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  • Sa arkadaşlar uzunca bi süre ara vermiştim malum üniden dolayı bu dönem derslerimin kolaylıgında dolayı tekrar başladım.Güzel bi server buldum gelmek isteyen arkaşlarla whatsapp grubuda kurucam.Herkese iyi Oyunlar.


    Server Info:https://forum.dimensiongamers.net/showthread.php?t=139
    Offline Attack System:https://forum.dimensiongamers.net/showthread.php?t=142
    Offline Store System:https://forum.dimensiongamers.net/showthread.php?t=143

    4000 + Players ONLINE !!!
    TEN Servers (PVP, NON-PVP)

    ** Comenzo el 3 de Junio
    ** Opened on June 3
    ** Inaugurado em 3 de Junho você vai perder?

    Exp: 50x
    Exp Master: 5x

    Grow Lancer & RF: 200 lvl >> (or by card)
    MG & DL: 150 lvl >> (or by card)

    Los personajes comienzan con un pack de regalo: Panda Pack + Skeleton Pack + Small wings + Pentagrams of beginners
    The characters start with a gift pack : Panda Pack + Skeleton Pack + Small wings + Pentagrams of beginners
    Os personagens começam com um pacote de presente : Panda Pack + Skeleton Pack + Small wings + Pentagrams of beginners
    Ang mga character magsimula sa isang gift pack: Panda Pack + Skeleton Pack + Small wings + Pentagrams of beginners

    Mulegend Season 12 | Non Rebirth | Non Rebirth (No Reset) Server

    Facebook Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/DimensionGamers.net
    Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/344776305677617/

    * Pueden usar el mismo email para distintas cuentas
    * You can use same email in many accounts
    * Você pode usar o mesmo email para criar muitas contas

    New Character: Grow Lancer

    Features / Caracteristicas:

    New Map: Ferea (new Boss)
    New Monsters
    New Skill Tree
    New Muun's Features
    New Currency: Ruud
    New Skills
    Darkangel Mastery Set
    Bloodangel Weapon
    Upgraded Divine Archangel Weapon
    Elemental System update
    Errtel of Radiance
    Gremory Case
    Jewel of Pandora
    Matching (Party & Guild)
    New Mu Helper

    New Events / Nuevos Eventos / Novos Eventos:

    Tormented Square
    Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest
    Acheron Guardian
    Arka War
    Eggs of Monster
    Evomon Evolved



    * Cierra el cliente y quedas AFK con helper
    * Turn client off but player afk with helper
    * AFK com o cliente fechado, usando Helper
    * Tắt máy nghe khách hàng nhung afk Với helper

    F10 & F11
    * Reduce consumo de CPU para poder jugar mas fluido
    * It reduces CPU consumption to play more fluid
    * reduzir o consumo de CPU para jogar mais fluido
    * Nó bạn giảm luợng tiêu thụ CPU dể choi nhiều hon chất lỏng

    * Minimiza y baja completamente el consumo de CPU
    * Minimizes and completely low CPU consumption
    * Minimiza e completamente baixo consumo de CPU
    * Giảm thiểu và tiêu thụ CPU hoàn toàn thấp


    Season 13 Episode 1 Update will be applied on November 16th at 19:00hs Server Time.
    * Added new servers for new players. Only low level characters will be able to login on those servers and they will have all Boss available.
    Server 8 = PVP ( All boss available ) allowed for characters with lvl 800 or less.
    Server 9 = PVP allowed for characters with lvl 800 or less.
    Server 10 = NO - PVP allowed for characters with lvl 800 or less.
    * Archangel's Hammer mix success rate will be changed from 50% to 100%.
    * Excellent 380 weapons drop from Erohim.
    * Removed zen drop from Erohim.
    * Improved Box of Kundun drops.
    * Increased wings 2.5 creation item drop.
    * Scroll of Blue, Red & Green Oblivion will be added again.
    * New Scroll of Golden Oblivion added to reset 4th Tree.
    * Scroll of Gray Oblivion will only reset normal tree.
    * After Completing 4th Quest you will receive 1 Scroll of Gray Oblivion and 1 Scroll of Golden Oblivion. Those scrolls can't be traded. Also all players that already competed this quest will receive same scrolls on Gremory Case

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