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[OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da (3. sayfa)

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  • HollowFlea kullanıcısına yanıt
    Takım arkadaşlarından flare atmalarını isteyebilirsin. Gerçi belli bir av sonrası adaları ezberliyorsun. Nerde hangi bitki var hangi taş var veya behemoth un spawn olabileceği spotları vesaire hepsini ezberliyorsun.
  • Yama notlarını Türkçe'ye çevirdim. Umarım 0.4.5 yama notları bu kadar fazla olmaz

    Versiyon: OB 0.4.4
    Yama notları yayımlanma tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2018
    Planlanan yama tarihi: Temmuz 11, 2018

    Topluluk geribildirimleri ile OB 0.4.4 yamasında birlikte birçok hata düzeltmesi ve geliştirmeler geliyor.


    • Elemental statüsü, verilen hasar büyüklüğü yerine verilen hasar sayısına göre değiştirilmiştir.
    • Nayzaga, Pangar, Hellion, Stormclaw ve Kharabak behemoth zırhlarında istenen parçalar değiştirilmiştir.
    • Maelstorm öncesi behemothların rare parça düşürme oranı bir miktar azaltılmıştır.
    • Embermane, Skraev, Drask, Nayzaga, Pangar, Hellion, Stormclaw ve Kharabak behemoth larının + değeri yükseltilmiştir.
    • Rezakiri nin pençe ve ayaklarının part hasar havuzu bir miktar azaltılmıştır.
    • Chain blades dash ine 2 iframe eklenmiştir. Görsel ile iframe sayısı artık daha orantılıdır.
    • Tragic Echo nun %300 lük hasar hatası, olması gereken %100 lük hasar oranına getirilmiştir.
    • Drask lantern ü artık sadece parça hasar havuzuna değil, can havuzuna da etki edecek. Verilen hasar oranı %40 a çekilmiştir.
    • Medic perk ü artık stinger ı etkilemeyecek.
    • Rezakiri nin kuyruğunun hasaralanı(hitbox) yeniden düzenlendi.
    • Zıplama artık staminayı etkilemeyecek.
    • Stormhammer a yeni pasif özellik eklendi. Perfect dodge sonrası stormhammer a bir mermi eklenir.
    • Rezakiri behemoth u eğer avcı çok uzaktaysa kendi canını yenileyebilecek.
    • Lifedrain tonic efekti, Feast özelliği aktif iken devre dışı olacak şekilde düzenlenmiştir.
    • Pylon lar artık daha hızlı bir şekilde kullanılabilecek. (0.8 saniye).
    • Hasar ve defans veren pylon ların mesafesi arttırıldı.
    • Can pylon u 20 saniye olarak düzenlendi.
    • Pylon lar artık avcılara engel değil, içlerinden geçebilirsiniz.
    • Pylon ların görselleri değiştirildi. Artık daha görülebilir bir şekilde değiştirildi.
    • Razorwing hammer dan kazanılan stamina 20 ye düşürülmüştür.
    • Stormclaw chain blades ile yapılan perfect dodge, special meter ı %400 oranın da arttırır.
    • Blaze silahı ile verilen yanma hasarı artık lantern ü doldurmayacak.
    • Charrogg un toplam can havuzu arttırılmıştır.
    • Pangar ve Hellion un atak animasyonları tekrar düzenlendi.
    • Behemoth ların hataları genel olarak düzeltildi.
    • Razorwing Kharabak bundan sonra dash ile ağaçlara veya duvara sıkışmayacak.
    • Quillshot and Nayzaga nın parça hasarı sonrası parça düşmeme sorunu düzeltildi.
    • Aetherhunter, pacifier ve ragehunter perk hatası düzeltilmiştir.


    • Insight pot u, lifedrain tonic i ve aetherdrive tonic lerinin status bar daki görseli düzenlenmiştir.
    • Platinum ve Notes ikonları daha belirgin bir görselle değiştirilmiştir.
    • Hellaxe ın atak görseli değiştirildi.
    • Sheathing ve unsheathing in ses efekti geliştirilmiştir.
    • Birçok ikon yeni ve daha anlaşılır ikonlar ile değiştirildi.
    • Embermane ve Stormclaw a yeni shock stagger animasyonu eklenmiştir.
    • Rezakiri nin mermi yağmuru atağı tekrar düzenlenmiştir.
    • Pırıltı efekti daha iyi bir performans için adalardan kaldırılmıştır.


    • Ramsgate deki köpek sayısı arttırıldı.
    • Avcılar artık adalarda daha rahat haraket edebilecek. Adalardaki ivmeyi azaltan hata düzeltildi.
    • Ramsgate deki npc ler tekrar modellendi.
    • Razorwing Kharabak zırhındaki görsel hata düzeltildi.
    • Ramsgate de gezebilinecek yerlerin sayısı arttırıldı. Çatılar, lağımlar vs.
    • Sis, duman efekti geliştirildi.
    • Hellion, Shrowd ve Rezakiri nin görev açıklaması değiştirildi.


    • İşaret fişeğinin pusulada ki görseli değiştirildi.
    • İşaret fişeğinin animasyonlarına artık menü den bakabilirsiniz.
    • Embermane zırhının görseli değiştirildi.
    • Fener parlama efekti değiştirildi.


