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OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

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  • Site : https://mu.oldsquad.ro
    Forum : https://oldsquad.ro/forum

    Hello OldSquaders & Guests,

    We're launching our brand new NonReset Server

    Max30RR Server is still going on after 7 months since it started.

    The Grand Opening of OldSquadMU - NonReset will be on 15 September at 19:00 Server Time !

    This is the most awaited Non-Reset Server based on people reviews.So after having over 75 online on Beta we are expecting huge amounts of players on the Official Start.

    Prologue :


    I want to present you something new, interesting and different from any other experiences.We are introducing a brand new Gameplay in the MU-Online world that you never seen before !

    We are a young team called OldSquad formed of old MU Online tryharders and hard core players that had played hundreds of servers and many styles (non reset,full stats,limited stats,etc.)

    Nowadays MU is suffering a lot because of all the new pay2win servers or not thought at all for a nice Gameplay.This is why many "pro" players can't find a stable place where they can show their skill.

    After a lot of brainstorming,a lot of work,spent nights, etc, we are here to deliver you a smooth MU experience.

    Have you ever dreamed about a server where Admins do really care about players ? Where admins really use good suggestions, solve the problems, be active almost anytime in game, do many events ? Where admins really don't make any "differences" between players and are really fair ?

    Yea, I know, really hard to believe, but we had already showed that this is real on our first database (Romanian only), on our 2nd database and on the current database that is 7 months OLD and still going.

    Let's get on subject with a lot of details :


    OldSquadMU - NonReset Info


    Why to choose US ?

    - This is a REAL STABLE SERVER - In 7 months I don't know if there were more than 3-4 disconnects apart from updates.
    - This is a REAL LONG TERM SERVER - Proved on last edition that lasted 8 months while started with only 250-300 online and where last 3 months there were only 50-80 online.
    - This is a REAL PLAY2WIN SERVER - I didn't really saw until now any top server that doesn't sell items (webshop) or have cashshop for 3x seals (like 400% exp), panda pets and other shits.And when I say PLAY2WIN, many top players can confirm if they spended more than first VIP donations to be on top (Bojsie,BigBrother,Midnight,Tsubyke,etc.) - credits are very easy to be farmed without donating anything but again, you must PLAY for that.
    - This is a REAL PROFESSIONAL SERVER - Minimum level of bugs, configured in a Smart & Professional way, etc.
    - This is a REAL DEDICATED PROJECT - Yes, we aren't here for money, we are here to make a REAL COMMUNITY for this shitty game that eaten our childhood.We aren't opening and closing servers each month just for money, we aren't changing name of servers just to "refresh" reputation.We are OldSquad.We are here to stay.
    - This is one of the very few servers where the Administrator (in this case, me - sometimes SoulSet) is actually supporting any player with any request in the fastest time possible (starting from instant to maximum 1 day - there are some exceptions when I am very busy or I am not home at all but meh).
    - This is one of the very few servers where the Administrator (in this case, me) is actually listening to players suggestions / opinions and is fighting hard to touch anything (good) that players are coming with.
    - This is the ONLY SERVER where you find an UNIQUE GAMEPLAY  - apart from all the normal boring gameplays - that is constantly improving and adjusting to players needs.
    - This is one of the very few servers that DOESN'T HAVE FAKE ONLINE players : If you check many top servers, they doesn't even show online players on site, neither entire top 100 players.This is because they are using artificially online count that is boosted into site, and they doesn't show online players so people can't check if it's real or not.Almost all top servers are doing that just to attract players.
    Furthermore, we are one of the few servers that doesn't run OFF-ATTACK/OFF-STORES just to increase the player count with BOTS and also one of the few servers that have a limit of ACC/IP (3).

    Basic Info

    - Season 6 Episode 3 CUSTOM.
    - Dynamic Low Exp [5-15x].
    - Master EXP : Dynamic 2-4x
    - 35% Drop.
    - Party Exp System (Solo = 100%, 2 Players = 70%, 3 Players = 85%, 4 Players = 115%, 5 Players = 135%, Perfect Party = +5% exp).
    - All events working with nice rewards.
    - Max 30 players in a Guild.
    - Max 2 guilds in an Alliance.
    - Elf Soldier buff until level 250.
    - Maximum of 3 accounts on same IP.
    - Shops for a low exp server.
    - Maximum of 9 HP pots stack and 50 mana pots stack (for PvP and PvM Experience).
    - Create Guild at level 150.
    - Create DL,MG,RF at level 200.
    - Create SUM at level 1.
    - Reconnect system fully working.
    - No WebShop, no CashShop, only VIP System & WebCredits for Premium Modules.
    - Helper from level 1.
    - Max ADD on Items : 28

    Gameplay Info

    OldSquad is going to offer you a nice & unique experience with build-base, very interesting PvM and echilibrated PvP for all classes, that can satisfy any kind of player (passive,farmer,pvp-lover,afk-er,competitive,etc.).

    We are introducing for the 2nd time into MU Online World a brand new GAMEPLAY based on a progressive style with 3 BIG STAGES ! (First time we introduced it into the Max30RR server and it was a real success)

    There will be a LONG-TERM Gameplay [just like in WoW, there will be players,pvp's,gears at every stage, you don't even have to be "MAX", you can 'casual play' and be the best player level 1-300 stage, or things like that].

