Server Rates and information: site: Version: Season 3 Episode 1 Exp: 150x Drops: 20% Exc Drops: 20/1000 Reset level:400 Clear inventory/skills/stats Reset point:500 Available Commands: /post - Global post to server. /str /agi /vit /ene /com - Add stats /marry /divorce /accept /tracemarry - Marry commands. Webzen original events: Blood Castle Chaos Castle Devil Square Crywolf Golden Invasion Wizard Red dragon invasion Kanturu Castle Siege Custom Events: Scrambled Words PVP Last Man Standing Bring me Extra Exp Event Monster Spawn Golden Archer etc. What is special about us? Season 3 Episode 1 we have 2 servers 1 is for everone and 2 is for VIP's unique spots and really hard shops VIP benefits: Exp: 300x Drops: 40 Exc Drops: 20/1000
Ulaşmaya çalıştığınız internet sitesi Adana 7. Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi'nın 13.03.2014 tarihli 2014/687 D.İş ve / sayılı kararı ile erişime engellenmiştir
quote:Orijinalden alıntı: comax1234 mahkeme kararıla engelli olmuşun kanka. oyunda hack yapıldıgından dolayı şikayet etmişlerdir :)