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NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

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    Server Location: TURKEY

    Host: OVH (DDoS Protected)

    Server configuration info:

    Exp: x1000

    Drop: 100%

    All Jewel in Shop

    All Box in Shop

    Max LvL: 400

    Version: Season 4 Episode 6

    Points per level: 5/6/7

    Max stats: 65767

    Max connections per IP: 5

    Reset configuration info:

    Reset: in WEBSİTE

    Reset reward : 30 credits

    Grand Reset: 100 reset

    Grand reset Reward: 3000 Credis

    Vote for credits


    /addstr - add strength

    /addagi - add agility

    /addvit - add vitality

    /addene - add energy

    /addcmd - add command

    /money 200000000000

    /post - POST in global chat

    /pkclear : Celar murderer pk status


    Jewels rates/Chaos machine rates:

    Jewel of Bless = 100%

    Jewel of Soul = 100%

    Jewel of Life = 100%

    Jewel of Harmony = 100%

    Refering Stone = 100%

    Chaos Machine:

    Item + 10 = 100%

    Item + 11 = 100%

    Item + 12 = 100%

    Item + 13 = 100%

    NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

    NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

    NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

    NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

    NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

    NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

    NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

    NovaMU Online | Seasons 4 | SERVER OPEN..!

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi NovaMuOnline -- 11 Ocak 2023; 19:5:13 >

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