    About our gameplay:

    - First 100 levels are easier to encourage the new players then the Dynamic Exp is playing it's role by decreasing/increasing exp.
    - Quests have low drops and Quest level 3 will be really hard and competitive.
    - Kalimas are populated !
    - 5 NON-PVP maps : Aida(1,2), Karutan1, Kalima5, Kalima7 and Crywolf (later stage) where you can only KS.
    - NON-PVP maps have 85% EXP and 35% DROP from the total EXP and DROP.
    - 4 GENS maps : Atlans,Vulcanus,Raklion and Kanturu Relics.
    - All other maps are 100% PVP , with free KS(no ban), free PK(no ban).
    - PK clear is off, so if you want to PK you must also wait 30-60 minutes to clear and/or you must kill mobs.
    - Guards with 99999 damage spreaded on some maps to prevent excessive PK's.
    - Swamp is a level 395+ map designed only for Master Level.
    - Vulcanus is the only map for both normal level and master level (but lower ML exp than Swamp).
    - There is no ARENA (forget about leveling on the same place for 3 months, that's not how MU is supposed to be).
    - Exp will be raised for lower levels anytime we consider (to encourage new players).

    Because this is a non-reset style where things are very close to each other we improved the stages system in a different way than on Max30RR :

    There are 3 STAGES (At level 200,300,380).When they are finished, each of them will bring some new content to the table but also will boost the newbie exp overall.
    The EXP stages are between level 200-220, 300-320 and 380-390 where EXP will be 5% of total EXP (very very low).
    When first player from server reach level 220,320,390 the STAGE is officially completed and the stage exp and the previous stages exp will raise with 10% (1st time from 5% to 15% of total EXP) for the others.

    What else are unlocking / giving the stages when completed ?

    Stage 1 (220)
    - Old Box 3
    - Goldens for Box of Kundun + 3
    - +1 Golden Budge Dragon
    - Chaos Machine (on site) until +11
    - Access to AddLuck (on site)
    - Limit of items / day on market from 5 to 10

    Stage 2 (320)
    - Old Box 4
    - Goldens for Box of Kundun + 4 & + 5
    - +1 Golden Budge Dragon
    - Improve all Events rewards (as game progress)
    - Improve Crywolf Event - Balgass HP
    - Release Crywolf with mobs as a Non-PvP map
    - Release Silver VIP
    - Release Character Market
    - Chaos Machine (on site) until + 12
    - Limit of items / day on market from 10 to 15

    Stage 3 (390)
    - Old Box 5
    - Improve all Events rewards (as game progress)
    - Improve Crywolf Event - Balgass HP

    NOTE : After each stage all bosses and mini bosses will be nerfed !

    This system will make the game more interesting and more skill/build-based (+long term) and also the entire balance of server (Economy,PvP,PvM,etc.) will be adjusted anytime.
    Also the gap between top 30 characters and the rest of the server will be lower.
    Also any person who want to start after xx days from server start can recover easily (if he plays a lot).

    Old Box System & 380 Items

    There are 5 boxes (Old Box 1, Old Box 2, etc.)
    1 is the weakest, 5 is the best.
    Old Boxes can't be : Traded, Moved to Vault, Moved to Store (You can only drop them).

    380 Items can only be farmed on events and from Old Box 4/5 :

    - Kundun have a chance to drop 380 Weapons.
    - Medusa is dropping 1x 380 Weapon.
    - Dark Elves (CryWolf Event) have a chance to drop 380 Gloves.
    - Bloody Queen (Vulcanus) is dropping 1x 380 Boots.
    - Nightmare (Kanturu Relics) is dropping 1x 380 Helm.
    - Selupan (Raklion) is dropping 1x 380 Pants.
    - Balgass (CryWolf Event) is dropping 2x 380 Armor.
    - Old Box 4 have 15% chance to drop 380 Pants.
    - Old Box 5 have 15% chance to drop 380 Armor.

    What Old Boxes are dropping :

    Old Box 1 : Ring Exc / 1 Harmony / 1 Creation / 1 JoG / Magic Backpack (Extend Inventory) / 10x Invitations Kalima.
    Old Box 2 : Pend Exc / Demon / Angel / Wings LvL 1 (+0...+9) / 10x Invitations DS.
    Old Box 3 : Horn Fragment / Feather / Crest / Jewel Bundle (10x Bless/Soul) / Talisman of Chaos Assembly / Sphere5 / 10x Invitations BC.
    Old Box 4 : Ancient Tier 1 / Flame of Condor / 10x Gemstones / 10x Life / 10x Creation / Talisman of Chaos Assembly / Broken Horn / 380 Pants.
    Old Box 5 : Seeds (DD,HP,REF,SD,EDR,CRIT) / Wings LvL 3 (Lowest Chance) / Feather of Condor / 20x Harmony / 380 Armor.

    - They can be obtained on almost any event from our server (check event rewards on every stage).

