    lvl 40 Uruchi HP 1,779,528
    lvl 40 Red Scorpion HP 3121
    lvl 41 Red-eye Ghost HP 2907
    lvl 42 Dark-eye Ghost HP 3038
    lvl 43 Maong HP 3172
    lvl 44 Small Bunwang HP 3311
    lvl 45 Bunwang HP 3454
    lvl 46 Ultra Blood Devil HP 4052
    lvl 47 Golden Spider HP 3753
    lvl 48 White Spider HP 3909
    lvl 49 Mujigi HP 3557
    lvl 50 Ujigi HP 3701
    lvl 51 Ishade HP 3849
    lvl 52 Blue-face Spider HP 4584
    lvl 52 Hashade HP 4001
    lvl 53 White-face Spider HP 4766
    lvl 54 Penon Fighter HP 5586
    lvl 55 Penon Warrior HP 6084
    lvl 56 Plana HP 6317
    lvl 57 Big-blue Spider HP 5809
    lvl 57 Sona HP 6557
    lvl 58 Big White-face Spider HP 6027
    lvl 59 Yeti HP 7059
    lvl 60 Devil Yeti HP 7634
    lvl 60 Isyutaru HP 4,324,612
    lvl 61 Soil Ghost Bug HP 7913
    lvl 62 Strong Earth Ghost HP 8200
    lvl 63 Earth Ghost Bug HP 8495
    lvl 64 Power Earth Ghost HP 9139
    lvl 65 Earth Ghost Warrior HP 9461
    lvl 66 Earth Ghost Solider HP 9792
    lvl 67 Blind Mole HP 8957
    lvl 68 Mole HP 9265
    lvl 69 Devil Ghost Nachal HP 8321
    lvl 70 Devil Mask Nachal HP 8603

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Alayına_İsyan -- 14 Ocak 2007; 15:31:24 >

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    Orjinalden alıntı: Lead away

    Ellerine saglik cok güzel paylasim

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    Orjinalden alıntı: Alayına_İsyan

    Alıntı.Eywallah ben bu forumda yeni değilim anlayan anladı

    maşallah arkadaşım da bu sözünle ney iifade etmek istedin yani ne zamandır takılıyosun?
  • çok saol güzel paylaşım
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Alayına_İsyan

    Alıntı.Eywallah ben bu forumda yeni değilim anlayan anladı

    Anladım galiba
  • güzel çalışma. Ellerine sağlık.
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: _last samurai_


    Orjinalden alıntı: Alayına_İsyan

    Alıntı.Eywallah ben bu forumda yeni değilim anlayan anladı

    maşallah arkadaşım da bu sözünle ney iifade etmek istedin yani ne zamandır takılıyosun?

    Bu forumun eskilerinden biri oldugunu solemek istiyo galiba ve sanırsam kim oldugunu tahmin edebilom
  • Çok çok teşekkürler

    REP olsa REP vercem

  • çokk güsell saol en azından bilgi olur
  • up up up

    o ne be iss in canı 4m tiger girl bile 500k one be tiger girl bide 2lvl banavarı olacak

  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: jandark02

    up up up

    o ne be iss in canı 4m tiger girl bile 500k one be tiger girl bide 2lvl banavarı olacak

    yaratiklarin lvl i HP lerine gore degil verdikleri damage olcusunde siralaniyor ...
  • Buna ek olarak şunuda belirtmekte fayda var;
    şampiyonlar normal monsterin 2 katı,
    devler ise 7 şampiyon yada 14 normalin HP'si kadar cana sahip.
  • güzel..bende son güncellenmiş halini vereyim o zaman..lord yarkan dahil..

