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Refund istedim gelen cevap bu

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2 Misafir (1 Mobil) - 1 Masaüstü1 Mobil
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  • Mistress Isabelle Phantomhive, Jul 28 06:46 (PDT):
    Greetings Summoner,

    I apologize that you are not completely satisfied with your purchased content. Our current policy is that we do not offer refunds, although we do sometimes make one-time exceptions to that policy.

    There is a record of a refund on your account, so I am sorry to say that I cannot assist you with this refund or complete any future refund requests.

    For some handy tips on how to choose the right champion or skin please visit this Knowledge Base article:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Best of luck on the Fields of Justice.

    Mistress Isabelle Phantomhive
    Riot Games Player Support Specialist

    “When I play with fire, I don’t get burned” – Annie

    anlamı ney makara falanmı geçmiş ? annie falan bu arada benim gönderdiğim mesaj

    Refund Jayce please. I bought it with 975 RP. :D

  • Dalga falan geçmemiş.Daha önce refund yapmıssın galiba kabul etmemişler.
  • Biraz zorlasammı ?
  • Annie aracılığıyla küfretmiş.
  • fire ı ilk önce free okumuşum bu hafta beleş falan o hesaptan dalga geçmiş gibi gelmişti bana
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: FisherFish

    Annie aracılığıyla küfretmiş.

  • bu supporttakini report et sen
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Rebel Wind

    bu supporttakini report et sen

    ne yazayım mesela ?
  • Mistress Isabelle Phantomhive, Jul 28 07:32 (PDT):
    My apologies, unfortunately there’s a limit on how many items I can refund, and I have refunded the most I was able. I understand your frustration but as the refund process has already been completed I cannot provide you with another exception.

    We do provide previews for skins and champions in our announcements section and our Champion Spotlight videos. If you are having trouble with a champion I suggest searching for a guide or trying builds in custom games or in Co-Op vs AI. Our Champion Rotations are also a great way to try out a champion and see if they are to your liking. If you feel a champion is a little weak or too strong, remember we patch frequently with balance adjustments. If you have some suggestions on changes you think a champion should have we have our champion feedback forum for ideas just like these.

    NA Champion Feedbackhttp://NA.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=4
    EU West Champion Feedbackhttp://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=7
    EU Nordic & East Champion Feedbackhttp://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=7

    Mistress Isabelle Phantomhive
    Riot Games Player Support Specialist

    “When I play with fire, I don’t get burned” – Annie


    emir demirel, Jul 28 07:14 (PDT):
    I see. Can you do it ? My other refund is only Gragas and 3150 IP. But it is 975 RP i need it for Diana or skin. If you do it , i will be happy. And sorry for my English

    Tekrar dene bot gir falan diyor dimi bu sövücem en sonunda

  • I apologize ile başlıyosa bi ticket o iş yatar
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: emir1531

    Mistress Isabelle Phantomhive, Jul 28 07:32 (PDT):
    My apologies, unfortunately there’s a limit on how many items I can refund, and I have refunded the most I was able. I understand your frustration but as the refund process has already been completed I cannot provide you with another exception.

    We do provide previews for skins and champions in our announcements section and our Champion Spotlight videos. If you are having trouble with a champion I suggest searching for a guide or trying builds in custom games or in Co-Op vs AI. Our Champion Rotations are also a great way to try out a champion and see if they are to your liking. If you feel a champion is a little weak or too strong, remember we patch frequently with balance adjustments. If you have some suggestions on changes you think a champion should have we have our champion feedback forum for ideas just like these.

    NA Champion Feedbackhttp://NA.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=4
    EU West Champion Feedbackhttp://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=7
    EU Nordic & East Champion Feedbackhttp://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=7

    Mistress Isabelle Phantomhive
    Riot Games Player Support Specialist

    “When I play with fire, I don’t get burned” – Annie


    emir demirel, Jul 28 07:14 (PDT):
    I see. Can you do it ? My other refund is only Gragas and 3150 IP. But it is 975 RP i need it for Diana or skin. If you do it , i will be happy. And sorry for my English

    Tekrar dene bot gir falan diyor dimi bu sövücem en sonunda

    Zorlama. Dediği gibi gir botlarla oyun at birikir.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Illuminated


    Orijinalden alıntı: emir1531

    Mistress Isabelle Phantomhive, Jul 28 07:32 (PDT):
    My apologies, unfortunately there’s a limit on how many items I can refund, and I have refunded the most I was able. I understand your frustration but as the refund process has already been completed I cannot provide you with another exception.

    We do provide previews for skins and champions in our announcements section and our Champion Spotlight videos. If you are having trouble with a champion I suggest searching for a guide or trying builds in custom games or in Co-Op vs AI. Our Champion Rotations are also a great way to try out a champion and see if they are to your liking. If you feel a champion is a little weak or too strong, remember we patch frequently with balance adjustments. If you have some suggestions on changes you think a champion should have we have our champion feedback forum for ideas just like these.

    NA Champion Feedbackhttp://NA.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=4
    EU West Champion Feedbackhttp://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=7
    EU Nordic & East Champion Feedbackhttp://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=7

    Mistress Isabelle Phantomhive
    Riot Games Player Support Specialist

    “When I play with fire, I don’t get burned” – Annie


    emir demirel, Jul 28 07:14 (PDT):
    I see. Can you do it ? My other refund is only Gragas and 3150 IP. But it is 975 RP i need it for Diana or skin. If you do it , i will be happy. And sorry for my English

    Tekrar dene bot gir falan diyor dimi bu sövücem en sonunda

    Zorlama. Dediği gibi gir botlarla oyun at birikir.

    Botlarla derken,Co-op Vs All mı gireyim yoksa Custom Game kurup 4bot1insan vs 4bot 1insan mı yapıyım?Bende aynı durumdayım da
    Ve ortalama ne kadar ip alırım,ben hızlı ip kasmak için dominion denerim de.

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