    Events Info

    1. Rabbits Invasion :
    - 3 times per day (07:00, 15:00, 23:00)
    - 20 rabbits per map on : Atlans (1-3), Dungeon (1-3), Elbeland (1-3), Devias (1-4)
    - 25% chance to get : 1 Bless / 1 Soul / 1 Chaos
    - 75% chance to get : 500.000 zen
    - You gain 2 CREDITS per kill.
    2. Arena Tournament :
    - Every day at 20:15, each day have a limit (Level 200-299, 250-349, 350-399, 400+)
    - Schedule :
    Level 200-299 : Saturday (you must write /warp pvparena1 to join this one)
    Level 250-349 : Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday (you must write /warp pvparena2 to join this one)
    Level 350-399 : Wednesday, Friday (you must write /warp pvparena3 to join this one)
    Level 400+ : Monday (you must write /warp pvparena4 to join this one)
    - Minimum of 3 players to start, maximum of 40 players to play.
    - After 30 deaths you will be eliminated.
    - One kill = 10 points, one death = -6 points.
    - Fight for 10 minutes and then get ranked + rewarded.
    - You will be PK Stage level 2, you can't leave map, you can't make parties, you can't buff other ppl.
    - You will respawn on random coords after death.
    - After 10 minutes you will be ranked and automatically rewarded with :
    1st  place : 200 credits + HoF Badge
    2nd place : 150 credits
    3rd place : 100 credits
    4th place : 75 credits
    5th place : 50 credits
    6th place : 25 credits

    3. White Wizard Invasion :
    - Every 6 hours (00:45, 06:45, 12:45, 18:45)
    - They will spawn on Devias, Noria, Lorencia and Elbeland.
    - WW drops 3 random Jewels (Bless/Soul) + 20% chance to get Old Box 1 and 10% chance to get Old Box 2 between the Jewels.
    - You gain 10 CREDITS per kill.

    4. Chaos Castle :
    - Every 6 hours (00:15, 06:15, 12:15, 18:15)
    - You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY CC REWARDS ON SITE (Credits).
    - Players that win the CC will get rewards :
    CC 1-3 : 2 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life).
    CC 4 : 40% chance to get Old Box 1, 60% chance to get Random Ancient.
    CC 5 : 40% chance to get Old Box 2, 60% chance to get Random Ancient + Random Jewels from mobs.
    CC 6 : 25% chance to get Old Box 3, 75% chance to get Random Ancient + Random Jewels from mobs.
    CC 7 : 30% chance to get Old Box 4, 20% chance to get Old Box 3, 50% chance to get 20b/20s + Random Jewels from mobs.

    5. Blood Castle :
    - Every 6 hours (02:30, 08:30, 14:30, 20:30)
    - You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY BC REWARDS ON SITE (Credits).
    - Exp on BC is raised with 50%.
    - Players that win the BC will get rewards :
    BC 1-3 : 2 Chaos
    BC 4 : 3 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 10% chance to get Old Box 1 between 3 Jewels.
    BC 5 : 3 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 10% chance to get Old Box 2 between 3 Jewels.
    BC 6 : 4 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 15% chance to get Old Box 2 between 4 Jewels.
    BC 7 : 30% chance to get 10b/10s, 35% chance to get Demon, 20% chance to get Angel, 15% chance to get Old Box 3.
    BC 8 : 40% chance to get 10b/10s, 20% chance to get Demon, 25% chance to get Old Box 3, 15% chance to get Old Box 4.

    6. Devil Square :
    - Every 6 hours (04:15, 10:15, 16:15, 22:15)
    - You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY DS REWARDS ON SITE (Credits).
    - You can farm Season 4 Spells (Explosion,Five Shot,etc.) ONLY on DS ! (Lower DS-es have lower chance).
    - Exp on DS is raised with 50%.

    7. Golden Invasion :
    - Every 4 hours, random minutes (2:xx, 6:xx, 10:xx, 14:xx, 18:xx, 22:xx)
    - You gain different amount of CREDITS per kill.
    - Box of Kundun + 1 : 10 Goblins in Noria [also gives 1 CREDIT]
    - Box of Kundun + 2 : 5 Titans in Devias, 6 Devils in LostTowers [also gives 2 CREDITS]
    - Box of Kundun + 3 : 6 Tantalos in Tarkan, 4 Golems in Aida, 3 Crusts in Icarus [also gives 3 CREDITS]
    - Box of Kundun + 4 : 3 Satyros in Kanturu and 4 Satyros in Karutan1 [also gives 4 CREDITS]
    - Box of Kundun + 5 : 3 Iron Knight in Raklion, 2 Twin Tale in Relics [also gives 6 CREDITS]

    - Special : 1 GGD in Kanturu (1-3) and 1 GGD in Karutan2 that is dropping 5 boxes +4/+5 and 15 CREDITS.
    - Special : 1 Budge Dragon in Lorencia and Devias that is dropping Stars (for Rings/Pendants Exc.) and 15 CREDITS.

    8. Kundun (BOSS) :
    - Every 21-24 hours, between 21:00 and 00:00 (random minute/hour between this 4 hours).
    - Rewards : 3 Random Ancients + 20% chance for 380 Weapon between Ancients.
    - You gain 35 CREDITS per kill.

