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mu-rty old style hard server

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2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
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  • Server basic information:
    -site: murty.zapto.org

    - Version: Season 3 Episode 1
    - Experience: 250x (VIP's 500)
    - Drop rate: 80%

    Maximum Level: 400 (All classes)
    -Points per Level DK/DW/Elf: 5

    -Points per Level MG and DL: 7

    -Reset level: 400 (All classes) (Clear stats inventory skills after reset)

    -Bonus points per reset DK/DW/Elf : 500

    -Bonus points per reset MG and DL : 500

    - Bless bug: Off
    - Max stats: 32767
    - Grand reset system (Soon)

    Server advanced information
    - Dedicated host without any lag.
    - 100 Mbps Line.
    - MuGuard Premium.
    - Balanced PvP.
    - 24/7 Online.

    Available commands:
    - /add - Add stats in-game.
    - /post - Send message to global chat.
    All other commands are available when you press the ''D'' button.

    Success rates:
    - Upgrade items +10+11+12+13:
    - Jewel of life success rate: 70%

    Online Server Events/Quests:

    - White Wizard Event (Ring Event)
    - Kanturu (Maya and Nightmare Event)
    - Kundun Invasion Event
    - Castle Siege
    - Ring Attack Event
    - Blood Castle Event
    - Chaos Castle Event
    - Crywolf Event
    - Devil Square Event
    - GameMaster System Event

    ?Features of the server:

    - Red, Blue and Golden Fenrir
    - 3 Level Wings options 100% retail working, Jewel of Harmony options 100% retail working
    - Refinery (Purple) options 100% retail working
    - Drop ancient items - Kalima Kundun
    - Castle Siege 100% retail working
    - Kantru 100% retail working
    - Cry Wolf 100% retail working

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