    • Shrowd ve Rezakiri artık Mealstorm patrol ün de olmayacak. Bu sayede avcılar zorlanmadan malzeme ve parça toplayabilecek. Not: İkonlar hala gözükmetedir ama dediğimiz gibi patrollerde karşınıza çıkmayacaklar.
    • Embermane ve Drask lantern lerini açmak için skarn behemothu parçaları yerine 10 adet embermane ve drask parçaları toplamaları gerekiyor.
    • Normal behemothların zırh ve silahları 'genel', dire behemoth larının silah ve zırhları 'epic' ve tüm exotic eşyalar 'legendary' adı altında sınıflandırılmıştır.
    • Nayzaga, Shockjaw, and Moonreaver zırhlarında ki hatalar düzeltildi.
    • Zırh ve silah craft etme menüsünde gerekli olan parçalar daha iyi bir görselle değiştirildi.
    • Silah ve zırh craft menüsü daha iyi bir şekilde ölçeklendirilmiştir.
    • Craft menüsüne 'mevcut ekipman' bölümü eklenmiştir.
    • Silah ve zırh menüleri artık alfabe sırasına göre değil değerlilik sırasına göre düzenlenmiştir.


    • Bulwark pot hatası düzeltildi.
    • Avcılar artık daha hızlı bir şekilde ada ya veya ramsgate e gidecek.
    • Axe ve war pike silahlarının unlock edilmeme sorunu çözüldü.
    • Bazı lokasyonlardaki yer altında hataya girme durumu çözüldü.
    • Aether vent lerinin fırlatma yönleri düzenlenmiştir.
    • Drask fenerinin hedef sorunu çözüldü.
    • Firebrand Charrogg un kuyruğunun senkronizasyonu düzeltildi.
    • Hunger silahının special meter hatası düzeltildi.
    • Dverilen ağaçların ses hatası düzeltildi.
    • Charrogg un kuyruk alan hasarı(aoe) düzeltildi.
    • Embermane nin interrupt, boop sorunu çözüldü.
    • Embermane in parça hasar hatası düzeltildi.
    • Hammer ın rocket jump haraketi ile artık diğer avcıların içinden geçinebilecek.
    • Vertical Ripped kombosunun menü deki gösterimi düzeltildi.
    • Görevlerin ilerlememe(progresion) sorunu düzeltildi.
    • Stormclaw boynuzu artık kopyalanamayacak.
    • Craft menüsündeki istenen malzeme gösterimi düzeltildi.
    • Av sonrası kazanılan mataryel ve parçaların görselleri değiştirildi.
    • Launcher daki sistem gereksinim açıklaması düzeltildi.
    • Godhand silahının sınırsız beam atağı düzeltildi.
    • Aetherhunter perk ü olması gereken değere getirildi.
    • Shrowd un debuff hatası düzeltildi.
    • Stormclaw ın thundercloud görseli düzeltildi.
    • Shrike ve Skarn eldivenlerindeki görsel hata düzeltildi.
    • Kharabak zırhının görseli düzeltildi.
    • Av sonrası Rezakiri nin animasyonu(dissolve) düzeltildi.
    • Axe silahında charge sonrası dodge stamina oranı 20 olarak düzeltildi.
    • Pylon buff ları artık düzgün olarak çalışacak.
    • Avcıların airship te ki hataları düzeltildi.
    • Çoklu görevlerin menüde gösterimi düzeltildi.
    • Shrike axe ın meter oranı düzeltildi.
    • Rezakiri war pike ın meter hatası düzeltildi.
    • Kamera persfektifi daha iyi bir açı ile değiştirildi.
    • Chain blades ve axe ın adaya inme animasyonu düzeltildi.
    • Sentinel zırhının boya hatası düzeltildi.
    • Behemoth lar artık kendi objelerine hasar veremeyecek.


    • Ekip davet hatası.
    • Çift perk infuse hatası.
    • Airship te zırh görsel hatası.
    • Airship süre hatası.
    • Cinematic altyazılarının sadece ingilizce dilinde gözükmesi.
    • Embermane kuyruk görsel hatası.
    • Infuse sonrası menü de görsel hata.
    • Exotic eşyaların hataları.
    • Av sonrası dc sorunu.
    • Behemoth ların animasyon hataları.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 9 Eylül 2018; 15:27:2 >

  • Infuse sırasında kaybolan perkler için update geldi.

    [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 14 Temmuz 2018; 2:52:26 >
  • Yeni başladım güzel duruyor fakat türk yok gibi

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Monster hunter world oynamadım hiç sadece videolarına baktım.. Grafikleri atmosferi efsane de bilmiyorum dauntlessi sevebilir miyim ? Ücretsiz diye denemek istiyorum şuan iniyor.

    Benim sorum ise farklı tarzda yaratıklar var değil mi oyunda ? Hep aynı yaratıklar değil yani? Biraz komik oldu ama yinede sorayım dedim.
    Eğer varsa en güçlü yaratık hangisi ? :)
    İnşallah severim.
  • Farklı tarz da yaratık var tabiki de 0.4.4 versiyonun daki en güçlü yaratık shrowd idi. Onun haricinde yeni behemoth geldi yeni sürüm ile birlikte ama oyuna 0.4.4 sürümünden beridir girmiyorum. Yeni gelen behemoth en güçlüsü sanırım şuan da.

    Türk oyuncuları arada ramsgate de görüyorum. Hunt larda ki durumu bilmiyorum, genelde solo giriyorum.
  • Versiyon: OB 0.4.5 ~ 0.4.7


    • Godhand beam hatası tamamen düzeltildi.
    • Sunucu tarafında birkaç temizlik yapıldı. Duplicate edilen item lar silindi. Perk infuse u sırasında kaybolan itemler geri getirildi.
    • Rezakiri nin kuyruğu bundan sonra stagger durumunda iken yukarı kalkmayacak.
    • Rezakiri sword unda ki çoklu hasar hatası düzeltildi.
    • Warpike aim sorunu düzeltildi.