    9. Kanturu Refinement Tower :
    - Rewards from Hands : 2 Jewels (Bless/Soul) and 10% chance to drop Old Box 2 between 2 Jewels.
    - Rewards from Nightmare (BOSS) : 30% chance to drop Old Box 4 / 70% Exc. Weapons (Knight Blade,Platina Staff,etc.) + 100% chance for 1x 380 Helm.
    - You gain 35 CREDITS per Nightmare kill.

    10. Medusa (BOSS) :
    - Every 12 hours, at 03:00 and 17:00
    - Rewards : 3 Socket Weapons + 1 Weapon Level 380 + chance to get Old Box 5 between Items.
    - You gain 60 CREDITS per kill.

    11. Selupan (BOSS) :
    - Every 24 hours from when it is killed
    - Rewards : 5 Socket Set Items (Helm,Armor,Gloves,Boots,Pants) & Shields + 100% chance for 1x 380 Pants + chance to get Old Box 5 between Items.
    - You gain 60 CREDITS per kill.

    12. Erohim (BOSS) :
    - Every 25-35 hours
    - Rewards : 25% chance to get 1 Hyon Sword / Gywen Bow (for W3) and 75% chance to get 10b / 10s.

    13. CryWolf Event :
    - 2 times per week [Wednesday and Sunday at 21:30]
    - Balgass drop : 50% chance for Old Box 4 / 50% chance for 1 PoH (Piece of Horn, Fenrir item) + 100% chance for 2x 380 Armors.
    - Dark Elves drop : 15% chance to drop Old Box 3, 25% chance to drop Exc. Weapons (Knight Blade,Platina Staff,etc.), 30% chance to drop 20kk ZEN, 30% chance to drop 380 Gloves.
    - Bonus 10% EXP for ENTIRE SERVER if you finish the Event.
    - 2 Bless/Soul for each finalist.
    - You gain 25 CREDITS per Dark Elf kill and 100 CREDITS per Balgass kill.

    14. Castle Siege :
    - Saturday at 18:00.
    - Friendly Fire is ON (10% of your damage goes on allies also).
    Ally GM & Crown Info :
    - Crown is with accumulated time.
    - Every 2 seconds while the GM is outside of the room he will lose 1 second from the accumulated time.
    - DL with Dark Horse can't be moved while registering the Crown.Also all classes on Fenrir can't be moved.
    - Every FAIL of accumulating the crown (Example : You lose a switch, You miss-click again on crown, etc.) will cost you -2 seconds of the accumulated time.

    15. Imperial Guardian :
    - It announce every time a boss is killed.
    - It doesn't have any cooldown.
    - Drop Rate of invitation pieces is low.
    - Bosses are dropping 3 Jewels (any Jewels).
    - Sunday events are dropping 3 Jewels per Boss, 3 Bosses per event.
    - Sunday's Final Boss also have a 20% chance to drop Talisman of Chaos Assembly.

    16. Illusion Temple :
    - Everyday at 21:00
    - Minimum of Players for Event to start : 4
    - You must leave the party in order to be able to join the Event.
    Winners of IT 1 can win : 50% 10b/10s 50% Demon/Angel.
    Winners of IT 2 can win : 100% 10b/10s.
    Winners of IT 3 can win : 50% OldBox3 50% 10b/10s/10JoH.
    Winners of IT 4 can win : 50% OldBox4, 50% OldBox3.
    Winners of IT 5 can win : 60% OldBox4, 5% Feather of Condor, 35% OldBox3.
    Winners of IT 6 can win : 65% OldBox4, 10% Feather of Condor, 25% OldBox3.

    17. Bloody Queen :
    - She spawns in the darkest holes of Vulcanus, 2 times per day at Random Hour / Minute as following :
    1 time between 17:00 and 21:00.
    1 time between 03:00 and 07:00.
    - She will stay 30 minutes after she spawn.
    - She is dropping 1x 380 Boots and 1x EXC Last tier Items (GD,DS,etc.) with 1-2 options.
    - She is a BOSS, so expect High HP / DMG.

    Spots Info

    - Except of Noria, Devias, Elbeland, anywhere you see a mob there is a spot for sure (we deleted extra mobs because we didn't wanted to have overpower spots by mistake).
    - Number of spots in every map is 10-25 (differs from map to map).
    - Number of mobs in spots are 7-8 (some spots have 7 mobs, other spots have 8 mobs).
    - All spots are a mass spawn (not a pointed one) so you must have SM/SUM/EMG or any AoE guy in parties to hold the spots.

