Revenge MU Season 12 Episode 1 | 100% Play to win!BETA TEST ONLINE!OFFICIAL OPENING: 29/09 Estimated +500 Online in frist Info:Season 12 Episode 1Exp: x50Master Exp: x10Drop: 40%Non-Reset ServerServer Features:* PvP Tournaments* New Rewards for Castle Siegue winners* Voting System for Goblin Points* New Map Nixies Lake* Holyangel Mastery Set * Darkangel Weapons * Maze of Dimensions* Class Improvement * New Map Ferea* Darkangel Mastery Set * Bloodangel Weapon * Upgraded Divine Archangel Weapon * Character information Window Improvements * New Skills * Elemental System Update * New Socket Items * Socket System Expansion * New&Upgraded Pentagrams * Hunting Log * 8 different characters to create* New character: Grow Lancer* New maps and skills for all races* New monsters, weapons and sets* New muun pets to mount* All Quests working- Amazing Files- Excellent Host- Friendly Website- 24hs Support- Great configurations- Experienced and competitive Guilds- Balanced PvP & PvM- Market section to buy/sell items in Forum- All Events, Quests and Bosses workingScreenshots from Open Test: