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Euphoria Mu S6 E18 Exp 50x Drop 30% Hard Servererver Open 28.11.2024

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    Server Information]



    General Options :

    Version: TO s6

    Max resets: NO

    Reset level range: : 400

    Max level: 400

    Exp: %50

    Item Drop: 40 %

    Excellent drop: 1/200

    Max Add +28

    Events Options :

    Blood Castle : Enable

    Devil Square : Enable

    Chaos Castle : Enable

    Castle Siege : 2 Week

    White Wizzard : 1 Hours

    Golden Dragon : 2 Hours

    Red Dragon : 1 Hours

    Kantru/Maya Event/Nightmare : 2 week

    Boss of Kalima 6 : 12 Hours

    Boss of Kalima 7 : 24 Hours

    Character Reset System:

    Clear Skills : no

    Clear Inventory : no

    Reset Stats : no

    Reset Zen : 1.000.000

    Client İformation :

    Client Version : 1.0

    Status : Excelent Main ( Guard + 3D )

    Auto Update System : Enable

    Anti-hack System : MuGuarD

    Speed Hack & Hit Hack & Lahap bug & Dc Hack : All Options Fixed!



    Excellent Set and Wings +9+L+28+2 Options [2 Days] 

    Excellent Weapon/Shield +9+L+28+2 Options [2 Days] 

    Dotto Muun Pet [2 Days] 

    Scroll Battle Buffs [2 Days]

    EupHoria MuOnline - Updated 0.04 after first Castle Siege!

    Please read all information below.

    - Lucky wheel is online now you can spend your Hunt Points!

    - Battle pass is online now get your Master Resets to get a goodies!

    - If you take special reward on Battle Pass don\'t worry your reward is added and 2x2 space box without skin just drop it it\'s rubbish you won\'t need it.

    - More spots available on VIP stadium.

    - More spots available on Kalima 3-7.

    - Silver/Gold medals changes - Drop will be the same like red/green box\'es so its 50% to get 1x standart jewel (choas/bless/soul/life/creation) and 50% to get zen.

    - Exchange 255x Cherry Boxes to 25 Golden Cherries (NPC can be in Noria near Cherry exchange NPC) ()

    - Double the chances of getting an ancient item in BC7/DS8.

    - CC (choas castle event)- Change the CC 1-6 reward so that the chance to get an ancient item will be 33%.

    - Change class command enabled

    (Command: /changeclass dw/dk/dl/mg/rf/su/elf) - 200 WCoins.

    Important! (Character new class reset master level and quest. Meaning the character class will start from its 1st quest up to master level. This is how the system made for change class to ensure that there will be no bugs. Also it requires to remove all equipped items and removed skills).

    - Next Castle Siege will be 3 hours early.

    - ALL vs ALL event more information available on guides -

    Global MuOnline - Updated 0.03We recently made adjustments to PvM damage to enhance certain classes and implemented several otheupdates for your benefit. Please find the details below.

    PVM (Player vs Monster) Increased:

    - RF Increased 25%

    - SUM Increased 10%

    - DL Increased 10%

    - MG Increased 10%

    - FE Increased 15%

    - DK Increased 25%


    We\'ve introduced a Discord server which is an exciting and useful feature for gathering reports and staying connected with the community.

    Here are the currently available commands:

    - /online: Check who is online.

    - /charinfo <character name>: Retrieve information about a specific character.

    In the future we may add more commands to enhance functionality.

    Additionally the Discord server will provide automatic logs from the game server such as:

    - Event starts ⁠event-start-log in the server

    - Invasion Starts ⁠invasion-start-log in the server

    - Chaos mixes ⁠chaos-mix-log will also log successful item level upgrades automatically

    - Who won blood castle ⁠blood-castle-log

    - Who won devil square ⁠devil-square-log

    - Who won Chaos Castle ⁠chaos-castle-log

    - Who killed you ⁠pk-logs

    - Master Rest ranking log ⁠master-reset-log

    If logs will be annoying for you just mute them.

    We hope you find this feature helpful and engaging!

    Euphoria Mu S6 E18 Exp 50x Drop 30% Hard Servererver Open 28.11.2024

    Euphoria Mu S6 E18 Exp 50x Drop 30% Hard Servererver Open 28.11.2024

    Euphoria Mu S6 E18 Exp 50x Drop 30% Hard Servererver Open 28.11.2024

    Euphoria Mu S6 E18 Exp 50x Drop 30% Hard Servererver Open 28.11.2024

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi RingMu -- 9 Aralık 2024; 19:5:40 >

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