    Drop Info

    Our PvM & Economy System are encouraging Active Players but they also help AFK Players with Helper.
    Economy Drops :
    - Web Credits : Medium [Obtained from : Votes,Exchange Online Hours,Weekly Tops,Events,Bosses,Goldens,WW,Rabbits,Arena Tournaments,etc.]
    - Jewel of Guardian : Medium [Drop only in LoT]
    - Jewel of Bless : Medium-Low [Drop starting from Devias to all maps]
    - Jewel of Soul : Medium-Low [Drop starting from Devias to all maps]
    - Jewel of Chaos : Low [Drop starting from Devias to all maps]
    - Zen : Low [Obtained from : Mobs,Selling Items, etc.]
    - Gemstone : Low [Drop only in Kanturu Relics]
    - Dark Raven Spirit : Low [Drop only in Kanturu2]
    - Sphere Level 4 : Low [Drop only in Vulcanus]
    - Feather & Crest : Very Low [Drop only in Icarus]
    - Jewel of Life : Very Low [Drop starting from Tarkan to all maps]
    - Jewel of Creation : Lowest [Drop starting from Tarkan to all maps]
    - Sphere Level 5 : Lowest [Drop only in Vulcanus and DS7]
    - Dark Horse Spirit : Lowest [Drop only in Kanturu2]
    - Magic Backpack (Extension of Inventory) : Lowest [Drop only in Karutan2]
    - Flame of Condor : Lowest [Drop only in Swamp]
    - Excellent Items from mobs : Low [They are dropping in almost all maps]

    Heart/Silver/Gold system :
    - Heart of Love can be farmed on maps from Devias until LostTower3.
    - Silver Medal can be farmed on maps from LostTower3 until Tarkan.
    - Gold Medal can be farmed on maps from Tarkan2 until higher maps.
    - Heart of Love : Items like Silk,Bronze,Bone,etc. +7-> +11.
    - Silver Medal : Items like Wind,Sphinx,Plate,etc. +8 -> +11.
    - Gold Medal : Items like Dragon,Legendary,Guardian,Ashcrow,etc. +6 -> +12 

    Spells drops :
    - The most important spells are farmed from LostTower1 and Atlans until Losttower3 and Atlans2/3 + Dungeon3 with a medium drop : Fireburst, Twisting Slash, Evil Spirits, Lighting Shock, DarkSide, Dragon Roar.
    - Innovation,Ignore Parchment and all the Season 4 Spells (Gigantic Storm,Multishot,etc.) can be farmed ONLY in Devil Square (1-7), with a low drop, DS1-4 have lower drop than DS5-7.
    - Mana Shield, Death Stab, Rageful Blow, Berserk, Critical Dmg can be farmed from LvL 70 mobs until LvL 83 mobs (like Tarkan1,Tantalos from Tarkan2,etc.).
    - Ice Storm, Decay, Reflect, Summon and maybe I am missing something are farmed after LvL 84 mobs (starting from Kanturu2 and places like that).

    Other drops :
    - Starter Ring Level 40 : Any item from Heart of Love.
    - Starter Ring Level 80 : Small Wings for all classes.
    - Box of Heaven : Bless, Soul, Chaos, Life, Imp, Angel.

    Hot Info

    - Custom PVP Arena every day at 20:15 with Mass PK, Score for Kill/Death, Rankings and Auto-Rewards.
    - Change Nick, Transfer Character, Change Race, etc. with Credits.
    - Bonus System (every day will be a special bonus for 2 hours like : Sunday and Saturday Exp, Friday bonus on exc. items drop, etc.).
    - The Score of Guilds is showing as total Total Levels.
    - 2 VIP levels that will give you : Exp,Drop and Chars Creation from Level 1 - but 100% balanced.
    - Hall of Fame wins.
    - Auto Accept party requests while AFK (/re auto or /re auto + password to accept only from people that have the pass).
    - Auto Add points while afk ( /addene(agi,str,etc.) auto xx ).
    Example : You have 100 points free and you want to go AFK for 8 hours and you want to put the next 800 points in STR, then :
    Write /addstr auto 800 and every time you will level up the game will automatically add points into STR until it reach 800 points.
    - Server Time Clock InGame.
    - Events Calendar + Info InGame (click on Clock for it or press "H").
    - Mist / Fog effects on maps.
    - Buttons to set request for : On,Off or Auto.
    - Auto-Post option (Additional Settings near Clock) - there is 15 minutes delay between posts.
    + Many others surprises InGame !

    Chaos Machine Info

    - Devil Square Ticket 1-4 : 80% ; 5,6 : 75% ; 7 : 70%.
    - Blood Castle Ticket 1-5 : 80% ; 6,7 : 75% ; 8 : 70%.
    - Illusion Temple ticket 1-5 : 70% ; 6 : 60%.
    - Feather of Condor : 1-60% (60% max rate).
    - Wings lvl 1 : 1-90% (90% max rate)
    - Wings lvl 2 : 1-90% (90% max rate)
    - Wings lvl 3 : 1-40% (40% max rate)
    - Item Upgrades (+10 -> +15 without luck) :
    +10, +11 : 45%.
    +12 : 50%.
    +13 : 55%.
    +14,15 : 65%
    Luck will add + 20% chance on every upgrade.
    Socket Items have -5% chance on any mix.
    - Fruits Mix : 80%.
    - Pets Mix : 70%.
    - Piece of Horn : 60%.
    - Broken Horn : 50%.
    - Horn of Fenrir : 30%.
    - Gemstone Mix : 80%.
    - Lower Refine Stone Mix : 35%.
    - Higher Refine Stone Mix : 60%.
    - Lower Refine Stone in Item : 40%.
    - Higher Refine Stone in Item : 80%.
    Jewels rates:
    - Soul : 65%.
    - Life : 55%.
    - Harmony : 60%.
    Luck will add + 20% chance on jewels.

