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PvPWorld Mu online 97d+99i Exp:100 Drop:50%

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  • Version: 97d+99i
    Experience: 100
    Drop rate: 50% (60 with happy hour)
    Golden Invation every 1 hours (2 goldens)
    Character Point Per Level : BK 5 - SM 5 - ME 5 - MG 8
    Reset level: 350
    Reset stats : 350*Reset (Clear inventory - skill - stats)
    Max reset: 15
    Max item: +11 with 16% option
    Ingame Commands : /post - /time - /addstr - /addagi - /addvit - /addene (max points for 1 add is 1000)
    Post command price : 5.000.000 (to avoid spam)
    Personal ID = 1

    Jewel Of Soul Fail Rate : 30%
    Jewel Of Soul +Luck Fail Rate : 20%
    Jewel Of Life Fail Rate : 30%
    Item 10 Success Rate : 65%
    Item 11 Success Rate : 55%

    Blood Castle
    Devil Square
    Sky Event
    Happy Hour
    Party Hour

    Lorencia: no specific spots but they are many monsters around and outside the town.
    Noria: specific spots but they are many monsters around and outside the town.
    Davias: 169 104 yeti/assasin, 150 100 yeti/assasin, 131 91 elite yeti, 148 122 elite yeti, 144 131 elite yeti.
    Dungeon3: 42 120 Thunder lich/posion bull
    Atlans: 38 61 bahamut/vepar, 24 76 bahamut/vepar, 23 107 bahamut/vepar, 69 86 Valkyrie, 236 38 Great Bahamut, 26 227 Lizard King,
    Losttower7: 56 94 death knight, 16 128 death knight, 34 135 death knight, 52 134 death knight, 53 174 death knight.
    Tarkan: 107 105 mutant/bloody wolf, 117 41 mutant/bloody wolf, 118 90 mutant/bloody wolf, 67 78 iron wheel/bloody wolf, 148 104 mutant, 158 146 mutant.
    Stadium: Cages check them.
    69 117 orcs, 72 114 orcs, 83 118 orcs, 98 109 orcs, 99 89 orcs, 78 83 orcs, 99 47 elites, 99 29 elites, 98 3 elites, 94 17 elites, 75 6 elites, 63 6 elites, 59 4 elites, 44 8 elites, 28 9 elites, 16 9 elites, 10 26 elite/high orcs.
    Icarus: 29 29 queens/alquamos, 53 35 mega crust, 94 36 mega/alpha crust, 95 64 mega/alpha crust, 23 70 phantom knight, 28 100 phantom knight, 43 108 phantom knight, 34 127 phantom knight, 52 121 giant drakan, 55 144 giant drakan, 40 164 giant drakan, 60 170 giant drakan, 55 183 alpha crust, 55 194 alpha crust, 40 228 2dark phoenix.

    Oynamak isteyen olursa diye paylaşmak istedim zevkli server +5 den bd,gs ve divine düşüyor online sayısı şu an 40-50 lerde

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