is new private mu onlinegaming project. Server is based on S13 server files. Project is based on high experience settings, fast resets, and easy gear up style +a lot customs, and great features that makes server more exciting and less grinding. Server has build in in-game market system, so players can sell their items to other players in website, without being worried to be scammed in-game! Server will be opened on 6.April. Server location is Netherlands!
Server settings: Opening times: [UTC +2, 17.00-Poland] [UTC +8, 23.00-Philipines] [UTC -3 12.00-Argentina] Or check our count-back timer on top of website!
Experience Normal: x5000 Master exp: x5000 Max option: +16 Soul + luck 95%, Without 70% Life: 70% Resets: Stats burns, Free 500 stats, +10 Credits each reset!
Max level 920 (400 regular, 520 Master)
Spots: Each map Party exp: Regular party 1-5 members 100% Exp! Set party: 3members: 115% Exp, 4 members: 112% Exp, 5 members: 125% Exp!
Jewel rates: Soul +luck: 100%, Without luck:85% Jewel of life: 85% Guild create lvl: 250, Min request for alliance 10 members, max alliances 3 Post commands: /gpost 200k 400lvl Create all characters from 1 1vl (create DK, SM, or ELF to get access to others)
Events Schedule/Plan Golden invasion: starting: 00: 45 (same time, every 2hours) Blood castle: 2x EXP, starting: 00: 20 (same time, every 2hours) Reward AA weapons, with 10% chance to get EXC and AA2lvl items! Devil Square: 2x EXP, starting: 01: 20 (same time, every 2hours) Chaos Castle: Every 3hours, starting: 00:05 Santa Event: 00:15, 06:15, 12:15, 18: 15 Silver/Golden boxes 10k/20k RUUD (drops randoms all maps) Offtrade: Enabled in Devias map only Season 13 Features!
New map: Swamp of Darkness with great loot New Swamp of Darkness monsters New set items: Awakening Soul (Holy Angle item upgrade to Awakening Soul ancient items) New Awakening Soul chaos combination mix Enhancement fourth skill tree by debuff options Items division system Simplified material chaos combinations Fourth character evolution for all character class Fourth class quest Fourth Skill Tree Enhancement Renewal of third Skill Tree Deep Dungeon maps and monsters Changes to event entry levels General UI improvements MuHelper renewal Favourite Warps selection Guide Quest System Jeweler Bingo Mini-Game Removed special class warp benefits mu online