    Bonus System Info

    The bonuses will start at 18:00 Server Time with the exception of Saturday where Bonus starts at 15:30 (due to CS).
    Monday : All Beginner Spells [ES,TS,Dark Side,Lighting Shock,Fireburst] drops 2 hours [4 times their normal rate].
    Tuesday : All Jewels drops 2 hours [4 times their normal rate].
    Wednesday : Feather & Crest drops [Icarus] 2 hours [Tripled drops].
    Thursday : Ancient drops [LOT] and Exc. drops [All maps] 2 hours [Tripled drops].
    Friday : Medals and Hearts 2 hours [Double drops].
    Sunday & Saturday : Bonus EXP 2 hours [Double exp].

    + Many, many, many other things !
    (Info aren't 100% yet as we're still working hard on Server).

    So, if you are an old school player, an experienced one or even a newbie that want to play some real MU you are welcomed in our community !

    Some screens :

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ageofali -- 10 Eylül 2017; 3:58:24 >

  • Hello,

    I want to share you the latest things that were worked on both NonReset & Max30RR servers on last period but also what are we working on and what will come on the next days.

    Some of things are already up, some of things will be added on the update for official client of both servers and on the maintenance of Max30RR + start of NonReset.

    Server Side :

    - Teleport cooldown removed.

    - Teleport blocked on Arena Tournament, Chaos Castle, Imperial Guardian.

    - The level 220 quest can now be started from level 200 on NonReset (so AE's can do it for Infinity Arrow when entering the stage EXP and same for Combo of BK's).

    - Summon Skill enabled for all maps except Gens maps (-5 levels than the move level)

    - Summon Skill will be blocked if there is a PK person in party including himself (DL won't be able to use it).

    - Added /clearinv command for both servers (use it when you want to DELETE your entire inventory).

    - Removed Arena Tournaments from M, now you can join them by writing /warp pvparena1-4 (with messages before each arena).

    - Added a new Invasion : Cursed Dragon Revenge

    He is respawning 4 times per day

    1 time between 00:00 and 05:59

    1 time between 06:00 and 11:59

    1 time between 12:00 and 17:59

    1 time between 18:00 and 23:59

    Location : Elbeland (1-3)

    He is dropping only Old Boxes (3, 4 and 5 on Max30RR) (1, 2 and 3 on NonReset).

    On Stage 2 (NonReset) he will drop Old Boxes 2, 3 and 4 and on last Stage he will drop like on Max30RR.

    Of course, smaller Boxes have a higher chance of being dropped from him than the bigger ones.

    Because he was cursed to have 2 heads, the dragon lost his attack-power so even if he is a BOSS, he have a very low attack but it is compensated with a big pool of HP.

    He stays 1 hour after he is spawned.

    - Improved SMG PvP power (Max30RR).

    - Increased overall EXP with 25% on Max30RR (encouraging ppl to finish their chars faster to enjoy pvp).

    - Added a chance for exc 380 weapons on Medusa (Max30RR).

    - Added a chance for exc 380 items on Selupan (Max30RR).

    - Raised a bit the chance for Old Box 5

    - Removed shitty drops from higher maps [NonReset]

    - Added a special drop of s4 items non exc on swamp with low drop [NonReset]

    - Added special W4 System (more info when it's ready - it takes the most time)

    - Added global messages with eliminations from Chaos Castle (Killer,Victim,CC number)

    - Added global messages with eliminations of Tanks on Castle Siege (Killer)

    Client-Side :

    - Added HQ Chars looks from S12.

    - Replaced old & boring IMP with a real pet.

    - Improved Loading Screen.

    - Improved WarpList (M).

    - Added a new Boss (Cursed Dragon) :https://imgur.com/a/kDt30

    - Improved old w4 looks into new ones :https://imgur.com/a/ocqw3 - They will be released officially on both Max30RR & NonReset as custom mixes and end-game wings.

    - Adjusted Mix.bmd (chaos goblin rates) for NonReset - official client.

    - Adjusted visual-bug of Arrows/Bolts price.

    - Adjusted Events Calendar for NonReset - official client.

    - Other small client adjustments

    Site :

    - Arena Rankings are now ordered by Wins and then by Points.

    - Reworked Change Race for NonReset (with 5/7 points per level)

    - Added Guild Bank (Shared deposit for jewels / zen of guilds) - GM can manage permissions for each member.

    - Added JoG and JoH jewels on Guild Bank

    - Added Guild Vault (Shared warehouse for items of guilds) - GM can manage permissions for each member.

    The default items limit on Guild Vault is 20 and it can be upgraded as following :

    Level 1 : 35 slots - 100 credits

    Level 2 : 50 slots - 150 credits

    Level 3 : 65 slots - 200 credits

    Level 4 : 80 slots - 300 credits

    Level 5 : 100 slots - 500 credits

    Level 6 : 140 slots - 1000 credits

    Level 7 : 200 slots - 2000 credits

    Any members from guild can contribute with the credits needed for upgrades.