    lvl 1 Mangyang HP [54]
    lvl 2 Small-Eye Ghost HP [55]
    lvl 3 Big-Eye Ghost HP [85]
    lvl 4 Old Weasel HP [83]
    lvl 5 Weasel HP [119]
    lvl 6 Water Ghost slave HP [114]
    lvl 7 Water Ghost HP [156]
    lvl 8 Grave Stone spirit HP [204]
    lvl 8 Broken Stone ghost HP [204]
    lvl 9 Grave Stone HP [194]
    lvl 9 Stone Ghost HP [194]
    lvl 10 Yeoha HP [249]
    lvl 10 Decayed Yeoha HP [249]
    lvl 11 Bandit Subordinates HP [310]
    lvl 12 Bandit Archer HP [324]
    lvl 13 Young Tiger HP [387]
    lvl 14 Tiger HP [509]
    lvl 15 Bandit Bowman HP [514]
    lvl 16 Bandit HP [755]
    lvl 17 Black Tiger HP [749]
    lvl 18 White Tiger HP [809]
    lvl 19 Chajki Worker HP [958]
    lvl 20 Chajki HP [1031]
    lvl 20 Tiger Girl HP [598,720] (unique)
    lvl 21 Ghost Bug HP [1106]
    lvl 22 Devil Bug HP [1184]
    lvl 23 Hyungeon Ghost Soldier HP [1264]
    lvl 24 Hyungeon Ghost HP [1347]
    lvl 25 Demon Horse HP [1291]
    lvl 26 Devil Horse HP [1184]
    lvl 27 Meek Gun Powder HP [1535]
    lvl 27 Earth Ghost HP [1451]
    lvl 28 Meek Earth Ghost HP [1535]
    lvl 28 Gun Powder HP [1535]
    lvl 29 Hyeongcheon HP [1807]
    lvl 30 Earth Magician HP [1513]
    lvl 30 Earth Taoist HP [1513]
    lvl 30 Hyeongcheon HP [1909]
    lvl 31 Black Scorpion HP [2013]
    lvl 32 Scorpion HP [2121]
    lvl 33 Blood Devil Flower HP [1761]
    lvl 33 Blood Ong HP [1997]
    lvl 34 Ong HP [2099]
    lvl 34 Blood Death Flower HP [1849]
    lvl 35 Black Robber Follower HP [2204]
    lvl 35 Black Yeowa HP [2467]
    lvl 36 Red Yeowa HP [2590]
    lvl 36 Black Robber Archer HP [2034]
    lvl 37 Black Robber Bowman HP [2131]
    lvl 38 Black Robber HP [2539]
    lvl 39 Small Red Scorpion HP [2982]
    lvl 40 Uruchi HP [1,779,528] (unique)
    lvl 40 Red Scorpion HP [3121]
    lvl 41 Red-eye Ghost HP [2907]
    lvl 42 Dark-eye Ghost HP [3038]
    lvl 43 Maong HP [3172]
    lvl 44 Small Bunwang HP [3311]
    lvl 45 Bunwang HP [3454]
    lvl 46 Ultra Blood Devil HP [4052]
    lvl 47 Golden Spider HP [3753]
    lvl 48 White Spider HP [3909]
    lvl 49 Mujigi HP [3557]
    lvl 50 Ujigi HP [3701]
    lvl 51 Ishade HP [3849]
    lvl 52 Blue-face Spider HP [4584]
    lvl 52 Hashade HP [4001]
    lvl 53 White-face Spider HP [4766]
    lvl 54 Penon Fighter HP [5586]
    lvl 55 Penon Warrior HP [6084]
    lvl 56 Plana HP [6317]
    lvl 57 Big-blue Spider HP [5809]
    lvl 57 Sonar HP [6557]
    lvl 58 Big White-face Spider HP [6027]
    lvl 59 Yeti HP [7059]
    lvl 60 Devil Yeti HP [7634]
    lvl 60 Isyutaru HP [4,324,612] (unique)
    lvl 61 Shakram HP [7003]
    lvl 61 Soil Ghost Bug HP [7913]
    lvl 62 Strong Earth Ghost HP [8200]
    lvl 63 Edimmu HP [7515]
    lvl 63 Earth Ghost Bug HP [8495]
    lvl 64 Power Earth Ghost HP [9139]
    lvl 65 Dark Karra HP [7270]
    lvl 65 Earth Ghost Warrior HP [9461]
    lvl 66 Earth Ghost Solider HP [9792]
    lvl 67 Death Karra HP [10133]
    lvl 67 Blind Mole HP [8957]
    lvl 68 Demon Eye HP [9265]
    lvl 68 Mole HP [9265]
    lvl 69 Devil Ghost Nachal HP [8321]
    lvl 70 Devil Mask Nachal HP [8603]
    lvl 70 Devil Eye HP [9909]
    lvl 71 Bone Soldier HP [11596]
    lvl 73 Niya Guard HP [12816]
    lvl 74 Niya Sniper HP [10144]
    lvl 76 Niya Hunter HP [10819]
    lvl 77 Niya Mage HP [11170]
    lvl 78 Niya Shaman HP [11532]
    lvl 79 Niya Royal Guard HP [11903]
    lvl 80 Niya General HP [14614]
    lvl 80 Lord Yarkan HP [9,353,045] (uniqu

    ayrıca bu monsterların defansları kac bu konuda bılgı yok sanrım?

Sayfa: 1234
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