    • Network tarafında bazı geliştirmeler yapıldı. Yükleme süreleri kısaltıldı.
    • Mağaza da çeşitli düzenlemeler yapıldı.
    • Chat ekranı tamamen kapatılabilir oldu.
    • Behemoth larda ki delayed(gecikmeli) hasar vuruşları düzeltildi.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 9 Eylül 2018; 15:28:36 >
  • Versiyon 0.5.0


      [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da

    • KOSHAI

      Maelstrom'un kenarındaki yeni bir tehdit ve avcılar onu durdurmak için güçsüz görünüyor. Ramsgate’in yerlileri arasındaki fısıltılar Koshai’nin kudreti ve vahşeti hakkında bir uyarı veriyor ve bu korkunç gücün henüz gelmeyenlerin sadece bir gölgesi olduğunu söyleyenler var.

      [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da


      Ostian lar yeni bir teknoloji ve malzeme getirerek Ramsgate'e geldi. Metal işçiliği ve karmaşık mekanizmaların ustalığı, Ramsgate'te daha önce hiç görülmemiş kontrendikasyonlar yaratıyor.

      [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da


      El bombası, Ostian ların Ramsgate e getirdikleri inovasyon ve avcıların Koshai yi avlamaların daki en gerekli malzemedir.

      [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da

    • YENİ ADA

      Koshai, sıradan bir Behemoth değildir ve onun oyun alanı, sıradan bir ada değildir. Çeşitli toprak kütlelerinden bir araya getirilen kökler ile Sovereign's Throne, maceracıları mağaralara ve tonozlara sürüklemek için meydan okuyor.


    • The smiths of Ramsgate are hard at work crafting pieces of quality gear based on Koshai. Look forward to powerful weapons and armour after you take the fight to the beast.
    • Slayers can now harness the power of Ostian grenades!
    • Fire trails have been added to jumping Hellion axe attacks. Jumping axe swings now look 23.4% more metal. 🤘
    • The Shockjaw Scythe’s unique effect healing has been reduced from 200 to 100 to improve balance and align it more closely with other dire weapons.
    • Pangar and Shrike lantern abilities have had their visual effects improved. Guaranteed to send a chill down your spine!
    • Inspiring Pylon damage bonus now also applies to dealing damage to the Behemoth's core health.
    • Pylon areas of effect will now light up for any pylons placed after the first.
    • Lifespring Pylons will now correctly heal any Slayers inside the area of effect, including any who enter after it has already been placed.
    • Thanks to community feedback and tips, we have resolved the bug which could result in infinite Godhand beam firing.
    • Fixed a bug that caused lifedrain tonics to occasionally double activate. In order to ensure that lifedrain tonics still feel useful after this fix, lifesteal has been increased from 8% to 12%.
    • Fixed a bug that caused damage done by lanterns to count towards elemental status effects in different amounts depending on the weapon that was equipped.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Rezakiri weapons to incorrectly do more base damage (5-10% depending on item level) than intended.
    • Fixed a bug that caused players with both a tough cell and Tragic Echo equipped to recover less health than intended when reviving.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the The Hunger from losing special meter after using Feast for the first time.
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Concussive Aether (hammer blasts after a full combo) from doing damage.
    • Fixed a bug that caused blaze aether damage to charge lanterns.


    • Koshai has arrived and brings with it an all-new island: Sovereign’s Throne.
    • Moonreaver, Firebrand, Shockjaw, and Razorwing have been affected by Koshai's influence and have been imbued by the power of its thorns. These new Thornbound Behemoths are now tougher than ever before.
    • The visual effects on Shrowd’s corruption debuff have been revised to better reflect the move’s actual duration.
    • Stormclaw's thundercloud no longer disappears, allowing Slayers to better forecast its attacks.
    • Moonreaver Shrike and Bloodfire Embermane’s stagger duration after being interrupted have been shortened. Slayers looking to get the upper hand in the Maelstrom will need to react even quicker.
    • Attacks emanating from Nayzaga’s pylons will no longer clip through the Behemoth’s body. This will prevent Slayers from being unfairly blasted. Nayzaga’s hide now adheres to IEEE insulation standards.
    • Small shock orbs fired by Nayzaga’s pylons will no longer knock Slayers down, resulting in a less tedious encounter. Large shock orbs will now home in on Slayers and will deal increased damage.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Stormclaw’s pounce attack from doing damage or dealing shock aether damage. Feral, feline prowess increased by 2.34%.


    • The Ostians have done some drastic, high-speed remodels on the docks of Ramsgate using… less-than-traditional methods.
    • Moyra has hammered together an all-new Armourer reputation track. Test her hard work and your skills!
    • Slayers are now less likely to bump, jitter, or trip when traversing roots and rugged landscape.
    • Improved network performance for Slayers connecting to Ramsgate. This should result in fewer disconnects and quicker load times.
    • Slayers passing through hollow logs may notice new audio effects, approximating hollow arboreal acoustics with a perfection that defies known Sabine formulae.
    • The czar of zeniths, the roshi of roofs, the tenzo of traversal has moved. Can you find Benson?
    • Xelya has donned her farslayer gear. If anyone has any inkling of what the Coming Storm will bring, it’s her.
    • Numerous bug fixes to locations where Slayers could get stuck while traversing islands.
    • Network and performance improvements have been implemented across Ramsgate and the Shattered Isles.