    If the guild is removed all the upgrades will be lost.

    - Added Switch Server button on header (for an easier switch between servers, so you won't need to always relog to switch between them).

    - Added CS Tanks Rankings under Castle Siege tab (Ordered by Switch Time (In minutes) and Deaths.

    Important info for NonReset :

    - 1st Castle Siege will be from first week (23 September - Saturday) but there will be no LoT, no Senior, no Erohim.

    The rewards for 1st CS winners are just 20b + 20s for GM to share how he wants and the advantage of being the Defenders on the 2nd CS (that will have LoT, Erohim and Senior as rewards).

    - You will be able to make party with opposite Gens until Stage 2 (Level 320), then we will remove the party between different gens.

    - If you're killing EE's on normal PvP maps (not gens maps) you will get 2nd stage PK directly.

    What an EE means :

    An ELF with lower than 100 STR and with lower than 180 AGI.

    I really hope that you enjoy and will continue to enjoy our work !



  • Official Client for OldSquadMU-NonReset has been uploaded !

    Also, in few hours there will be a big maintenance on Max30RR server, more info here :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1886-big-updates-for-max30rr-server-clients-of-both-servers/



  • Hello OldSquaders & Newcomers,

    Less than 8 hours remained for the grand opening of our new server : NonReset

    We're very excited and we hope that everything will be fine for your to enjoy !

    You still have time to share this to your friends, groups, etc. and to gather strong teams as what is coming will be pretty hard alone ! Let's show to the MU Online Community what a real quality truly means !

    Also, we want to share you few important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here :

    - Official Info topic :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/972-official-information-many-details-about-server/?page=1
    - Info about Credits :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1817-info-about-credits/
    - Server Rules :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1818-server-rules/
    - Everything about Characters & Formulas :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1860-all-about-characters-official/
    - Global Experience Stages (Dynamic System) :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1859-global-experience-stages-dynamic-system/
    - Guidelines & FAQ's :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/forum/39-guidelines-faqs/
    - Events :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/forum/96-events/
    - Localization Zone (For popular countries) :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/forum/101-localization/

    Important info :

    - !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'NonReset' Server when you are logging, else you will be logged on Max30RR and you will be able to use the Max30RR services / options instead of NonReset !!!
    - 1st Castle Siege will be from first week (23 September - Saturday) but there will be no LoT, no Senior, no Erohim.
    The rewards for 1st CS winners are just 20b + 20s for GM to share how he wants and the advantage of being the Defenders on the 2nd CS (that will have LoT, Erohim and Senior as rewards).
    - You will be able to make party with opposite Gens until Stage 2 (Level 320), then we will remove the party between different gens.
    - If you're killing EE's on normal PvP maps (not gens maps) you will get 2nd stage PK directly (automatically).
    What an EE means :
    An ELF with lower than 100 STR and with lower than 180 AGI.
    - You can make DL,MG,RF from level 1 since server starts if you get VIP (Only bronze until Stage 2).
    - This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat.If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned !
    - Thanks to @Violence, you can switch the game-messages into Portuguese from Launcher (Options -> Language -> Portuguese).
    - Please don't forget that this is a HARD SERVER !!! That means drops are low, exp is hard and 90% of drops are custom !

    If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook :https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there 16/24 !


    OldSquad Team
    #Make MU Great Again !


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi OldSquad -- 15 Eylül 2017; 11:54:12 >

  • Less than 15 hours since server started and there are almost 500 online (without fake players on site, without /offstore or /offattack and with 3 ACC / IP).


  • We're constantly beating new records !

    Right now 615+ ONLINE and it keeps growing (we just updated server slots).

    Join us !

  • 700+ right now, new record reached !

    Join us !

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    highest in the room kim
    3 yıl önce açıldı
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • Hello,

    We're growing pretty fast and because we will never open sub-servers to ruin the activity, we will reward you if you reach objectives 

    Current Objective : 800+ ON

    Rewards :
    - More spots Tarkan 1&2
    - More spots Aida 2
    - More spots Icarus
    - Remove Death Beam Knights from islands of Tarkan 2 until Stage 3 (so they can be populated)
    - Raise the number of Goldens +1 / +2 & +3


    Let's do it boyz !

    #OldSquad - Make MU Great Again !
  • Because yesterday we touched the objective (800+ ON) the following changes has just been applied (15:00 Server Time) :

    - Removed Death Beam Knight from Tarkan2 until Stage3 (so ppl can level on both islands)
    - Added 6 new spots Tarkan 1 & 2 :
    150 100, 150 70, 90 170, 50 140, 120 195, 115 120
    - Added 6 new spots Aida 2 :
    215 220, 230 220, 230 240, 125 235, 130 215, 160 190
    - Added 6 new spots Icarus :
    45 40, 60 30, 85 85, 60 70, 40 95, 30 105
    - Increased number of Goldens :
    +2 Goblins, +1 Titan, +1 Devil, +1 Golem, +1 Tantalos

    Congrats !

