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MW2 Dedicated Servers

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  • Beyler altewinet dedicated server sistemine geçti
    bildigim iki tane tr server var


    konsola connect serverip yazıp giriosunuz ping durumu super ama genelde bos oluo fazla kisi bilmio.
    baglanin serevra adam akıllı pingsiz oynayalim.

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    zaten yeterince açıklamışlar video da var.

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    Net Frame 4

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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Shepard

    MW2 unlocker ne oluyor hocam *** çıkmış

    level hack

    *** = rapidshare

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Kumandan -- 29 Ekim 2010; 1:21:20 >
  • konsolu nasıl acıyoruz arkadaslar , ben halı hazırda oynuyorum oyunu altewınetten her gece
  • konsol açılır masaüstünde alt+tab değil alt+esc ile indirceksin oyunu
  • Konsoldan connect ile uğraşmaya gerek yok.

    1-alteriwnet sağ üst köşede server list e girin dedicated server listesi orda tek tıkla oyunlara girebilirsiniz.
    2-downloads bölümünde aiw server browser diye tool var onu indirirseniz pinge göre serverları sıralayıp istediğiniz oyuna girersiniz.
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    So, I guess you've heard about the new thing released by us (alterIWnet) that brings the most-requested missing feature in MW2 to, well, MW2? It took quite a lot of researching, and some say it may be late, but anyway, it's finally here.

    As you're reading this guide, I guess you're interested in setting up one of those, what do you call it, 'dedicated servers'? Even though most of the process is similar to previous titles in the Call of Duty series, there are some specific things that differ, and obviously having a guide is better than having none.

    The guide

    Firstly, you need to have the usual alterIWnet client files installed on a MW2 installation. If you're using a dedicated server (or VPS) hosted somewhere, you can also ZIP and upload the usual alterIWnet installation you play with. Note that you will not be able to play with the dedicated server at all.
    Now, extract and overwrite the files from the dedicated server package to your MW2 installation on the system you're planning to run the dedicated server on.
    As I forgot to pack it in with the package, make a copy of your iw4mp.dat and name it iw4.exe. Also, optionally, download content/nulliwd.7z (contains empty IWD files, make sure you don't accidentally your originals!)
    Make a server configuration file (see the chapter 'Configuration file' for more information). You can skip this step, but it's a lot easier to maintain the server with a configuration file.
    On Windows, you can make a shortcut to run the server by hand -- to do this, make a shortcut to 'iw4.exe', open the properties for it, and add the launch options (see the 'Launching' chapter) to the 'Target' input field. For other systems or methods of launching, see the 'Launching' chapter as well.
    Run the server using the method you chose for launching it.
    To see if everything works correctly, run the alterIWnet client (make sure that, if on the same computer, the server is not using port 28960) and, in the console, use 'connect [IP]:28960', replacing 28960 with the specific port for the server. Also, won't work locally, so use the IP assigned to your network card.

    Configuration file

    Create a text file in any directory on the search path (either 'main' or 'players', it depends on which you like) with a name like 'server.cfg' (note how later parts of the guide will refer to this name). Most of the commands you use are similar to CoD4, and you can use most of the guides for CoD4 configuration files for the alterIWnet MW2 server.

    A template configuration file is shown below: bir sürü komut var :)


    Windows (GUI):

    Add launch parameters to the shortcut, so that it looks like this:

    iw4.exe +set party_maxplayers 18 +set net_port 28960 +exec server.cfg +map mp_rust +map_rotate

    Windows (CLI):

    Make a batch file containing something like this:

    @echo off
    cd "T:\Games\CoD6"
    iw4.exe +set party_maxplayers 18 +set net_port 28960


    Use the following Wine command line in an xterm or similar X terminal to start the game:

    wine iw4.exe +set party_maxplayers 18 +set net_port 28960 +exec server.cfg +map mp_rust +map_rotate

    this guide needs some more fixing

    MW2'de dedicated serverin anahtarı bu cümlelerde yatıyor yardımlarınızı bekliyoruz.

  • Hacı ben unlocker denedimde oyundan çıkıp girince tekrar eski haline dönüyor ne yapacaz?
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