    • Slayers have told us that patrolling the Shattered Isles can be tedious, especially when they are trying to work towards new gear. As a result, quests that forced Slayers to patrol have been replaced with quests centred around killing Behemoths.
    • Slayers new to the Maelstrom will encounter a new quest flow, warming up with additional dire Behemoth hunts before taking on Shrowd and Rezakiri.
    • Players should now disconnect less frequently when travelling back to Ramsgate after a hunt.
    • Damage numbers now pop up faster, tightening the link between attack and impact. Slayers should have a better sense of how they’re performing.
    • Added new animations for jumping and aether jet surfing. Ride that aetherwave.
    • Slayers will receive more obvious notifications when they attempt to use items in locations or situations where they are not usable.
    • Improved server performance for players on lower speed connections.
    • Completionists and collectors can now round out their arsenals by crafting the recruit's axe and war pike after unlocking them from the Weaponsmith reputation track. Beautiful, beyond compare.
    • Slayers damaged by the wound debuff will no longer get knocked back after using up their stamina.
    • Animal-themed error codes have been removed from the patcher after learning from some fans in non-English countries that the existing errors could be viewed as offensive. This was unintentional and we are working on a set of new, universally appropriate names. We apologize to anyone who may have been offended.
    • The in-game credits have been updated.


    • Fixed a bug where players would not receive their prestige rewards if they were playing in fullscreen mode and used alt-tab to minimize the game during the end of hunt sequence.
    • Fixed a bug where projectiles would sometimes pass through targets without hitting them. This applied to both Slayers and Behemoths.
    • Fixed a bug that caused certain armours to disappear after transmogging.
    • The “hide helmet” option should now work consistently.
    • Fixed a bug where quest objectives that required a specific power level would show an incorrect power level in the quest journal.
    • Players will no longer get perfect dodge credit during a stagger or knockdown.
    • Fixed a bug where Slayers were sometimes unable to attack after unsheathing their weapon.
    • Fixed a bug where adding a new friend to your friends list wouldn't save correctly and instead removed your latest addition. A similar bug that wouldn't let you remove friends from your friends list has also been resolved.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause Slayers to be frozen even if they had the warmth cell equipped.
    • Reworded some quest text to clarify the required objectives.
    • Fixed a bug where (rarely) changing your armour wouldn't update the calculated armour stats until the next hunt.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 9 Eylül 2018; 15:17:42 >

    Patch Notes Posted: August 14, 2018
    Scheduled Release Date: August 15, 2018

    OB 0.5.1 keeps the storm going strong with Charrogg exotics, a new Koshai lantern, and a stack of Behemoth balancing tweaks.


    • Slayers are now able to craft and use Charrogg exotics if they own the blueprint. The blueprints drop from Heroic Firebrand and Heroic patrols.
    • Slayers can now harness the power of the Sovereign by unlocking and crafting a Koshai lantern.
    • We’ve been working hard to find a good balance for chain blades. We want them to deal with vines more effectively and deal slightly more ranged damage, but the tuning changes we made in our previous update overshot the mark. This patch corrects that overtuning and narrows in on more ideal values. We will be continuing to work and iterate on this.
    • Chain fling combo deals 50% less damage than they did in the Coming Storm (50% more than before the Coming Storm).
    • Swinging blades combo finisher deals 33% less damage and hits 33% less than in the Coming Storm (50% more than before the Coming Storm).
    • Reverted the up-front and sprinting stamina cost for the war pike charge attack to where it was before The Coming Storm.
    • Reverted the stamina cost of the war pike “hundred hand slap” to its previous value. This corrects the stamina cost increase that was accidentally introduced in the last patch.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the war pike charge attack to double hit.
    • Grenade damage now scales based on equipped weapon power. This means that grenades will now deal greater damage when you equip Maelstrom or Heroic Maelstrom weapons.
    • Grenades now deal damage to the Behemoth parts closest to the explosion, rather than all parts in the area. This should allow for better targeting of parts, improve damage numbers, and reduce number spam.
    • Fixed a bug that could prevent chain blades from doing damage to vines and Koshai at the end of combos.
    • Predator cells can now be found by cracking cores!
    • Behemoth lanterns have been given unique looks based on the Behemoths that they’re crafted from. Form, meet function.
    • Barrage and coldsnap grenades’ cluster logic has been improved, resulting in increased chance for cluster damage on direct hits.
    • Stride of Thorns will now correctly give an additional Evasive Fury bonus when upgraded to +6.
    • Inferno and coldsnap grenades now cost one (1) Omnistone and two (2) Slayer’s Boon instead of one (1) Omnistone and three (3) Wrathwort.
    • Fixed multiple bugs that caused armour pieces to clip into one another.
    • Fixed a bug that incorrectly caused the entire lantern to glow, rather than just the aether inside.



    • Vines now spawn more reliably during Koshai’s stomp attack.
    • Koshai’s claw swipe attack no longer hits players on the wrong side of its body.
    • Koshai can now damage Slayers when diving underground.
    • Hail of Thorns pods will now properly stun Slayers on hit.
    • Koshai no longer leaves its aether state after fleeing, giving Slayers more time to target its antlers.
    • Reduced the damage and knockback on Koshai’s head during the claw swipe attack.
    • Improved targeting on Koshai’s tail whip thorn projectile attack.
    • Improved aether state visuals for Koshai’s limbs.
    • Added new animations for Koshai’s shock stagger reaction.
    • Koshai’s small thorn patch won’t spawn as much at the same time. This should prevent too many from appearing at once and overwhelming players.


    • Drask has received some balance improvements to make it a better fit for its place in progression.
    • Lightning breath attacks can now be outrun or juked.
    • Lengthened the telegraph on 180° tail swipes.
    • Greatly lengthened and clarified the telegraph on 360° tail swipe.


    • Improved the hitbox on the sidegore attack and slowed down the windup to give players more of a chance to react.
    • Improved the hitbox on the tail swing attack and reduced the damage done by the backswing.
    • Reduced the accuracy of Hellion’s unburrow attack. 360 no scope: nerfed.