    Current Objective : 900+ ON

    Rewards :
    - More spots in Kanturu
    - More spots in Karutan 
    - Increase rabbits number
  • https://www.twitch.tv/allauthorities - Live 1st CS (18:00-20:00), 3 alliances fighting !

    Join us !

  • 1st CS :

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    Last Arena Tournament :

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    Join us a for a REAL MU ONLINE EXPERIENCE !


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi OldSquad -- 25 Eylül 2017; 14:48:55 >

  • Hello,

    We're opening once again the applications and give you the chance to join the OldSquad team in it's mission to build the biggest and the best MU Online community from nowadays.

    More Info : HERE

    Join us !


  • Hello OldSquaders & Guests,

    2 weeks have passed since our NonReset server has started and both us and you can feel it's success.We're very proud of it's progress and we want to invite you once again to try it (if you didn't already) while we want to inform the already playing people about the latest news.

    Yesterday we had one of the best CS'es since this community started.7 alliances were registered to CS while only 4 played it, decided by the number of the signs registered.All 4 alliances played very well, many changes on crown, many failed attacks, many kills.Over 150 players played on this CS and it was a very beautiful view.

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    Also Stage 2 was finished and the features from it have just been added yesterday after CS after a small maintenance on our servers + new updates hitted the OldSquad world, you can see them all here :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1938-maintenance-updates-30092017/

    Furthermore, we're still waiting apps for our staff positions, more details here :


    Also OldSquad Golden Months competition will start for NonReset from tomorrow (Monday), you can see some basic info about the competition here while more info will be added today :


    Don't forget that today from 18:00 there will be Double EXP for 2 hours, don't miss it !

    Join us for a REAL MU ONLINE EXPERIENCE ! You won't waste a single minute playing on our Community ! :)





  • Join us for an outstanding experience !

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi OldSquad -- 19 Ekim 2017; 18:8:13 >
  • Another great CS where 4 alliances and over 160 players fought has finished !

    Intense fights, lots of emotions and very close 'game of crowns' between the 4 GM's.

    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    More than that, the biggest updates since server started have just hitted us today, making the game even more awesome than it was.

    You can read more about entire changelog here :https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2050-updates-maintenance-22102017

    Also EXP for newbies has been boosted to help you guys at starting your journey here !

    Also 2 more bonus exp hours for today, from 22:30 to 00:30 !




  • Join us !

    OldSquadMU - S6Ep3 - Real Play2Win - Outstanding Experience

  • Hello,

    In the last 2 weeks we had many different problems with the polish hackers group that played here, got banned for their shits and then started to 'revenge'.

    Even if we invested a lot of time into this fight with them, they helped us a lot to improve this project even more and it's the first time when I want to say 'thanks' to such ppl, if they wouldn't start such fight we would never improve that hard with all aspects.We always based on the best softs from the market to stay behind us but they finally proved that they aren't even close to 100% of protection.

    So, we are going once again to 'the next level' !

    What are the positive things which they helped us to improve :

    - New antihack (MHP) which is far better than our old LiveGuard antihack.This MHP is still under hard developments but there are monthly updates compared to LiveGuard which had the last update like 9-10 months ago.
    - Blocking 95% of possibilities to enter with more than 3 accounts per person.
    - Fixed the GuildMember exploit which caused damages to CS especially (big thanks).
    - Fixed the attacks from Site/Forum that were causing big loadtimes / resource errors and furthermore, improved the loadtime a lot even compared to before their attacks :
    OldSquadMU - NonReset - Grand Opening on 15 September - Innovative Gameplay - Real Play2Win

    [Best record registered few days ago]
    - Updated the Logs system to log much more things than before.
    - Created a new script when banning IP addresses which will also ban all the accounts from that IP and also auto-disconnect ingame for the online chars without our intervention.
    - Removed any possibility of crack of main - entering game without antihack -
    !!!HOT : - New protection created by us directly into Gameserver (nothing to do with client anymore) which will block any attempt of modifying the speed/multihit or 1 hit in real time ! The method used or the type of hack (free,paid,etc.) won't matter anymore because everything will be Serverside, which will dictate how many attacks per second a character can have based on the current spell and attack speed.So even if the hacks will still work or the animations showing multiple attacks per second, the Gameserver itself will ignore any extra damage from that skill that is over it's limit for a normal player.
    This protection is one of our biggest works that we did since this project started and it will permanently remove any unfair advantages related to damage,speed or multihits for any player, doesn't matter the hack or method used.

    Notice : System is still on 'beta' so any anomalies on spells for 'clean' people or any spell that we missed must be reported to us so we can check and adjust them.

    Thanks for being here and we'll always do our best to offer you the best quality and the safest conditions (doesn't matter how much it can take for us to deliver this things).

    Join us, join one of the most professional MU Online servers from nowadays and feel the difference !




  • Hello OldSquaders & Guests,

    It has been almost 2 months since we started our new NonReset server and we want to let you know, once again, that if you want to join/rejoin our community it's never too late!(due to newbies exp boosts and the dynamic system)
    The development of the NonReset Server touched very high levels and it can be felt by anyone playing on it.
    A lot of improvements, updates, fixes and new features have been done since it started and we are always working on this project to make it as good and unique as possible!


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