    • Lightning storm attack no longer requires a perfect dodge; speedy Slayers can outrun it. Thunder rolls and lightning strike down.
    • Stormclaw, Hellion, and Kharabak have had their power reduced slightly, making them less of a hard stop for players and more of a “learning challenge.” Pain is the best teacher.
    • Behemoths will now enter combat more quickly if they are threatened.
    • Bloodfire Embermane will now stay down for longer after being interrupted.
    • Fixed a bug where Skarn sometimes failed to aggro or deaggro when hit with grenades.


    • Improved the way that banner cloths unfurl and react to the wind. They should now get stuck on themselves less frequently. Let your freak flag fly.
    • Percentage-based damage increase buffs (e.g. frenzy tonic, inspiring pylons) will now properly increase the damage of weapon special attacks.
    • Players using grenades will look more natural and less stiff while walking around and aiming grenades.
    • Chain blades can now pull through vines to the pod to allow Slayers to focus the pod and move through vines more easily. They will also now properly backflip off of pods instead of off vine patches.
    • Improved the appearance and quality of Koshai’s vines.
    • The whip vines spawned from Koshai’s “Hail of Thorns” attack will no longer stop Slayers from entering Tragic Echo. The damage radius for Hail of Thorns has also been increased to better match the attack’s new visuals.
    • Players’ cameras should no longer get stuck if they were staggered while aiming a grenade.
    • Improved CPU performance on the Sovereign’s Throne.
    • There are new offerings in the store! Stylish Slayers can now style themselves with all the latest Ostian fashions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused players to automatically unsheathe their weapon after every non-combat action (harvesting ore, climbing rocks, etc).
    • Fixed a couple of areas in Ramsgate where players could get stuck.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 9 Eylül 2018; 15:17:17 >

    Patch Notes Posted: August 21, 2018
    Scheduled Release Date: August 22, 2018

    OB 0.5.2 is a quality of life improvement patch deployed to introduce balance changes and resolve bugs that have been affecting players.


    • City banners have been added to Ramsgate! These will allow you and all the members of your hunting party to see their personal banners displayed across town. Put those default designs away and step your banner game up! All of Ramsgate is watching.
    • New cosmetic offerings inspired by the Ostians and heroes of Ramsgate have been added to the in-game store.

      [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da


      Koshai changes

    • All vines on the field will now clear after breaking Koshai’s antlers.
    • Reduced vine pod health by 10%.
    • Reduced the damage zone of the underground leap attack.
    • Removed damage from Koshai’s backward reposition movement.
    • Koshai’s shield will now block the Godhand laser.
    • Vines now have a limit for damage numbers and sound effects so that players aren’t overwhelmed when using fast hitting attacks.
    • Fixed an issue where Koshai would perform tail swipes more often than intended.
    • Camera shake will now better telegraph where Koshai’s underground leap attack is coming from.
    • Koshai should now stay staggered for longer and play the correct animation.
    • Blaze and Frost aether effects will now display correctly when applied to Koshai.
    • Added extra time to Koshai’s hail of thorns interrupt animation.
    • Bloodfire Embermane’s interrupt stagger has been extended to allow Slayers to do more damage.
    • The Hunger will now correctly deal between 0% and 25% increased damage as the meter fills.
    • Grenades are now able to hit and damage vine pods.
    • Players can no longer walk through Skraev’s ice walls. Talk about your cold shoulder…
    • Cell/weapon conditional buffs with durations (perfect dodge, Embermaul, etc.) will now activate every time their condition is met. Buffs will correctly refresh instead of invisibly stacking.
    • The Pangar lantern tap ability now restores 25% of maximum stamina instead of a set 25 stamina.
    • Hammer players can now reliably perform blast dodges after dodge rolling.
    • Godhand’s laser special attack will now destroy vines and pods.
    • The deconstruction perk will now work on vines.
    • Damage from the Godhand beam will now properly deal damage to overlapping parts on Behemoths.
    • The Godhand beam can now laser off Behemoth tails. Watch the tail!


    • Damage while moving in thorns can now be mitigated through armour and defense buffs like Ironhide Pylon. This change also means that your gear will directly affect how much damage you receive. Pain in my neck, thorn in my side.
    • Thorn damage done to players has been reduced by nearly half.
    • When attacking the vine pod, impact and sound effects will play as intended.
    • Slayers can no longer use a tonic while that tonic’s effect is already active. In some cases, this was causing the second tonic to get used without a benefit.
    • Reworked and improved the VFX on Hellion’s Blaze Orbs.
    • Decreased the duration of the End of Hunt screen and the length of introduction sequence to help players get in and out of hunts quicker.


    • Fixed a bug where attack speed buffs were not applied to the second half of primed hammer swings.
    • Fixed a few bugs that could cause transparency and clipping issues on chest armours.
    • Fixed a bug that could result in equipped gear being automatically upgraded upon opening a weaponsmith or armoursmith menu.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Koshai’s lantern tap ability VFX to pop after the effect ended.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 9 Eylül 2018; 15:29:17 >

    Patch Notes Posted: August 28, 2018
    Scheduled Release Date: August 29, 2018

    OB 0.5.3 is a follow-up patch to OB 0.5.2. It introduces a new Razer Chroma integration, further quality of life improvements, and backend server stability updates.


    • Enabled a new Razer Chroma integration in Dauntless that will trigger when Slayers fire their flare, break a core, successfully craft gear, get hit by or damage a Behemoth, hit maximum lantern charge, activate their lantern’s instant or hold ability, have low health, or use their healing flask. Chroma patterns will also trigger when the Behemoth enters its rage or aether state.
    • Added new cosmetic weapon skins for Slayers who want to show off their Ostian pride. Redefining “fantasy metal” one weapon at a time.

      [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da


    • The war pike charge attack will once again be able to combo into additional attacks.
    • Slayers will no longer have their grenade aim interrupted by damage-over-time status effects. Slayin’ the beast, aim, shoot, bang!
    • Tuned Koshai’s claw swipe attack to reduce unexpected hits.
    • Fixed a bug where city party banners would flicker briefly when refreshing. Dinkin’ flicka.
    • Renamed the Frostplate break part to Frosty Scale to prevent naming confusion with certain Pangar armour pieces.
    • Fixed a bug that caused players using the Hunger to not gain the full +75% bonus damage when using Feast.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Hellion’s scales from disappearing after his tail was severed. Tail ghostliness has been reduced by 23.4%.
    • The Hunger’s primary dodge attack now works as intended. Slippy would be proud.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Charrogg’s fireball belch to be destroyed when players dodged through it.
    • Fixed a bug that caused stacking weapon effects to double stack when attacking.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 9 Eylül 2018; 15:29:32 >

    Patch Notes Posted: September 5, 2018
    Scheduled Release Date: September 6, 2018

    OB 0.5.4 delivers a polish pass on Charrogg, Pangar, Hellion, and Koshai alongside bug fixes and quality of life improvements.


    • Dauntless has upgraded to Unreal Engine version 4.19.2. This update will lead to performance improvements for players as well as faster bug fixing and iteration in the studio.
    • Added a quest that allows players to obtain a bit of free Platinum.


    • Charrogg and Firebrand Charrogg have undergone a polish pass that improves timing, damage windows, and hit boxes, and adds visible camera shake to their most powerful attacks. These Behemoths will also exhibit a new patrol personality while waiting for Slayers to initiate combat.
    • Pangar, Frostback Pangar, and Hellion have undergone a polish pass that improves attacks, physics, timing, and damage windows. Camera shake was added to a few attacks that were missing it.
    • Slayers can now interrupt Koshai’s leap attack with a well-timed attack.
    • Vines will no longer consume a bulwark tonic shield.
    • Healing orbs from transfusion grenades will now reliably and quickly home in on their target. This is a big one Goose!
    • All damage multipliers are now additive, making it easier to calculate armour, weapon, and cell effect contributions to damage output. This change also allows us to more easily and consistently tune and
      balance things.
    • Perfect dodge bonuses for weighted and barbed perks are now working again.
    • Improved visibility of blaze and frost status effects for Koshai. We burn so sweet.
    • Reworked the way the camera shakes during Koshai’s vine teleport attacks.
    • The war pike’s special meter damage bonus now from goes from 0% to 20% instead of -20% to 20%.
    • Axe determination damage bonus levels have been adjusted to 12.5%, 30%, and 50% (from 25%, 35%, and 50%) to more clearly follow a exponential curve.
    • Lanterns and grenades will no longer deal bonus damage to parts based on the Slayer’s weapon type.
    • Lanterns, grenades, and weapon special attacks will no longer trigger the effects of the Acidic cell.
    • Koshai has received an art polish pass, adding missing textures, assets, and colour gradients.
    • The in-game store now has its own music! This is extremely my jam.
    • Audio will more consistently and appropriately transition between menus. For example, bringing up the loadout menu will now turn down game volume.
    • Reworked the skybox to make it less resource-intensive. This should result in improved performance.
    • The Koshai lantern will now emit an audible roar when the dash ends. Lantern use immersion has increased by 23.4%.
    • Fixed a bug that caused island arrival cinematics to look blurry.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the revive prompt icon to remain on screen even after reviving.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented blaze, frost, and other elemental weapons from correctly sorting by power level.
    • Fixed a bug that caused some Slayers’ arms to bend badly when throwing up a flare. Saving bones from boneitis, one bone at a time.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 9 Eylül 2018; 15:29:45 >

  • 19 Eylül 2018 - Bakım saat Türkiye saati ile 20:00 başlayacak. Kapalı kalma süresinin 2 saat sürmesi bekleniyor.

    OB 0.5.5, oyuncuların avlanmaya daha çabuk girip çıkmasına yardımcı olacak ve Ramsgate'e “Middleman” olarak bilinen gizemli bir Cell satıcı getirecek yepyeni bir eşleştirme sistemi ve akışı sunuyor.


    • Middleman Ramsgate'e geldi! Bu gizemli figür, Slayer'lara Cell buy, fuse, and reroll sağlıyor. Sosyal takviminizi temizleyin, yemek yapmalıyız.
    • Dauntless'a yeni bir eşleştirme sistemi ve akışı eklendi. Avcılar, avlanma için hazırlanırken daha kısa yükleme süreleri, daha tutarlı eşleşme ve daha fazla esnekliğin keyfini çıkarabilir.


    • Avcılar, avlar başarısız olsa bile avları sırasında toplanan tüm materyalleri ve parçaları şimdi tutabilecekler.
    • Slayer'ların daha kolay hedef almasına ve part damage verebilmek için Pangar’ın kuyruk isabet kutusunun boyutunu arttırdı.
    • Kharabak ve Razorwing, zamanlama ve çarpışmayı geliştirmek için yeniden ele alındı. Ayrıca, eksik olduğu saldırılara kamera sarsıntısı ekledik.
    • Stormclaw’un görüntünün daha iyi yansıtılması için Stormclaw’ın elektrikli çit dikmeleri geliştirildi.
    • Lideri farklı bir şehirde olan bir partiye katılan oyuncular artık şehirdeki tüm parti üyesi banner ları doğru bir şekilde görecek. Bu benim banner ım! Ben yaptım!
    • Birden fazla ada da bir optimizasyon geçişi yapıldı.
    • Slayers'ı yeterince boost lamayan bir çift havalandırma güçlendendirildi.
    • Bir daveti reddetmeleri veya aynı anda çok fazla davet almaları durumunda oyuncuların bir partiye katılmasını engelleyen bir hata düzeltildi. Ben popüler olduğum için yardımcı olamıyorum.
    • Rezakiri’nin saldırı mermisinin, bazı durumlarda zarar vermemesine ve aynı zamanda, flaş bombardımanında ki hasarları ortadan kaldırmasına neden olan bir hata düzeltildi.
    • Slayer ların duvara yakın koşmaları esnasında ki "silah koybolma" hatası düzeltildi.
    • Pangar ve Hellion'un avlar sırasında tepkisiz kalmasına neden olan bir hata düzeltildi. Hareket etme! Hareket etmiyorsak bizi göremez.
    • Ekrandaki revive işaretleyici hatası düzeltildi.
    • Farklı bir yöne bakarken, şehirdeki işaretçilerin (e.g. cell breaker, hunt board) bazen yanlış nesnede görüneceği bir hata düzeltildi.
    • Varış animasyonlarının sürekli olarak oynamasını engelleyen bir hata düzeltildi.
    • Varış animasyonu önizlemelerinin oynamamasına neden olabilecek bir hata düzeltildi.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 23 Eylül 2018; 11:29:4 >

  • 1 yıllık beta istatistiği

    [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 23 Eylül 2018; 11:26:46 >
    Patch Notes Posted: September 25, 2018
    Scheduled Release Date: September 26, 2018

    OB 0.5.6 is a quality of life improvement patch that removes the note cost associated with extracting cells, increases the effectiveness of the Reputation XP boost, and introduces some bug fixes.


    • Extracting cells from gear will no longer cost Notes. Swap cells freely and experiment boldly!
    • The Reputation XP boost individual bonus has increased to 60% (from 25%) and the team bonus has increased to 10% (from 5%). These changes allow Slayers to unlock cores and earn cells more quickly.
    • Slayers can no longer use emotes to avoid being downed by fatal hits. Look, spaghetti arms. This is my dance space.
    • Cell offerings from the Middleman will now correctly display for controller users.
    • Spending Ace Chips to speed up an exchange will no longer cause the cell reveal orb to disappear.
    • Store and Back buttons in the cell exchange UI should now function as intended.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause dodges to get stuck in place or move in an incorrect direction. I duck and dodge, I sprint and flee.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause the healing flask to disappear from the quick item bar while in Ramsgate.
    • Fixed a bug that caused new Slayers to see the default flare in their quick item bar.
    • Fixed a bug where Slayers wielding The Hunger could accidentally cancel their dodges by attacking.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 26 Eylül 2018; 3:14:47 >

  • 0.5.7 ile oyuna yeni bir silah geliyor. Maelstorm ada rotasyonu kalkıyor, Thornbound Behemothları aramızdan birsüreliğine ayrılıyor.

      [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da
      [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da

      IN BRIEF

    • Repeaters will be available on Wednesday, October 3, 2018.
    • Mix and match repeater parts (grip, chamber, barrel, prism) to customize your weapon.
    • Stay close to your target to do more damage and trigger empowering reloads.
    • Reach the Monstrous Verge and defeat a Shrike to get your first set of repeaters.


    • It’s one thing to design a weapon. It’s another to create a ranged, multi-part, customizable weapon with its very own UI and move set. But after many long hours and lots of learning, we’re finally ready to share our latest project: the Ostian repeaters.
    • The repeaters are the first Dauntless weapon that truly plays with distance – and maybe not in the way you’d expect. While you can hang back and hammer off shots from a distance, there are also big benefits to getting in close. But we’ll dig into those details a little bit later. First let’s look at the repeater and its parts.


    • The repeaters aren’t just unique with regards to their range – they’re also uniquely customizable. Each of the four parts that make up these weapons can be swapped in and out to change the way you play.
    • The barrel determines the element of your attacks.
    • The chamber changes your skillshot ability.
    • The grip sets your thrown ability.
    • The prism controls your passive bonus.
    • By mixing and matching available pieces, you can dial in a combo for nearly every situation. But you do have to craft them first.


    • Crafting repeater parts is a lot like crafting other Dauntless weapons. If you have the notes, the parts, and are far enough along as a Slayer, you can speak to Admiral Zai to have him build what you need. Look for the [x] quest after you take down your first full-fledged Shrike – it will guide you along to your first set of shooters.
    • Once you’ve obtained a few more parts, you can open up the customization menu and start playing Frankenstein.


    • Pay attention to power levels when you’re putting together your shiny new weapon. Each piece of the repeater has its own unique power level which adds to the weapon’s total power. Does that mean that you should just staple together your most powerful pieces? Not necessarily. Like everything else in life, the repeaters are about balance. Consider the benefits of each piece before you rule anything out.


    • Keeping your distance in a Behemoth fight has obvious advantages – one being that your organs are more likely to remain in your body. But while safety is a good priority, there are two big reasons to move in close.


    • The further you are from the Behemoth you’re shooting, the less damage you’ll do. The closer you are, the more damage you’ll do. You’ll need to play with proximity to find the sweet spots, but for guaranteed damage? Get in close. You can’t stand in the safe zone and be a hero.


    • One of the cornerstones of good repeater play is the empowering reload. By standing close to the Behemoth when you reload your weapons, you can siphon off some of that creature’s aether to empower your next set of shots.
    • An empowered Slayer will deal more damage with their regular shots and gain special bonuses to their other abilities. Well worth the risk of a tail swipe or two.


    • The repeaters will be going live on Wednesday, October 3rd as part of Patch OB 0.5.7. Look for updates on our Twitter as we get closer to the date.

      Slayers who are looking for serious challenges, elite Behemoths and rare materials often find themselves setting a course for the Maelstrom. We want Slayers to choose the paths that they’ll forge and make their choices feel important so that their legend feels truly unique. With that in mind, we’re making some changes to the Maelstrom and the Behemoths found there.


    • Having dire Behemoths rotating in and out of weekly rotations can add urgency to hunts; Slayers who want to forge top-tier gear know that they will need to dedicate themselves if they want to complete their sets. However, we’ve also heard from Slayers that these rotations don’t feel like they empower player choices.
    • So, what is going to change? All of the islands of the Maelstrom and the dire Behemoths that inhabit them will always be available to hunt, starting with the 0.5.7 update. We’re committed to continuing to tune up these encounters to test your skills and to give you more choice when it comes to top-tier play. Slayers can look forward to more dire Behemoths and new ways to hunt that will challenge their skills in the future. While the Maelstrom may be the current top-tier of the Open Beta, it’s only the beginning of our vision for the Evergame.


    • Slayers entering the Maelstrom for the first time since Update 0.5.0 are running into a thorny wall. As if dire Behemoths weren’t enough of a challenge, their thornbound cousins are proving to be a frustrating difficulty spike (so to speak) that doesn’t track with the rest of progression.
    • It’s important to us that Dauntless challenges Slayers and we’re proud to have Behemoths that offer a true skillcheck, but the road to those accomplishments should be paved with refined skills — not face-first frustrations.
    • To make the transition into the Evergame more enjoyable, we’ll be rotating thornbound Behemoths out of play for the time being. Slayers embarking on the Koshai quest chain will instead need to patrol the Sovereign’s Throne. Slayers who have already completed the existing Koshai quest chain will not notice a difference, but anyone who is mid-quest will find their progress reset and their objectives replaced by a new set of dire Behemoth hunts. So if you’re itching to say that you did it the hard way – get on it before Wednesday!
    • For those that will miss getting simultaneously electrocuted and slashed to ribbons, rest assured that Koshai’s roots run deep. These botanical beasts will be back in the future. We like the specific challenges that these encounters offer and are looking forward to creating a wider breadth of content that will give context to their challenge.
    • Slayer can look forward to additional Behemoth-altering effects in the future. Who knows what aether-fueled abilities may cause encounters to change in the future!

    • These changes are the direct result of your feedback, and we are continuing to put it to good use as we shape the Behemoths, weapons, quests, and modes that you can look forward to in the future. As always, keep the feedback coming!

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Killabyte -- 29 Eylül 2018; 5:6:24 >

  • Aktif olarak oynayan arkadaşları guild e alabilirim. ign: BatuBT
  • Killabyte K kullanıcısına yanıt
    Ben yeni başladım sayılır gelebilirim. Ama aklımda bir kaç soru var. Silahlara nasıl elemental damage ekleniyor. Yada elemental damage olayı tam olarak nedir ?
  • deadlords kullanıcısına yanıt
    Selam oyun içi adınızı söylerseniz davet atabilirim.

    Elemantal hasar, silahınızda gözüken bonus hasardır. Bu hasarı aktive etmek için avladığınız behemoth un o element e karşı zayıf olması gerekir. Mesela Shrowd Reaper silahında +40 Umbral Hasarı var. Bu silah ile Rezakiri behemoth una girerseniz 430 olan normal hasar türü 470 e çıkar veya umbral element ine karşı dayanıklı olan Shrowd behemoth una girerseniz 430 luk hasar 410 a düşer. Silahların altında, vs Weak ve vs Strong değerleri yazar. Burdan silahınızın tam olarak ne kadar damage vereceğini görebilirsiniz.

    [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da

    Hunt seçiminde behemothların hangi element e karşı zayıf olduğuna bakabilirsiniz. Mesela Rezakiri nin Umbral element ine karşı zayıf olduğu ve Radiant e karşı güçlü olduğu gözüküyor burda.

    [OB 0.6.1] Dauntless Online [ANA KONU] // Konsol versiyonu Nisan 2019 da

    Patch Notes Posted: October 9, 2018
    Scheduled Release Date: October 10, 2018

      OB 0.5.8 is a quality of life patch that improves on the repeaters, adds mouse and controller sensitivity options, and resolves various bugs.


    • Added mouse and gamepad sensitivity options. MORE DOTS! MORE DOTS!
    • Fixed a bug that caused Slayers to be unable to customize their repeaters in the airship.
    • Repeaters will now stay firmly affixed to the Slayer bodies in Ramsgate.
    • Fixed a bug that could prevent players with high ping from unsheathing or attacking. Just hangin’ out.
    • Repeaters equipped with a Ballistic Chamber can now interrupt Behemoths if the player has Weighted Strikes +6.
    • Slightly extended the range and greatly extended the height for the repeaters’ empowered reload making it easier to work around vertical limitations.
    • Slayers can now rebind controls related to the repeaters without interfering with other controls.
    • Repeaters players will no longer be able to break out of frozen status by holding down their primary attack button. Like snow when the cold wind’s blowing.
    • The naming scheme for repeater parts has been changed to exclude parenthetical names (e.g. “Advanced”).
    • Walking into a Behemoth will no longer trigger a landing roll animation.
    • Slayers are now able to use the communication wheel while the repeaters are unholstered.
    • Fixed a bug that caused armours to sort alphabetically instead of by power.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause Slayers to load into a dark city and/or hunt, see other Slayers without their armour, or experience latency when on hunts or in Ramsgate.
    • Repeaters have undergone an audio mix pass to normalize and balance volume levels. As all things should be.

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